63 resultados para Ni2


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A5apolipoprotein A5APOA51-2 APOA5APOA5TGAPOA5APOA5APOA5 APOA5APOA5Pull-downAPOA5 APOA5 SMMC-7721cDNA1.1 kbApoA5pThioHisDpTH-APOA5 BL21DE3APOA5 IPGT APOA5APOA5Western BlotAPOA5 APOA5 pBT-APOA5PCRWestern Blot 68 kDAPOA541 kD/lamda cI 27 kDcDNA107APOA5BI1ATP6CYTBND2COX-1 ALBTTR APOA5BI1 BI1pGEX-5X-3-BI1Pull-downAPOA5BI1BI1pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1APOA5pCDNA3.1-APOA5APOA5BI1HEK293APOA5BI1HEK293APOA5BI1 APOA5 Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) is a newly discovered protein belongs to apolipoprotein family. APOA5s concentration is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than other apolipoproteins in the circulation. APOA5 significantly affected plasma triglyceride levels, which is important on lipid metabolism. APOA5 has strong potential to be used as a hypolipidemic drug target. Large amount of APOA5 protein and antibodies are needed in basic research, such as biological characteristics study of the APOA5, its relationship with other key components in TG metabolism, its role played in Lipid metabolism-related diseases. Due to its low concentration in plasma, separation and purification of APOA5 from the plasma is very difficult. Until now no report on simple and reliable method for purification has been published in China. In this study, we firstly got APOA5 recombinant protein using genetic engineering technology. The purified recombinant protein was used to immunize rabbits to get antiserum. It is important for further study of the APOA5 protein-interacting protein. And it lays the foundation for studing APOA5 function in liver. In order to study APOA5 function in liver, we used bacterial two-hybrid technology to find the APOA5 protein interactor. Pull-down, immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation techniques were used to further confirm the interaction between APOA5 with its interactor in vitro and in vivo. All of these stdudies provided new clues on its physiological functions in vivo. Part I: Cloning, prokaryotic expression, purification and polyclonal antibody preparation of APOA5 First of all, we amplified APOA5 CDS sequence from the human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721, and subcloned into Expression vector pThioHisD, and got the recombinants named pTH-APOA5. The plasmid was transformed to BL21 (DE3). E. coli BL21(DE3) cells bearing the pTH-APOA5 plasmid were cultured and APOA5 protein synthesis was induced by the addition of IPTG. Recombinant protein was expression in the form of inclusion. Inclusion bodies were dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline containing 8 M urea and 40 mM imidazole, then applied to a Ni2+ affinity column, and were eluted in a buffer containing 4 M urea and 200 mM imidazole. Fractions containing the APOA5 protein were pooled and dialyzed against buffer containing phosphate-buffered saline. Antiserum to recombinant human APOA5 was generated by immuning rabbit. Western Blot showed that this antiserum specific binding with APOA5. Part II Two-hybrid system screening protein interactions with the APOA5 The coding sequence of human APOA5 was amplified using synthetic oligonucleotide primers from pTH-APOA5 vector and was subcloned into the pBT plasmidc to yield pBT-APOA5 vector. DNA sequencing was performed to verify that no unwanted mutations occurred during the process of plasmid vector construction. We verified recombinant protein expression and tested self-activation by pBT-APOA5 prior to screening. Western Blot verified inducing a 68 kD band, consistent with the predicted molecular weight (APOA5 41 kD, lamda cI 27 kD). pBT-APOA5 can be used for screening human liver cDNA library because it can not self-activation. Totally 10 positive clones were isolated. The nucleotide sequence of the positive clones were determined and compared to NCBI nucleotide sequence databases. We got 7 protein which interact with APOA5, included BI1(Apoptosis regulator); ATP6, CYTB, ND2, COX-1(Mitochondrial protein) and ALB, TTR(Serum protein). Part III Confirming of interaction between APOA5 with BI1 pGEX-5X-3-BI1 vector was subcloned at first. Pull-down experiments were used to detect the interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vitro. Later, pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1 and pCDNA3.1-APOA5 were subcloned. Through immunofluorescence co-localization study, we found APOA5 mainly distributed in the cytoplasm. APOA5 is co-localization with BI1 in HEK293 cells. Finally, we verified interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vivo through immunoprecipitation.


