102 resultados para Mono sectoriel
In this paper, cooperative self-assembly (CSA) of colloidal spheres with different sizes was studied. It was found that a complicated jamming effect makes it difficult to achieve an optimal self-assembling condition for construction of a well-ordered stacking of colloidal spheres in a relatively short growth time by CSA. Through the use of a characteristic infrared (IR) technique to significantly accelerate local evaporation on the growing interface without changing the bulk growing environment, a concise three-parameter (temperature, pressure, and IR intensity) CSA method to effectively overcome the jamming effect has been developed. Mono- and multiscale inverse opals in a large range of lattice scales can be prepared within a growth time (15-30 min) that is remarkably shorter than the growth times of several hours for previous methods. Scanning electron microscopy images and transmittance spectra demonstrated the superior crystalline and optical qualities of the resulting materials. More importantly, the new method enables optimal conditions for CSA without limitations on sizes and materials of multiple colloids. This strategy not only makes a meaningful advance in the applicability and universality of colloidal crystals and ordered porous materials but also can be an inspiration to the self-assembly systems widely used in many other fields, such as nanotechnology and molecular bioengineering.
It is to investigate molecule interactions between antigen and antibody with ellipsometric imaging technique and demonstrate some features and possibilities offered by applications of the technique. Molecule interaction is an important interest for molecule biologist and immunologist. They have used some established methods such as immufluorcence, radioimmunoassay and surface plasma resonance, etc, to study the molecule interaction. At the same time, experimentalists hope to use some updated technique with more direct visual results. Ellipsometric imaging is non-destructive and exhibits a high sensitivity to phase transitions with thin layers. It is capable of imaging local variations in the optical properties such as thickness due to the presence of different surface concentration of molecule or different deposited molecules. If a molecular mono-layer (such as antigen) with bio-activity were deposited on a surface to form a sensing surface and then incubated in a solution with other molecules (such as antibody), a variation of the layer thickness when the molecules on the sensing surface reacted with the others in the solution could be observed with ellipsometric imaging. Every point on the surface was measured at the same time with a high sensitivity to distinguish the variation between mono-layer and molecular complexes. Ellipsometric imaging is based on conventional ellipsometry with charge coupled device (CCD) as detector and images are caught with computer with image processing technique. It has advantages of high sensitivity to thickness variation (resolution in the order of angstrom), big field of view (in square centimeter), high sampling speed (a picture taken within one second), and high lateral resolution (in the order of micrometer). Here it has just shown one application in study of antigen-antibody interaction, and it is possible to observe molecule interaction process with an in-situ technique.
With the development of photocathode rf electron gun, electrons with high-brightness and mono-energy can be obtained easily. By numerically solving the relativistic equations of motion of an electron generated from this facility in laser fields modelled by a circular polarized Gaussian laser pulse, we find the electron can obtain high energy gain from the laser pulse. The corresponding acceleration distance for this electron driven by the ascending part of the laser pulse is much longer than the Rayleigh length, and the light amplitude experienced on the electron is very weak when the laser pulse overtakes the electron. The electron is accelerated effectively and the deceleration can be neglected. For intensities around 10(19) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2), an electron's energy gain near 0.1 GeV can be realized when its initial energy is 4.5 MeV, and the final velocity of the energetic electron is parallel with the propagation axis. The energy gain can be up to 1 GeV if the intensity is about 10(21) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2). The final energy gain of the electron as a function of its initial conditions and the parameters of the laser beam has also been discussed.
