41 resultados para Filament


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Monodisperse, core-shell-structured SiO2@NaGd(WO4)(2):Eu3+ particles were prepared by the sol-gel method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence (PL), and low-voltage cathodoluminescence (CL) as well as time-resolved PL spectra and lifetimes. PL and CL study revealed that the core-shell-structured SiO2@NaGd (WO4)(2):Eu3+ particles show strong red emission dominated by the D-5(0) - F-7(2) transition of Eu3+ at 614 nm with a lifetime of 0.74 ms. The PL and CL emission intensity can be tuned by the coating number of NaGd(WO4)(2):Eu3+ phosphor layers on SiO2 and by accelerating voltage and the filament current, respectively.


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Monodisperse, core-shell structured SiO2@Gd-2(WO4)(3):Eu3+ particles were prepared by the sol-gel method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence (PL) and low-voltage cathodoluntinescence (CL). PL and CL study revealed that the core-shell structured SiO2@Gd-2(WO4)(3):Eu3+ particles show strong red emission dominated by the D-5(0)-F-7(2) transition of Eu3+ at 615 nm with a lifetime of 0.89 ins. The PL and CL emission intensity can be tuned by the coating number of Gd-2(WO4)(3):Eu3+ phosphor layers on SiO2 particles, the size of the SiO2 core particles, and by accelerating voltage and the filament current, respectively.


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A blue emitting Sr2CeO4 phosphor with a one-dimensional structure has been prepared by a two-step spray pyrolysis (SP) method, starting from the aqueous solutions of metal nitrates with citric acid and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as additives. The material is ultimately designed for field emission displays (FEDs). X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), field emission scanning electron microscope pictures (FE-SEM) as well as photoluminescence (PL) and cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy and lifetime measurements have been employed to characterize the samples. The morphology, PL and low voltage CL properties of Sr2CeO4 phosphors as-prepared using the SP method have been investigated by changing the concentration of the precursor solution, concentration of PEG, annealing temperature, acceleration voltage and filament current. The obtained Sr2CeO4 phosphor particles are spherical and of submicron size, 0.5-2 mu m. The emission spectrum of the phosphors shows a broad band with maximum at 467 nm (lifetime = 37.4 mu s; CIE chromaticity coordinates: x = 0.15 and y = 0.21), presumably due to a ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transition.


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We thank John Stubblefield for editing, Junling Li for the assistance in the Western blot analysis. This research was supported by a training grant from National Institutes of Health (#T32 AR07592) and a research grant MB-8713-08 from United States - Israel Binational Agriculture Research and Development Fund.


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Filaments from Grateloupia turuturu were obtained through germination of spores, regeneration from fragments of discoid crusts and erect thalli. The rates of filament formation through the three ways were 5.3 +/- 1.2%, 100%, and 62.3 +/- 5.6%, respectively. Discoid crusts were the best materials for the production of filaments. The obtained filaments were cloned in stationary and aerated culture. The differentiations of filaments were observed. When attached to the substrata, filaments differentiated into discoid crusts from which erect thalli grew, whereas for filaments in suspension culture, some cells in the filaments differentiated into spherical structures that also formed new erect thalli. Moreover, fragments of filaments (< 100 mu m) were seeded onto nori-nets. The regenerated plantlets grew into adult thalli in field cultivation.


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The giant basal spicules of the siliceous sponges Monorhaphis chuni and Monorhaphis intermedia (Hexactinellida) represent the largest biosilica structures on earth (up to 3 m long). Here we describe the construction (lamellar organization) of these spicules and of the comitalia and highlight their organic matrix in order to understand their mechanical properties. The spicules display three distinct regions built of biosilica: (i) the outer lamellar zone (radius: >300 mu m), (ii) the bulky axial cylinder (radius: <75 mu m), and (iii) the central axial canal (diameter: <2 mu m) with its organic axial filament. The spicules are loosely covered with a collagen net which is regularly perforated by 7-10 mu m large holes; the net can be silicified. The silica layers forming the lamellar zone are approximate to 5 mu m thick; the central axial cylinder appears to be composed of almost solid silica which becomes porous after etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Dissolution of a complete spicule discloses its complex structure with distinct lamellae in the outer zone (lamellar coating) and a more resistant central part (axial barrel). Rapidly after the release of the organic coating from the lamellar zone the protein layers disintegrate to form irregular clumps/aggregates. In contrast, the proteinaceous axial barrel, hidden in the siliceous axial cylinder, is set up by rope-like filaments. Biochemical analysis revealed that the (dominant) molecule of the lamellar coating is a 27-kDa protein which displays catalytic, proteolytic activity. High resolution electron microscopic analysis showed that this protein is arranged within the lamellae and stabilizes these surfaces by palisade-like pillars. The mechanical behavior of the spicules was analyzed by a 3-point bending assay, coupled with scanning electron microscopy. The load-extension curve of the spicule shows a biphasic breakage/cracking pattern. The outer lamellar zone cracks in several distinct steps showing high resistance in concert with comparably low elasticity, while the axial cylinder breaks with high elasticity and lower stiffness. The complex bioorganic/inorganic hybrid composition and structure of the Monorhaphis spicules might provide the blueprint for the synthesis of bio-inspired material, with unusual mechanical properties (strength, stiffness) without losing the exceptional properties of optical transmission. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The impact of transient wind events on an established zooplankton community was observed during a, field survey in a, coastal region off northern Norway in May 2002. A transient wind event induced a coastal jet/filament intrusion of warm, saline water into our survey area where a semi-permanent eddy was present. There was an abrupt change in zooplankton community structure within 4-7 days of the wind event, with a change in the size structure, an increase in lower size classes less than 1 mm in equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) and a decrease in larger size classes greater than 1.5 mm in ESD. The slope of zooplankton biovolume spectra changed from -0.6 to -0.8, consistent with the size shifting towards smaller size classes. This study shows that even well established zooplankton communities are susceptible to restructuring during transient wind events, and in particular when wind forcing induces horizontal currents or filaments.


