50 resultados para Genuine saving


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A reinvestigation of the reaction between C-60(2-) and benzyl bromide in benzonitrile containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butylammonium perchlorate (TBAP) has shown that there are more reaction products than previously reported. Use of a silica rather than a "Buckyclutcher I" column for HPLC purification led to isolation of two previously unattained products in the reaction mixture, one of which was identified as 1,2-(PhCH2)(2)C-60 by UV-vis and NMR. The earlier incorrectly assigned 1,2-(PhCH2)(2)C-60 was identified as the methanofullerene C61HPh by X-ray single-crystal diffraction. The electrochemistry of genuine 1,2-(PhCH2)(2)C-60 shows that its first reduction potential in PhCN containing 0.1 M TBAP is cathodically shifted by 100 mV with respect to E-1/2 for reduction of 1,4-(PhCH2)(2)C-60, indicating that the addition pattern significantly affects the electrochemistry of derivatized C-60. Visible and near-IR spectra of the monoanion and dianion of 1,2-(PhCH2)(2)C-60 are also reported.


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Aimed at saving the radiation dose required to crosslinking the polyamid-1010, BMI/PA1010 systems containing different amounts of difunctional crosslinking agent N,N'-bis-maleimide-4,4'-biphenyl methane (BMI) were prepared and the structure changes at the crystallographic and supermolecular levels before and after irradiation were studied by using WAXD, SAXS, and DSC techniques. It was found that by incorporation of BMI the microcrystal size L-100 is lowered due to the formation of hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen of BMI and the amide hydrogen of PA1010 in the hydrogen bonded plane, and the overall crystallinity W-c is also decreased. The presence of BMI causes the crystal lamella thickness d(c) to decrease and greatly thickens the transition zone d(tr) between the crystalline and amorphous regions. As for the irradiated specimen, the maximum increments in the L-100 and W-c against dose curves decrease with BMI content, and the interception point D-i, at which the L-100 and W-c curves intercept their respective horizontal line of L-100/L-100(0) and W-c/W-c(0)=1, shift to lower dose with an increase in BMI concentration. In addition. the mechanism of the radiation chemical reactions in the three different phases under the action of BMI are discussed with special focus on the interface region. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A field population of Ulva pseudocurvata Koeman et C. Hoek (hereafter termed Ulva) at Sylt Island (North Sea, Germany) exhibited biweekly peaks of gametophytic reproduction during the colder seasons and approximately weekly peaks during summer. The reproductive events lasted 1-5 d and were separated from each other by purely vegetative phases. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, a free-running rhythm was observed with reproductive peaks occurring approximately every 7 d. When artificial moonlight was provided every 4 weeks, fewer reproductive events occurred, and the reproductive rhythm became synchronized to the environmental artificial moonlight rhythm. In the laboratory, apical disks were entirely converted into reproductive tissue after 8 d cultivation, while almost all basal disks stayed vegetative, which prevented the entire loss of the vegetative thallus during reproductive events. Seasonal size reduction of the thallus occurred from late autumn onward and was determined to be controlled by a genuine photoperiodic response, since size reduction could be induced from May onward by experimental short-day (SD) treatment but was prevented in a long-day (LD) or night-break regime (NB). A daily fine-tuning occurred with gamete release early in the morning at the first sign of daylight, following an obligatory dark ("night") period of at least 1 h duration. No release took place if the overnight dark phase was replaced by continuous light. Blue, green, or red light all triggered gamete release after a dark phase at an irradiance of 0.1 mu mol photons . m(-2) .s(-1), while 0.001 mu mol photons . m(-2) . s(-1) was equivalent to a dark control.


