54 resultados para dirhenium(III,II)


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Imitating a real tooth and the periodontal supporting tissues, we have established a 2D finite element model and carried out a numerical analysis based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic (IA) stress-strain relation and strength model of dentin proposed in the preceding Parts I and II, and the conventional homogeneous and isotropic (III) model, respectively. Quite a few cases of loadings for a non-defected and a defected tooth are considered. The numerical results show that the stress level predicted by the IA model is remarkably higher than that by the III model, revealing that the effect of the dentin tubules should be taken into a serious consideration from the viewpoint of biomechanics.


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In this paper, the photochemical reduction process of Hg (II) in aqueous solution containing ferric iron and oxalate (Ox) has been studied. Under the radiation of a low-pressure mercury lamp (lambda = 253.7 nm, 8W), Fe(III)-oxalate complexes undergo photolysis to produce ferrous ions and other organic reductive species, which reduce Hg(II) subsequently. For 0.1 mg/L Hg (II), the photoreduction efficiency is comparatively higher in the solution at pH 5.0 than that over the range of 3.0 similar to 8.0. The photoreduction efficiency of Ho (II) in aqueous solution increases with increasing, initial concentration of ferric ions from 0.02 mmol/L to 0.2 mmol/L and initial concentration of oxalate from 0.96 mmol/L to 4.8 mmol/L and then gradually approaches to a steady state. CH3OH also contributes the reduction of Hg (II). We investigate the increase of the ferric, oxalate and CH3OH concentrations resulting from the increase of reduction efficiency of Hg (II). It can be seen that ferrous ions and other reactive species are reductants of Hg (II), and the reaction product with oxalate is mainly volatile metallic mercury.


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关于Cr(III)阳极氧化为Cr(VI)的过程,在工业应用方面已有许多工作,但对机理尚不清楚。本文对Pt电极和PbO_2电极上的这一过程进行了动力学的研究,首次得到了Cr(VI)在这两种电极上阳极形成的真实动力学数据,并提出了与实验基本相符的反应机理。用“分解极化曲线法”和稳态极化曲线的测量,得到了[H_2SO_4]和[SO_4~=]恒定的不同浓度Cr_2(SO_4)_3溶液中Cr(VI)在光滑Pt电极上阳极形成的真实动力学数据,可用如下方程式来表达:在较低电位下φ = a + 0.25 log i_2 - 0.23 log [Cr(III)]在较高电位下φ = a' + 0.48 log i_2 - 0.44 log [Cr(III)]同时得到了氧的阳极发生的动力学数据,Tafel线性区的斜率接近于2.303 RT/ΔF (Δ ≈ 0.5)。动力学方程式的推导与实验的比较表明,在光滑Pt电极上Cr(VI)是由Cr(II)通过“活性氧”的氧化形成的,提出了如下反应机理:H_2O → (OH)_(ad) + H~+ + e~- 2(OH)_(ad) → (O)_(ad) + H_2O 2(O)_(ad) →O_2 (OH)_(ad) + [Cr(H_2O)_6]~(3+) → (CrO_2)_(ad) + 3H~+ + 5H_2O (CrO_2)_(ad) + H_2O → (CrO_3~-)_(ad) + 2H~+ + e~- (CrO_3~-)_(ad) + H_2O → HCrO_4~- + H~+ + e~- 2HCrO_4~- <-> Cr_2O_7~(2-) + H_2O 在[H_2SO_4]和[SO_4~(2-)]恒定的不同浓度Cr_2(SO_4)_3溶液中,测得了Cr(VI)在Δ-PbO_2电极上阳极形成的动力学数据:在较低电位下φ = a + 0.28 log i_2 - 0.30 log [Cr(III)]在较高电位下φ = a' + 0.55 log i_2 - 0.51 log [Cr(III)]氧的极化曲线的Tafel线性区斜率也为2.303RT/ΔF (Δ approx= 0.5)。PbO_2电极和Pt电极上分解极化曲线的比较表明,Cr(VI)在前一电极上阳极形成的过电位远低于在后一电极上,这可能是两电极上电流效率显著差别的原因。测得了PbO_2电极上不同过电位下电极反应的有效活化能,其数值均在10 Kcal mol~(-1)以上,且随着极化的增大而减小,据此在动力学处理中可以忽略扩散的作用,交流阻抗的研究进一步证实了这一点。溶液pH的增大或[H_2SO_4]的减小会降低Cr(VI)阳极形成的过电位,使反应加速。在[H_2SO_4]和[SO_4~(2-)]恒定的不同浓度Cr_2(SO_4)_3溶液中,测得了在不同电位极化下PbO_2电极的阻抗频谱。在较高电位下阻抗谱呈现明显的两个半圆,表明电极过程包括了中间吸附物的形成。求得的吸附电容Cad比双层电容Cd大1-2个数量级;Cd比通常光滑电极表面的Cd大得多,这可能与SO_4~(2-),HCrO_4~-, Cr_2O_7~-以及[_((SO_4))~((H_2O)_2) Cr_((SO_4))~((OH)_2) Cr_((SO_4))~((OH_2)_2)]~(2-)等阳离子的特性吸附有关。从动力学的推导与实验的比较得出,在PbO_2电极上Cr(VI)也按“活性氧”机构形成,可能的机理如下:H_2O → (OH)_(ad) + H~+ + e~- (OH)_(ad) + H_2O → (O)_(ad) + H_3O~+ + e~- 2(O)_(ad) → O_2 [Cr(H_2O)_6]~(3+) + (O)_(ad) → (CrO_3~-)_(ad) + 4H~+ + 4H_2O (CrO_3~-)_(ad) + H_2O → HCrO_4~- + H~+ +e~- 2HCrO_4~- <-> Cr_2O_7~(2-) + H_2O.


