165 resultados para High-pressure Adsorption


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The influence of growth pressure of GaN buffer layer on the properties of MOCVD GaN on alpha-Al2O3 has been investigated with the aid of a home-made in situ laser reflectometry measurement system. The results obtained with in situ measurements and scanning electron microscope show that with the increase in deposition pressure of buffer layer, the nuclei increase in size, which roughens the surface, and delays the coalescence of GaN nuclei. The optical and crystalline quality of GaN epilayer was improved when buffer layer was deposited at high pressure.


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The influence of reactor pressure on GaN nucleation layer (NL) and the quality of subsequent GaN on sapphire is studied. The layers were grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on c-plane sapphire substrates and investigated by in situ laser reflectometry, atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence. With the increase of reactor pressure prior to high-temperature GaN growth, the size of GaN nuclei formed after annealing decreases, the spacing between nucleation sites increases and the coalescence of GaN nuclei is deferred. The optical and crystalline qualities of GaN epilayer were improved when NLs were deposited at high pressure. The elongated lateral overgrowth of GaN islands is responsible for the quality improvement. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An in situ energy dispersive x-ray diffraction study on nanocrystalline ZnS was carried out under high pressure up to 30.8 GPa by using a diamond anvil cell. The phase transition from the wurtzite to the zinc-blende structure occurred at 11.5 GPa, and another obvious transition to a new phase with rock-salt structure also appeared at 16.0 GPa-which was higher than the value for the bulk material. The bulk modulus and the pressure derivative of nanocrystalline ZnS were derived by fitting the Birch-Murnaghan equation. The resulting modulus was higher than that of the corresponding bulk material, indicating that the nanomaterial has higher hardness than the bulk material.


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In situ energy dispersive X-ray diffraction measurements on nanocrystalline zinc sulfide have been performed by using diamond anvil cell with synchrotron radiation. There is a phase transition which the ultimate structure is rocksalt when the pressure is up to 16.0GPa. Comparing the structure of body materials, the pressure of the phase transition of nano zinc sulfide is high. We fit the: Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and obtained its ambient pressure bulk modulus and its pressure derivative. The bulk modulus of nanocrystalline zinc sulfide is higher than that of body materials, it indicate that the rigidity of nanocrystalline zinc sulfide is high.


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A systematic investigation on the photoluminescence (PL) properties of InxGa1-xAs/AlyGa1-xAs (x = 0.15, y = 0, 0.33) strained quantum wells (SQWs) with well widths from 1.7 to 11.0 nm has been performed at 77 K under high pressure up to 40 kbar. The experimental results show that the pressure coefficients of the exciton peaks corresponding to transitions from the first conduction subband to the heavy-hole subband increase from 10.05 meV/kbar of 11.0 nm well to 10.62 meV/kbar of 1.8 nm well for In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs SQWs. However, the corresponding pressure coefficients slightly decrease from 9.93 meV/kbar of 9.0 nm well to 9.73 meV/kbar of 1.7 nm well for In0.15Ga0.85As/Al0.33Ga0.67As SQWs. Calculations based on the Kronig-Penney model reveal that the increased or decreased barrier heights and the increased effective masses with pressure are the main reasons of the change in the pressure coefficients.


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Pressure dependence of photoluminescence from ZnSe:Te-(CdSe)(1)(ZnSe)(3) short period superlattice quantum wells is reported. In addition to the exciton band from the superlattice layers, strong bands for localized excitons self-trapped al single Te (Te-1) atom, double Te atoms (Te-2) and Te clusters (Te-n, n greater than or equal to 3) as well as for the free excitons in isoelectronic Te incorporated ZnSe layers are observed. Significant differences in the pressure and temperature dependencies of the observed exciton transitions are presented and discussed.


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Well-ordered single, double/four parallel, three/four-strands helical chains, and five-strand helical chain with a single atom chain at the center of Si nanowires (NWs) inside single-walled carbon nanotubes (Si-n@SWCNTs) are obtained by means of molecular dynamics. On the basis of these optimized structures, the structural evolution of Si-n@SWCNTs subjected to axial stress at low temperature is also investigated. Interestingly, the double parallel chains depart at the center and transform into two perpendicular parts, the helical shell transformed into chain, and the strand number of Si NWs increases during the stress load. Through analyzis of pair correlation function (PCF), the density of states (DOS), and the z-axis polarized absorption spectra of Si-n@SWCNTs, we find that the behavior of Si-n@SWCNTs under stress strongly depends on SWCNTs' symmetry, diameter, as well as the shape of Nws, which provide valuable information for potential application in high pressure cases such as seabed cable.


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The cloud-point temperatures (T-cl's) of both binary poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)-poly(ethylene oxide-b-dimethylsiloxane) [P(EO-b-DMS)] and ternary[toluene/PEO/P(EO-b-DMS)] systems were determined by light scattering measurements at atmospheric pressure. The phase separation behavior upon cooling in the ternary system has been investigated at atmospheric pressure and under high pressure and compared to the phase behavior in the binary system. The phase transition temperatures have been obtained for all of the samples. As a result, the pressure induces compatibility in the binary mixtures, but for the ternary system, pressure not only can induce mixing but also can induce phase separation.


