337 resultados para H 800 R425r


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Deep-subwavelength gratings with periodicities of 170, 120, and 70 nm can be observed on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite irradiated by a femtosecond (fs) laser at 800 nm. Under picosecond laser irradiation, such gratings likewise can be produced. Interestingly, the 170-nm grating is also observed on single-crystal diamond irradiated by the 800-nm fs laser. In our opinion, the optical properties of the high-excited state of material surface play a key role for the formation of the deep-subwavelength gratings. The numerical simulations of the graphite deep-subwavelength grating at normal and high-excited states confirm that in the groove the light intensity can be extraordinarily enhanced via cavity-mode excitation in the condition of transverse-magnetic wave irradiation with near-ablation-threshold fluences. This field enhancement of polarization sensitiveness in deep-subwavelength apertures acts as an important feedback mechanism for the growth and polarization dependence of the deep-subwavelength gratings. In addition, we suggest that surface plasmons are responsible for the formation of seed deep-subwavelength apertures with a particular periodicity and the initial polarization dependence. Finally, we propose that the nanoscale Coulomb explosion occurring in the groove is responsible for the ultrafast nonthermal ablation mechanism.


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We report on the damage threshold in CaF2 crystals induced by femtosecond laser at wavelengths of 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively. The dependences of ablation depths and ablation volumes on laser fluences are also presented. We investigate theoretically the coupling constants between phonon and conduction band electrons (CBE), and calculate the rates of CBE absorbing laser energy. A theoretical model including CBE production, laser energy deposition, and CBE diffusion is applied to study the damage mechanisms. Our results indicate that energy diffusion greatly influences damage threshold and ablation depth.


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Optical parametric chirped pulse amplification with different pump wavelengths was investigated using LBO crystal, at signal central wavelength of 800 nm. According to our theoretical simulation, when pump wavelength is 492.5 nm, there is a maximal gain bandwidth of 190 nm. centered at 805 nm in optimal noncollinear angle using LBO. Presently, pump wavelength of 492.5 nm can be obtained from second harmonic generation of a Yb:Sr-5(PO4)(3)F laser. The broad gain bandwidth can completely support similar to 6 fs with a spectral centre of seed pulse at 800 nm. The deviation from optimal noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning crystal angle for phase matching. The gain spectrum with pump wavelength of 492.5 nm is much better than those with pump wavelengths of 400, 526.5 and 532 nm, at signal centre of 800 nm. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two collinear femtosecond laser pulses, one at wavelength of 800 nm and the other at 400 nm (double frequency), simultaneously irradiated the surface of ZnSe crystal, which resulted in regular nanograting with period of 180 nm on the whole ablation area. We attribute the formation of the nanograting to be due to the interference between the surface scattered wave of 800 nm lasers and the 400 nm light. The period of the nanograting Lambda is about lambda/2n, where n is refractive index of the sample, and lambda, the laser wavelength. This mechanism is supported by observation of rotation of the nanograting with the polarization of 400 nm light, and by the dependence of Lambda similar to lambda of the nanoripples on the surface of semiconductors and dielectrics.


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The damage in fused silica and CaF2 crystals induced by wavelength tunable femtosecond lasers is studied. The threshold fluence is observed to increase rapidly with laser wavelength lambda in the region of 250-800 nm, while it is nearly a constant for 800 he ultrafast electronic excitation is also studied by a pump and probe method. The reflectivity increases rapidly in the latter half of pump pulse, which supports that impact ionization plays an important role in the generation of conduction band electrons (CBEs). We study the CBEs absorption via subconduction-band (sub-CB) transition, and develop a coupled avalanche model. Our results indicate that the CBEs absorption via sub-CB transition plays an important role in the damage in dielectrics irradiated by the visible and near ultraviolet femtosecond lasers. Our theory explains well the experiments.