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氧化还原液流电池是近十几年来发展起来的一种大容量的贮能电池,目前研究比较成熟功率,容量较大的是盐酸体系Fe/Cr氧化还原电池。但是对于该体系的铬负极,仍然存在着氢气的伴随发生和铬盐溶液的时效陈化问题,此外,作为隔膜的离子交换膜也不能满足电池的性能要求。本文用循环伏安法、恒电流法、紫外可见分光光度法、交流阻抗法研究了铬负极的性质和溶液的时效陈化问题;探讨了三价铬离子的电化学还原过程;组装了试验型氯化铵体系的Fe/Cr氧化还原液流电池,测试了电池的性能;为降低隔膜的离子选择性的要求,对Cr(III)/Cr(VI)电对的氧化还原反应进行了探讨。讨论了三价铬离子在银离子存在下氧化成铬酸盐的反应机理。用循环伏安法研究了金、银、铜、石墨等电极材料对Cr(III)/Cr(rIII)电对氧化还原可逆性和析氢速度的影响。金电极能催化Cr(III)/Cr(II)电对的氧化还原反应,在溶液中含有Pb~(2+)离子时,具有较高的氢过电位。银、铜电极在电位扫描过程中不断地进行溶解和沉积,电极性能不稳定,而石墨电极上Cr(III)/Cr(II)电对的可连性较差。因此选择金作工作电极。研究了电解液中加入Pb、In、Tl的作用,结果表明,同时添加Pb-In、Pb-Tl比添加Pb、Tl等单一添加剂更能有效地提高氢过电位。电子探针分析表明,Pb、In、Tl在金基底上是均匀分布的。文献上尚未见到在这一电池体系中应用上述复合添加物的报导。在盐酸溶液中,存在着如下平衡:[Cr(H_2O)_4Cl_2] Cl·2H_2O <-> [Cr(H_2O)_5Cl]Cl_2·H_2O<->[Cr(H_2O)_6]Cl_3利用各级络合物的稳定常数计算了不同浓度的Cr(III)离子溶液中,上述三种络合物的浓度。以循环伏安曲线上Cr(III)的还原峰值电流i_p对Cr(H_2O)_4Cl_2~+和Cr(H_2O)_5Cl~+的浓度和作图,得到通过原点的直线。恒电流法研究发现,电位-时间曲线相继在-550mv·vs·scE和-660mv·vs·scE出现二个电位平阶,其电量比与Cr(H_2O)_4Cl_2~+、Cr(H_2O)_5Cl~2+的浓度比相当。据此认为参加电化学反应的活性离子是Cr(H_2O)_5Cl~(2+)和Cr(H_2O)_4Cl_2~+。利用循环伏安法比较了盐酸、氯化铵、醋酸、醋酸铵作电解液时Cr~(3+)离子的反应活性。盐酸体系中氢气的伴发生极为严重。醋酸、醋酸铵体系析氢电流较小、Cr~(3+)离子的反应活性也不高。相对来说,氯化铵体系对Cr(III)/Cr(II)电对的氧化还原反应有较高的活性,而且氢的析出电流也较小。紫外可见分光光度法对盐酸。氯化铵作电解液时铬络离子稳定性的研究表明,在溶液久置过程中,铬络离子在氯化铵体系中比在盐酸体系中稳定。循环伏安法的研究也符合这一结论。由于氯化铵体系的优点,组装了以氯化铵为电解液的铁铬单体电池。当充、放电电流密度为20mA/cm~2时,库仑效率达99%,瓦时效率在60%以上,电池的开路电压可达1.18V。与以盐酸为电解液的电池相比,具有电池开路电压高、放氢量小库仑效率高等优点。由于溶液的酸度低,也延缓了溶液对电池壳体及其附件的腐蚀。看来,它是一种很有希望的电解液体系。为了降低电池对离子交换膜的离子选择性要求,一种有效的方法是采用全铬电池体系,即正负极活性物质分别为Cr(III)/Cr(VI)和Cr(III)/Cr(II)。本文在Pt、石墨、钛电极上在硫酸溶液中对Cr(III)/Cr(VI)电对的氧化还原过程进行了探讨。循环伏安法表明,Cr(III)的氧化与氧的发生同时进行,加入Pb~(2+), Co~(2+)离子使Cr(III)离子的氧化电位负移。加入Ag~+时,在循环伏安曲线上出现Cr(III)离子的氧化峄。表明Ag~+对Cr(III)的氧化过程有较好的催化作用。在Cr(III)离子浓度0.1m时,峰值电位φ_P与扫描速度的对数logV呈线性关系,2ψ_p/2logv=100mv;峰值电流i_p与扫描速度v成正比。浓度在0.07M以下时,峰电位与扫描速度无关,峰电流与扫描速度平方根成正比,表现为扩散控制的过程。银离子存在下,Pt电极上Cr(III)离子的氧化过程的交流阻抗谱图呈现二个半圆,可以认为电极过程包括中间吸附物的生成。


