45 resultados para Long-distance Migration


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本文针对我国正在研制开发的长航程自治潜水器的特性及其对航行控制的要求,进行了以下研究:自适应模糊PID控制方法和单神经元自适应PID控制方法在航向控制回路的应用研究,以及沿规划路径航行的6自由度仿真。 本文首先介绍了远程AUV航行控制系统的组成,然后根据自治潜水器的各项参数建立了水平面和垂直面的数学模型,并对水平面和垂直面的数学模型进行了验证。 将PID控制与模糊控制的简便性、灵活性以及鲁棒性结合起来,为AUV设计了可在线修改PID参数的自适应模糊PID控制器,仿真结果证明了该种控制方法不但提高了AUV系统的动态特性,而且可在参数摄动和外界扰动时获得较好的控制性能。 将单神经元自适应PID控制方法应用在了航向控制回路。仿真实验表明,该控制器是一种设计简单、实现方便的智能控制器,具有动态性能好、稳态精度高、抗干扰性能强等特点。尤其对那些时变的、非线性的、滞后的被控对象,具有良好的控制效果,能有效的克服海流、波浪等扰动,提高AUV系统的动态特性。该方法适用于其它非线性、时变、强干扰的不确定复杂系统。 最后本文建立了基于Simulink的沿规划路径航行控制回路,进行了6自由度模型的仿真。在仿真中设定起始点和目的点,就可得到仿真的路径和达到目的点的时间。 关键词:自治潜水器;自适应模糊PID控制;单神经元自适应PID控制;自治水下机器人仿真


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Expansive soil is a kind of typical unsaturated soil with characteristics of high swelling-shrinking deformation, cracks and over consolidation. It is very harmful to civil engineering, As a new processing method deal with expansive soil, Chemistry treatment has widespread applied in developed countries such as Europe and America, and also gained remarkable result. Based on the embankment filling soil improving testing projects in Meng-Xin freeway, this paper proposed a new processing method to expansive soil embankment wrapped with PAS-treated soil, experimental study of expansive soil chemical improved by PAS is been carried out. The water content change is the external factor which causes expansive soil to have swelling-shrinkage deformation. this reflected that the soil body swelling-shrinkage characteristic mainly depends on its mineral ingredient and the soil-water mutual function. This paper takes expansive soil as one kind of ordinary high plastic clay from angle of clay-water mutual function explained the expansive soil swelling-shrinkage deformation mechanism on microscopic. And take this swelling-shrinkage mechanism as the master line, Cooperates with the China Academy of Chemistry, we developed the new method PAS treatment, trough ionic exchange, joint, package and flocculation, the stronger static electricity function weakened the level through adsorption and the stronger static electricity function, PAS can weakened the negative charge repulsion between levels, causes the electric potential to reduce, diffusion layer thickness to be thinner, and improves the water affinity performance of expansive soil effectively. Moreover the space network architecture compromised with PAS and soil enhanced the joint strength between the clay particles , enable the soil body to have comparatively high strength and the distortion rate. pointed proposed the PAS modified principle. Combine with the construction of experimented road, this paper sums up and presents the construction craft and technology requirement of PAS treatment to expansive soil embankment. Through many experimental studied the basic physical property, the intensity characteristic and water stability changes of expansive soil and PAS-treated soil. The results of study indicate that adding lime into the expansive soil can reduce the content of clay gain obviously, reduce the plasticity notably, increase the strength greatly, control the property of swelling and shrinking effectively, and can meliorate the stability of sucking water clearly. Simultaneity PAS don’t change the cultivate capacity of the soil, the modified slope of the embankment can adopt plant fixed slope method as ecology protection. Finally the processing effect of use different treatment has analyzed through numerical simulation, summarized the PAS chemical wrapping treatment process in the actual project application, and appraised its processing effect and the project efficiency. The research indicated that PAS chemical treatment is one effective method to improve expansive soil. Compare with long-distance replacement, especially in the high plastic expansive soil massive distribution area, PAS treatment has the very greatly economical superiority to be promoted. The study in the paper not only afforded technique method to Meng-Xin expressway construction but also important for improvement of the expressway construction theory in swelling soil areas. Key words: PAS; expansive soil; swelling-shrinkage deformation mechanism; wrapping embankment; chemical modified treatment.


