58 resultados para 783


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A recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC), used for treatment of tumors, has been expressed in E. coli which was grown in glucose fed-batch culture in a 30 l fermentor. Recombinant allophycocyanin was purified from soluble E. coli cell lysate using hydrophobic interaction chromatography followed by chromatography using amylose affinity column. The purity of product was greater than 98% and yielded an average of 5.5 g kg(-1) dry cells. Recombinant allophycocyanin significantly inhibited H-22 hepatoma (p (0.01) in mice with inhibition rates ranging from 36% to 62% with doses from 6.25 to 50 mg kg(-1) d(-1).


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The complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequence of Oratosquilla oratoria (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Stomatopoda) was determined; a circular molecule of 15,783 bp in length. The gene content and arrangement are consistent with the pancrustacean ground pattern. The mt control region of O. oratoria is characterized by no GA-block near the 3' end and different position of [TA(A)]n-blocks compared with other reported Stomatopoda species. The sequence of the second hairpin structure is relative conserved which suggests this region may be a synapomorphic character for the Stomatopoda. In addition, a relative large intergenic spacer (101 bp) with higher A + T content than that in control region was identified between the tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Phe) genes. Phylogenetic analyses based on the current dataset of complete mt genomes strongly support the Stomatopoda is closely related to Euphausiacea. They in turn cluster with Penaeoidea and Caridea clades while other decapods form a separate group, which rejects the monophyly of Decapoda. This challenges the suitability of Stomatopoda as an outgroup of Decapoda in phylogenetic analyses. The basal position of Stomatopoda within Eumalacostraca according to the morphological characters is also questioned. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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本研究中运用四种不用的方法提取海带孢子体RNA,通过对比分析,确定了采用CTAB提取液[2% (w/v) CTAB,100 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 8.0), 50 mM EDTA, pH 7.5, 2 M NaCl, 50 mM DTT]提取RNA的方法,该方法的主要改进之处: (1) 高浓度(50 mM)的 DTT作为防止多酚氧化的还原剂加入提取液中;(2) 1/4 体积的乙醇和 1/9 体积的3 M 醋酸钾(pH 4.8)用来沉淀去除多糖;(3) 1/10倍体积的3 mol/L醋酸钠(pH 5.0)和两倍体积的乙醇选择性沉淀RNA;(4) -80℃沉淀30 min沉淀RNA。CTAB改进法提取的海带孢子体RNA质量好(A260/280 =1.96±0.05),产量高(68 μg/g),分离的RNA可用于RT-PCR反应,扩增相关基因片段。该方法提取海带配子体RNA效果也很好。 根据拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、 莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) 、铁线蕨(Adiantum capillus-veneris)、转板藻(Mougeotia scalaris)和无隔藻(Vaucheria frigida)等的蓝光受体蛋白保守序列,设计一系列简并引物,进行RT-PCR扩增,筛选并克隆测序了4条序列片段,通过比对分析,所得序列与已知的蓝光受体基因序列不一致。在所获得的序列中,一条783 bp的序列与肌醇-1-磷酸合成酶基因的片段有较高的相似性,通过RACE法克隆出该基因的3’末端,5’末端克隆没有成功,全长序列有待深入分析。


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The Ludox-QPS method is a newly developed technique, which combines the Ludox HS 40 density centrifugation and quantitative protargol stain, to enumerate marine ciliates with good taxonomic resolution. We tested the method for simultaneous enumeration of diatoms, protozoa and meiobenthos and compared its extraction efficiency for meiobenthos with that of the routine Ludox-TM centrifugation and a modified protocol using Ludox HS 40. We conducted the evaluation with a sample size of 8.3 ml each from sandy, muddy-sand and muddy sediments collected from the intertidal area of the Yellow Sea in summer 2006 and spring 2007. The Ludox-QPS method not only produced high extraction efficiencies of 97 +/- 1.3% for diatoms and 97.6 +/- 0.8% for ciliates, indicating a reliable enumeration for eukaryotic microbenthos, but also produced excellent extraction efficiencies of on average 97.3% for total meiobenthos, 97.9% for nematodes and 97.8% for copepods from sands, muddy sands and mud. By contrast, the routine Ludox-TM centrifugation obtained only about 74% of total meiobenthos abundance with one extraction cycle, and the modified Ludox HS 40 centrifugation yielded on average 93% of total meiobenthos: 89.4 +/- 2.0% from sands, 93 +/- 4.1% from muddy sands and 97.1 +/- 3.0% from mud. Apart from the sediment type, sample volume was another important factor affecting the extraction efficiency for meiobenthos. The extraction rate was increased to about 96.4% when using the same modified Ludox centrifugation for a 4 ml sediment sample. Besides the excellent extraction efficiency, the Ludox-QPS method obtained higher abundances of meiobenthos, in particular nematodes, than the routine Ludox centrifugation, which frequently resulted in an uncertain loss of small meiobenthos during the sieving process. Statistical analyses demonstrated that there were no significant differences between the meiobenthos communities revealed by the Ludox-QPS method and the modified Ludox HS 40 centrifugation, showing the high efficiency of the Ludox-QPS method for simultaneous enumeration of diatom, protozoa and meiobenthos. Moreover, the comparatively high taxonomic resolution of the method, especially for diatoms and ciliates, makes it feasible to investigate microbial ecology at community level.