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掺稀土离子的碱土稀土复合氟化物和ABF_3钙钛矿型氟化物是重要的激光和发光材料。Eu(II)是重要的激活离子。利用Eu(II) d→f跃迁的宽带发射和f→f跃迁的锐线发射,Eu(II)作为短波紫外激光材料手荧光材料的激活剂是优良的候选新。因此,如能找到某种敏化剂对Eu(II)产生能量传递,提高d→f或f→f跃迁发射效率,那么对Eu(II)的潜在应用具有重要的实际和理论意义。人们对Eu(II) d-f、f-f跃迁性度和实现f-f跃迁的条件以及Eu(II)对其它离子的纯量传递已进行了许多深入的研究。然而,人们对其它离子对Eu(II)的纯量传递的研究和报道则甚少。本文从研究Eu(II)和Ce(III)在xMF_2-yYF_3 (M = Ca,Sr,Ba;x = 0,1,2,3;y = 0,1,2,3,4,5)和ABF_3(A = K~+,Ba~(2+);B = Mg~(2+),Ca~(2+),Li~+)两体系中的光谱变经规律入手,比较和分析了Eu(II)和Ce(III)的光谱行为及期 影响因素,特别是仔细地考察了氧对Eu(II)光谱的影响。通过比较和分析,指出Ce(III)对Eu(II)产生能量传递的可能性,寻求两新相互敏化的合适的基质。在复合氟化物体系中首次实现了Ce(III)对Eu(II)的能量传递。根据Dexter能量传递共振理论讨论和分析了Ce(III)对Eu(II)能量传递机理和可能传递途径,提出了能量传递模型,估算了各种传递过程的几率,获取了一些有益启示。同时,对Eu(II)和Tb(III)之间的能量传递也做了初步讨论。与某些基质中Tb(III)可对Ce(III)产生能量传递不同,在讨论体系中没有观察到Tb(III)对Eu(II)的能量传递。


