48 resultados para SOA


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The design and fabrication of 1550 nm semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) and the characteristics of the fabricated SOA are reported. A novel gain measurement technique based on the integrations of the product of emission spectrum and a phase function over one mode interval is proposed for Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers.


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Polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA's) with tensile-strained multi-quantum-wells as actice regions are designed and fabricated. The 6x6 Luttinger-Kohn model and Bir-Pikus Hamiltonian are employed to calculate the valence subband structures of strained quantum wells, and then a Lorentzian line-shape function is combined to calculate the material gain spectra for TE and TM modes. The device structure for polarization insensitive SOA is designed based on the materialde gain spectra of TE and TM modes and the gain factors for multilayer slab waveguide. Based on the designed structure parameters, we grow the SOA wafer by MOCVD and get nearly magnitude of output power for TE and TM modes from the broad-area semiconductor lasers fabricated from the wafer.


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Slow-light effects in photonic crystal (PC) waveguides can enhance light-mater interaction near the photonic band edge, which can be used to design a short cavity length semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). In this paper, a novel SOA based on slow-light effects in PC waveguides (PCSOA) is presented. To realize the amplification of the optical signal with polarization independence, a PCSOA is designed with a compensated structure. The cascaded structure leads to a balanced amplification to the TE and TM polarized light.


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随着SOA和业务流程管理BPM技术日益成熟,基于业务流程的开发得到越来越广泛的应用。BPMN是由国际标准组织BPMI所制定的业务流程描述语言,制定了标准化的图形符号用于流程的设计和交流。WS-BPEL是面向服务计算中服务复合层重要的技术规范,WS-BPEL支持通过组合分布异构的服务形成复杂的业务流程。BPMN和BPEL模型之间存在差异,跨越两者之间的鸿沟实现无缝转换是当前服务计算中的关键问题之一。现有的BPMN到BPEL转换方法对用户建模限制太大,并且转换后的BPEL不能直接部署和运行,自动化程度不高。现有BPEL到BPMN转换方法缺少对复杂BPEL结构的转换。 针对这些问题,论文设计了一套双向模型转换方法。首先分析了现有BPMN到BPEL的转换方法。然后根据分析结果对已有的BPMN到BPEL转换方法进行扩展,并着重解决了路由OR和并发多实例Multi-instance的语义分析和转换这一难点问题,减少了用户建模时的限制,转换得到的可直接执行的BPEL,提高了自动化程度。在此基础上,设计了BPEL到BPMN的转换方法,采取自上而下的扁平化策略来将嵌套块结构的BPEL控制流转换成为平整无层次的流程图结构,其中分析了Link设置不同条件时的语义并分别转换到对应的BPMN结构,解决了复杂BPEL结构的转换。 最后,我们在流程设计平台OnceBPD(Once Business Process Designer)实现了双向转换功能,能够将BPMN模型转换为BPEL模型,得到的BPEL文件可以部署和运行在OnceBPEL流程执行引擎。还可以将BPEL模型装换为BPMN模型,并应用于OnceBPEL引擎监控信息的可视化,实现了在OnceBPD中直观、形象的显示流程监控。


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Migrating legacy system with web service is an effective and economic way of reusing legacy software in a SOA environment.In this paper,we present an approach for migrating a three-tie object-oriented legacy system to SOA environment.The key issue of the approach is about services identification from large numbers of classes.And we propose a bottom-up method to model the system with UML and identify services from UML then.This approach can be a reference to an auto-migrating process.


