177 resultados para HCl


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An internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB) was applied to investigate the behavior of chlorine and sulfur during cofiring RDF and coal. The pollutant emissions in the flue gas were measured by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry (Gasmet DX-3000). In the tests, the concentrations of the species CO, CO2, HCl, and SO2 were measured online. Results indicated when cofiring RDF and char, due to the higher content of chlorine in RDF, the formation of HCl significantly increases. The concentration of SO2 is relatively low because alkaline metal in the fuel ash can absorb SO2. The concentration of CO emission during firing pure RDF is relatively higher and fluctuates sharply. With the CaO addition, the sulfur absorption by calcium quickly increases, and the desulfuration ratio is bigger than the dechlorination ratio. The chemical equilibrium method is applied to predict the behavior of chlorine. Results show that gaseous HCl emission increases with increasing RDF fraction, and gaseous KCl and NaCl formation might occur.


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An internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB) was applied to investigate the behavior of chlorine and sulfur during cofiring RDF and coal. The pollutant emissions in the flue gas were measured by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry (Gasmet DX-3000). In the tests, the concentrations of the species CO, CO2, HCl, and SO2 were measured online. Results indicated when cofiring RDF and char, due to the higher content of chlorine in RDF, the formation of HCl significantly increases. The concentration Of SO2 is relatively low because alkaline metal in the fuel ash can absorb SO2. The concentration of CO emission during firing pure RDF is relatively higher and fluctuates sharply. With the CaO addition, the sulfur absorption by calcium quickly increases, and the desulfuration ratio is bigger than the dechlorination ratio. The chemical equilibrium method is applied to predict the behavior of chlorine. Results show that gaseous HCl emission increases with increasing RDF fraction, and gaseous KCl and NaCl formation might occur.


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植物细胞壁富含羟脯氨酸糖蛋白生化特性及基因克隆的研究分成三部分: 第一部分,首先从胡萝卜愈伤组织的细胞壁中获得0.2M氯气钙可溶性蛋白质组分, 经10% TCA沉淀及羧甲基纤维素层析,分离得到一个伸展蛋白,并以SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,氨基酸组成分析,分子电镜观察对所得的伸展蛋白进行了鉴定,结果表明,在胡萝卜愈伤组织中只存在一种伸展蛋白;SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的考马斯蓝染色和PAS反应均为阳性,表明伸展蛋白除蛋白质组分还含有糖基;氨基酸组成分析表明,羟脯氨酸的克分子含量约占全部氨基酸的40%,丝氨酸的克分子含量约为羟脯氨酸的四分之一,含有大量的碱性和中性氨基酸,而只含有非常少量的酸性氨基酸,并且这些氨基酸克分子百分数也接近于胡萝卜富含羟脯氨酸糖蚤白基因推测出的克分子百分数。这些结果表明已经得到了一个电泳纯的伸展蛋白。伸展蛋白分子电镜观察证明它是一个棒状分子,长度为87纳米。 第二部分,用得到的伸展蛋白免疫家兔和大鼠,得到的抗体的免疫双扩散效价分别为1:2和1:1,用酶联免疫吸附分析测定的兔抗体效价为1:12,800,同时还建立了竞争性酶联免疫吸附分析测定伸展蛋白含量的标准曲线,线性范围为10-0.00001微克。利用得到的抗体对大豆下胚轴伸展蛋白的合成进行了研究。免疫荧光定位表明,大豆下胚轴表皮细胞及表皮下几层薄壁细胞有大量的荧光标记,并且这些荧光标记大部分分布在细胞质内。大豆下胚轴O.lM Tris-HCl pH7.4和0.2M氯化钙的提取物Western Blotting分析证明0.2M氯化钙提取物有与胡萝卜伸展蛋白电流性质相似的组分,并且这个组分在真菌诱导物处理的大豆下胚轴中的积累明显高于受伤处理的下胚轴。受伤和真菌诱导物处理大豆下胚轴中伸展蛋白积累的变化已经用Western Blotting分析和斑点酶联免疫吸附分析来观察,发现真菌诱导物处理的对灰斑病抗性的大豆下胚轴能够较快地积累伸展蛋白(24 - 48小时),而敏感品系的大豆下胚轴则合成伸展蛋白较晚(43-72小时)。在观察大豆下胚轴免疫荧光定位也发现类似的结果。对伸展蛋白基因的转录活性的初步研究认为抗性品系的大豆下胚轴同源mRNA转录可能早于24小时,而敏感品系大豆下胚轴同源mRNA转录可能在24小时后。以上结果认为大豆下胚轴含同源的mRNA和蛋白质组分,因此推测大豆基因组DNA有伸展蛋白基因。 第三部分,根据第二部分得到的结果,用已经得到的编码胡萝卜伸展蛋白的基因(克隆于pUC8质粒载体中)作探针,与大豆基因组DNA的EcoRI部分酶解片段杂交寻找大豆伸展蛋白基因,已经发现四个片段与探针DNA有同源性。它们的分子量分别约为23kb,8kb,5kb和2.8kb,并且23kb片段可能有更高的同源性。将23kb片段插入pUC9质粒载体上进行可隆,并用菌落原位杂交筛选获得5个克隆,对其中两个克隆用ECoRI酶解并进行分子杂交分析,重组质粒被EcoRI切成四个片段。2.8kb片段为pUC9栽体,2kb片段为与pDC5AI质粒伸展蛋白同源性较好的片段。对于23kb片段的重组质粒有待于进一步的分析。