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A two-mode adjustable superresolving filter based on a birefringent filter is proposed. This kind of filter has superresolution in two modes of adjustment. One is rotation of the binary pupil filter on the optical axis of the system and the other is the tilt of the filter away from the pupil plane on axis parallel or perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal. The filters act as complex amplitude filters in the former mode, and as pure phase filters in the latter. By analyzing two superresolving parameters, we obtain the optimal design parameters that ensure a large field of view, a large superresolving range, and a high setting accuracy. This kind of filter can provide more flexibility in practical applications. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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A compact 10-TW/100-fs level ultrashort-pulse and ultra-intense laser system at 1064 nm based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) scheme is described, at which the pump and seed for the optical parametric amplification (OPA) process is optically synchronized. We investigated the output stability and the conversion efficiency of the system. Moreover, a design toward higher peak power output is given and an optically synchronized amplifier based on the concept of OPCPA at 800 nm is preliminarily explored.


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The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification (NOPA) based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled crystals are investigated, under the condition that the group velocity matching (GVM) of the signal and idler pulses is satisfied. Our study focuses on the dependence of the gain spectrum upon the noncollinear angle, crystal temperature, and crystal angle with periodically poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP), periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN), and periodically poled LiTaO3 (PPLT), and the NOPA gain properties of the three crystals are compared. Broad gain bandwidth exists above 85 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 nm with a 532 nm pump pulse, with proper noncollinear angle and grating period at a fixed temperature for GVM. Deviation from the group-velocity-matched noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. Moreover, there is a large capability of crystal angle tuning.


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The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled KTP are investigated theoretically. Our numerical simulation focuses on the gain spectrum of dependence upon noncollinear angle, crystal temperature and crystal angle. At the optimal noncollinear angle and grating period with fixed temperature, there exists a broadest gain bandwidth about 130 nm at signal wavelength of 800 nm. The deviation from optimal noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate polarization-dependent properties of the supercontinuum emission generated from filaments produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses propagating through air over a long distance. The conversion efficiency from the 800-nm fundamental to white light is observed to be higher for circular polarization than for linear polarization when the laser intensity exceeds the threshold of the breakdown of air. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Uniform arrays of periodic nanoparticles with 80-nm period are formed on 6H-SiC crystal irradiated by circularly polarized 400-nm femtosecond laser pulses. In order to understand the formation mechanism, the morphology evolvement as a function of laser pulse energy and number is studied. Periodic nanoripples are also formed on the sample surface irradiated by linearly polarized 400-, 510- and 800-nm femtosecond laser pulses. All these results support well the mechanism that second-harmonic generation plays an important role in the formation of periodic nanostructures.


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Periodic nanostructures are observed on the surface of ZnSe after irradiation by a focused beam of a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser, which are aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. The period of self-organized grating structures is about 160 nm. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of interference between the incident light field and the surface scattered wave of 800-nm laser pulses. With the laser polarization parallel to the moving direction we produce long-range Bragg-like gratings by slowly moving the crystal under a fixed laser focus. The nanograting orientation is adjusted by laser polarization and the accumulation effect.


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On the basis of noncollinear optical parametric amplification in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) which is realized by quasi-phase matching (QPM) technology, we consider the possibility of semi-noncollinear phase matching between collinear and noncollinear geometries by tilting a PPLN-crystal's parallel grating at a sure angle. Numerical simulation with proper parameters shows that we can achieve a broader optical parametric amplification (OPA) bandwidth than that of noncollinear geometry. About 121 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 and 70 nm at a signal wavelength of 1064 nm under optimal conditions are obtained when the crystal length is 9 mm.


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This paper deals with the distribution of generated microcrystallites in borate glass irradiated by 120 fs laser pulses at a central wavelength of 800 nm. Raman spectroscopy is used to investigate the distribution of the high and low temperature phases of barium metaborate crystals generated in the borate glass. In combination with a microexplosion model, bond-breaking induced by laser irradiation is served as the origin of the formation of BBO crystals. Depending on the laser fluence and cooling conditions, the distribution mechanisms have been discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Damage threshold of crystals SiO2 and YAG against 60-900 fs, 800 nm laser pulses are reported. The breakdown mechanisms were discussed based on the double-flux model and Keldysh theory. We found that impact ionization plays the important role in the femtosecond laser-induced damage in crystalline SiO2, while the roles of photoionization and impact ionization in YAG crystals depend on the laser pulse durations. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.