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本论文包括两部分内容。第一部分为“Cu(III)及相关化合物的合成和性质的研究”;第二部分为“稀土复合氟化物的电性、氧敏和氢敏性质”。第一部分的主要内容有:1.制备了Na_4H[Cu(H_2TeO_6)_2]·17H_2O和Na_4K[Cu(HIO_6)_2]·12H_2O的Cu(III)单晶配合物。2.在比较相应的Cu(II)化合物的条件下,详细地研究了这二个Cu(III)配合物的电子光谱和Cu2p光电子能谱,由于价态升高,场强参数增大,Cu(III)化合物的d-d跃迁相对于Cu(II)化合物d-d跃迁,发生“蓝移”。3.成功地实现了用O_3和电化学方法对强碱溶液中Cu(II)配合物的氧化,获得了二个新的Cu(III)固态配合物Ba_4K[Cu(H_2TeO_6)_2] (OH)_4·6H_2O和Ba_3K[Cu(HIO_6)_2] (KOH)_(0.5)(OH)_2·8H_2O利用化学分析、磁学性质、电子光谱和Cu2p XPS,对这二个化合物进行了表征。4.对BaCuO_(2.5)的合成、电学性质、磁学性质、Cu(III) ESR和Cu2p XPS进行了研究。5.以Na_4K[Cu(HIO_6)_2]·12H_2O和BaCuO_(2.5)为参照物,用电子光谱和Cu2p XPS,确认了YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-5)中的高价态的铜。6.考察了以Cu(III)化合物作为Cu部分原料所合成的YBCO系超导材料的电学性质。第二部分的主要内容有:1.测试了元件“BiF_3(Bi)/Ce_(0.95)Ca_(0.05)F_(2.95)/Pt”的氧敏、氢敏等性能。从室温到130 ℃,元件的氧敏机理为“双电子反应”,电动势(EMF)与氧分压遵循Nernst关系式。室温时,元件对空气中100Pa或1000Pa氢气的响应时间仅为15秒或短于5秒;氢分压在16Pa~1000Pa范围内,EMF与氢分压的对数呈线性关系,斜率为-116mV/decade, 敏感机理表现为“混合电极电势”。元件具有良好的氢敏性能,并有一定的选择性。2.合成并测试了La_(1-x)Pb_xF_(3-x)(X = 0.00 ~ 0.15)的电导率,La_(0.95)Pb_(0.05)F_(2.95)的电导率最高,比LaF_3高约一个数量级。以La_(0.95)Pb_(0.05)F_(2.95)为固体电解质材料,Pd或Pt为敏感电极,BiF_3(Bi)或PbF_2(Pb)为参比电极,制成了四个元件。其中,“BiF_3(Bi)/La_(0.95)Pb_(0.05)F_(2.95)/Pt”具有最好的氧敏、氢敏性能。从室温到150 ℃,元件的EMF与1gPo_2附合Nernst关系式。150 ℃时,元件对氧气的响应时间仅为80秒。室温下,元件对空气中100Pa或1000Pa氢气的响应时间仅为75秒或15秒,元件的电动势EMF与氢分压的关系可表示为“E=E_o-96lgP_(H2)(mV)”。元件对CO有较差的敏感性能,而对空气中甲烷、乙烷或乙炔(≤1000Pa)不具敏感性能。3.合成并测试了Ln_(1-x)Pb_xF_(3-x)(Ln=Ce、Pr、Nd和Gd、Dy、Ho、Yb)的电性。前四个系列为离子导体材料,后三个系列可能为P型半导体。随着Ln原子序数增大,LnF_3导电性能变差;La~(3+)、Ce~(3+)、Pr~(3+)、Nd~(3+)与Pb~(2+)离子半径差异较小,LnF_3和PbF_2可以形成固溶体;而Gd~(3+)、Dy~(3+)、Ho~(3+)、Yb~(3+)与Pb~(2+)离子半径差异较大,LnF_3和PbF_2难以形成固溶体。