In this paper, we have investigated the grating erasure of a reduced LiNbO3:Fe crystal with different erasing wavelengths. The overall hologram evolution in the process of grating erasure is nonexponential due to strong absorption which is contrary to the mono-exponential law. The hologram in the rear part of the crystal can persist for a long time in the grating erasure due to weak erasing light intensity by strong absorption, which can enlarge the erasure time constant. From the erasure experiments, the global absorption ad 5 can be taken as the optimum absorption to acquire a good trade-off between the sensitivity and hologram strength in the crystal. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Based on electro-optic switch effect in crystal, a novel laser ranging method is proposed. CW-laser emitted by laser transmitter propagates forward to the measured target, after being reflected by the target, and then goes back to the transmitter. Close to the transmitter, a special mono-block LiNbO3 crystal is added into the round-trip light beams. High-voltage pulses with the sharp enough changes in rising edges are loaded on the crystal. Based on electro-optic effect, double refraction and internal double reflection effect in crystal, the crystal cuts off the round-trip light beams, and reflects a light pulse cut out by the crystal to a detector aside from the original beam path. The pulse width T is the period that laser propagates forward and back between the crystal and the target. The feasibility of the new idea is proved by our experiments and a brand-new way for the laser ranging is provided. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
异叶苣苔属(Whytockia)隶属于苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)、尖舌苣苔族(Klugieae).70年代以来,该属作为Klugieae中最原始的类群才逐渐被人们所认识,并被认为是解决Klugieae系统发育问题的关键类群,但到目前为止,对该属变异式样及系统发育的认识仍然极其有限.鉴于上述原因,本文结合蜡叶标本和大量的野外观察和采集,从形态学、维管束的结构和分化,形态发生和细胞学等方面,进行异叶苣苔属的系统学和进化研究,并兼论尖舌苣苔族的系统发育. 1.通过对异叶苣苔属大量性状的仔细观察和比较,本文选择了34个性状,并分析了他们的变异式样及其形成原因,为进一步的系统学研究提供依据. 