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One-celled female and male gametophytes of three Laminaria japonica strains were isolated, cultured and gametophyte clones were formed. A technique combining strain selection with sporeling raising by the use of these female and male gametophyte clones was studied. Experiments on 9 different crossing combinations was conducted in November of 1997 in Qingdao, P. R. China. The main economic characteristics, frond length and fresh weight, of sporophytes of different crossing combinations were measured. F-1 sporophytes of No. 2 showed a higher fresh weight and longer length, therefore, No. 2 (Wh860 + x Lid) was selected as a good combination. Its parental female and male gametophyte clones are being mass cultured for sporeling production. By this method, the time needed for strain selection was shortened from 5-6 to 2 years. As compared with the routine method of sporeling raising by the collection of zoospores, the time of sporeling raising of this method decrease by 50%, and the production cost is also reduced by 50%. It is believed that this method will be labour and time saving and a more economic way for strain selection and sporeling raising in L. japonica cultivation industry.


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The assessment of sustainable development is a challenging task as its measuring is rather complex without a mature framework. In this paper, as a case study, a coastal city of China-Yantai was assessed for sustainable development in the period from 1998 to 2007. We used a methodological framework based on 36 indicators and three composite indices from the dimensions of environment, economy and society subsystems. The assessment results indicated that Yantai was almost in the potentially unsustainable development or intermediate sustainable development, except in 1998 and in 2007. Accordingly, the progress of sustainable development was divided into two stages in the light of the relative changes of three subsystems. Some relevant issues, such as natural capital, GPI vs. GDP in sustainable development assessment were discussed. Finally, an uncertainty analysis was also given in the assessment. In conclusion, the sustainable development in Yantai had experienced a shift from environment-based to social-economic-based in the past 10 years. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An impedimetric immunosensor was fabricated for rapid and non-labeled detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulforibrio caledoiensis (SRB) by immobilizing lectin-Concanavalin A using an agglutination assay. The immobilization of lectin was conducted using amine coupling on the surface of a gold (Au) electrode assembled with 11-Mercaptounclecanoic acid. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to verify the stepwise assembly of the sensor system. The work conditions of the impedimetric immunosensor, such as pH of the buffer solutions and the incubation time of lectin, were optimized. Faradic impedance spectra for charge transfer for the redox probe Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) were measured to determine SRB concentrations. The diameter of the Nyquist diagram that is equal to the charge-transfer resistance (RI) increased with increasing SRB concentration. A linear relationship between R-ct and SRB concentration was obtained in SRB concentration range of 1.8 to 1.8 x 10(7) cfu/ml. The variation of the SRB population during the growth process was also monitored using the impedimetric immunosensor. This approach has great potential for simple, low-cost. and time-saving monitoring of microbial populations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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异步电机结构简单、坚固耐用,是主要工业动力设备。异步电机的运行节能问题是工业节能研究的重要内容和热点之一。本文分析了异步电机运行性能,对异步电机的转速和效率检测的非侵入式方法、各种运行方式下的节能控制方法进行了研究,主要贡献有: 对比研究异步电机转速检测的各种方法,采用高分辨率谱估计和混叠采样处理实现了准确的转速检测,给出了转速自动判断方法,为非侵入式效率检测提供了重要的支撑技术。 研究了异步电机的低成本非侵入式效率检测方法,研制了相应的测试装置并进行了相关实验,对检测方法进行精度分析并提出了减小误差的措施。 在非侵入式效率检测的基础上,对于异步电机工频运行、转速开环变频调速和转速闭环转差频率控制变频调速三种运行方式进行了基于效率反馈的节能控制研究。通过专门设计的效率优化模糊控制器实现这三种运行方式下的节能控制,仿真分析表明了所提方法是合理有效的。 针对矢量控制异步电机的效率优化问题,对比分析了模糊搜索和黄金分割法这两种主要效率优化策略的特性,提出了一种混合搜索效率优化方法。这种新方法发挥了前两种寻优策略的互补优势,既保证了收敛的确定性,又降低了对电机输出转矩的影响。仿真分析表明了这种混合搜索方法的可行性。同时,在对输入功率的精确检测条件下,提出了一种全新的效率优化方法,该方法能够在更短时间内实现效率寻优。 探讨了基于无线网络技术的工厂电能管理系统。本文说明了工业无线网络技术的优势,阐述了能够实现系统节能的电能检测与管理技术,如异步电机能效分析模型、异步电机状态监测与预测技术等,分析了基于IEEE802.15.4无线传输协议构建异步电机能效监测系统的可行性。