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A quantum chemistry based Green's function formulation of long-range charge transfer in deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) double helix is proposed. The theory takes into account the effects of DNA's electronic structure and its incoherent interaction with aqueous surroundings. In the implementation, the electronic tight-binding parameters for unsolvated DNA molecules are determined at the HF/6-31G* level, while those for individual nucleobase-water couplings are at a semiempirical level by fitting with experimental redox potentials. Numerical results include that: (i) the oxidative charge initially at the donor guanine site does hop sequentially over all guanine sites; however, the revealed rates can be of a much weaker distance dependence than that described by the ordinary Ohm's law; (ii) the aqueous surroundings-induced partial incoherences in thymine/adenine bridge bases lead them to deviate substantially from the superexchange regime; (iii) the time scale of the partially incoherent hole transport through the thymine/adenine pi stack in DNA is about 5 ps. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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An experimental investigation will be performed on the thermocapillary motion of two bubbles in Chinese return-satellite. The experiment will study the migration process of bubble caused by thermocapillary effect in microgravity environment, and their interaction between two bubbles. The bubble is driven by the thermocapillary stress on the surface on account on the variation of the surface tension with temperature. The interaction between two bubbles becomes significant as the separation distance between them is reduced drastically so that the bubble interaction has to be considered. Recently, the problem has been discussed on the method of successive reflections, and accurate migration velocities of two arbitrarily oriented bubbles were derived for the limit of small Marangoni and Reynolds numbers. Numerical results for the migration of the two bubbles show that the interaction between two bubbles has significant influence on their thermocapillary migration velocities with a bubble approaching another. However, there is a lack of experimental validate for the theoretic results. Now the experimental facility is designed for experimenting time after time. A cone-shaped top cover is used to expel bubble from the cell after experiment. But, the cone-shaped top cover can cause temperature uniformity on horizontal plane in whole cell. Therefore, a metal board with multi-holes is fixed under the top cover. The board is able to let the temperature distribution on the board uniform because of their high heat conductivity, and the bubble can pass through it. In the system two bubbles are injected into the test cell respectively by two sets of cylinder. And the bubbles sizes are controlled by two sets of step-by-step motor. It is very important problem that bubble can be divorced from the injecting mouth in microgravity environment. Thus, other two sets of device for injecting mother liquid were used to push bubble. The working principle of injecting mother liquid is to utilize pressure difference directly between test cell and reservoir


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The regional distribution of an ancient Y-chromosome haplogroup C-M130 (Hg C) in Asia provides an ideal tool of dissecting prehistoric migration events. We identified 465 Hg C individuals out of 4284 males from 140 East and Southeast Asian populations. We genotyped these Hg C individuals using 12 Y-chromosome biallelic markers and 8 commonly used Y-short tandem repeats (Y-STRs), and performed phylogeographic analysis in combination with the published data. The results show that most of the Hg C subhaplogroups have distinct geographical distribution and have undergone long-time isolation, although Hg C individuals are distributed widely across Eurasia. Furthermore, a general south-to-north and east-to-west cline of Y-STR diversity is observed with the highest diversity in Southeast Asia. The phylogeographic distribution pattern of Hg C supports a single coastal 'Out-of-Africa' route by way of the Indian subcontinent, which eventually led to the early settlement of modern humans in mainland Southeast Asia. The northward expansion of Hg C in East Asia started similar to 40 thousand of years ago (KYA) along the coastline of mainland China and reached Siberia similar to 15 KYA and finally made its way to the Americas. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 428-435; doi:10.1038/jhg.2010.40; published online 7 May 2010


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We conducted laboratory experiments with kaluga, Huso dauricus, and Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed embryos (first life phase after hatching) and larvae (period initiating exogenous feeding) to day-30 (late larvae) for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and downstream movement, and diel activity. Day-0 embryos of both species strongly preferred bright, open habitat and initiated a strong, downstream migration that lasted 4 days (3 day peak) for kaluga and 3 days (2 day peak) for Amur sturgeon. Kaluga migrants swam far above the bottom (150 cm) on only 1 day and moved day and night; Amur sturgeon migrants swam far above the bottom (median 130 cm) during 3 days and were more nocturnal than kaluga. Post-migrant embryos of both species moved day and night, but Amur sturgeon used dark, cover habitat and swam closer to the bottom than kaluga. The larva period of both species began on day 7 (cumulative temperature degree-days, 192.0 for kaluga and 171.5 for Amur sturgeon). Larvae of both species preferred open habitat. Kaluga larvae strongly preferred bright habitat, initially swam far above the bottom (median 50-105 cm), and migrated downstream at night during days 10-16 (7-day migration). Amur sturgeon larvae strongly avoided illumination, had a mixed response to white substrate, swam 20-30 cm above the bottom during most days, and during days 12-34 (most of the larva period) moved downstream mostly at night (23-day migration). The embryo-larva migration style of the two species likely shows convergence of non-related species for a common style in response to environmental selection in the Amur River. The embryo-larva migration style of Amur sturgeon is unique among Acipenser yet studied.