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In an earlier study on intersonic crack propagation, Gao et al. (J. Mech. Phys. Solids 49: 2113-2132, 2001) described molecular dynamics simulations and continuum analysis of the dynamic behaviors of a mode II dominated crack moving along a weak plane under a constant loading rate. The crack was observed to initiate its motion at a critical time after the onset of loading, at which it is rapidly accelerated to the Rayleigh wave speed and propagates at this speed for a finite time interval until an intersonic daughter crack is nucleated at a peak stress at a finite distance ahead of the original crack tip. The present article aims to analyze this behavior for a mode III crack moving along a bi-material interface subject to a constant loading rate. We begin with a crack in an initially stress-free bi-material subject to a steadily increasing stress. The crack initiates its motion at a critical time governed by the Griffith criterion. After crack initiation, two scenarios of crack propagation are investigated: the first one is that the crack moves at a constant subsonic velocity; the second one is that the crack moves at the lower shear wave speed of the two materials. In the first scenario, the shear stress ahead of the crack tip is singular with exponent -1/2, as expected; in the second scenario, the stress singularity vanishes but a peak stress is found to emerge at a distance ahead of the moving crack tip. In the latter case, a daughter crack supersonic with respect to the softer medium can be expected to emerge ahead of the initial crack once the peak stress reaches the cohesive strength of the interface.


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Five novel vanadium(III) complexes [PhN = C(R-2)CHC(R-1)O]VCl2(THF)(2) (4a: R-1 = Ph, R-2 = CF3; 4b: R-1 =t-Bu, R-2 = CF3; 4c: R-1 = CF3, R-2 = CH3; 4d: R-1 = Ph, R-2 = CH3; 4e: R-1 = Ph, R-2 = H) have been synthesized and characterized. On activation with Et2AlCl, all the complexes, in the presence of ethyl trichloroacetate (ETA) as a promoter, are highly active precatalysts for ethylene polymerization, and produce high molecular weight and linear polymers. Catalyst activities more than 16.8 kg PE/mmolv h bar and weight-average molecular weights higher than 173 kg/ mol were observed under mild conditions.


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Vanadium(III) complexes bearing salicylaldiminato ligands (2a-k) [RN=CH(Ar0)]VCl2(THF)2 (Ar C61714, R = Ph, 2a; p-CF3Ph, 2b; p-CH3Ph, 2c; 2,6-Me2Ph, 2d; 2,6-iPr2Ph, 2e; cyclohexyl, 2f; Ar = C6H3tBu(2), R = Ph, 2g; 2,6-iPr2Ph, 2h; Ar = C6H2tBU2(2,4), R = Ph, 2i; 2,6-iPr2Ph, 2j; Ar = C6H2Br2, R = Ph, 2k) were prepared from VC13(THF)3 by treating with 1.0 equiv of (RN=CH)ArOH in tetrahydrofuran (THF) in the presence of excess triethylamine (TEA).


