83 resultados para High field transport


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Directed by the theory of "Collision Tectonic Facies", the tectonic setting and dynamic mechanism of the formation of Songliao basin in late Mesozoic (J_3-K_1) are studied in the present thesis with the methods of petrology, petrochemistry, geochemistry and isotopic geochronology. The research contents in this paper include as followings. Firstly, the general tectonic frame is made up of different tectonic facies formed from Mid-late Proterozoic to Mesozoic, which are Huabei plate, the Chengde-Siziwangqi melange (Pz_1), the Wenduermiao magmatic arc (Pz_1), the Hegenshan-Chaogenshan melange (Pz_2), the accretion arec (Pz_1-P), the Raohe-Hulin melange (Mz), the magmatic arc (Mz) and the pull-apart basin on the magmatic arc (Mz). Secondly, the volcanic rock assemblages of Songliao basin and its adjacent area in late Mesozoic is the typical calc-alkaline of the magmatic arc. The types of volcanic rocks in the study area include basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, dacites and rhyolites, and basic-intermediate volcanic rocks have higher alkalinity. The volcanic rock series in this area is the high-K calc-alkaline series. Thirdly, the total REE of volcanic rocks in Songliao basin and its adjacent area is higher than that of the chondrite. The pattern of the REE normalized by the chondrite shows the characteristics similar to that of the typical island arcs or the active continental margins in the earth, that is enrichment of LREE and depletion of Eu. The spider-diagram of the trace element normalized by the primitive mantle also expresses the similar features to that of the typical island arcs or the active continental margins, it has distinctive valleies of Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti, as well as the peaks of La, Ce, Th, U, and K. The incompatible elements show that the high field strength elements, such as Nb, Ta, Ti, and P, are depletion while the low field strength elements, such as K, U, Pb, and Ba, are enrichment. These features are similar to those of orogenic volcanic rocks and imply the formation of the volcanic rocks in this area is related to the subduction. The degrees of both the enrichment of the HFS elements and depletion of the LFS elements become more obvious from basic to acid volcanic rocks, which suggests crustal contamination enhances with the magmatic crystallization and fractionation. The concentration of the compatible elements is W-shape, and anomalies in Cr and Ni suggest there is the contamination during the magmatic crystallization and fractionation. Fourthly, the isotopic age data prove the volcanic activity in the Songliao basin and its adjacent area started in the early-middle Jurassic, and ended in the end of the early Cretaceous-the beginning of the Cretaceous. The volcanism summit was the late Jurassic-the early Cretaceous (100 - 150Ma). Finally, the tectonic setting of volcanism in the late Mesozoic was magmatic arc, which originated the subduction of Raohe-Hulin trench to the northwest Asian plate. The subduction began in the middle Jurassic, and the collision orogenesis between the Sikhote-Alin arc and Asian continent was completed in the end of the early Cretaceous-the beginning of the late Cretaceous. The results of above tectonic processes were finally to format Nadanhada orogenic belt symbolized by the Raohe-Hulin suture or melange belt. The violently oblique movement of the Izanagi plate toward Asian plate in the late Mesozoic was the dynamic mechanism of above tectonic processes. At the same tome, the left-lateral strike-slip shear caused by the oblique movement of the Izanagi plate produced a series of strike-slip faults in east Asian margin, and the large scale displacements of these strike-slip faults then produced the pull-apart basing or grabens on the magmatic arc. Conclusively, the tectonic setting during the formation of the grabens of Songliao basin in the late Mesozoic was magmatic arc, and its dynamic mechanism was the pull-apart. In a word, there was a good coupling relation among the oblique subduction of the oceanic plate, collisional orogene between island arc and continental plate, strike-slip shear of the faults and the formation of the grabens in Songliao basin and its adjacent area in late Mesozoic. These tectonic processes were completed in the unoin dynamic setting and mechanism as above description.


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The transport properties through a quantum dot are calculated using the recursion method. The results show that the electric fields can move the conductive peaks along the high- and low-energies. The electric field changes the intensity of conductance slightly. Our theoretical results should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The transport properties through a quantum dot are calculated using the recursion method. The results show that the electric fields can move the conductive peaks along the high- and low-energies. The electric field changes the intensity of conductance slightly. Our theoretical results should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of dielectric surface energy on the initial nucleation and the growth of pentacene films as well as the electrical properties of the pentacene-based field-effect transistors are investigated. We have examined a range of organic and inorganic dielectrics with different surface energies, such as polycarbonate/SiO2, polystyrene/SiO2, and PMMA/SiO2 bi-layered dielectrics and also the bare SiO2 dielectric. Atomic force microscopy measurements of sub-monolayer and thick pentacene films indicated that the growth of pentacene film was in Stranski-Kranstanow growth mode on all the dielectrics. However, the initial nucleation density and the size of the first-layered pentacene islands deposited on different dielectrics are drastically influenced by the dielectric surface energy. With the increasing of the surface energy, the nucleation density increased and thus the average size of pentacene islands for the first mono-layer deposition decreased. The performance of fabricated pentacene-based thin film transistors was found to be highly related to nucleation density and the island size of deposited Pentacene film, and it had no relationship to the final particle size of the thick pentacene film. The field effect mobility of the thin film transistor could be achieved as high as 1.38 cm(2)/Vs with on/off ratio over 3 x 10(7) on the PS/SiO2 where the lowest surface energy existed among all the dielectrics. For comparison, the values of mobility and on/off ratio were 0.42 cm(2)/Vs and 1 x 10(6) for thin film transistor deposited directly on bare SiO2 having the highest surface energy.


