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Two different kinds of 1064 nm high-reflective (HR) coatings, with and without SiO2 protective layer, were prepared by electron beam evaporation. Three-dimensional damage morphology, caused by a Nd:YAG pulsed laser, was investigated for these HR coatings. Development of laser-induced damage on HR coatings was revealed by both temperature field calculation and discrete meso-element simulation. Theoretical results met experimental very well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The single-sided and dual-sided high reflective mirrors were deposited with ion-beam sputtering (IBS). When the incident light entered with 45 degrees, the reflectance of p-polarized light at 1064 nm exceeded 99.5%. Spectrum was gained by spectrometer and weak absorption of coatings was measured by surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. Laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was determined and the damage morphology was observed with Lecia-DMRXE microscope simultaneously. The profile of coatings was measured with Mark III-GPI digital interferometer. It was found that the reflectivity of mirror exceeded 99.9% and its absorption was as low as 14 ppm. The reflective bandwidth of the dual-sided sample was about 43 nm wider than that of single-sided sample, and its LIDT was as high as 28 J/cm2, which was 5 J/cm2 higher than that of single-sided sample. Moreover, the profile of dual-sided sample was better than that of substrate without coatings.


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We investigate the influence of vacuum organic contaminations on laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of optical coatings. Anti-reflective (AR) coatings at 1064 nm made by Ta2O5/SiO2 are deposited by the ion beam sputtering method. The LIDTs of AR coatings are measured in vacuum and in atmosphere, respectively. It is exhibited that contaminations in vacuum are easily to be absorbed onto optical surface because of lower pressure, and they become origins of damage, resulting in the decrease of LIDT from 24.5 J/cm(2) in air to 15.7 J/cm(2) in vacuum. The LIDT of coatings in vacuum has is slightly changed compared with the value in atmosphere after the organic contaminations are wiped off. These results indicate that organic contaminations are the main reason of the LIDT decrease in vacuum. Additionally, damage morphologies have distinct changes from vacuum to atmosphere because of the differences between the residual stress and thermal decomposability of filmy materials.


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Two kinds of HfO2/SiO2 800 nm high-reflective (HR) coatings, with and without SiO2 protective layer were deposited by electron beam evaporation. Laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDT) were measured for all samples with femtosecond laser pulses. The surface morphologies and the depth information of all samples were observed by Leica optical microscopy and WYKO surface profiler, respectively. It is found that SiO2 protective layer had no positive effect on improving the LIDT of HR coating. A simple model including the conduction band electron production via multiphoton ionization and impact ionization is used to explain this phenomenon. Theoretical calculations show that the damage occurs first in the SiO2 protective layer for HfO2/SiO2 HR coating with SiO2 protective layer. The relation of LIDT for two kinds of HfO2/SiO2 HR coatings in calculation agrees with the experiment result. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is demonstrated with powerful evidence that the extraordinary transmission of a metallic grating is undoubtedly due to the excitation of standing surface plasma waves in the Fabry-Perot like resonator. This is the first time that the strong standing waves set up in the groove of a sub-wavelength double-layer grating (SWDG) for the surface plasma waves have been reported. Moreover, about 90% transmission is gained with an SWDG, more easily fabricated than ordinary metallic gratings, in the first peak of transmission spectrum.


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Metallic gratings with narrow slits can lead to special optical properties such as strongly enhancing the transmission and considerably strengthening the polarized effect. A narrow-band filter suitable for application in optical communication is designed by sandwiching a metallic grating between two identical dielectric films. The maximum transmission can reach 96% after optimizing the parameters of films and grating at a central wavelength of 1053 nm. It is the first time, to our knowledge, that such high transmission has been reported since the discovery of the extraordinarily high transmission through periodic holes or slits; moreover, the extremely polarized effect is also found in P mode of this symmetric grating.


