92 resultados para Rearview mirrors.
针对多普勒激光雷达激光源短期频率漂移低于1 MHz的要求,设计了一种共焦干涉仪作为频率标准进行稳频。通过对三种不同材料制成的共焦法布里-珀罗(Fabry-Perot)干涉仪中心频率随温度漂移情况进行分析对比,选用零膨胀微晶玻璃材料制作共焦法布里-珀罗干涉仪,腔镜和隔离器通过光胶的方式进行组合,并且置于温控精度优于0.01 K的双层密封温控箱中。经过实验测量,共焦法布里-珀罗干涉仪的自由光谱范围为370 MHz,透射谱半峰全宽(FWHM)为1.7 MHz,精细度为220。采用该共焦干涉仪进行稳频,理论稳频精度可达0.15 MHz,满足激光多普勒雷达单频激光源的稳频要求。
由于硝酸钡晶体具有很强的对称振动(频率1047 cm^-1)和较高的拉曼增益,可以用来产生受激拉曼激光.采用单端泵浦的外置拉曼振荡腔与双棱镜分光装置进行了硝酸钡晶体拉曼激光实验,泵浦源为倍频Nd: YAG的532 nm激光,硝酸钡晶体通过水溶液降温法生长,尺寸为10 mm×10 mm×48 mm,采用特殊镀膜的腔镜对各阶斯托克斯光进行优化选择.在泵浦源达到65 mJ时,获得21 mJ一阶斯托克斯光,输出波长为563 nm,以及16 mJ的二阶斯托克斯光,输出波长为599 nm,受激拉曼散射SRS最大的整体
By using quite uniformly nine-stacks side-around arranged compact pumping system, a high power Nd:YAG ceramic quasi-CW laser with high slope efficiency of 62% has been demonstrated. With 450 W quasi-CW stacked laser diode bars pumping at 808 nm, performance of the Nd: YAG ceramic laser with different output coupling mirrors has been investigated. Optimum output power of 236 W at 1064 nm was obtained and corresponding optical-to-optical conversion efficiency was as high as 52.5%. The laser system operated quite stably and no saturation phenomena have been observed, which means higher output laser power could be obtained if injecting higher pumping power. The still-evolving Nd: YAG ceramics are potential super excellent media for high power practical laser applications. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Cylindrical vector beams were produced from laser diode end-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic microchip laser by use of two types of subwavelength multilayer gratings as the axisymmetric-polarization output couplers respectively. The grating mirrors are composed of high- and low-refractive-index (Nb2O5/SiO2) layers alternately while each layer is shaped into triangle and concentric corrugations. For radially polarized laser output, the beam power reached 610mW with a polarization extinction ratio ( PER) of 61: 1 and a slope efficiency of 68.2%; for azimuthally polarized laser output, the beam power reached 626mW with a PER of 58: 1 and a slope efficiency of 47.6%. In both cases, the laser beams had near-diffraction limited quality. Small differences of beam power, PER and slope efficiency between radially and azimuthally polarized laser outputs were not critical, and could be minimized by further optimized adjustment to laser cavity and the reflectances of respective grating mirrors. The results manifested, by use of the photonic crystal gratings mirrors and end-pumped microchip laser configuration, CVBs can be generated efficiently with high modal symmetry and polarization purity. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.
We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of the femtosecond laser operation by using a new alloyed Yb:GYSO crystal as the gain medium. With a 5 at. % Yb3+-doped sample and chirped mirrors for dispersion compensation, we obtained pulses as short as 210 fs at the center wavelength of 1093 nm. The average mode-locking power is 300 mW, and the pulse repetition frequency is 80 MHz. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
There are two different effects to generate group delay dispersion by multilayer thin film mirrors: chirper effect and Gires-Tournois effect. Both effects are employed to introduce desired dispersion in the designed mirror. Thus the designed mirror provides large dispersion throughout broad waveband. Such mirror can be used for dispersion compensation in Ti:sapphire femtosecond lasers. Most group delay dispersion of a 5-mm Ti:sapphire crystal can be compensated perfectly with only four bounces of the designed mirror.
阐述了用光学薄膜进行色散补偿的基本原理,介绍了设计的基本过程.根据Ti:Sapphire飞秒激光器中腔内色散补偿的要求,设定了色散补偿目标,通过计算机优化,得到了一种40层的Ta2O5/SiO2介质膜系.该膜系能在720~870am范围获得大于99.5%的反射率,在510~550nm获得大于90%的透射率,在740~850nm提供较平滑的-40fs^2的群延迟色散.这样的结果经过7次反射后,可以补偿5-mm Ti:sapphire晶体产生的绝大部分群延迟色散。
Laser conditioning effects of the dielectric mirror coatings with different designs were investigated. Simple quarter-wave ZrO2:Y2O3/SiO2 mirrors and half-wave SiO2 over-coated ZrO2:Y2O3/SiO2 mirror coatings were fabricated by E-beam evaporation (EBE). The absorbance of the samples before and after laser conditioning was measured by surface thermal lensing (STL) technology and the defects density was detected under Nomarski microscope. The enhancement of the laser damage resistance was found after laser conditioning. The dependence of the laser conditioning on the coating design was also observed and the over-coated sample obtained greatest enhancement, whereas the absorbance of the samples did not change obviously. During the sub-threshold fluence raster scanning, the minor damage about defects size was found and the assumption of pre-damage mechanism, based on the functional damage concept, was put forward. The improvement of the laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) was attributed to the benign damage of the defects and the dependence on the coating design owed to the damage growth behavior of different coating designs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel design for dielectric anisotropic mirrors with birefringent thin films for normal incidence is presented. This mirror consists of a stack of quarter-wave biaxial layers. The biaxial anisotropic layers can be fabricated by oblique deposition. The reflectance is different for two linear polarizations of light incidence on the mirrors. As a numerical example, the design is carried out on glass with TiO2 and ZrO2. These thin films could be applied to anisotropic reflective devices for lasers.
Based on the scalar diffraction theory, the propagation and focusing properties of a hard-edged diffracted beam generated by a Gaussian mirror resonator were investigated. Explicit expressions for the field distribution of the truncated beam that propagates through a paraxial optical ABCD system were derived in detail. Numerical examples are given to illustrate our analytical results. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
设计并镀制了193nm Al2O3/MgF2反射膜,对它们在空气中分别进行了250-400℃的高温退火,测量了样品的透射率光谱曲线和绝对反射率光谱曲线.发现样品在高反射区的总的光学损耗随退火温度的升高而下降,而后趋于饱和.采用总积分散射的方法对样品在不同退火温度下的散射损耗进行了分析,发现随着退火温度的升高散射损耗有所增加.因此,总的光学损耗的下降是由于吸收损耗而不是散射损耗起主导作用.对Al2O3材料的单层膜进行了同等条件的退火处理,由它们光学性能的变化推导出它们的折射率和消光系数的变化,从而解释了相应