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随着Internet上异构应用系统的大量增加和SOA技术的空前发展,Web服务技术变得越来越重要,已经成为了学术界和工业界关注的热点。在Web服务技术中,服务发现为Web服务消费者调用Web服务提供者提供的服务提供了桥梁,起到非常重要的承接作用,成为了Web服务技术中的重点。目前的Web服务发现机制主要有两种,第一种是传统的Web服务发现方式,主要基于UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)的纯粹关键字查找;第二种是基于Web服务的语义信息,进行Web服务间的语义匹配。 第一种方法的基础UDDI是国际标准,而且应用也最为广泛,但UDDI中对于Web服务的描述是基于语法的,而且缺乏Web服务所特有的I/O属性和服务质量属性等信息。第二种方法基于Web服务的语义信息,包括Web服务所特有的I/O属性,但因为缺乏灵活有效的Web服务匹配方法和与之对应的Web服务匹配框架,限制了其应用。 基于此,本文在对当前语义Web服务匹配技术分析和研究的基础上,对当前的语义Web服务匹配方法进行了改进,同时提出了基于过滤器(filter)的语义Web服务匹配框架模型。本文的主要工作有: 1)对目前的语义Web服务匹配技术进行了较为全面深入的探讨和综述。 2)对当前的语义Web服务匹配的各个阶段进行了详细的分析,对其中的匹配方法进行了改进。提出了基于向量空间模型(VSM)和TF-IDF(Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency)思想的本体权重的计算方法,本体层次关系图中边的权重的计算方法和本体之间相似度的计算方法。 3)提出了基于web服务黑盒属性的语义。 4)语义Web服务匹配框架方面,本文提出了基于filter的语义Web服务匹配框架,并将其延伸到非语义Web服务系统中。


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卫星网络仿真是对卫星网络进行优化设计、性能分析、效能评估的有效途径。本文针对卫星网络的建模与仿真开展了如下工作: 围绕卫星网络的建模问题,本文在分析卫星网络组成结构和运行特点的基础上,建立了卫星的轨道运行、平台状态、有效载荷模型;针对不同组网模式建立了结构模型;综合考虑卫星的状态参数和空间环境对链路的影响建立了链路模型;基于物理信道、网络层、传输层三个层次建立了通信模型,并讨论了各仿真模型的组成、适应性和可扩展性。 在建模基础上,设计了基于HLA的卫星组网仿真系统总体架构,给出了仿真联邦对象模型的详细设计与具体实现方式,设计了仿真运行流程和系统接口,并进行了仿真实验,验证了仿真模型的正确性和有效性,并进一步分析了HLA在进行面向服务扩展时的适用性,给出了利用XMSF体系结构对其进行扩展的必要性和研究思路。 通过对可扩展的建模与仿真框架(XMSF)特别是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)和仿真服务总线(SSB)的讨论,针对研究卫星网络上层应用的需要,设计了基于XMSF/HLA双层体系结构的原型系统,重点研究了基于web的C/S交互通讯模式和仿真服务总线运行模式。该系统结构支持对HLA的“web化”扩展,并可跨平台、跨语言共享,易于理解和实现。


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供应链协调在国际供应链管理领域备受关注,是涉及多学科高度交叉、知识广泛集成的前沿热点研究领域。它综合了经济学、管理学、营销学、现代网络及信息科学等技术,通过供应链各利益实体之间竞争、协作,实现供应链整体效益的提升。其作为我国实现产业结构优化升级的重要途径,已经成为企业继自然资源、人力资本后的第三个利润增长源泉。 本论文在深入研究供应链管理、供应链协调及契约理论的基础上,分析指出了供应链契约协调研究发展的趋势。依据该趋势本文主要研究的内容是对当前供应链契约协调理论研究的补充和扩展。本文立足于解决我国供应链管理及协调中诸多实际问题,针对现代市场环境中客户需求个性化、多样性及不确定性的特点,研究了供应链契约的统一框架,方法及技术路线,重点研究了客户需求驱动的供应链分销契约协调问题,建立了不同条件下的契约优化模型,给出基于博弈均衡解的一系列证明,并分析了契约参数对供应链整体及各成员绩效的影响,最后基于SOA架构设计并实现了契约自动协商平台。论文的主要研究内容包括以下4个方面: 1. 建立了多对一供应链、确定性客户需求、完全信息下的契约优化模型。基于多个竞争的制造商和一个独立的、共同的零售商组成的多对一供应链分销过程,在客户需求与零售价线性相关、双方掌握完全信息的情况下,针对零售商的保留利润内生给定的特点,建立了收入共享契约框架下的Stackelberg博弈模型和数量折扣契约、两部费用契约下的契约参数优化模型;分析了契约的不同提供方、契约类型的选择和契约参数的优化对供应链整体绩效及利润在各方分配的影响;证明了当制造商所提供的产品具有高度可替代性时,实际增加了零售商的内生保留利润,即增强了零售商相对于制造商的议价能力,在这种情况下,制造商将更倾向于提供批发价契约而不是较为复杂的契约形式。最后通过数值仿真实验,分析验证了上述理论研究的结果。 2.构建了两阶段供应链、短视客户需求、不对称信息、产能约束条件下的混合契约优化模型。针对由单制造商和单零售商组成的双寡头垄断供应链、基于短视客户需求的报童模型、各方需求预测信息不对称的情况,建立了由预购契约和回购契约组成的改进型回购契约优化模型。通过该契约模型同时实现了协同预测、产能优化和供应链分销协调的目的。通过数值仿真实验,验证了改进型回购契约下的供应链协调。通过风险-利润边际和信息不对称度阐述了两段供应链无效性的原因。 3.建立了三阶段供应链、策略型需求、完全信息下的契约优化模型。在由制造商、零售商和理性客户组成的三阶段供应链结构中,根据理性客户及其对产品需求具有策略性的特点,基于零售商和客户间的理性预期均衡构建了研究策略型客户行为的模型框架。分析了集中式供应链绩效与批发价契约及价格补偿契约下分散式供应链绩效的关系,得出在这些契约协调下的策略型客户需求驱动型供应链分销渠道中,分散式供应链绩效严格优于集中式供应链绩效的创新性结论。 4.构建了基于SOA的契约自动协商平台。综合上述契约优化理论研究结论和已有的研究成果,抽象、封装了包含契约类型和契约参数的契约优化服务模型库。基于面向服务的体系架构(SOA)思想,运用数据挖掘软件Weka细化客户需求类型及供应链环境,采用Web Service技术封装各种契约服务,利用企业服务总线(ESB)提供各服务组件绑定、交互和管理通道,以及通过BPEL建模工具对各种服务进行符合逻辑的编排、重组和发布。通过所构建的契约协商平台,实现了供应链分销过程中契约协商的网络化、自动化、智能化和柔性化。