2.地上茎的形态发生研究揭示出异叶苣苔属植物的顶芽完全受到抑制,位于小型叶腋的侧芽萌发,从而替代顶芽生长,地上茎的不分枝是位于大型叶腋的腋芽受到抑制所致,该研究纠正了前人的观察错误. 3.花序及花的形态发生过程表明,异叶苣苔属的花序呈对花从花序轴内侧二列式连续发生,没有任何分枝和附属物.花各部分的发生顺序基本上呈向心式,但在花冠和雄蕊原基之间则为离心式发生.花萼和花冠原基的发生及发育顺序均呈下降式,从而使花萼和花冠在芽中呈下降覆瓦状排列,退化雄蕊是由发育停滞所致.雌蕊的两个心皮在形态发生过程中由离生到合生,该属具中轴胎座的二室子房起源于两个离生心皮的近轴面内卷式愈合,柱头从离生到合生决定于个体发育中愈合部向上推进的程度. 4.为了澄清性状演化极性这一关键问题、本文作了花部器官解剖以及心皮维管束结构及分化过程的研究,结果表明,该属花梗和花萼中均具有分泌道和雄蕊束从中柱独立分出,同独叶苣苔属(Monophyllaea)十分相似:花盘低且薄并且没有维管束,以及子房壁维管束具有不同来源而区别于尖舌苣苔族(Klugieae)中的其它类群.异叶苣苔属的心皮结合程度和胎座形态可分为三种类型,即A型:心皮结合部的中轴区膨大,但四个瓣片的上部分离、B型:除中轴区膨大外,四个瓣片也成对愈合,胎座呈锚形、C型:中轴区不膨大,四个瓣片完全分离,子房上部一室.前者保留了较多的叶性,可能是该属乃至尖舌苣苔族中最原始心皮及胎座形态.后二者代表着两个相反的演化趋势. 5.本文首次报道了异叶苣苔属的染色体数目和核型,染色体数目均为2n=18,x=9.核型分别是2A或3A.核型的演化趋势,即从对称到不对称和随体的丢失同外部形态的变异密切相关。 6.深入地比较和分析了异叶苣苔属和其他类群的关系以及性状的演化趋势,并运用分支分析方法,重建属的系统发育. 7.生态、地理分布和演化的研究表明:异叶苣苔属的多样化中心分别是云南东南部和滇、贵、川交界区域,起源于第三纪或更早期的古热带湿润性森林植物区系,起源地可能是两个现代多样化中心所连接的整个区域,即:滇东南至滇贵川交界区域. 8.本文对异叶苣苔属进行全面的分类学修订,包括7个种,其中一个新种,新组合1个种和一个变种、根据该属的系统发育式样,在属下新设两个组.系统排列如下: 异叶苣苔属Whytockia W. W. Smith 组1:异叶苣苔组Sect. Whytockia Y. Z. Wang sect. nov. 1.河口异叶苣苔W. hekouensis Y. Z. Wang 2.毕节异叶苣苔W. bijieensis Y. Z. Wang, sp. nov. 3.异叶苣苔W. chiritiflora (Oliv.) W.W. Smith 4.峨眉异叶苣苔W. wilsonii (A. Weber) Y. Z. Wang, stat. nov. 5.紫红异叶苣苔W. purpurascens Y. Z. Wang 组2:台湾异叶苣苔组Sect. Synstigma Y. Z. Wang, sect. nov. 6.白花异叶苣苔W. tsiangiana (Hand.-Mazz) A. Weber 7.台湾异叶苣苔W. sasakii (Hayata)B.L.Burtt. 9.在异叶苣苔属系统学和进化研究的基础上,结合前人工作,本文进一步探讨尖舌苣苔族的系统发育.大量的证据充分显示出异叶苣苔属和圆果苣苔属分别是Klugieae最原始的类群,该族中的尖舌苣苔属(Rhynchoglossum),盾座苣苔属(Epithema)和独叶苣苔属(Mono phyllaea),可能是从Whytockia植物的早期类群直接演化而来,十字苣苔属(Stauranthera)和Loxonia也可能直接或间接来自Gyrogyne植物的早期类群.尖舌苣苔族植物可能起源于亚洲大陆或更准确地说,中国西南部地区,在随后的演化过程中,经过分化、迁移,逐渐形成广布于南亚、东南亚及太平洋岛屿至西非、中美洲的现代地理分布式样。
早在20世纪三十年代,前人发现山旺中新世具有丰富的植物化石,枝叶、果实、花保存完好。1940年我国植物学家胡先骗与美国加州大学钱耐发表研究专著《中国山东山旺中新世植物群》,报道了30科61属84种植物,为最早系统地进行山旺植物研究的奠基之作,至今仍然具有很高的科学价值和国际影响。1946年布朗发表论文涉及山旺部分属种修订工作。1951年斯行健发表文章:评胡先骗与钱耐著“山东中新统植物群”, 对部分属种鉴定提出异议。1978年植物所与南古所老一辈科学家又作了大量补充与修订,完成合著《中国新生代植物》,该书对山旺植物群进行了系统整理,总计43科87属125种植物,奠定了 山旺植物群的基本面貌。此后,山旺植物群陆续有新的类群添加。目前所知山旺植物群主要以温带落叶植物为主混生了部分亚热带常绿和落叶阔叶植物。