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Nanopowders of amorphous silicon nitride were densified and sintered without additives under ultrahigh pressure (1.0-5.0 GPa) between room temperature and 1600 degrees C. The powders had a mean diameter of 18 nm and contained similar to 5.0 wt% oxygen that came from air-exposure oxidation, Sintering results at different temperatures were characterized in terms of sintering density, hardness, phase structure, and grain size. It was observed that the nanopowders can be pressed to a high density (87%) even at room temperature under the high pressure. Bulk Si3N4 amorphous and crystalline ceramics (relative density: 95-98%) were obtained at temperatures slightly below the onset of crystallization (1000-1100 degrees C and above 1420 degrees C, respectively. Rapid grain growth occurred during the crystallization leading to a grain size (>160 nm) almost 1 order of magnitude greater than the starting particulate diameters, With the rise of sintering temperature, a final density was reached between 1350 and 1420 degrees C, which seemed to be independent of the pressure applied (1.0-5.0 GPa), The densification temperature observed under the high pressure is lower by 580 degrees C than that by hot isostatic pressing sintering, suggesting a significantly enhanced low-temperature sintering of the nanopowders under a high external pressure.


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The technique of high-temperature high-pressure extraction with pyridine has been successfully utilized to extract a wide variety of endohedral rare-earth fullerenes of the type Ln@C-2n (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb). Ln@C-80, Ln@C-82, and Ln(2)@C-80 for most of the rare-earth metals can be produced with high-yield and selectively extracted from the carbon-are evaporation soot. Metallofullerenes containing Sm, Eu, and Yb (which could have +2 oxidation states) are especially difficult to extract. Some possible reasons for the high-yield extraction are discussed. The laser desorption mass spectrometric characterization results indicate a relationship between the extraction yields of metallofullerenes and the oxidation states and ionic radii of the rare-earths.


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Endohedral metallofullerene Gd@C-2n were synthesized with high-yield using the carbon-arc discharge method of activating the Gd2O3-containing graphite anode in situ and back-burning technique. A series of Gd@C-2n for 2n from 70 to 96 were effectively extracted by toluene at high-temperature and under high-pressure condition. Gd@C-82, Gd@C-74 were considered to be fairly stable and soluble metallofullerene species.


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The enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate on the cinchonidine modified Pt/Al2O3 catalyst was investigated using a high-pressure reaction system with a fixed-bed reactor for the purpose to produce the,chiral product without separating the catalyst from the reaction system. The reaction was also investigated in a batch reactor for comparison. About 60% e. e. and 90% e. e. were obtained with the fixed-bed reactor and the batch reactor respectively, demonstrating the possibility for the heterogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation in the fixed-bed reactor. Some adsorbed chiral modifier, cinchonidine, can be slowly removed from the surface of Pt/Al2O3 under the continuous flow reaction, as a result, the e, e, values drops with the reaction time in the fixed-bed reactor. The enantio-selectivity is higher in the fixed-bed reactor, but lower in the batch reactor when ethanol was used as solvent than that when acetic acid as solvent. CO was used as molecular probe to characterize the adsorption of cinchonidine an the catalyst surface by IR spectroscopy, A red shift observed in IR spectra of coadsorbed CO with cinchonidine suggests that the cinchonidine adsorption is mainly through the pi -interaction with platinum surface and donating electron to the platinum surface.


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The coadsorption of NO and O-2 on Ag(110) surface has been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and in situ Raman spectroscopy. The existence of oxygen enhances the adsorption of NO by forming the NOx species, that is, NO2 and NO3, and the NO in turn as a promotor facilitates the cleavage of the dioxygen bond, forming the surface atomic oxygen species having the same spectral characteristics as those produced using oxygen at high pressure. The oxygen species generated by the interaction is composed of two parts. One is produced directly by the decomposition of surface NO-O-2 complex at ca 625 K, which raised an O 1s feature at 530.5 eV and is absent at ca 800 K, while the another with an O 1s binding energy of 529.2 eV emerges at higher temperatures and shows similar properties as the reported gamma-state oxygen which bound tightly on restructured silver surface. The exposure to NO and O-2 causes noticeable changes in the morphology of the Ag(110) surface and the flat terraces superseded by small (ca 0.1 mu m) pits, and particles with typical diameters of a few micrometres were formed at elevated temperatures. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A modified simplified rate equation (RE) model of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL), which is adapted to both the condition of homogeneous broadening and inhomogeneous broadening being of importance and the condition of inhomogeneous broadening being predominant, is presented for performance analyses of a COIL. By using the Voigt profile function and the gain-equal-loss approximation, a gain expression has been deduced from the rate equations of upper and lower level laser species. This gain expression is adapted to the conditions of very low gas pressure up to quite high pressure and can deal with the condition of lasing frequency being not equal to the central one of spectral profile. The expressions of output power and extraction efficiency in a flowing COIL can be obtained by solving the coupling equations of the deduced gain expression and the energy equation which expresses the complete transformation of the energy stored in singlet delta state oxygen into laser energy. By using these expressions, the RotoCOIL experiment is simulated, and obtained results agree well with experiment data. Effects of various adjustable parameters on the performances of COIL are also presented.


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Ultrafine diamond (UFD) was synthesized under high pressure and high temperatures generated by explosive detonation. The structure, composition, surface and thermal stability of UFD were studied by use of XRD, TEM, Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR, etc. The influences of the synthesis conditions and purification conditions on the properties of UFD were analyzed. The UFD had an average size of 4-6 nm, commonly exhibiting a spherical shape. The highest yield was of up to 10 mass% of the explosive. Attempts were made to use UFD as an additive to metal-diamond sintering and as crystallite seeds of CVD diamond films. The results show that UFD can decrease the coefficient of friction of the composite by 30%, and raise the nucleation density in CVD diamond films by 2-3 times.