47 resultados para Greenhouse position


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Multi-hit 3-layer delay-line anode (Hexanode) has an increased ability to detect multi-hit events in a collision experiment. Coupled with a pair of micro-channel plates, it can provide position information of the particles even if the particles arrive at the same time or within small time dwell. But it suffers from some ambiguous outputs and signal losses due to timing order and triggering thresholds etc. We have developed a signal reconstruction program to correct those events. After the program correction, the dead time only exists when 2 paxticles arrive at the same time and the same position within a much smaller range. With the combination of Hexanode and the program, the experimental efficiencies will be greatly improved in near threshold double ionization on He collisions.


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A prototype of time-of-flight positron emission computed tomography (TOF-PET) has been developed for acquiring the coincident detection of 511 keV gamma-rays produced from positron annihilation. It consists of two 80.5 mmx80.5 mm LYSO scintillator arrays (composed of 35 x35 pixel finger crystals) with the position sensitive photomultiplier tubes R2487 as the readout. Each array is composed of 2 mm x2 mm x 15 mm finger crystals and the average pixel pitch is 2.30 mm. The measured results indicate that the TOF information has the potential to significantly enhance the image quality by improving the noise variance in the image reconstruction. The best spatial resolution (FWHM) of the prototype for the pairs of 511 keV gamma-rays is 1.98 mm and 2.16 mm in the x and y directions, respectively, which are smaller than the average pixel pitch of 2.30 mm.


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The current concern about an anthropogenic impact on global climate has made it of interest to compare the potential effect of various human activities. A case in point is the comparison between the emission of greenhouse gases from the use of natural gas and that from other fossil fuels. This comparison requires an evaluation of the effect of methane emissions relative to that of carbon dioxide emissions. A rough analysis based on the use of currently accepted values shows that natural gas is preferable to other fossil fuels in consideration of the greenhouse effect as long as its leakage can be limited to 3 to 6 percent.


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A series of (alpha-diimine)nickel(II) complexes [ArN = C(Nap)C = NAr]NiBr2 (Nap = 1,8-naphthdiyl, Ar = 2,6-Me2C6H3, 3a; Ar = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2 3b; Ar = 2,6-Me-2-4-tBuC(6)H(2), 3c; Ar 2,6-Me-2-4-BrC6H2, 3d; Ar = 2,6-Me-2-4-ClC6H2, 3e; Ar 2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3), 3f; Ar = 2,4,6-iPr(3)C(6)H(2), 3g; Ar = 2,6-iPr-4-BrC6H2, 3h) have been synthesized, characterized, and investigated as precatalysts for ethylene polymerization in the presence of modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO).


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The dielectric definition of average energy gap E-g of the chemical bond has been calculated quantitatively in Eu3+-doped 30 lanthanide compounds based on the dielectric theory of chemical bond for complex structure crystals. The relationship between the experimental charge transfer (CT) energy of Eu3+ and the corresponding average energy gap E-g has been studied. The results show that the CT energy increases linearly with increasing of the average energy gap E-g. The linear model is obtained. It allows us to predict the CT position of Eu3+-doped lanthanide compounds with knowledge of the crystal structure and index of refraction. Applied to the Ca4GdO(BO3)(3):Eu and Li2Lu5O4(BO3)(3):Eu crystals, the predicted results of CT energies are in good agreement with the experimental values, and it can be concluded that the lowest CT energy in Li2Lu5O4(BO3)(3):Eu originates from the site of Lu1.


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The energy difference DeltaE between the spin-allowed and spin-forbidden states of Tb3+ in crystals is studied. The environmental factor he representing the character of the host is redefined by using the chemical band of complex crystals. The relationship between h(e) and DeltaE is found to be a linear relation. The results show that the energy difference between the spin-forbidden and spin-allowed states for Tb3+ ions in crystals can be predicted from the environmental factor.


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Polyimides were prepared from diamines: 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3-phenylenediamine (3MPDA) and 2,3,4,5-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine (4MPDA). 1,4-Bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy)benzene dianhydride (HQDPA), 3,3',4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA), 3,3'-4,4'-diphenylsulphone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (SO(2)PDA), 3,3',4,4'-diphenylsulphide tetracarboxylic dianhydride (SPDA), pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), and 2,2'-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)hexa-fluoroisopropane dianhydride (6FDA) were used as dianhydride. The gas permeabilities of H-2, O-2 and N-2 through the polyimides were measured at temperatures from 30 degrees C to 90 degrees C. The results show that as methyl and trifluoromethyl substitution groups densities increase from 7.73 x 10(-3) molcm(-3) to 13.50 x 10(-3)molcm(-3), the peameability of H-2 increases 10-fold at 60% loss of permselectivity of H-2/N-2 however, the permeability of O-2 increases 20-fold at 20% loss of permselectivity of O-2/N-2. For O-2/N-2 separation, PMDA-3MPDA has similar performance to 6FDA-3MPDA and 6FDA-4MPDA; all have higher permeabilities for O-2 than normal polyimides, and the P(O-2)/alpha(O-2/N-2) trade-off relationships lie on the upper bound line for polymers. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Target transformation factor analysis was used to correct spectral interference in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-BES) for the determination of rare earth impurities in high purity thulium oxide. Data matrix was constructed with pure and mixture vectors and background vector. A method based on an error evaluation function was proposed to optimize the peak position, so the influence of the peak position shift in spectral scans on the determination was eliminated or reduced. Satisfactory results were obtained using factor analysis and the proposed peak position optimization method.