该植物群不仅种类繁多,数量丰富,而且保存完整,是我国新生代植物群中研究程度最好的代表。 尽管山旺研究已经取得如此丰富的成果,但是在Hu&Chaney (1940)研究山旺植物群之后的长达60年里( 1940-1999),关于山旺叶、果实与花的研究仅局限于外部的形态描述,缺乏对其进行细胞形态结构和角质层等结构植物学的实验分析研究,从而大大制约了对该植物群性质的理解和类群演化生物学的深入的研究。 近年来我们通过与国际国内同行的广泛合作,运用国际古植物学研究的新技术、新方法,如叶结构分析、角质层分析、细胞形态结构分析等,在光学显微镜与电子显微镜不同层次的观察上,将植物体外部形态学与内部细胞结构研究相结合,开展对山旺植物群的类群研究,取得了重要进展。我们首次成功提取了山旺植物“阿斯羌属”(As tronium)的角质层,并观察到气孔器结构,为该类群的正确修订提供了确凿的生物学证据,建立了化石新属钱耐属(Wang andManchester,2000)。山旺中新世地层中过去报道存在大量的“阿斯羌”花化石,为五个萼片宿存的辐射对称的花,果实球形,一枚,项生。这种生殖结构也普遍见于欧洲大陆的中新世地层和北美大陆美国的始新世地层中。欧洲人Heer在1859年提出它属于分布于东亚的旋花科的飞蛾藤属(Porana)植物; Weyland在1937年认为它应当是热带龙脑香科非洲马达加斯加岛屿特有分布的Mono tes属植物;美国人MacGinitie在1953年认为它属于分布于南美的漆树科的阿斯羌属(Astronium)植物,其确切系统位置众说纷纭。在中国新生代植物一书中,采用了美国人MacGinitie在1953年的观点,称之为阿斯羌花。斯行健先生认为是旋花科的飞蛾藤属植物。 我们调查了密苏里北京植物园标本馆馆藏的南美和非洲标本,以及哈佛大学标本馆的馆藏东亚标本,对上述科属现存植物的花结构进行了全面的详细研究。发现5个萼片宿存的辐射对称的花见于多个不同的科属类群,是一种趋同演化性状,而萼片脉纹与表皮细胞气孔器排列、果实形态与数目等特征在上述不同类群中极易区分。因而逐一排除了属于上述现存类群的可能性。我们研究的山旺与北美的化石标本显示的果实个体发育过程与现存植物苦木科苦木属(Picrasma)的果实发育相似,果实发育早期为5枚分离,后期3-4枚退化,仅1-2枚,通常为1枚球形果实留存,花瓣脱落,萼片宿存。但是,它们二者在果实形态与萼片表皮结构上,仍存在很大差异。现在认为它属于一个绝灭的植物类群,化石的系统位置尚无法放入现存的科属系统,可能接近于苦木科。因此,建立了一个化石新属钱耐属(Chaneya)。目前,该属包含二个种,一个分布于北美始新世地层,另一个分布于东亚中新世地层,欧洲的材料由于缺乏深入研究,尚无法确定归属。钱耐属在北半球第三纪地层中呈东亚北美间断分布。钱耐属的研究,不仅为探讨东亚与北美植物区系的联系和植物类群的分化历史提供了重要的证据(Wang and Manchester,2000),更为深入探讨山旺化石植物重要类群的结构与演化生物学研究提供了成功的范例。 山旺的榉属(Zelkova)是山旺植物群的一个常见分子。榉属是欧亚大陆分布的植物,现存6种,在欧亚大陆第三纪地层中发现了大量的榉属化石,包括果实与叶连生的枝条。在北美大陆虽然有榉属化石报道,但是由于缺乏果实,仅靠叶的特征难以令人信服,榉属是否存在于北美仍有争议( Manchester,1989;Manchester,个人通讯)。近年基于我们在山旺组发现和采集到大量的榉属离散叶片以及联生有果实和叶的生殖枝条的深入研究,获得了化石叶结构、表皮细胞、表皮毛、气孔器、核果的大量结构生物学信息。通过与奥地利维也纳大学的 Ferguson教授合作,建立了欧亚现存榉属6个种的生物学形态与结构信息参照系,古今对比结果清楚表明山旺榉的叶缘齿式结构及表皮特征组合最接近我国南部分布的Z. schneideriana,而不是Hu and Chaney (1940)建议的广布于东亚的Z serrata,也明显不同于欧亚大陆共有、分布于西亚伊朗和东欧高加索地区的Z. carpinifolia。常见于欧洲第三纪的翁格榉(Z. ungeri)在形态学更接近Z.carpinifolia。因此,山旺榉明显不同于翁格榉,有其独立的种级特征,应建立东亚中新世榉属的一新种一山旺榉(Z shanwangensis sp. nov.)。榉属在欧亚大陆上的种级分化可能至少在中中新世即已出现。 我们1995年报道了山旺中新世地层发现中国特有植物杜仲化石,并利用先进的电子显微镜设备,找到了确凿无疑的原位化石杜仲特殊胶丝结构直接证据。《美国植物学报》1997年发表文章评论这是目前我国唯一可靠的、保存有精美的胶丝细胞结构的杜仲化石。