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2-(4-Biphenylyl)-5-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-1,3,4-oxdiazole (PBD) is a good electron-transporting material and can form single crystals from solution. In this work, solution cast PBD single crystals with different crystallographic axes (b, c) perpendicular to the Au/S substrates in large area are achieved by controlling the rate of solvent evaporation in the presence and absence of external electrostatic field, respectively. The orientation of these single crystals on Au/S substrate was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Conducting probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) was used to measure the charge transport characteristics of PBD single crystals grown on Au/S substrates. Transport was measured perpendicular to the substrate between the CP-AFM tip and the Au/S substrate. The electron mobility of 3 x 10(-3) cm(2)/(V s) for PBD single crystal along crystallographic b-axis is determined. And the electron mobility of PBD single crystal along the c-axis is about 2 orders of magnitude higher than that along the b-axis due to the anisotropic charge transport at the low voltage region.


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Thermal fatigue behavior is one of the foremost considerations in the design and operation of diesel engines. It is found that thermal fatigue is closely related to the temperature field and temperature fluctuation in the structure. In this paper, spatially shaped high power laser was introduced to simulate thermal loadings on the piston. The incident Gaussian beam was transformed into concentric multi-circular beam of specific intensity distribution with the help of diffractive optical element (DOE), and the transient temperature fields in the piston similar to those under working conditions could be achieved by setting up appropriate loading cycles. Simulation tests for typical thermal loading conditions, i.e., thermal high cycle fatigue (HCF) and thermal shock (or thermal low cycle fatigue, LCF) were carried out. Several important parameters that affect the transient temperature fields and/or temperature oscillations, including controlling mode, intensity distribution of shaped laser, laser power, temporal profile of laser pulse, heating time and cooling time in one thermal cycle, etc., were investigated and discussed. The results show that as a novel method, the shaped high power laser can simulate thermal loadings on pistons efficiently, and it is helpful in the study of thermal fatigue behavior in pistons. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an exact analysis for high order asymptotic field of the plane stress crack problem. It has been shown that the second order asymptotic field is not an independent eigen field and should be matched with the elastic strain term of the first order asymptotic field. The second order stress field ahead of the crack tip is quite small compared with the first order stress field. The stress field ahead of crack tip is characterized by the HRR field. Hence the J integral can be used as a criterion for crack initiation.


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In this paper, the governing equations and the analytical method of the secondorder asymptotic field for the plane-straln crack problems of mode I have been presented. The numerical calculation has been carried out. The amplitude coefficients k2 of the second term of the asymptotic field have been determined after comparing the present results with some fine results of the finite element calculation. The variation of coefficients k2 with changes of specimen geometry and developments of plastic zone have been analysed. It is shown that the second term of the asymptotic field has significant influence on the near-crack-tip field. Therefore, we may reasonably argue that both the J-integral and the coefficient k2 can beeome two characterizing parameters for crack initiation.


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The effects of the free-stream thermo-chemical state on the test model flow field in the high-enthalpy tunnel are studied numerically. The properties of the free-stream, which is in thermo-chemical non-equilibrium, are determined by calculating the nozzle flow field. A free-stream with total enthalpy equal to the real one in the tunnel while in thermo-chemical equilibrium is constructed artificially to simulate the natural atmosphere condition. The flow fields over the test models (blunt cone and Apollo command capsule model) under both the non-equilibrium and the virtual equilibrium free-stream conditions are calculated. By comparing the properties including pressure, temperature, species concentration and radiation distributions of these two types of flow fields, the effects of the non-equilibrium state of the free-stream in the high-enthalpy shock tunnel are analyzed.


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We demonstrated that a synthesized laser field consisting of an intense long (45 fs, multi-optical-cycle) laser pulse and a weak short (7 fs, few-optical-cycle) laser pulse can control the electron dynamics and high-order harmonic generation in argon, and generate extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum towards the production of a single strong attosecond pulse. The long pulse offers a large amplitude field, and the short pulse creates a temporally narrow enhancement of the laser field and a gate for the highest energy harmonic emission. This scheme paves the way to generate intense isolated attosecond pulses with strong multi-optical-cycle laser pulses.


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The phase-matching condition of high-order harmonic generation driven by intense few-cycle pulses could be controlled by adding second-harmonic pulses to change the ionization fraction of the gaseous medium. The harmonic generation efficiency could be improved by moving the phase-matching point with an all-optical control of the ionization fraction or a proper change of the confocal parameter. A specific order of harmonics could be easily controlled to reach phase matching at a fixed higher gas pressure by adding second-harmonic pulses with a suitable intensity. Such an all-optical phase-matching control was demonstrated to be dependent upon the temporal delay between the fundamental-wave and second harmonic pulses.