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植物的生境在时间和空间上都是异质性的,即使在很小的尺度上这种异质性也是存在的。克隆生长使得克隆植物在理论上更适应利用异质性环境,本文以几种克隆植物为对象,采用实验生态学方法,着重从生理生态特性、信号物质传导方面探讨克隆植物对异质性环境的适应对策。 以匍匐茎克隆植物野草莓(Fragaria vesca)为对象,研究了不同海拔梯度种群(1800m和3900m)对光照和养分资源斑块性分布生境的响应。研究结果显示:与资源的空间同质性处理(I) 和(II) 相比, 资源的空间异质性处理(III) 和(IV) 两个种群野草莓的近端、远端和整个克隆片段的生物量和分株数均获得显著增加。经历低光高养近端分株与经历高光低养的远段分株相连时,相比与低光高养的同质生境,来自两个海拔的种群分配更多的生物量到根;经历高光低养近端分株与经历低光高养远端分株相连时,相比于高光低养的同质生境,来自两个海拔的种群分配更少的生物量到根,类似的生物量分配格局在远端分株也被观察到。相比于高光低养同质性生境,当与低光高养远端分株相连时经历高光低养近端分株有更大的叶面积;相比于高光低养同质性生境,当与低光高养近端分株相连时经历高光低养远端分株有更大叶面积。实验结果表明, 资源交互斑块性生境中野草莓发生了克隆内分工。通过克隆内分工, 克隆植物能有效的利用异质性分布的资源, 缓解资源交互斑块性分布对克隆植物生长的不利影响。 以匍匐茎克隆植物蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)为对象, 研究其在高光照低水分斑块和低光照高水分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境中的克隆内分工。结果显示,当生长于高光照低水分(HL)条件下近端分株(basal ramets)与生长于低光照高水分(LH)条件下的远端分株(apical ramets)之间的匍匐茎连接时,近端分株根冠比显著下降,而远端分株根冠比显著增加,近端分株叶面积和远端分株总根长显著增加;当与低光照高水分条件下的远端分株相连时,近端分株叶片光合速率和叶绿素含量也相应增加。此外,克隆分株间资源交互传输显著提高蛇莓的生长表现(生物量和分株数)。因此,在光、水资源交互斑块性环境中克隆植物蛇莓分株在生物量分配、资源获取器官形态和生理特性方面发生了环境诱导的功能特化。这种对局部丰富资源的趋富特化在一定的程度上增强了克隆分株对资源的吸收利用能力,克隆内资源共享有助于缓解资源交互性斑块生境对克隆植物生长的不利影响,有效地提高克隆植物在其生境中存活与定居能力。 一个盆栽实验被采用以便调查克隆整合对经受局部沙埋的根状茎克隆植物沙生苔草(Carex praeclara)的影响,结果显示随着沙埋深度的增加,切断分株间的根状茎连接将显著降低经受沙埋处理分株的存活。当克隆植物经历局部沙埋时,切断分株间根状茎连接对其克隆生长(生物量、分株数和叶片数量)有显著负影响。耗-益(cost-benefit)分析显示,当与经历沙埋处理的远端分株相连时,近端分株的生长表现没有遭受任何负面影响。与经历沙埋处理远端分株相连时,近端分株的光合能力随沙埋深度的增加而增加。分株间的源-汇反馈调节机制所导致的补偿性反应减缓了局部沙埋对克隆植物生长的负效应。因此,克隆整合有助于提高经历局部沙埋克隆植物的存活,克隆植物在沙化地区植被恢复与重建方面具有重要意义。 克隆植物分株间的匍匐茎或根状茎连接不仅可以传输水分、矿质养分、光合产物,而且还可以传输信号物质。以根状茎克隆植物黑褐苔草(Carex alrofusca)为对象,采用盆栽实验研究外源茉莉酸诱导克隆片段相连分株间信号物质传导。结果显示,相比中龄和老龄分株,幼年分株对1mM茉莉酸诱导有显著反应。茉莉酸引起幼年分株叶片浓缩单宁含量显著增加,同时其叶片可溶性碳水化合物和氮含量降低。茉莉酸诱导后,幼年分株被昆虫咬食叶面积比率显著下降。因此匍匐茎或根状茎传也是克隆植物分株间信号物质传导重要通道,克隆植物通过分株间的风险扩散策略增强了对幼嫩植物组织器官的保护,这对克隆植物的存活或生长具有重要意义。