近年我们迸一步采用古今结合的方法,运用自创的“特有种气候分析法”,对中国重要特有植物杜仲开展了多学科综合研究,利用现存杜仲种子春季萌发需要特定温度的生理学研究结果,结合自然分布区的温度分布,定量恢复了山旺中新世古春季温度数值;该项研究工作的论文列入著名国际SCI刊物《美国植物学报》2003年1月第一期首篇文章。美国植物学报评审人评价:这是应用现代植物实验数据解决地质时期古气候学问题的一个极好例子,是经典之说“现代是(认知)过去的钥匙”的例证,更是当前古植物学研究的一个范例。该文作出的重要贡献体现在如下几个方面:1、提供了现代植物生理生态的实验数据;2、提供了古植物学研究需要的解剖学证据(胶丝);3、更正了古生物地理方面的一个假说(杜仲何时在中国出现); 4、提出了一个解答古气候学问题的新方法。 最后一点实际上也是最重要的一点。” 油杉属的研究显示该属现代有三个种,生活在东亚中国,越南和老挝。它曾经在北半球广泛分布,以球果、种鳞、具翅的种子、木材等形式保存在新生代第三纪地层中,如已经有报道的北美大陆美国俄勒冈渐新世和中新世,欧洲中部中新世,亚洲日本中新世和上新世,俄罗斯远东渐新世到中新世地层。本次山旺中中新世与美国俄勒冈渐新世Rujada flora发现的油杉,接近现存油杉属的属型种油杉。北美中新世和亚洲日本中新世和上新世报道了接近于现存种铁坚油杉的化石。这些证据反映了东亚与北美第三纪植物区系的联系远比今天密切,油杉在北美中新世末期后、在欧洲早更新世之后和在东亚日本上新世结束,在上述地区消失。油杉今天仅孑遗分布于东亚中国秦岭以南、雅砻江以东,长江以南及台湾、海南岛和越南、老挝等亚热带至热带北缘的低山、丘陵山区。山旺油杉的球果化石具有现存油杉和铁坚油杉复合种的特征,可能代表了兼具中国两种油杉共同特征的一个早期类型,由此也表明油杉和铁坚油杉的物种分化在中国有可能是1500万年以来发生的新近事件。同时,油杉球果(松科)的首次发现,解决了山东山旺中中新世化石产地有无裸子植物这个长达半个世纪的争论(Hu andChaney,1940:斯行健,1951),进一步确证了山旺中中新世气候为亚热带山地气候类型。
在北京东灵山地区以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.)林群落为主要对象,研究了辽东栎种群和主要伴生种的空间格局、种间联结以及辽东栎种子雨的时间格局,井对空间格局的表达方法进行尝试性的探讨。 对辽东栎林群落中主要乔木树种辽东栎、大叶白蜡(Fraxinus thynchophylla)和五角枫(Acer mono)种群空间格局与动态的考察结果显示:各种群大多表现出聚集分布的趋势;辽东栎种群在各个龄级层均显示出较强优势,但种群内竞争激烈,龄级结构相对稳定;人叶白蜡的幼苗对环境适应能力较强,在成熟林中呈现出较五角枫种群更明显的增长型趋势:幼林中3个种群均呈衰退型趋势。 种间联结性的测定结果较好地反映了植物对环境的适应性,用关联分析法作出的树状图利用临界种将样方划分为若干组,体现出小生境之间的差异,反映了植物对其生境亦具有一定指示作用。 辽东栎种子雨的时间格局研究结果表明:种群种子雨密度随时间的变化呈正态分布趋势,种群水平利个体水平的种子雨累积随时间变化均符台Logistic曲线,具有很高的相关性。 空间格局表达方法的探讨显示:可以用集合论的方法对数学模型进行形象表达。
以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)为主的落叶阔叶林、华北落叶松林(Larix principisrupprechtii)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林是我国暖温带地区具有代表性的森林群落类型。本研究:1)应用国内外流行的半球图方法,通过对这三种森林群落叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的测定和综合比较,分析了叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的季节动态,揭示了暖温带地区不同类型森林群落叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的特征;2)基于野外调查的样地资料,利用维量分析法估算了中国科学院北京森林生态系统定位研究站三种森林群落乔木层的生物量和生产力,并揭示生产力和叶面积指数之间的相关关系;3)利用油松森林群落和落叶松森林群落采集树芯作为研究对象,用树木年轮学方法,建立相应的年表,联系气候资料进行相关分析,揭示树木生长的限制因子。 