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随着全球市场竞争更加激烈,上层计划管理系统(MRPII/ERP)受市场影响越来越大,计划的适应性问题愈来愈突出,明显感到计划跟不上变化。因此,解决生产计划的适应性以及增加底层生产过程的信息流动,提高计划的实时性和灵活性,已经成为一个重要的研究课题。制造执行系统(MES),作为上层计划和底层控制的桥梁,能够通过传递信息,可使得从订单下达到产品完成的整个生产活动进行优化。依赖准确的数据对工厂活动进行指导、启动、响应和报告。其中,车间级计划与调度管理系统是整个MES系统的核心技术,是现代生产管理的关键问题之一。国内外许多学者对计划调度方法作了大量的研究。 在研究生期间参与了课题组国家863高技术计划项目“面向汽车行业总装过程的可视化监控与执行管理系统”的研究与开发工作,我的主要工作是:以西安法士特齿轮有限公司的装配制造执行系统项目为应用背景,在搭建课题主要内容的SIA-MES运行平台中承担生产事件模型的设计以及软件开发工作,并在SIA-MES运行平台基础上,对混流装配线的调度问题进行了研究,给出了一种缩短生产周期的投产排序算法,设计了混流装配线计划调度系统,独立完成了软件部分的设计与开发工作。并且通过了辽宁省电子信息产品监督检验院的产品测试、得到了他们的认证。 本文的内容主要有以下几方面: 首先,阐述了MES以及制造业混流生产的产生原因及发展现状; 其次,对SIA-MES运行平台做了简单的介绍;并重点阐述了平台基于事件触发的通信机制以及事件对于计划调度系统的支撑。在此基础上,分析制定了计划调度系统的设计目标,而后按此目标完成了系统的功能设计,并对混流装配线调度问题进行了研究,针对计划实施的不同阶段给出不同的优化方法。 最后,介绍了计划调度系统的软件实现。包括基于SOA的软件实现技术,给出了软件系统的总体结构,并对各模块的具体实现进行了简单的介绍,包括类设计以及数据库设计。