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禾谷类作物水稻和小麦是人们的主要植物性食物来源.而这些作物种子蛋白质中人类不能合成的必需氨基酸含量不平衡,造成了优质蛋白质的缺乏和人体对蛋白质利用的极大浪费.大约有二分之一的谷类种子蛋白质和四分之一的大豆蛋白质不能被合理地利用。大多数禾本科作物包括水稻和小麦的种子蛋白质中第一限制性氨基酸是赖氨酸,纠正其不平衡现象可大大提商蛋白质的营养价值。本研究在高赖氨酸植物种的筛选、高赖氨酸种子储藏蛋白质的纯化及其基因的分离等方面开展了工作。 选用与禾本科亲缘关系较远的8个植物种为研究材料,它们分别属于榛科,十字花科、胡桃科、豆科、胡麻科和松科。氨基酸组分分析确定豆科和十字花科的三个植物种赖氨酸含量在5.5%以上,其中豆科植物四棱豆(Pso phocarpus tetragonolobus)种子全蛋白赖氨酸含量达7.9%.用5种提取液提取了四棱豆种子的清蛋白、球蛋白和全蛋白。经测定发现0.025M Tris.HCl(pH7.4)提取液提取的清蛋白赖氨酸含量高最.通过自然胶电泳,SDS-PAGB电泳,非变牲IEF和变性IEF/SDS双向电泳,对四棱豆种子清蛋白进行了定性研究。用变性IEF/ SDS双向电泳分析出60多种蛋白质和蛋白质亚基及多肽。研究中改进了等电聚焦电泳纯化蛋白质的方法,经处理的胶板显现出清晰的蛋白质带型,不需染色即可确定带的位置,从切下的胶条中洗脱的蛋白质,其纯度达到双向电泳纯和HPLC纯。用三种电溶方法(SDS-PAGE非变性IEF,变性IEF)纯化出三十一种蛋白质或多肽分子。分别进行了分子量确定和氨基酸组分分析,发现了一个赖氨酸含量高达11.4%的蛋白质,其分子量为18KD,并制备了该蛋白质的抗体,测定了18KD蛋白质N端30个氨基酸残基的顺序,根据这一顺序设计合成了一组17个核苷酸的基因探针.经鉴定单链DNA探针的纯度和总量达到了设计要求。用尿素法与CTAB法结合提取了四棱豆幼苗核基因组DNA,其分子量在50Kb以上,达到了构建GenormicDNA文库的要求.用bamHI EcoRI和HindⅢ三种酶切割提取的DNA,得到了分子量大小不同的片段。 对四棱豆种子蛋白质的定性、高赖氨酸蛋白质的纯化、18KD蛋白N端序列分析及寡核苷酸探针的合成以及GcnomicDNA的提取与酶切,尚未见有资料报道.这些工作为克隆高赖氨酸基因打下了良好的基础,对改良禾本科作物蛋白质品质意义深远.