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A new double-layer grating template is designed to reduce the out-of-band loss as much as 1.8dB when the loss of LP03 reaches 10.2 dB. Meanwhile, we propose a method to remove the sidelobes in the transmission spectra by the adjustment of the thickness of pressure plates. The plate-thickness-induced shift of resonant wavelength and the attenuation of loss peak intensity when removing sidelobes can be modified by the fibre distance and contact point on the pressure plates.


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The mechanism of hole charge transfer in DNA of various lengths and sequences is investigated based on a partially coherent tunneling theory (Zhang et al., J Chem Phys 117:4578, 2002), where the effects of phase-breaking in adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine base pairs are treated on equal foot. This work aims at providing a self-consistent microscopic interpretation for rate experiments on various DNA systems. We will also clarify the condition under which the simple superexchange-mediated-hopping picture is valid, and make some comments on the further development of present theory.


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A generalized scattering matrix formalism is constructed to elucidate the interplay of electron resonance, coherence, dephasing, inelastic scattering, and heterogeneity, which play important roles in the physics of long-range electron transfer/transport. The theory consists of an extension of the standard Buttiker phase-breaking model and an analytical expression of the electron transmission coefficient for donor-bridge-acceptor systems with arbitrary length and sequence. The theory incorporates the following features: Dephasing-assisted off-resonance enhancement, inelasticity-induced turnover, resonance enhancement and its dephasing-induced suppression, dephasing-induced smooth superexchange-hopping transition, and heterogeneity effects. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The linear water wave scattering and radiation by an array of infinitely long horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid of infinite depth is investigated by use of the multipole expansion method. The diffracted and radiated potentials are expressed as a linear combination of infinite multipoles placed at the centre of each cylinder with unknown coefficients to be determined by the cylinder boundary conditions. Analytical expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, reflection and transmission coefficients and energies are derived. Comparisons are made between the present analytical results and those obtained by the boundary element method, and some examples are presented to illustrate the hydrodynamic behavior of multiple horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid. It is found that for two submerged circular cylinders the influence of the fluid density ratio on internal-mode wave forces is more appreciable than surface-mode wave forces, and the periodic oscillations of hydrodynamic results occur with the increase of the distance between two cylinders; for four submerged circular cylinders the influence of adding two cylinders on the wave forces of the former cylinders is small in low and high wave frequencies, but the influence is appreciable in intermediate wave frequencies.


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The scattering of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas is investigated. Analytical expressions for the diffracted potentials are derived using the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the expressions are determined through the application of the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces on the structure are given. The calculated results are compared with those obtained by the boundary element method. In addition, the influences of the wall, the angle of wave incidence, the width of the structure, and the distance between the structure and the wall on wave forces are discussed. The method presented here can be easily extended to the study of the diffraction of obliquely incident waves by multiple rectangular structures.


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The available experimental results have shown that in time-periodic motion the rheology of fluid mud displays complex viscoelastic behaviour. Based on the measured rheology of fluid mud from two field sites, we study the interaction of water waves and fluid mud by a two-layered model in which the water above is assumed to be inviscid and the mud below is viscoelastic. As the fluid-mud layer in shallow seas is usually much thinner than the water layer above, the sharp contrast of scales enables an approximate analytical theory for the interaction between fluid mud and small-amplitude waves with a narrow frequency band. It is shown that at the leading order and within a short distance of a few wavelengths, wave pressure from above forces mud motion below. Over a Much longer distance, waves are modified by the accumulative dissipation in mud. At the next order, infragravity waves owing to convective inertia (or radiation stresses) are affected indirectly by mud motion through the slow modulation of the short waves. Quantitative predictions are made for mud samples of several concentrations and from two different field sites.


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Long lasting phosphorescence (LLP) was observed in Eu2+, Ce3+ co-doped strontium borate glasses prepared under the reducing atmosphere due to the emission of both Eu2+ and Ce3+. The methods of photoluminescence, thermoluminescence and phosphorescence were used to study the samples, and possible mechanism was suggested. The co-doping of Ce3+ ions poisoned the phosphorescence emission of Eu2+ because of the competition to obtain the trapped electron. The phosphorescence of Ce3+ in the sample decays more quickly than that of Eu2+, which is suggested for the reason that the emission energy of Ce3+ is higher or the distance between Ce3+ and electron traps of the glasses is longer.