研究结果表明:1)落叶阔叶林(优势种为:辽东栎、棘皮桦(Betula dahurica)、五角枫(Acer mono))和华北落叶松林两种落叶森林群落的叶面积指数值均随生长季的到来而呈现增长的趋势,最大值出现在8月;林冠开阔度值随着生长季的到来而下降,最大值出现在11月。落叶阔叶林的叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的季节动态较之华北落叶松林明显。油松是常绿树种,其群落叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的变化程度均不明显,但林冠开阔度的变化趋势也是与叶面积指数的变化趋势相反。通过计算得出叶面积指数和林冠开阔度相关显著,并且呈现指数回归的关系。2) 油松、落叶松、落叶阔叶林三种森林群落乔木层的生物量和生产力分别为93.59 t•hm-2、119.36 t•hm-2 、169.94 t•hm-2和4.02 t•hm-2•a-1、5.58 t•hm-2•a-1、7.04 t•hm-2•a-1;三种森林群落乔木层生产力和叶面积指数回归曲线分析显示,生产力和叶面积指数呈现线性正相关关系。3)油松和落叶松生长与气候因子相关分析结果显示,两种群落树木的生长受当地降水和气温的影响,油松与5月份的温度显著负相关,落叶松与2月份和5月份的降水显著正相关。 以上研究结果为以遥感途径获取暖温带地区叶面积指数提供了地面校正依据,为研究该地区利用LAI估算生产力以及利用遥感途径得到的NDVI测定生产力、研究气候因子对树木年轮宽度形成的影响,以及进一步对该地区林分、景观和区域尺度上碳、水、通量等方面的模拟提供了基础数据。
A specific blood coagulation factor X activator was purified from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah by gel filtration and two steps of FPLC Mono-Q column ion-exchange chromatography. It showed a single protein band both in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The mol. wt was estimated to be 62,000 in non-reducing conditions and 64,500 in reducing conditions by SDS-PAGE. The isoelectric point was found to be pH 5.6. The enzyme had weak amidolytic activities toward CBS 65-25, but it showed no activities on S-2266, S-2302, thrombin substrate S-2238, plasmin substrate S-2251 or factor Xa substrate S-2222. It had no arginine esterase activity toward substrate benzoylarginine ethylester (BAEE). The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was absolutely Ca2+ dependent, with a Hill coefficient of 6.83. It could not activate prothrombin nor had any effect on fibrinogen and thus appeared to act specifically on factor X. The procoagulant activity of the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by serine protease inhibitors like PMSF, TPCK and soybean trypsin inhibitor; partially inhibited by L-cysteine. Metal chelator EDTA did not inhibit its procoagulant activity. These results suggest that the factor X activator from O. hannah venom is a serine protease.