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DNAmutS(2 5 6kb)pET32a(+) ,N 6E .coliAD494(DE3)IPTGSDS PAGE , 35 % , (Ni2 +) , 90 %DNADNA


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DNAMutL .MutLTrx His6 Linkerpeptide MutL(THLL) .mutLE .coliK 12PCR ,THLLpET32a linkerpeptide mutL .E .coliAD4 94 (DE3) pET32a linkerpeptide mutLIPTGTHLL .SDS PAGE ,(84kD) , 30 % . (Ni2 +)THLL , 90 % . ,THLLDNA . ,THLLTrx His6 Linkerpeptide MutS (THLS)DNA ,ATP


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PCRDNASEC2,PCRpGEM-T,,pET-28a-SEC2,BL21(DE3)(rSEC2),rSEC2. :SEC2,717 bp,239,GenBankSEC2,SEC2GenBank(Accession number:AY450554);SEC2pET-28a-SEC2,BL21(DE3),rSEC2Ni2+,rSEC2,,rSEC2.


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A method has been established to study the competing binding of metal ions with protein by a combined technique of microdialysis with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Ni2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and human serum albumin (HSA) were chosen as model metal ions and protein. The experimental results show that Ni2+ and Cu2+ share a common primary binding site on HSA, and Zn2+ and Cd2+ share a different common primary binding site from them, but there is a common multi-metal binding site for all of those four metal ions. This method show advantages of fast sampling, easily to be operated and especially to be useful when ideal spectroscopic probes are not available for the study of interaction between protein and metal ions.


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Thiosemicarbazone derivatives have been used as ion carriers for the preparation of PVC-matrix based mercury(II)-selective membrane sensors. The electrodes give near-Nernstian responses in the linear concentration range of 1.010-1-5.010-6 M with detection limits of the order of 10-6 M. The stable potentiometric signals are obtained within a short time period of 20-25s. The effect of different plasticizers has been studied and dioctylsebacate (DOS) found to give a better response in comparison to other plasticizers. Selectivity coefficient values (log KPotHg,M) have been evaluated using fixed interference method. Better selectivity for mercury(II) ions is observed over many of the monovalent (Na+, K+ and NH4+) and divalent ions (Mg2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Co2+, etc.). The sensors have also been used as indicator electrodes in potentiometric titration of mercury(II) ions with EDTA and its determination in synthetic water samples.


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Synthetic procedures for new mixed-donor macrocycle compounds were reported. The macrocyclic compounds were used in solvent extraction metal picrates such as Ag+, Hg2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Pb2+, and Co2+. The metal picrate extractions were investigated at 250.1C with the aid of UV-visible spectrometry. It was found that 6,7,9,10,12,13,23,24-octahydro-19H,26Hdibenzo[h,t](1,4,7,13,16,22,10,19) dioxatetrathiadiazasiclotetracosine-20,27(21H,28H)-dione showed selectivity towards Ag+, Hg2+, and Cd2+ among the other metals. The extraction constants (Log Kex) and complex compositions were determined for the Ag+ and Hg2+ complexes for this compound and 9,10,12,13,23,24,26,27,29,30-decahydro-5H,15H-dibenzo-[h,w][1,4,7,13,16,19,25-,10,22] dioxapentathiadiazacycloheptacosine-6,16(7H,17H)-dione.


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Electrochemical measurement of respiratory chain activity is a rapid and reliable screening for the toxicity on microorganisms. Here, we investigated in-vitro effects of toxin on Escherichia coli (E. coli) that was taken as a model microorganism incubated with ferricyanide. The current signal of ferrocyanide effectively amplified by ultramicroelectrode array (UMEA), which was proven to be directly related to the toxicity. Accordingly, a direct toxicity assessment (DTA) based on chronoamperometry was proposed to detect the effect of toxic chemicals on microorganisms. The electrochemical responses to 3,5-dichlorophenol (DCP) under the incubation times revealed that the toxicity reached a stable level at 60 min, and its 50% inhibiting concentration (IC50) was estimated to be 8.0 mg L-1. At 60 min incubation, the IC50 values for KCN and As2O3 in water samples were 4.9 mg L-1 and 18.3 mg L-1, respectively. But the heavy metal ions, such as Cu2+ Pb2+ and Ni2+, showed no obvious toxicity on E. coli.