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本文概述了用专门的造字符软件 SYGEN 交互式地建立“绘图专用字符库”(包括汉字)的方法。文中着重论述了如何对国外引进的软件 SYGEN,在建库的设计思想,提高字符的存取速度,减少内、外存空间的占有等方面进行的改造,从而,用此方法能够简单而快速地建立使用方便、易于更新的绘图专用字符库。


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In the paper through extensive study and design, the technical plan for establishing the exploration database center is made to combine imported and self developed techniques. By research and repeated experiment a modern database center has been set up with its hardware and network having advanced performance, its system well configured, its data store and management complete, and its data support being fast and direct. Through study on the theory, method and model of decision an exploration decision assistant schema is designed with one decision plan of well location decision support system being evaluated and put into action. 1. Study on the establishment of Shengli exploration database center Research is made on the hardware configuration of the database center including its workstations and all connected hardware and system. The hardware of the database center is formed by connecting workstations, microcomputer workstations, disk arrays, and those equipments used for seismic processing and interpretation. Research on the data store and management includes the analysis of the contents to be managed, data flow, data standard, data QC, data backup and restore policy, optimization of database system. A reasonable data management regulation and workflow is made and the scientific exploration data management system is created. Data load is done by working out a schedule firstly and at last 200 more projects of seismic surveys has been loaded amount to 25TB. 2. Exploration work support system and its application Seismic data processing system support has the following features, automatic extraction of seismic attributes, GIS navigation, data order, extraction of any sized data cube, pseudo huge capacity disk array, standard output exchange format etc. The prestack data can be accessed by the processing system or data can be transferred to other processing system through standard exchange format. For supporting seismic interpretation system the following features exist such as auto scan and store of interpretation result, internal data quality control etc. the interpretation system is connected directly with database center to get real time support of seismic data, formation data and well data. Comprehensive geological study support is done through intranet with the ability to query or display data graphically on the navigation system under some geological constraints. Production management support system is mainly used to collect, analyze and display production data with its core technology on the controlled data collection and creation of multiple standard forms. 3. exploration decision support system design By classification of workflow and data flow of all the exploration stages and study on decision theory and method, target of each decision step, decision model and requirement, three concept models has been formed for the Shengli exploration decision support system including the exploration distribution support system, the well location support system and production management support system. the well location decision support system has passed evaluation and been put into action. 4. Technical advance Hardware and software match with high performance for the database center. By combining parallel computer system, database server, huge capacity ATL, disk array, network and firewall together to create the first exploration database center in China with reasonable configuration, high performance and able to manage the whole data sets of exploration. Huge exploration data management technology is formed where exploration data standards and management regulations are made to guarantee data quality, safety and security. Multifunction query and support system for comprehensive exploration information support. It includes support system for geological study, seismic processing and interpretation and production management. In the system a lot of new database and computer technology have been used to provide real time information support for exploration work. Finally is the design of Shengli exploration decision support system. 5. Application and benefit Data storage has reached the amount of 25TB with thousand of users in Shengli oil field to access data to improve work efficiency multiple times. The technology has also been applied by many other units of SINOPEC. Its application of providing data to a project named Exploration achievements and Evaluation of Favorable Targets in Hekou Area shortened the data preparation period from 30 days to 2 days, enriching data abundance 15 percent and getting information support from the database center perfectly. Its application to provide former processed result for a project named Pre-stack depth migration in Guxi fracture zone reduced the amount of repeated process and shortened work period of one month and improved processing precision and quality, saving capital investment of data processing of 30 million yuan. It application by providing project database automatically in project named Geological and seismic study of southern slope zone of Dongying Sag shortened data preparation time so that researchers have more time to do research, thus to improve interpretation precision and quality.