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To clarify the response of soil organic carbon (SOC) content to season-long grazing in the semiarid typical steppes of Inner Mongolia, we examined the aboveground biomass and SOC in both grazing (G-site) and no grazing (NG-site) sites in two typical steppes dominated by Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis, as well as one seriously degraded L. chinensis grassland dominated by Artemisia frigida. The NG-sites had been fenced for 20 years in L. chinensis and S. grandis grasslands and for 10 years in A. frigida grassland. Above-ground biomass at G-sites was 21-35% of that at NG-sites in L. chinensis and S. grandis grasslands. The SOC, however, showed no significant difference between G-site and NG-site in both grasslands. In the NG-sites, aboveground biomass was significantly lower in A. frigida grassland than in the other two grasslands. The SOC in A. frigida grassland was about 70% of that in L. chinensis grassland. In A. frigida grassland, aboveground biomass in the G-site was 68-82% of that in the NG-site, whereas SOC was significantly lower in the G-site than in the NG-site. Grazing elevated the surface soil pH in L. chinensis and A. frigida communities. A spatial heterogeneity in SOC and pH in the topsoil was not detected the G-site within the minimal sampling distance of 10 m. The results suggested that compensatory growth may account for the relative stability of SOC in G-sites in typical steppes. The SOC was sensitive to heavy grazing and difficult to recover after a significant decline caused by overgrazing in semiarid steppes.