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The GGA triplet repeats are widely dispersed throughout eukaryotic genomes. (GGA)n or (GGT)n oligonucleotides can interact with double-stranded DNA containing (GGA:CCT)n to form triple-stranded DNA. The effects of 8 divalent metal ions (3 alkaline-earth metals and 5 transition metals) on formation of these purine-rich triple-helix DNA were investigated by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-MS). In the absence of metal ions, no triplex but single-strand, duplex, and purine homodimer ions were observed in mass spectra. The triple-helix DNA complexes were observed only in the presence of certain divalent ions. The effects of different divalent cations on the formation of purine-rich triplexes were compared. Transition-metal ions, especially Co2+ and Ni2+, significantly boost the formation of triple-helix DNA, whereas alkaline-earth metal ions have no positive effects on triplex formation. In addition, Ba2+ is notably beneficial to the formation of homodimer instead of triplex.


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The aim of this work is to study the effect of Sr substitution on the redox properties and catalytic activity of La2-xSrxNiO4 (x = 0.0-1.2) for NO decomposition. Results suggest that the x = 0.6 sample shows the highest activity. The characterization (TPD, TPR, etc.) of samples indicates that the x = 0.6 sample possesses suitable abilities in both oxidation and reduction, which facilitates the proceeding of oxygen desorption and NO adsorption. At temperature below 700 degrees C, the oxygen desorption is difficult, and is the rate-determining step of NO decomposition. With the increase of reaction temperature (T > 700 degrees C), the oxygen desorption is favorable and, the active adsorption of NO on the active site (NO + V-o + Ni2+ -> NO--Ni3+) turns out to be the rate-determining step. The existence of oxygen vacancy is the prerequisite condition for NO decomposition, but its quantity does not relate much to the activity.


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Supramolecular assemblies of liposomes (vesicles) made of diacetylenic lipids and synthetic mannoside derivative glycolipid receptors were successfully used to mimic the molecular recognition occurring between mannose and Escherichia coli. This specific molecular recognition was translated into visible blue-to-red color transition (biochromism) of the polymerized liposomes, readily quantified by UV-visible spectroscopy. Some transition metal cations (Cd2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ and Ni2+) and alkali earth metal cations (Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+) were introduced into the system to analyze their effects on specific biochromism. Results showed that the presence of Cd2+, Ag+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ enhanced biochromisin. A possible enhancement mechanism was proposed in the process of bacterial adhesion to host cells. However, Cu2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ and Ni2+ exhibited inhibitory effects that cooperated with diacetylene lipid with a carboxylic group and increased the rigidity of the liposomal outer leaflet, blocking changes in the side chain conformation and electrical structure of polydiacetylene polymer during biochromism.


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The effect of metal cations in solution on the oxidation of methanol on the electrode surface of platinum is a neglected aspect to direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). In this paper, a smooth platinum electrode absorbing metal cations as the working electrode was applied to investigate the methanol oxidation with the cyclic voltammetry (CV) in 1.0 mol L-1 H2SO4. From the analysis of experiment, it is found that the cations, Li+, Ce4+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, have some negative effect on the catalytic oxidation of methanol on the surface of platinum. The degree of the effect from different cations was analyzed.


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A new compound, [Ni(en)(3)](2)[Ni(en)(2)(H2O)(2)][As6V15O42] . 4H(2)O, was first prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, TGA-DSC, ESR and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystal data: monoclinic, space group C-c, a = 1. 523 6(3) nm, b = 2. 051 8(4) nm, c = 2.395 9(5) nm, beta = 97. 41(3)degrees, V = 7.427(3) nm(3), Z = 4, R = 0. 057 0, wR(2) = 0.135 7. The polyanion consists of six AsO3 pyramids and fifteen VO5 pyramids. Counterions are complex ions with octahedral structure, which consist of NH2CH2CH2NH2 and Ni2+.