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目的:从金环蛇蛇毒中分离纯化名为bungaruskunin 1的一种新型胰蛋白酶抑制剂,并从其毒腺的cDNA文库中克隆出该胰蛋白酶抑制剂的cDNA全序列.方法:通过Sephadex G-50, CM-Sephadex C-25, HPLC, RP-HPLC (C4 column)方法分离纯化bungaruskunin 1.样品的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂活性则是在室温条件下50mmol·L-1 Tris-HCl, pH 7.8的缓冲液中通过对显色底物的水解抑制作用来检测的.金环蛇毒腺RNA用TRIZOL提取,并用SMARTM PCR cDNA synthesis kit (Clontech)建成cDNA文库.根据其信号肽的保守区域合成引物从该文库中扩增出bungaruskunin 1的cDNA全序列,进行胶回收,酶连到pMDl8-T载体中转化测序.结果:bungaruskunin 1的前体由83个氨基酸组成,其中信号肽含有24个氨基酸,成熟肽即:bungaruskunin 1合有59个氨基酸.bungaruskunin 1的cDNA序列与从红腹伊澳蛇Pseudechis porphyriacus中分离纯化得到的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂blackelin的cDNA序列的相似性高达64%.bungaruskunin 1是一种含有保守Kunitz端的Kuntiz蛋白酶抑制剂家族的一员,从而能够抑制蛋白酶和弹性酶的活性.在cDNA文库中,我们同时还筛选到了2种新的β-bungarotoxin B链的序列.结论:这些发现很好地证明了蛇中Kunitz/BPTI胰蛋白酶抑制剂和毒性神经的家族可能起源于共同的祖先.


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While conducting experiments to investigate antimicrobial peptides of amphibians living in the Yunnan-Sichuan region of southwest China, a new family of antimicrobial peptides was identified from skin secretions of the rufous-spotted torrent frog, Amolops loloensis. Members of the new peptide family named amolopins are composed of 18 amino acids with a unique sequence, for example, NILSSIVNGINRALSFFG. By BLAST search, amolopins did no show similarity to any known peptides. Among the tested microorganisms, native and synthetic peptides only showed antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC2592 and Bacillus pumilus, no effects on other microorganisms. The CD spectroscopy showed that it adopted a structure of random combined with beta-sheet in water, Tris-HCl or Tris-HCl-SDS. Several cDNAs encoding amolopins were cloned from the skin cDNA library of A. loloensis. The precursors of amolopin are composed of 62 amino acid residues including predicted signal peptides, acidic propieces, and mature antimicrobial peptides. The preproregion of amolopin precursor comprises a hydrophobic signal peptide of 22 residues followed by an 18 residue acidic propiece which terminates by a typical prohormone processing signal Lys-Arg. The preproregions of precursors are very similar to other amphibian antimicrobial peptide precursors but the mature amolopins are different from other antimicrobial peptide families. The remarkable similarity of preproregions of precursors that give rise to very different antimicrobial peptides in distantly related frog species suggests that the corresponding genes form a multigene family originating from a common ancestor. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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目的 研究脱抗原水牛角胎移植后的免疫排斥反应和成骨效应。方法 以日本大耳白兔为动物模型,分别植入经30% H_2O_2、0.6 mol/L HCl脱抗原脱钙,30% H_2O_2脱抗原不脱钙2种温和方法处理的水牛角胎至兔左侧肢骨缺损处。体外检测外周血特异性T淋巴细胞转化率和ELISA检测血清特异性抗角胎IgG抗体。结果 脱抗原脱钙处理显著地降低了角胎的抗原性,与对照相比,未见受体对移植物产生显著的特异性细胞和体液免疫反应(P > 0.05),尤其是脱抗原不脱钙角胎效果更佳。两者成骨效果均良好。结论 脱抗原角胎是一种免疫原性低、成骨效果好、来源方便的骨移植材料。


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From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.


