59 resultados para three-nucleon force


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We perform a systematic calculation of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature within the framework of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach with a microscopic three-body force. When applying it to the study of hotka on condensed matter, we find that the thermal effect is more profound in comparison with normal matter, in particular around the threshold density. Also, the increase of temperature makes the equation of state slightly stiffer through suppression of kaon condensation.


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The proton and neutron S-1(0), pairing gaps and their isospin dependence in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter have been studied by the isospin dependent Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and the BCS theory. We have focused on investigating and discussing the effect of three-body force. The calculated results indicate that as the isospin asymmetry increases, the density range of the S-1(0) neutron superfluidity is narrowed slightly and the maximum value of the neutron pairing gap increases 9 while the density domain for the proton superfluidity enlarges rapidly and the peak value of the proton gap decreases remarkably. The three-body force turns out to affect only weakly the neutron S-1(0) superfluidity and its isospin dependence, i. e., it leads to a small reduction of the neutron S-1(0) paring gap. However, the three-body force not only reduces largely the strength of the proton S-1(0) gaps at high densities in highly asymmetric nuclear matter but also suppresses strongly the density domain for the proton S-1(0) superfluidity phase.


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We investigate the S-1(0) neutron and proton superfluidity in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. We have concentrated on the isospin dependence of the pairing gaps and the effect of a microscopic three-body force. It is found that as the isospin asymmetry goes higher, the neutron S-1(0) superfluid phase shrinks gradually to a smaller density domain, whereas the proton one extends rapidly to a much wider density domain. The three-body force turns out to weaken the neutron S-1(0) superfluidity slightly, but it suppresses strongly the proton S-1(0) superfluidity at high densities in nuclear matter with large isospin asymmetry.


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本论文介绍了极端条件下核物质性质研究的现状以及目前常用的几种微观核多体方法,系统描述了核物质中的基态关联效应、温度效应对单核子势的影响和同位旋非对称核物质 态中子、质子超流性,重点考虑了利用介子交换流方法建立的微观三体核力所产生的影响。利用BHF和BCS的理论方法,计算了同位旋非对称核物质中 态中子和质子的对关联能隙,着重讨论了三体核力的影响。结果表明,三体核力对同位旋非对称核物质中 态的中子超流性影响相对较小,但是对 态的质子超流性具有重要影响,其效应随总核子数密度的增大而迅速增强。随着同位旋非对称度 的增加,中子能隙向低密移动,能隙峰值逐渐增大,并且这种效果随着 的增加而逐渐减弱,而质子的情况刚好相反。另外还参与了 稳定中子星物质中超流性的研究。利用质量算子空穴线展开,通过计算不同温度和密度下的核物质中单核子势和核子有效质量,重点研究和讨论了基态关联效应和三体核力贡献对热核物质中单核子势的影响,研究表明:基态关联效应提供了一个排斥效应,温度和三体核力都削弱了基态关联效应


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本论文介绍了当前中子及中子星物质中超流性研究的背景及现状、核多体理论Brueckner-Hartree-Fock及同位旋相关的Brueckner-Hartree-Fock方法,以及利用BHF和BCS理论计算中子及中子星物质中的对关联能隙方法。系统计算并描述了中子及中子星物质中子的3PF2态超流性,并重点考虑了利用介子交换流方法建立的微观三体核力所产生的影响。 我们的研究结果表明:三体核力对中子物质中3PF2态中子超流性有强烈的增强效应。 当在BCS能隙方程中采用自由粒子能谱近似时,三体核力使相应的对关联能隙峰值增加了77%(由0.64MeV增大到1.13MeV);当采用自洽BHF单粒子能谱时,三体核力导致相应的对关联能隙峰值由0.22MeV增大到0.50MeV,增加了约127%。 三体核力使中子星物质中3PF2态中子超流能隙随着密度的增大而单调递增。当采用自洽BHF单粒子能谱时不考虑三体核力时,对关联能隙峰值在密度约1.9fm-3时有峰值0.19MeV。而在这个两体力导致的能隙的峰值密度,三体核力导致相应的对关联能隙由0.19MeV增大到0.36MeV


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A systematically numerical study of the sinusoidally oscillating viscous flow around a circular cylinder was performed to investigate vortical instability by solving the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The transition from two- to three-dimensional flow structures along the axial direction due to the vortical instability appears, and the three-dimensional structures lie alternatively on the two sides of the cylinder. Numerical study has been taken for the Keulegan-Carpenter( KC) numbers from 1 to 3.2 and frequency parameters from 100 to 600. The force behaviors are also studied by solving the Morison equation. Calculated results agree well with experimental data and theoretical prediction.


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Three-dimensional and time-dependent numerical simulations are performed For melt convection in horizontal Bridgman crystal growth tinder high gravity conditions by means of a centrifuge. The numerical results show that Coriolis Force can cause a stabilizing effect on the fluctuations of the melt flow under a specific relation direction and relation rates of the centrifuge as reported in previous experiments (Ma et al., Materials Processing in High Gravity, Plenum Press, New York, 1994, p. 61). The present simulation provides details of the now features associated with the effect of the Coriolis force. There are also some differences between the present three-dimensional and former two-dimensional numerical solutions particularly in the prediction of the critical conditions and flow patterns.


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The self-assembling process near the three-phase contact line of air, water and vertical substrate is widely used to produce various kinds of nanostructured materials and devices. We perform an in-situ observation on the self-assembling process in the vicinity of the three phase contact line. Three kinds of aggregations, i.e. particle-particle aggregation, particle-chain aggregation and chain-chain aggregation, in the initial stage of vertical deposition process are revealed by our experiments. It is found that the particle particle aggregation and the particle-chain aggregation can be qualitatively explained by the theory of the capillary immersion force and mirror image force, while the chain-chain aggregation leaves an opening question for the further studies. The present study may provide more deep insight into the self-assembling process of colloidal particles.


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The natural frequencies of a cantilever probe can be tuned with an attached concentrated mass to coincide with the higher harmonics generated in a tapping-mode atomic force microscopy by the nonlinear tip-sample interaction force. We provide a comprehensive map to guide the choice of the mass and the position of the attached particle in order to significantly enhance the higher harmonic signals containing information on the material properties. The first three eigenmodes can be simultaneously excited with only one carefully positioned particle of specific mass to enhance multiple harmonics. Accessing the interaction force qualitatively based on the high-sensitive harmonic signals combines the real-time material characterization with the imaging capability. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Recently, it has been observed that a liquid film spreading on a sample surface will significantly distort atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. In order to elaborate on the effect, we establish an equation governing the deformation of liquid film under its interaction with the AFM tip and substrate. A key issue is the critical liquid bump height y(0c) at which the liquid film jumps to contact the AFM tip. It is found that there are three distinct regimes in the variation of y(0c) with film thickness H, depending on Hamaker constants of tip, sample and liquid. Noticeably, there is a characteristic thickness H* physically defining what a thin film is; namely, once the film thickness H is the same order as H* , the effect of film thickness should be taken into account. The value of H* is dependent on Hamaker constants and liquid surface tension as well as tip radius.