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Natural gas pays more important role in the society as clean fuel. Natural gas exploration has been enhanced in recent years in many countries. It also has prospective future in our country through "85" and "95" national research. Many big size gas fields have been discovered in different formations in different basins such as lower and upper Paleozoic in Erdos basin, Tertiary system in Kuche depression in Tarim basin, Triassic system in east of Sichuan basin. Because gas bearing basins had been experienced multiple tectogenesis. The characteristics of natural gases usually in one gas field are that they have multiple source rocks and are multiple maturities and formed in different ages. There has most difficult to research on the gas-rock correlation and mechanism of gas formation. Develop advanced techniques and methods and apply them to solve above problems is necessary. The research is focused on the critical techniques of geochemistry and physical simulation of gas-rock correlation and gas formation. The lists in the following are conclusions through research and lots of experiments. I 8 advanced techniques have been developed or improved about gas-rock correlation and gas migration, accumulation and formation. A series of geochemistry techniques has been developed about analyzing inclusion enclave. They are analyzing gas and liquid composition and biomarker and on-line individual carbon isotope composition in inclusion enclave. These techniques combing the inclusion homogeneous temperature can be applied to study on gas-rock correlation directly and gas migration, filling and formation ages. Technique of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in kerogen and bitumen thermal pyrolysis is developed. It is applied to determine the source of natural is kerogen thermal degradation or oil pyrolysis. Method of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in rock thermal simulation has being improved. Based on the "95"former research, on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in different type of maceral and rocks thermal pyrolys is has been determined. The conclusion is that carbon isotope composition of benzene and toluene in homogenous texture kerogen thermal degradation is almost same at different maturity. By comparison, that in mixture type kerogen thermal pyrolysis jumps from step to step with the changes of maturity. This conclusion is a good proof of gas-rock dynamic correlation. 3. Biomarker of rock can be determined directly through research. It solves the problems such as long period preparing sample, light composition losing and sample contamination etc. It can be applied to research the character of source rock and mechanism of source rock expulsion and the path of hydrocarbon migration etc. 4. The process of hydrocarbon dynamic generation in source rock can be seen at every stage applying locating observation and thermal simulation of ESEM. The mechanism of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in source rock is discussed according to the experiments. This technique is advanced in the world. 5. A sample injection system whose character is higher vacuum, lower leaks and lower blank has been built up to analyze inert gas. He,Ar,Kr and Xe can be determined continuously on one instrument and one injection. This is advanced in domestic. 7. Quality and quantity analysis of benzene ring compounds and phenolic compounds and determination of organic acid and aqueous gas analysis are applied to research the relationship between compounds in formation water and gas formation. This is another new idea to study the gas-rock correlation and gas formation. 8. Inclusion analysis data can be used to calculate the Paleo-fluid density, Paleo-geothermal gradient and Paleo-geopressure gradient and then to calculate the Paleo-fluid potential. It's also a new method to research the direction of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. 9. Equipment of natural gas formation simulation is produced during the research to probe how the physical properties of rock affect the gas migration and accumulation and what efficiency of gas migrate and factors of gas formation and the models of different type of migration are. II study is focused on that if the source rocks of lower Paleozoic generated hydrocarbon and what the source rocks of weathered formation gas pool and the mechanism of gas formation are though many advanced techniques application. There are four conclusions. 1.The maturity of Majiagou formation source rocks is higher in south than that in north. There also have parts of the higher maturity in middle and east. Anomalous thermal pays important role in big size field formation in middle of basin. 2. The amount of gas generation in high-over maturity source rocks in lower Paleozoic is lager than that of most absorption of source rocks. Lower Paleozoic source rocks are effective source rocks. Universal bitumen exists in Ordovician source rocks to prove that Ordovician source rocks had generated hydrocarbon. Bitumen has some attribution to the middle gas pool formation. 3. Comprehensive gas-rock correlation says that natural gases of north, west, south of middle gas field of basin mainly come from lower Paleozoic source rocks. The attribution ratio of lower Paleozoic source rocks is 60%-70%. Natural gases of other areas mainly come from upper Paleozoic. The attribution ratio of upper Paleozoic source rocks is 70%. 4. Paleozoic gases migration phase of Erdos basin are also interesting. The relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is quite low especially toluene that of which is divided by that of methyl-cyclohexane is less than 0.2 in upper Paleozoic gas pool. The migration phase of upper Paleozoic gas may be aqueous phase. By comparison, the relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is higher in lower Paleozoic gas. The distribution character of gasoline gas is similar with that in source rock thermal simulation. The migration phase of it may be free phase. IH Comprehensive gas-rock correlation is also processed in Kuche depression Tarim basin. The mechanism of gas formation is probed and the gas formation model has been built up. Four conclusions list below. 1. Gases in Kuche depression come from Triassic-Jurassic coal-measure source rocks. They are high-over maturity. Comparatively, the highest maturity area is Kelasu, next is Dabei area, Yinan area. 2. Kerogen thermal degradation is main reason of the dry gas in Kuche depression. Small part of dry gas comes from oil pyrolysis. VI 3.The K12 natural gas lays out some of hydro-gas character. Oil dissolved in the gas. Hydro-gas is also a factor making the gas drier and carbon isotope composition heavier. 4. The mechanism and genesis of KL2 gas pool list as below. Overpressure has being existed in Triassic-Jurassic source rocks since Keche period. Natural gases were expulsed by episode style from overpressure source rocks. Hetero-face was main migration style of gas, oil and water at that time. The fluids transferred the pressure of source rocks when they migrated and then separated when they got in reservoir. After that, natural gas migrated up and accumulated and formed with the techno-genesis. Tectonic extrusion made the natural gas overpressure continuously. When the pressure was up to the critical pressure, the C6-C7 composition in natural gas changed. The results were that relative abundance of alkane and aromatic decreased while cycloalkane and isoparaffin increased. There was lots of natural gas filling during every tectonic. The main factors of overpressure of natural gas were tectonic extrusion and fluid transferring pressure of source rocks. Well preservation was also important in the KL2 gas pool formation. The reserves of gas can satisfy the need of pipeline where is from west to east. IV A good idea of natural gas migration and accumulation modeling whose apparent character is real core and formation condition is suggested to model the physical process of gas formation. Following is the modeling results. 1. Modeling results prove that the gas accumulation rule under cap layer and gas fraction on migration path. 2. Natural gas migration as free phase is difficult in dense rock. 3. Natural gases accumulated easily in good physical properties reservoirs where are under the plugging layer. Under the condition of that permeability of rock is more than 1 * 10~(-3)μm~(-1), the more better the physical properties and the more bigger pore of rock, the more easier the gas accumulation in there. On the contrary, natural gas canonly migrate further to accumulate in good physical properties of rock. 4. Natural gas migrate up is different from that down. Under the same situation, the amount of gas migration up is lager than that of gas migration down and the distance of migration up is 3 times as that of migration down. 5. After gas leaks from dense confining layer, the ability of its dynamic plug-back decreased apparently. Gas lost from these arils easily. These confining layer can confine again only after geology condition changes. 6. Water-wetted and capillary-blocking rocks can't block water but gases generally. The result is that water can migrate continuously through blocking rocks but the gases stay under the blocking rocks then form in there. The experiments have proved the formation model of deep basin gas.