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This work herein reports the approach for the simultaneous determination of heavy metal ions including cadmium (Cd(II)), lead (Pb(II)), and chromium (Cr(VI)) using a bismuth film electrode (BFE) by anodic stripping voltammertry (ASV). The BFE used was plated in situ. Due to the reduction of Cr(VI) with H2O2 in the acid medium, on one hand, the Cr(III) was produced and Cr(VI) was indirectly detected by monitoring the content of Cr(III) using square-wave ASV. On the other hand, Pb(II) was also released from the complex between Pb(II) and Cr(VI). Furthermore, the coexistence of the Cd(II) was also simultaneously detected with Pb(II) and Cr(VI) in this system as a result of the formation of an alloy with Bi. The detection limits of this method were 1.39 ppb for Cd(II), 2.47 ppb for Pb(II) and 5.27 ppb for Cr(VI) with a preconcentration time of 120 s under optimal conditions (S/N = 3), respectively. Furthermore, the sensitivity of this method can be improved by controlling the deposition time or by using a cation-exchange polymer (such as Nafion) modified electrode.


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Two mono-substituted manganese polyoxometalates, K6MnSiW11O39 (MnSiW11) and K8MnP2W17O61 (MnP2W17), have been evaluated by in vivo and in vitro experiments as the candidates of potential tissue-specific contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T-1-relaxivities of 12.1 mM(-1) s(-1) for MnSiW11 and 4.7 mM(-1) s(-1) for MnP2W17 (400 MHz, 25 degrees C) were higher than or similar to that of the commercial MRI contrast agent (GdDTPA). Their relaxivities in BSA and hTf solutions were also reported. After administration of MnSiW11 and MnP2W17 to Wistar rats, MR imaging showed longer and remarkable enhancement in rat liver and favorable renal excretion capability. The signal intensity increased by 74.0 +/- 4.9% for the liver during the whole imaging period (90 min) and by 67.2 +/- 5.3% for kidney within 20-70 min after injection at 40 +/- 3 mu mol kg(-1) dose for MnSiW11. MnP2W17 induced 71.5 +/- 15.1%. enhancement for the liver in 10-45 min range and 73.1 +/- 3.2% enhancement for kidney within 5-40 min after injection at 39 +/- 3 mu mol kg(-1) dose. In vitro and in vivo study showed MnSiW11 and MnP2W17 being favorable candidates as the tissue-specific contrast agents for MRI.


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The extraction and separation of Ho, Y, and Er(III) with the mixtures of bis(2,4,4-trimetylpentyl)monothiophosphinic acid (Cyanex 302) and another organic extractant, such as acidic organic extractant (di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid P204, 2-ethythexyl phosphoric acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester P507, di-2-ethylhexyl phosphinic acid P229, and sec-nonylphenoxy acetic acid CA-100), neutral organic extractant (tri-n-butyl phosphate TBP, di-(1-metylheptyl)metyl phosphate P350, and branched trialkylphosphinic oxide Cyanex 925) or primary amine N1923, has been investigated in this paper. The extractability and separation ability for the Ho, Y, and Er with the mixtures of Cyanex 302 and organic extractants has been compared. The synergistic effect of the Ho, Y, and Er extraction with the mixtures of Cyanex 302 and P229, Cyanex 925, CA-100, or N1923 has been explored and the synergistic enhancement coefficients have been calculated. At last, the Y3+ synergistic extraction with the mixtures of Cyanex 302 and CA-100 has been determined and the extracted complex has been deduced.


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The ytterbium(III) extraction kinetics and mechanism with mixtures of bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (Cyanex272) and 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (P507) dissolved in heptane have been investigated by constant interfacial cell with laminar flow. The effects of the stirring rate, temperature, extractant concentration, and pH on the extraction with mixtures of Cyanex272 and P507 have been studied. The results are compared with those of the system with Cyanex272 or P507 alone. It is concluded that the Yb(III) extraction rate is enhanced with mixtures extractant of Cyanex272 and P507 according to their values of the extraction rate constant, which is due to decreasing the activation energy of the mixtures. At the same time, the mixtures exhibits no synergistic effects for Y(III), which provides better possibilities for Yb(III) and Y(III) separations at a proper conditions than anyone alone. Moreover, thermodynamic extraction separation Yb(III) and Y(III) by the mixtures has been discussed, which agrees with kinetics results. Extraction rate equations have also been obtained, and through the approximate solutions of the flux equation, diffusion parameters and thickness of the diffusion film have been calculated.