A specific activator of blood coagulation factor X was purified from the venom of Bungarus fasciatus by gel filtration and by ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column (FPLC). It consisted of a single polypeptide chain, with a mel. wt of 70,000 in reducing and non-reducing conditions. The enzyme had an amidolytic activity towards the chromogenic substrates S-2266 and S-2302 but it did not hydrolyse S-2238, S2251 or S-2222, which are specific substrates for thrombin, plasmin and factor Xa, respectively. The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was Ca2+ dependent with a Hill coefficient of 7.9. As with physiological activators, the venom activator cleaves the heavy chain of factor X, producing the activated factor Xa alpha. The purified factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom did not activate prothrombin, nor did it cleave or clot purified fibrinogen. The amidolytic activity and the factor X activation activity of the factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom were readily inhibited by serine protease inhibitors such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), benzamidine and by soybean trypsin inhibitor but not by EDTA. These observations suggest that the factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom is a serine protease. It therefore differs from those of activators obtained from Vipera russelli and Bothrops atrox venoms, which are metalloproteinases.
Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom, which contains TSV-PA (a specific plasminogen activator sharing 60-70% sequence homology with venom fibrinogen-clotting enzymes), also possesses fibrinogen-clotting activity in vitro. A fibrinogen-clotting enzyme (stejnobin) has been purified to homogeneity by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column. It is a single-chain glycoprotein with a mol. wt of 44,000. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of stejnobin shows great homology with venom fibrinogen-clotting enzymes and TSV-PA. Like TSV-PA, stejnobin was able to hydrolyse several chromogenic substrates. Comparative study of substrate specificities of stejnobin and other venom proteases purified in our laboratory was carried out on five chromogenic substrates. Stejnobin clotted human fibrinogen with a specific activity of 122 NIH thrombin-equivalent units/mg protein. However, stejnobin did not act on other blood coagulation factors, such as factor X, prothrombin and plasminogen. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride inhibited its activity, whereas ethylenediamine tetracetic acid had no effect on it, indicating that it is a serine protease. Although stejnobin showed strong immunological cross-reaction with polyclonal antibodies raised against TSV-PA, it was interesting to observe that, unlike the case of TSV-PA, these antibodies did not inhibit the amidolytic and fibrinogen-clotting activities of stejnobin. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The action of Pallas' viper (Agkistrodon halys pallas) venom on blood coagulation was examined in vitro and a strong anticoagulant effect was observed. This action was abolished after treatment with a specific inhibitor of phospholipase A(2) activity (p-bromophenacyl bromide), revealing a procoagulant action in low concentrations of treated venom (around 1 mu g/ml). The effect of the venom an haemostasis was further characterized by measuring its ability to activate purified blood coagulation factors. It is concluded that A. halys pallas venom contains prothrombin activation activity. A prothrombin activator (aharin) was purified from the venom by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column. It consisted of a single polypeptide chain, with a mol. wt of 63,000. Purified aharin possessed no amidolytic activity on chromogenic substrates. It did not act on other blood coagulation factors, such as factor X and plasminogen, nor did it cleave or clot purified fibrinogen. The prothrombin activation activity of aharin was readily inhibited by ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (a metal chelator), but specific serine protease inhibitors such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride had no effect on it. These observations suggest that, like those prothrombin activators from Echis carinatus and Bothrops atrox venoms, the prothrombin activator from A. halys pallas venom is a metalloproteinase. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tin mono-sulphide (SnS) nanoparticles were synthesized by a facile method. Reactions producing narrow size distribution SnS nanoparticles with the diameter of 5.0-10 nm were carried out in an ethylene glycol solution at 150 degrees C for 24 h. Bulk heterojunction solar cells with the structure of indium tin oxide (ITO)/polyethylenedioxythiophene polystyrenesulphonate (PEDOT PSS)/SnS polymer/Al were fabricated by blending the nanoparticles with a conjugated polymer to form the active layer for the first time. Current density-voltage characterization of the devices showed that due to the addition of SnS nanoparticles to the polymer film, the device performance can be dramatically improved, compared with that of the pristine polymer solar cells. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.