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To understand the systematic status of Larimichthys crocea in the Percoidei, we determined the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequence using 454 sequencing-by-synthesis technology. The complete mt genome is 16,466 bp in length including the typical structure of 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, 13 protein-coding genes and the noncoding control region (CR). Further sequencing for the complete CR was performed using the primers Cyt b-F and 12S-R on six L crocea individuals and two L polyactis individuals. Interestingly, all seven CR sequences from L crocea were identical while the three sequences from L polyactis were distinct (including one from GenBank). Although the conserved blocks such as TAS and CSB-1, -2, and -3 are readily identifiable in the control regions of the two species, the typical central conserved blocks CSB-D, -E, and -F could not be detected, while they are found in Cynoscion acoupa of Sciaenidae and other Percoidei species. Phylogenetic analysis shows that L crocea is a relatively recently emerged species in Sciaenidae and this family is closely related to family Pomacanthidae within the Percoidei. L crocea, as the first species of Sciaenidae with complete mitochondrial genome available, will provide important information on the molecular evolution of the group. Moreover, the genus-specific pair of primers designed in this study for amplifying the complete mt control region will be very useful in studies on the population genetics and conservation biology of Larimichthys. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resting cysts of the marine phytoplanktonic dinoflagellate Scrippsiella spp. are encountered in coastal habitats and shallow seas all over the world. Identification of Scrippsiella species requires information on cyst morphology because the plate pattern of the flagellated cell is conserved. Cysts from sediments of the East China Sea were identified based on traits from both the cysts and the thecal patterns of germinated cells. Calcareous cysts belonged predominantly to S. trochoidea (F. Stein) A. R. Loebl., S. rotunda J. Lewis, and S. precaria Montresor et Zingone. The former two species also produced smooth and noncalcified cysts in the field. A new species, S. donghaienis H. Gu sp. nov, was obtained from six noncalcified cysts with organic spines. These cysts are spherical, full of pale white and greenish granules with a mesoepicystal archeopyle. The vegetative cells consist of a conical epitheca and a round hypotheca with a plate formula of po, x, 4', 3a, 7 '', 6c (5c + t), 6 s, 5''', 2'''' and are morphologically indistinguishable from S. trochoidea. Results of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence comparisons revealed that S. donghaienis was distinct from the S. trochoidea complex and appeared nested within the Calciodinellum/Calcigonellum clade. Culture experiments showed that the presence of a red body in the cyst and the shape of the archeopyle were constant within cell lines from one generation to the next, while the morphological features of the cyst wall, such as calcification and spine shape, appeared to be phenotypically plastic.


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Two species, Artemisia frigida Willd. (C-3, semishrub, and dominant on overgrazed sites) and Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng (C-4, perennial bunchgrass, and dominant or codominant on moderately grazed sites) were studied to determine the effects of defoliation, nitrogen (N) availability, competition, and their interactions on growth, biomass, and N allocation in a greenhouse experiment. The main treatments were: two nitrogen levels (NO = 0 mg N pot(-1), N1 = 60 mg N pot(-1)), two defoliation intensities (removing 60% of total aboveground biomass and no defoliation), and three competitive replacement series (monocultures of each species and mixtures at 0.5:0.5). Our results were inconsistent with our hypothesis on the adaptive mechanisms of A. frigida regarding the interactive effects of herbivory, N, and competition in determining its dominant position on overgrazed sites. Cleistogenes squarrosa will be replaced by A. frigida on over-grazed sites, although C. squarrosa had higher tolerance to defoliation than did A. frigida. Total biomass and N yield and N-15 recovery of C. squarrosa in mixed culture were consistently lower than in monocultures, whereas those of A. frigida grown in mixtures were consistently higher than in monocultures, suggesting higher competitive ability of A. frigida. Our results suggest that interspecific competitive ability may be of equal or greater importance than herbivory tolerance in determining herbivore-induced species replacement in semi-arid Inner Mongolian steppe. In addition, the dominance of A. frigida on overgrazed sites has been attributed to its ability to shift plant-plant interactions through (lap colonization, root niche differentiation, and higher resistance to water stress.