49 resultados para low-dose pre-exposure


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In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms of apoptosis resistance and the roles of the phosphorylation of BRCA1, p21, the Bax/Bcl-2 protein ratio and cell cycle arrest in IR-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. X-irradiation, in particular at low dose (1 Gy), but not carbon ion irradiation, had a significant antiproliferative effect on the growth of MCF-7 cells. 1 Gy X-irradiation resulted in G1 and G2 phase arrest, but 4 Gy induced a significant G1 block. In contrast, carbon ion irradiation resulted in a significant accumulation in the G2 phase. Concomitant with the phosphorylation of H2AX induced by DNA damage,carbon ion irradiation resulted in an approximately 1.9–2.8-fold increase in the phosphorylation of BRCA1 on serine residue 1524, significantly greater than that detected for X-irradiation. Carbon ion irradiation caused a dramatic increase in p21 expression and drastic decrease in Bax expression compared with X-irradiation. The data implicated that phosphorylation of BRCA1 on serine residue 1524 might,at least partially, induce p21 expression but repress Bax expression. Together, our results suggested that the phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1524 might contribute to the G2 phase arrest and might be an upstream signal involved in preventing apoptosis signal via upregulation of p21 and downregulation of the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio.


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Size modification of Au nanoparticles (NPs), deposited on the Au-thick film surface and irradiated by slow highly charged ions (SHCI) 40Arq+ (3 6 q 6 12) with fixed low dose of 4.3 1011 ions/cm2 and various energy ranging from 74.64 to 290.64 keV at room temperature (293.15 K), was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of projectile kinetic energy on the modified size of NPs was explored by an appropriate choice of the fixed process parameters such as ion flux, irradiation temperature, incident angle, irradiation time, etc. The morphological changes of NPs were interpreted by models involving collisional mixing, Ostwald ripening (OR) and inverse Ostwald ripening (IOR) of spherical NPs on a substrate. A critical kinetic energy as well as a critical potential energy of the projectile in the Au NPs size modification process were observed.


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The purpose of this paper is to prepare for an easy and reliable biodosimeter protocol for radiation accidents involving high-linear energy transfer (LET) exposure. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were irradiated using carbon ions (LET: 34.6 keV mu m(-1)), and the chromosome aberrations induced were analyzed using both a conventional colcemid block method and a calyculin A induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) method. At a lower dose range (0-4 Gy), the measured dicentric (dics) and centric ring chromosomes (cRings) provided reasonable dose information. At higher doses (8 Gy), however, the frequency of dics and cRings was not suitable for dose estimation. Instead, we found that the number of Giemsa-stained drug-induced G2 prematurely condensed chromosomes (G2-PCC) can be used for dose estimation, since the total chromosome number (including fragments) was linearly correlated with radiation dose (r = 0.99). The ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length of the drug-induced G2-PCCs increased with radiation dose in a linear-quadratic manner (r = 0.96), which indicates that this ratio can also be used to estimate radiation doses. Obviously, it is easier to establish the dose response curve using the PCC technique than using the conventional metaphase chromosome method. It is assumed that combining the ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length with analysis of the total chromosome number might be a valuable tool for rapid and precise dose estimation for victims of radiation accidents.