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Silicateins, members of the cathepsin L family, are enzymes that have been shown to be involved in the biosynthesis/condensation of biosilica in spicules from Demospongiae (phylum Porifera), e. g. Tethya aurantium and Suberites domuncula. The class Hexactinellida also forms spicules from this inorganic material. This class of sponges includes species that form the largest biogenic silica structures on earth. The giant basal spicules from the hexactinellids Monorhaphis chuni and Monorhaphis intermedia can reach lengths of up to 3 m and diameters of 10 mm. The giant spicules as well as the tauactines consist of a biosilica shell that surrounds the axial canal, which harbours the axial filament, in regular concentric, lamellar layers, suggesting an appositional growth of the spicules. The lamellae contain 27 kDa proteins, which undergo post-translational modification (phosphorylation), while total spicule extracts contain additional 70 kDa proteins. The 27 kDa proteins cross-reacted with anti-silicatein antibodies. The extracts of spicules from the hexactinellid Monorhaphis displayed proteolytic activity like the silicateins from the demosponge S. domuncula. Since the proteolytic activity in spicule extracts from both classes of sponge could be sensitively inhibited by E-64 (a specific cysteine proteinase inhibitor), we used a labelled E-64 sample as a probe to identify the protein that bound to this inhibitor on a blot. The experiments revealed that the labelled E-64 selectively recognized the 27 kDa protein. Our data strongly suggest that silicatein(-related) molecules are also present in Hexactinellida. These new results are considered to also be of impact for applied biotechnological studies.


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Sponges (phylum Porifera) had been considered as an enigmatic phylum, prior to the analysis of their genetic repertoire/tool kit. Already with the isolation of the first adhesion molecule, galectin, it became clear that the sequences of sponge cell surface receptors and of molecules forming the intracellular signal transduction pathways triggered by them, share high similarity with those identified in other metazoan phyla. These studies demonstrated that all metazoan phyla, including Porifera, originate from one common ancestor, the Urmetazoa. The sponges evolved prior to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary (542 million years ago [myr]) during two major "snowball earth events", the Sturtian glaciation (710 to 680 myr) and the Varanger-Marinoan ice ages (605 to 585 myr). During this period the ocean was richer in silica due to the silicate weathering. The oldest sponge fossils (Hexactinellida) have been described from Australia, China and Mongolia and are thought to have existed coeval with the diverse Ediacara fauna. Only little younger are the fossils discovered in the Sansha section in Hunan (Early Cambrian; China). It has been proposed that only the sponges possessed the genetic repertoire to cope with the adverse conditions, e.g. temperature-protection molecules or proteins protecting them against ultraviolet radiation. The skeletal elements of the Hexactinellida (model organisms Monorhaphis chuni and Monorhaphis intermedia or Hyalonema sieboldi) and Demospongiae (models Suberites domuncula and Geodia cydonium), the spicules, are formed enzymatically by the anabolic enzyme silicatein and the catabolic enzyme silicase. Both, the spicules of Hexactinellida and of Demospongiae, comprise a central axial canal and an axial filament which harbors the silicatein. After intracellular formation of the first lamella around the channel and the subsequent extracellular apposition of further lamellae the spicules are completed in a net formed of collagen fibers. The data summarized here substantiate that with the finding of silicatein a new aera in the field of bio/inorganic chemistry started. For the first time strategies could be formulated and experimentally proven that allow the formation/synthesis of inorganic structures by organic molecules. These findings are not only of importance for the further understanding of basic pathways in the body plan formation of sponges but also of eminent importance for applied/commercial processes in a sustainable use of biomolecules for novel bio/inorganic materials.