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The acid-volatile sulfide (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEM), total metals, and chemical partitioning in the sediment cores of the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) were studied. The concentrations of total metals, AVS, and SEM in the sediment cores were generally low in the river outlet area, increased along the seaward direction, and decreased again at the seaward boundary of the estuary. The amounts of AVS were generally greater in deeper sediments than in surface sediments. SEM/AVS was > 1 in the surface sediments and in the river outlet cores. The ratio was < 1 in the sediments down the profiles, suggesting that AVS might play a major role in binding heavy metals in the deep sediments of the PRE. The SEM may contain different chemical forms of trace metals in the sediments, depending on the metal reaction with 1 M cold HCl in the AVS procedure compared with the results of the sequential chemical extraction. The SEM/AVS ratio prediction may overestimate trace metal availability even in the sediments with high AVS concentrations. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Some triploid and tetraploid clones have been identified in the gynogenetic gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, by karyotypic and cytologic analyses over many years. Further, 5-20% males and karyotypic diversity have been found among their natural and artificial populations. However, the DNA contents and the relation to their ploidy level and chromosome numbers have not been ascertained, and whether normal meiosis occurs in spermatogenesis needs to be determined in the different clones. Methods: The sampled blood cells or sperms were mixed with blood cells from chicken or individual gibel carp and fixed in 70% pre-cooled ethanol overnight at 4degreesC. The mixed cell pellets were washed 2-3 times in 1x phosphate buffered saline and then resuspended in the solution containing 0.5% pepsin and 0.1 M HCl. DNA was stained with propidium iodide solution (40 mug/mL) containing 4 kU/ml RNase. The measurements of DNA contents were performed with Phoenix Flow Systems. Results: Triploid clones A, E, F, and P had almost equal DNA content, but triploid clone D had greater DNA content than did the other four triploid clones. DNA content of clone M (7.01 +/- 0.15 pg/nucleus) was almost equal to the DNA content of clone D (5-38 +/- 0.06 pg/nucleus) plus the DNA content of common carp sperm (1.64 +/- 0.02 pg/nucleus). The DNA contents of sperms from clones A, P, and D were half of their blood cells, suggesting that normal meiosis occurs in spermatogenesis. Conclusions: Flow cytometry is a powerful method to analyze genetic heterogeneity and ploidy level among different gynogenetic clones of polyploid gibel carp. Through this study, four questions have been answered. (a) The DNA content correlation among the five triploid clones and one multiple tetraploid clone was revealed in the gibel carp, and the contents increased with not only the ploidy level but also the chromosome number. (b) Mean DNA content was 0.052 pg in six extra chromosomes of clone D, which was higher than that of each chromosome in clones A, E, F, and P (about 0.032 pg/ chromosome). This means that the six extra chromosomes are larger chromosomes. (c) Normal meiosis occurred during spermatogenesis of the gibel carp, because DNA contents of the sperms from clones A, P, and D were almost half of that in their blood cells. (d) Multiple tetraploid clone M (7.01 +/- 0.15 pg/nucleus) contained the complete genome of clone D (5.38 +/- 0.06 pg/nucleus) and the genome of common carp sperm (1.64 +/- 0.02 pg/nucleus). Cytometry Part A 56A:46-52, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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InGaN/GaN-multiple-quantum-well-based light emitting diode ( LED) nanopillar arrays with a diameter of approximately 200nm and a height of 700nm are fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching using Ni self-assembled nanodots as etching mask. In comparison to the as-grown LED sample an enhancement by a factor of four of photoluminescence ( PL) intensity is achieved after the fabrication of nanopillars, and a blue shift and a decrease of full width at half maximum of the PL peak are observed. The method of additional wet etching with different chemical solutions is used to remove the etch-induced damage. The result shows that the dilute HCl ( HCl:H2O=1:1) treatment is the most effective. The PL intensity of nanopillar LEDs after such a treatment is about 3.5 times stronger than that before treatment.