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研究目的: 1.研究碳离子辐射对小鼠不同组织抗氧化酶活性及细胞周期进程的影响。 2.研究低剂量碳离子预辐射对离体培养的黑色素瘤B16细胞及正常小鼠诱导的适应性反应。 3. 研究褪黑素(MLT)对碳离子的辐射损伤防护效应。 4. 研究碳离子层叠法辐照对H22荷瘤小鼠的治疗效果。研究方法: 1.采用不同剂量的碳离子辐照小鼠,用黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测外周血、肝脏及脑组织中抗氧化酶活性变化,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期阻滞情况。 2.采用低剂量碳离子预辐射离体培养的黑色素瘤B16细胞及正常小鼠,间隔4h后再以攻击剂量辐照,常规组织切片染色观察各组织器官病理变化,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期阻滞情况,黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测小鼠胸腺、脾脏及B16细胞中抗氧化酶活性,Western-blot法检测胸腺细胞及B16细胞中P53及P21蛋白表达情况,RT-PCR法检测CHK2及CDC25mRNA的表达水平。 3.在碳离子辐照小鼠1h前腹腔注射褪黑素,单细胞电泳方法检测胸腺、脾脏细胞的DNA损伤情况,微核法表征外周血的染色体损伤,黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定胸腺、脾脏细胞的抗氧化酶活性。 4.以碳离子层叠法辐照H22荷瘤小鼠,统计不同剂量照射后的肿瘤体积变化、肿瘤抑制率、肿瘤生长延迟天数及治愈率。结果: 1、小鼠血清和肝脏组织在辐射剂量较低(≤0.75Gy)时SOD活性高于对照组,随着辐射剂量的增高,SOD活性趋于降低;MDA含量在辐射剂量较低(≤0.3Gy)时低于对照,随着辐射剂量的增高其含量趋于升高;脑组织GSH浓度在照射剂量较低(≤0.5Gy)时大于对照组,随着照射剂量的升高其浓度趋于降低;低剂量辐射小鼠引起胸腺G2期细胞比例增加,脾脏G1期细胞比例增加。 2、小鼠肝脏、脾脏、肺脏及脑组织在攻击剂量辐射后,出现明显的病理变化,低剂量预辐射处理后病理变化减轻;低剂量预辐射增加胸腺G2期细胞及脾脏G1期细胞比例;相对于单纯攻击剂量辐射组,低剂量预辐射组胸腺组织P53及P21蛋白表达升高;CHK2 mRNA水平升高,CDC25 mRNA水平降低;脾脏及胸腺组织中SOD活性降低程度减弱,MDA含量升高趋势减弱。B16细胞经低剂量预辐射处理后上述指标均未发生明显变化。 3、与辐照处理组相比,褪黑素处理后小鼠的脾脏胸腺细胞DNA损伤拖尾率及彗尾长度明显降低;SOD活性升高,MDA含量降低,外周血微核率降低。 4、在不同剂量的碳离子辐照处理后观察的12天内,各组肿瘤生长速度减慢,生长延迟,肿瘤抑制率随时间而增加。15Gy照射组肿瘤生长速度最慢,肿瘤抑制率最大,肿瘤生长延迟最为明显,而且肿瘤治愈率达到30%。结论: 1. 低剂量12C6+离子全身辐照小鼠应激激活机体抗氧化系统,随辐射剂量的增加,机体抗氧化能力明显降低,导致脂质过氧化发生;低剂量的碳离子辐射导致小鼠胸腺细胞G2期阻滞,脾脏细胞发生G1期阻滞。 2. 低剂量12C6+离子预辐射引发小鼠正常机体产生适应性反应,减轻随后的大剂量辐射造成的损伤;低剂量12C6+离子预辐射对小鼠黑色素瘤B16细胞未引发适应性反应。 3. 15mg/kg的MLT可以对小鼠的重离子辐射损伤产生明显的防护效果。 4. 12C6+离子适形治疗小鼠移植性肿瘤H22,荷瘤鼠的存活时间、肿瘤体积变化、肿瘤的控制率、治愈率等结果显示,15Gy为最佳治疗剂量


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目的:1.比较肝癌细胞SMMC-7721和正常肝细胞L02,其辐射超敏感性和增强的辐射抗性的差异,为临床治疗提供基础研究数据。 2.对于重离子束辐照哺乳动物细胞引起的超敏感性以及增强的辐射抗性很少有报导。本研究利用兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)提供的12C开展高LET射线引起肝癌细胞SMMC-7721的辐射超敏感性的研究。材料和方法:1.低剂量60co γ射线辐照SMMc-7721细胞和L02细胞,低剂量高LE12c (50 MeV/u,LET=44.56keV/μm)辐照SMMC-7721细胞,剂量范围为0-ZGy.2.利用流式细胞仪的前向光和侧向光对辐照后的细胞进行分选,精确计数。3.将细胞转入培养皿中,培养l0天,固定,染色。统计大于50个细胞的克隆。结果与讨论:1.用流式细胞仪进行细胞分选与传统的稀释法相比,存活分数没有明显的差异,标准偏差明显减少,该方法完全适用于低剂量存活的测量;2,SMMc-7721和L02细胞对低剂量60Coγ射线辐照均表现出HRS/IRR响应。但是只有当肿瘤细胞和正常组织的存活差异在3%以上时才能将HRS响应应用于临床治疗。3.用高LET12c离子束对SMMC-7721细胞进行照射,细胞也表现出明显的HRS/ IRR响应。与Y射线照射相比,C离子照射的闭值剂量为0.28Gy,比γ射线照射的要低。这可能是由于两种射线能量沉积的方式不同造成的。4.将重离子应用于临床治疗时,由于位于离子通道上的细胞受到微小剂量的照射(0.2-0.5SGy/次),细胞正好位于超敏感区域,因此,在治疗时要充分考虑离子束入射通道上细胞的HRS响应。


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The metabolic accumulation and species of rare earth in rat liver were investigated by ICP-MS and chromatography after the rats were fed by a low dose of mixed rare earth for a long time or the administration of a high dose of lanthanum for a short time. It was found that the content of rare earth in the liver increased with the arising of dose of drug delivery. Their accumulation rate was different, for example, La>Ce>Nd>Pr. The protein which could combine,with rare earth specially were not gotten through chromatography. It was suggested that rare earth could bind to many proteins voluntarily, such as some important enzymes and it might be separated from the combined proteins under certain conditions.