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“CIMS中车间控制器软件开发”来源于国家863高技术计划,它是“CIMS系统技术集成开发环境”的一个重要组成部分,也是柔性制造系统多级管理和控制”的主要部分之一,作者完成了车间控制器的一项十分重要而又非常复杂的工作-制定短期生产计划(包括车间级任务的时间分解和空间分见(单元重构))。1. 根据时间分解要求,针对具有异步特征的车间级任务,本文提出一种有效的启发式方式-TD法。通过TD法,可望将整个计划期内具有异步特征的总任务分解成为多个时间段内呈同步特征的子任务。2. 根据空间分解要求和CIMS特点,针对具有同步特征的子任务,本文提出“成组-平衡-再成组”思想及相应的方法-G-B-C法。通过G-B-C法,可以综合解决负荷平衡问题和机器/工作成组问题,从而,为虚拟单元控制器的实现开辟了一条道路。3. 软件开发文中所提方法均已在PC机上用C语言实现,实验证明,本文所提思想和方法是可行的,有效的。


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Extensive high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks are outcropped in the the Dabie-Sulu UHP orogenic belt. Disputes still exist about for protolith nature of metamorphic rocks, petrogenesis, tectonic setting, and influence on upper mantle during the Triassic deep subduction. In this study, a combined study of petrology, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and zircon chronology was accomplished for high-grade gneisses in the basement of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic Rongcheng terrane to reveal protolith nature and petrogenesis of the gneisses and to disucss the magmatic succession along the northern margin of the Yangtze block in Neoproterozoic. Gneisses in the Rongcheng terrane are characterized by negative Nb, Ta, P and Ti anomalies, relatively low Sr/Y ratios and relatively high Ba/La, Ba/Nb and Ba/Zr ratios, mostly displaying geochemical affinity to Phanerozoic volcanic arc. Neoproterozoic protolith ages (0.7 ~ 0.8 Ga) and Paleoproterozoic average crustal residence time (1.92 ~ 2.21 Ga) favour a Yangtze affinity. The gneisses mostly display characteristics of enrichment of LREE, flat heavy rare earth elements (REE) patterns, moderately fractionation between LREE and HREE and slight negative or positive Eu anomalies, probably reflecting that melting took place in the middle to low crust (26 ~ 33 km), where amphibole fractionated from the melts and/or inherited from source material as major mineral phases in the source area. Sr-Nd isotopic composition of the gneisses supports this conclusion. According to εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, the gneisses can be divided into three groups. Gneisses of group I have the highest εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, corresponding to the range of -6 ~ -3 and -2.9 ~ 13.4, respectively. This suggests obvious influx of depleted mantle or juvenile crust in the formation of protoliths. Gneisses of group II have medium εNd(t) (-9 ~ -7) and εHf(t) values (-15.8 ~ -1.4), corresponding to relatively high TDM2(Nd) (1.99 ~ 2.31 Ga) and TDM2(Hf) (1.76 ~ 2.67 Ga) , respectively. This suggests these gneisses were formed by partial melting of Paleoproterozoic crust. Gneisses of group III have the lowest εNd(t) (-15 ~ -10) and εHf(t) values (-15.8 ~ -1.4), corresponding to the largest TDM2(Nd) (1.99 ~ 2.31 Ga) and TDM2(Hf) ( 1.76 ~ 2.67 Ga), respectively. This indicates that gneisses of group III were formed by remelting of Archean crustal material and further demonstrates existence of an Archean basement probably of the Yangtze affinity beneath the Rongcheng terrane. Gneisses of three groups have also certain different geochemical characteristics. Contents of REEs and trace elements reduce gradually from group I to group III. Zirconium saturation temperatures also show similar tendency. Compared to gneisses of group II and group III, gneisses of group I display geochemical feature similar to extensional tectonic setting, having relatively little influence by the source area. Therefore, geochemical characteristics for gneisses of group I can indictate that the protoliths of the Rongcheng gneisses formed in an extensional rifting tectonic setting. This conclusion is supported by the results of eclogites and gabbros previously reported in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Statistical results of the protolith ages of the Rongcheng gneisses show two age peaks around ~728 Ma and ~783 Ma with an about 50 Ma gap. Extensive magatism in abou 750 Ma along the northern margin of the Yangtze block can hardly be observed in the Rongcheng terrane. This phenomenon likely suggests discontinuous Neoproterozoic magmatism along the northern margin of the Yangtze block.


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