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Theories of Visual search generally differentiate between bottom-up control and top-down control. Bottom-up control occurs when visual selection is determined by the stimulus properties in the search field. Top-down control takes place when observers are able to select those stimuli that are in line with their attentional sets. Pure stimulus-driven capture and contingent capture are two main theories on attentional capture by now, in which, theory of pure capture more emphasize bottom-up control, while theory of contingent capture more emphasize top-down control. Besides those two theories, Perceptual load theory of attention provides completely new perspective to explain attentional capture. The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanism of attentional capture in visual search on the basis of the existing theory of attentional capture and Perceptual load theory of attention. Three aspects of questions were explored in this study, which includes: the modulation role of perceptual load on attentional capture; the influence of search mode on attentional capture; and the influence of stimuli’s spatial and temporal characteristics on attentional capture. The results showed that: (1) Attentional capture was modulated by perceptual load in both conditions in which perceptual load manipulated either by amount of stimuli or similarity of stimuli. (2) Search mode did influence attentional capture, but more important, which was also modulated by perceptual load. (3) The spatial characteristics of congruent and incongruent distractor did influence attentional capture, specifically, the further the distractor from the target, the more interference effect the distractor had on visual search. (4) The temporal characteristics of distractor did influence attentional capture, specifically, the pattern of results from the study in which distractor were presented after the search display, were similar to those from the study in which distractors were presented before the search display. In sum, the results indicated that attentional capture are controlled not only by bottom-up factors, top-down factors but also modulated by available attention resources. These findings contribute to resolve the controversy for mechanism of attentional capture. And the potential application of this research was discussed.


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The relationship between exogenous attention and endogenous attention is still unclear. We conclude the result of previous studies and our experiments by proposing a convergence hypothesis. A lot of evidences from ERP and fMRI proved the distinction between exogenous and endogenous attention. The distinction is fit for the complicated surroundings. Some studies found that exogenous and endogenous attention activated some common brain areas but if there’s any common function in these areas was still unclear. Previous studies failed to disentangle the relationship between these two mechanisms in detail, and most of the previous studies compared these two mechanisms separately. We used the cue-target paradigm, controlled the SOA and the cue validity to separate endogenous and exogenous attention. We try to figure out the relationship between endogenous and exogenous attention. We found that, in the exogenous attention condition, the amplitude of the P1 component was larger and the amplitude of N1 was smaller than that in the invalid trials. In the endogenous attention condition, the amplitudes of the P1 and N1 components in valid trials were both larger than that in the invalid trials. The difference wave of endogenous and exogenous attentions showed that at the beginning of their process endogenous and exogenous attentions were separate and then the process was going to converge. The stimuli appear in the visual field will activate the “external trigger” in exogenous attention processing, and then the signal will be transferred to next stage, in the endogenous attention processing, when the observer want to attend, the “inner trigger” will be activated and the signal will be transfered. The difference between “external trigger” and “inner trigger” in endogenous and exogenous attention was significant, so the difference at the beginning of the process was significant. When the signal was transferred to the next processing stage, the difference between the endogenous and exogenous attention became diminished, and it was a convergence process. We used the cue-target paradigm, let the central cue and peripheral cue appear in one trial, try to investigate the relationship between endogenous and exogenous attention under different perceptual load conditions. The result from of difference wave showed that the relationship between the two attentions was consistent with the convergence hypothesis. We also found that under different perceptual load conditions, the relationship between endogenous and exogenous attention was different. The perceptual load has influence on the “external trigger” and “inner trigger”. A cue-target paradigm was used to investigate the relationship between attention, age and perceptual load, we found that the function of visual attention was decrease in the old group, they need more attentional resource when they face the issue. The aging effect has influence on the “external trigger” and “inner trigger”. The effects of age and perceptual load were much higher in exogenous attention condition.


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A dual task paradigm which consisted of RSVP task and orthogonal spatial cuing task was adopted to study the effects of perceptual load and cue modality on attention capture. This dual task paradigm was modified from Santangelo’s tasks in which only the high load condition used the dual task. Experiment 1 found that in the low perceptual load condition, the visual cues showed advantage in capturing attention compared with the audiovisual ones. While in the high perceptual load condition, the audiovisual cues were better to capture attention. SOA was introduced into Experiment 2, 3 and 4 in order to help clarify the relationship among perceptual load, cuing modality and attention capture. The low load visual cuing task testified the period time course characteristics in attention capture which was found by Liang et.al. Differing from Liang’s conclusion that attention capture occurred at 333ms, attention capture occurred at 50ms here which might be caused by the different paradigms used. Moreover, the similar period time course was found in high load audiovisual cuing task when SOA equaled 50ms. And no such period time course characteristics were found neither in the high load visual cuing task nor the low load audiovisual cuing task. These results found the period time course characteristics in attention capture. And it was suggested that these characteristics were influenced by perceptual load and cuing modality.