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The metabolic accumulation and species of lanthanum in Wistar rat liver were investigated by ICP-MS, gel exclusion chromatography and ultrafiltration after the rats were fed by low dose of lanthanum for a long time. It was found that the content of La in the liver increased regularly with arise of dose and time of drug delivery. After the administration was stopped for a certain time a part of lanthanum in the liver Tvas metabolized, but;the metabolic rate was very slow, The lanthanum in rat liver was distributed in the soluble protein with molecular weight: of more than 60000 mostly. Rare Earth existed in the six elution peaks separated by Sephacryl S-200. The amount of lanthanum in the first elution fraction is the largest, which was 88 percent in the whole content of lanthanum in proteins with molecular weight more than 60000.


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The paper studies the morphology and mechanical properties of immiscible binary blends of the nylon 1010 and HIPS through the radiation crosslinking method. In this blend, the HIPS particles were the dispersed phases in the nylon 1010 matrix. With increasing of dose, the elastic modulus increased, However, the tensile strength. elongation at bleak and the energy of fracture increased to a maximum at a dose of 0.34 MGy, then reduced with the increasing of dose. SEM photographs show that the hole sizes are not changed obviously at low dose and at high dose, remnants that cannot be dissolved in formic acid and THF can be observed in the holes and on the surface. TEM photographs showed that radiation destroys the rubber phases in the polymer blend. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Credible and stable animal behavioral models are necessary to research the mechanisms of addiction in vivo, especially to study the relationship between memory or stress and drug addiction, which has been one of the focuses in this field. So the object of this study was to observe the influences of several factors on the behavioral effects of morphine shown in the paradigms of conditioned place preference (CPP) and locomotor activity (LA), and to explore the effects of adrenalectomy on LA induced by morphine in rats. In addition, the cortexes of rats were examined, which were exposed to chronic administration of several doses of morphine with or without foot shock. Moreover, a new behavioral model was built to quantify the motivation of drug seeking. The results showed that CPP was more sensitive to low dose of morphine than to high dose. The period of experiment could be shortened by increasing the training times everyday, whereas in this way the dose of morphine should be low enough to avoid the impact between the near two exposures to morphine. Effects of chronic administration of morphine on LA in rats were dose- and time- dependent, which supplied evidence to choose parameters in other behavioral models. The results obtained by the simplified LA paradigm showed that hyperactivity of low dose of morphine following hypoactivity, and naloxone had no effects on LA but blocked the locomotion effects of morphine. Obvious effects of morphine on LA of rats might depend on a reasonable level of plasma corticosterone, which may determine individual vulnerability to drug addiction. Stress may also potentiate the vulnerability by aggravating damage to cortex of rats induced by drug dose-dependently, which is suggested by the results of histological examination. The result that frontal and temporal cortexes and hippocampus were injured suggests that there may be a close relationship between memory and drug addiction. It was showed that the new behavioral model on the basis of Morris water maze might be used to quantify the motivation of drug-craving.


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Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) was functionalized with 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid (AMPS) by using -ray pre-irradiation in air in a twin-screw extruder. Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) were used to characterize the formation of LLDPE-g-AMPS copolymers. The content of AMPS in LLDPE-g-AMPS was determined by using element analysis instrument. The effects of concentrations of monomer, reaction temperature and pre-irradiation dose on degree of grafting were investigated. The critical surface tension of LLDPE-g-AMPS was measured by using contact angle method. The influences of the degree of grafting on crystallization properties were studied by using DSC. Compared with neat LLDPE, the crystallization temperature increased about 4C, and crystallinity decreased with increasing degree of grafting. Crystallization rates of grafted LLDPE were faster than that of plain LLDPE at the same crystallization temperature.


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1. In the present study, we investigated the short- and long-term effects of extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields on spatial recognition memory in mice by using a two-trial recognition Y-maze that is based on the innate tendency of rodents to exp


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) exposure during morphine treatment on dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) density in the rat dorsal hippocampus following withdrawal. Rats were exposed t


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Carbon ions were implanted into crystal Si to a concentration of (0.6-1.5)at% at room temperature. Some samples were pre-irradiated with S-29(i)+ ions, while others were not pre-irradiated. Then the two kinds of samples were implanted with C-12(+) ions simultaneously, and Si1-xCx alloys were grown by solid phase epitaxy with high-temperature annealing. The effects of preirradiation on the formation of Si1-xCx alloys were studied. If the dose of implanted C ion was less than that for amorphizing Si crystals, the implanted C atoms would like to combine with defects produced during implantation, and then it was difficult for Si1-xCx alloys to form after annealine, at 950 degreesC. Pre-irradiation was advantageous for Si1-xCx alloy formation. With the increase of C ion dose, the damage produced by C ions increased. Pre-irradiation was unfavorable for Si1-xCx, alloy formation. If the implanted C concentration was higher than that for solid phase epitaxy solution, only part of the implanted C atoms form Si1-xCx alloys and the effects of pre-irradiation could be neglected. As the annealing temperature was increased to 1050 degreesC, Si1-xCx alloys in both pre-irradiated and unpreirradiated samples of low C concentration remained, whereas most part of Si1-xCx alloys in samples with high C concentration vanished.