119 resultados para Riemann sum


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A novel, to our knowledge, two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) addition-subtraction algorithm is proposed. With the introduction of the reference digits, the operand words are mapped into an intermediate carry word with all digits restricted to the set {(1) over bar, 0} and an intermediate sum word with all digits restricted to the set {0, 1}, which can be summed to form the final result without carry generation. The operation can be performed in parallel by use of binary logic. An optical system that utilizes an electron-trapping device is suggested for accomplishing the required binary logic operations. By programming of the illumination of data arrays, any complex logic operations of multiple variables can be realized without additional temporal latency of the intermediate results. This technique has a high space-bandwidth product and signal-to-noise ratio. The main structure can be stacked to construct a compact optoelectronic MSD adder-subtracter. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.


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We present, for the first time to our knowledge, a generalized lookahead logic algorithm for number conversion from signed-digit to complement representation. By properly encoding the signed-digits, all the operations are performed by binary logic, and unified logical expressions can be obtained for conversion from modified-signed-digit (MSD) to 2's complement, trinary signed-digit (TSD) to 3's complement, and quarternary signed-digit (QSD) to 4's complement. For optical implementation, a parallel logical array module using an electron-trapping device is employed and experimental results are shown. This optical module is suitable for implementing complex logic functions in the form of the sum of the product. The algorithm and architecture are compatible with a general-purpose optoelectronic computing system. (C) 2001 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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An efficient one-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In this technique, carry propagation is avoided by introducing reference digits to restrict the intermediate carry and sum digits to {1,0} and {0,1}, respectively. The proposed technique requires significantly fewer minterms and simplifies system complexity compared to the reported one-step MSD addition techniques. An incoherent correlator based on an optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory processor is suggested to perform the addition operation. In this technique, only one set of minterms needs to be stored, independent of the operand length. (C) 2002 society or Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In the proposed addition algorithm, carry propagation is avoided by using reference digits to restrict the intermediate MSD carry and sum digits into {(1) over bar ,0} and {0, 1}, respectively. The algorithm requires only 12 minterms to generate the final results, and no complementarity operations for nonzero outputs are involved, which simplifies the system complexity significantly. An optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory based on an incoherent correlator is used for experimental demonstration. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In the proposed addition algorithm, carry propagation is avoided by using reference digits to restrict the intermediate MSD carry and sum digits into {(1) over bar ,0} and {0, 1}, respectively. The algorithm requires only 12 minterms to generate the final results, and no complementarity operations for nonzero outputs are involved, which simplifies the system complexity significantly. An optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory based on an incoherent correlator is used for experimental demonstration. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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以E. Sano的金属-半导体-金属光电探测器(MSM-PD)模型为基础,提出了一种改进型的模型。该模型以多个电流源和电容并联的形式构造,以吸收区过剩电子和空穴总数为研究对象,求解速率方程。另外计算了电容,给出了暗电流与端电压的非线性计算式,改进了传统模型中暗电流的线性计算方法。通过线性叠加给出了该模型光电流的数学解析解。通过在Matlab中的模拟计算,表明该模型具有计算量小、准确度高的特点,它不仅能反映一定偏压和光照下光电流的变化,而且能展示光电子在器件中的转化过程。这种模型也能较好地应用于微弱信号的检


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The integrated absorption cross section Sigma(abs), I peak emission cross section sigma(cmi), Judd-Ofeld intensity parameters Omega(iota) ( t = 2,4,6), and spontaneous emission probability A(R) of Er3+ ions were determined for Erbium doped alkali and alkaline earth phosphate glasses. It is found the compositional dependence of sigma(emi) 5 almost similar to that of Sigma(abs), which is determined by the sum, of Omega(1) (3 Omega(2) + 10 Omega(4) + 21 Omega(6)). In addition, the compositional dependence of Omega(1) was studied in these glass systems. As a result, compared with. Omega(4) and Omega(6) the Omega(2) has a stronger compositional dependence on the ionic radius and content of modifers. The covalency of Er-O bonds in phosphate glass is weaker than that in silicate glass, germanate glass, aluminate glass, and tellurate glass, since Omega(6) of phosphate glass is relatively large. A(R) is affected by the covalency of the Er3+ ion sites and corresponds to the Omega(6) value.


