158 resultados para Asymmetric bending


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It is shown that transmission and reflection group delay times in an asymmetric single quantum barrier are greatly enhanced by the transmission resonance when the energy of incident particles is larger than the height of the barrier. The resonant transmission group delay is of the order of the quasibound state lifetime in the barrier region. The reflection group delay can be either positive or negative, depending on the relative height of the potential energies on the two sides of the barrier. Its magnitude is much larger than the quasibound state lifetime. These predictions have been observed in microwave experiments. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on the phase-conjugation polarization interference between two two-photon processes, we theoretically investigated the attosecond scale asymmetry sum-frequency polarization beat in four-level system (FASPB). The field correlation has weak influence on the FASPB signal when the laser has narrow bandwidth. Conversely, when the laser has broadband linewidth, the FASPB signal shows resonance-nonresonance cross correlation. The two-photon signal exhibits hybrid radiation-matter detuning terahertz; damping oscillation, i.e., when the laser frequency is off resonance from the two-photon transition, the signal exhibits damping oscillation and the profile of the two-photon self-correlation signal also exhibits zero time-delay asymmetry of the maxima. We have also investigated the asymmetry of attosecond polarization beat caused by the shift of the two-photon self-correlation zero time-delay phenomenon, in which the maxima of the two two-photon signals are shifted from zero time-delay point to opposite directions. As an attosecond ultrafast modulation process, FASPB can be intrinsically extended to any level-summation systems of two dipolar forbidden excited states.


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It is predicted that large and opposite generalized Goos-Hanchen (GGH) shifts may occur simultaneously for TE and TM light beams upon reflection from an asymmetric double-prism configuration when the angle of incidence is below but near the critical angle for total reflection, which may lead to interesting applications in optical devices and integrated optics. Numerical simulations show that the magnitude of the GGH shift can be of the order of beam's width.


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The nonlinear optical absorption in a three-subband step asymmetric semiconductor quantum well driven by a strong terahertz (THz) field is investigated theoretically by employing the intersubband semiconductor-Bloch equations. We show that the optical absorption spectrum strongly depends on the intensity, frequency, and phase of the pump THz wave. The strong THz field induces THz sidebands and Autler-Townes splitting in the probe absorption spectrum. Varying the pump frequency can bring not only the new absorption peaks but also the changing of the energy separation of the two higher-energy levels. The dependence of the absorption spectrum on the phase of the pump THz wave is also very remarkable.


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We present radio images of NRAO 530 on scales ranging from pc to kpc. The observations include the EVN at 5 GHz, the VLBA at 1.6, 8.6 and 15 GHz, the MERLIN at 1.6 and 5 GHz, and the VLA at 5, 8.4, 15, 22, and 43 GHz. The VLBI images show a core-jet structure with an oscillating trajectory on a scale of about 30 mas north of the strongest compact component (core). Superluminal motions are detected in five of the jet components with apparent velocities in the range of 13.6 to 25.2c. A new component is detected at 15 GHz with the VLBA observations, which appears to be associated with the outburst in 2002. Significant polarized emission is detected around the core with the VLBA observations at 15 GHz. Rapid variations of the polarization intensity and angle are found between the epochs in 2002 and 2004. On the kpc-scale, a distant component (labelled as WL) located 11 aresec west (PA=-86 degrees) of the core is detected beyond the core-jet structure which extended to several hundreds of mas in the north-west direction (-50 degrees). A significant emission between the core-jet structure and the WL is revealed. A clump of diffuse emission (labelled EL, 12 arcsec long) at PA 70 degrees to the core, is also detected in the VLA observations, suggesting the presence of double lobes in the source. The core component shows a flat spectrum, while the distant components WL and EL have steep spectra. The steep spectra of the distant components and the detection of the arched emission suggest that the distant components are lobes or hot-spots powered by the core of NRAO 530. The morphologies from pc- to kpc-scales and the bending of jets are investigated. The observed radio morphology from pc to kcp appears to favor the model in which precession or wobbling of the nuclear disk drives the helical motion of the radio plasma and produces the S-shaped structure on kpc scale.


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This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) grant No. G2009CB929300 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60521001 and 60776061.


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We present distinct evidence of anticrossing behavior for excitonic transitions due to resonant coupling of heavy-hole ground levels in a biased GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs (50/40/100 angstrom) asymmetric coupled-double-quantum-wells p-i-n structure by using photoluminescence spectra. The minimum level splitting is about 2.5 meV.


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Nonresonant electron tunneling between asymmetric double quantum wells in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs systems has been investigated by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. Experimental evidence of LO-phonon-assisted tunneling through thick barriers has been obtained by enhancing excitation power densities or applying electric fields perpendicular to the well plane. LO-phonon-assisted tunneling times have also been estimated from the variation of the decay time of the narrow-well photoluminescence with applied electric fields. Our findings suggest that LO phonons in the barriers play an important role in the tunneling transfer.