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The thermal stability and structure of RF-RF2-AIF(3)-Al(PO3)(3) fluorophosphate glasses were investigated. Analyses of infrared absorbance spectra and Raman spectra reveal that with increasing number of alkali and alkaline earth fluoride components, the sum of P-O-P bond and O-P-O bond increases and glass network is strengthened. Consequently, the inhibition to nucleation and crystallization processes is improved, which is proved by the increment of thermal stability factors AT and S determined by differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, it was found that LiF has poor ability to form glass in univalent alkali fluorides and MgF2 has comparative strong ability to form glass in bivalent alkaline earth fluorides. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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通过采集武汉市郊农田表层土壤,用GC-ECD法分析了土壤中HCH(六六六)、DDT(滴滴涕)及其代谢物的残留情况.结果表明:HCH残留低于DDT,∑HCHs介于0.18~18.90 ng.g-1,平均值为1.97 ng.g-1,∑DDTs介于1.82~165.34 ng.g-1,平均值为31.41 ng.g-1;残留水平较高的是p,p′-DDE、p,p′-DDD和p,p′-DDT.部分表层土壤中的∑DDTs超出了中国土壤环境质量标准的自然背景值.初步分析结果表明武汉市郊土壤中HCH及DDT的含量处于低浓度


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An analytical model for the spin filtering transport in a ferromagnetic-metal - Al2O3 - n-type semiconductor tunneling structure has been developed, and demonstrated that the ratio of the helicity-modulated photo-response to the chopped one is proportional to the sum of the relative asymmetry in conductance of two opposite spin-polarized tunneling channels and the MCD effect of the ferromagnetic metal film. The performed measurement in an iron-metal/Al2O3/n-type GaAs tunneling structure under the optical spin orientation has verified that all the aspects of the experimental results are very well in accordance with our model in the regime of the spin filtering. After the MCD effect of the iron film is calibrated by an independent measurement, the physical quantity of Delta G(t)/G(t) (Delta G(t) = G(t)(up arrow) - G(t)(down arrow) is the difference of the conductance between two opposite spin tunneling channels, G(t) =( G(t)(up arrow) + G(t)(down arrow))/2 the averaged tunneling conductance), which concerns us most, can be determined quantitatively with a high sensitivity in the framework of our analytical model. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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Anode floating voltage is predicted and investigated for silicon drift detectors (SDDs) with an active area of 5 mm(2) fabricated by a double-side parallel technology. It is demonstrated that the anode floating voltage increases with the increasing inner ring voltage, and is almost unchanged with the external ring voltage. The anode floating voltage will not be affected by the back electrode biased voltage until it reaches the full-depleted voltage (-50 V) of the SDD. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the anode floating voltage is equal to the sum of the inner ring voltage and the built-in potential between the p(+) inner ring and the n(+) anode. A fast checking method before detector encapsulation is proposed by employing the anode floating voltage along with checking the leakage current, potential distribution and drift properties.


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The Pade approximation with Baker's algorithm is compared with the least-squares Prony method and the generalized pencil-of-functions (GPOF) method for calculating mode frequencies and mode Q factors for coupled optical microdisks by FDTD technique. Comparisons of intensity spectra and the corresponding mode frequencies and Q factors show that the Pade approximation can yield more stable results than the Prony and the GPOF methods, especially the intensity spectrum. The results of the Prony method and the GPOF method are greatly influenced by the selected number of resonant modes, which need to be optimized during the data processing, in addition to the length of the time response signal. Furthermore, the Pade approximation is applied to calculate light delay for embedded microring resonators from complex transmission spectra obtained by the Pade approximation from a FDTD output. The Prony and the GPOF methods cannot be applied to calculate the transmission spectra, because the transmission signal obtained by the FDTD simulation cannot be expressed as a sum of damped complex exponentials. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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An add-drop filter based on a perfect square resonator can realize a maximum of only 25% power dropping because the confined modes are standing-wave modes. By means of mode coupling between two modes with inverse symmetry properties, a traveling-wave-like filtering response is obtained in a two-dimensional single square cavity filter with cut or circular corners by finite-difference time-domain simulation. The optimized deformation parameters for an add-drop filter can be accurately predicted as the overlapping point of the two coupling modes in an isolated deformed square cavity. More than 80% power dropping can be obtained in a deformed square cavity filter with a side length of 3.01 mu m. The free spectral region is decided by the mode spacing between modes, with the sum of the mode indices differing by 1. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.