68 resultados para Daunou, P. C. F. (Pierre Claude François), 1761-1840.


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蛇毒金属蛋白酶(SVMPs)被认为是出血性蛇毒中的重要成分,是一个包括多种类 型成员的家族,它们在结构上表现出较大的多样性,有的蛇毒金属蛋白酶除了含有酶结 构以外在羧基端还添加了更多的结构,如:去整合素样结构域、富含半胱氨酸结构域、 外源凝集素结构域,这种结构多样性导致了蛇毒金属蛋白酶生物活性上的多样性。眼镜 蛇科中的蛇毒主要以神经毒为主,对其金属蛋白酶成分的研究比较少,本文以眼镜王蛇 蛇毒中的金属蛋白酶为研究对象,探讨了它的生物活性、结构特点,为我们深入了解蛇 毒金属蛋白酶结构与功能的关系提供了新的研究信息。 首先,通过分子筛凝胶过滤、阴离子交换和肝素亲合层析,我们从梧州产眼镜王 蛇(Ophiophagus hannah)蛇毒中纯化到一个表观分子量为55,000Da 的单链蛋白,测定 了其N 端序列为SQKKDFLEEKKYLELYIVADYVMFR,与其它蛇毒金属蛋白酶的N 端 序列相似性较高,命名为Ohagin。接下来我们研究了该蛋白对纤维蛋白原的作用,发 现Ohagin 能专一性地降解人源纤维蛋白原的α-链,其降解活性能被EDTA 完全抑制, 但不被PMSF 所抑制,说明该蛋白酶为金属蛋白酶。Ohagin 能抑制TMVA 诱导的血小 板聚集,并且这种抑制效应是剂量依赖性的。我们通过cDNA 克隆、蛋白质测序和肽 指纹图谱方法确定了Ohagin 的蛋白质序列,Ohagin 的cDNA 序列编码一个611 氨基酸 长度的开放阅读框,包括信号肽、前肽和成熟蛋白所含有的金属蛋白酶结构域、去整合 素样结构域以及富含半胱氨酸结构域,根据这一结构特点,把Ohagin 归为P-III 型蛇毒 金属蛋白酶。将Ohagin 蛋白质序列与P-Ⅲ型蛇毒金属蛋白酶家族中有代表性的22 种 毒素蛋白序列进行比对和进化树分析后发现Ohagin 与P-Ⅲa 型、P-Ⅲb 型和P-c 型 的蛇毒金属蛋白酶的亲缘关系较远,而与眼镜蛇科已知的几种金属蛋白酶亲缘关系较 近,推测它们的生物活性也类似,有可能属于新的P-III 型蛇毒金属蛋白酶亚家族。


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在长期的吸血进化过程中,吸血节肢动物在唾液腺中形成了一系列有助于适应吸 血生存的活性物质,这些物质包括血管舒张分子、血小板聚集抑制分子、抗凝血分子 和其它相互作用的分子。此外,为了得到洁净的血液和防止在吸血过程中被病原微生 物感染,吸血节肢动物在其唾液腺中形成了许多防御物质以保护自身和宿主,这些物 质包括抗菌肽和蛋白酶抑制剂等。因此,研究吸血节肢动物的唾液腺重要活性物质和 转录体组学有助于弄清其吸血机制。 姚虻(Tabancus yao Macquart)是我国特有的牛虻,其雌性在产卵前需要吸食大 型哺乳动物的血液以促使卵的发育。我们希望通过对姚虻唾液腺重要活性物质和转录 体组学的研究揭示姚虻成功从宿主获得血餐的分子机制,找到具有药用前景的活性物 质和为控制该虫及其传播的疾病的提供理论基础。 首先,我们对其唾液腺匀浆物活性进行了系统分析,发现姚虻唾液腺匀浆物具有 如下活性:有抗金黄色葡萄球菌活性,并且对大肠杆菌、白色念球菌和枯草杆菌都有 效;能够抑制ADP 诱导的洗涤和富血浆血小板的聚集;能够凝集兔红细胞、能够抑制 丝氨酸蛋白酶对小肽底物的水解、具有对纤维蛋白原的水解活性(金属蛋白酶)、具 有过敏原活性、能够促进肥大细胞脱粒和组氨释放;反复检测而没有发现的活性如下: 磷脂酶A2(PLA2)活性、溶血活性、血浆凝固活性、体外抗补体、血管生长促进与抑制 活性、对小鼠脾细胞因子分泌的促进和抑制活性、抗肿瘤细胞HepG2 的生长活性。 以来源姚虻唾液腺的mRNA为材料,我们成功构建了丰度为1x106的姚虻唾液腺 cDNA文库。通过对400个随机克隆的测序,我们得到了编码23种保守蛋白,44种分泌 蛋白和5种功能未知的蛋白。44种分泌蛋白中比较重要的分别是:20种抗原5相关蛋白、 2种α淀粉酶、2种麦芽糖酶、2种attactins抗菌蛋白以及血管舒张肽、过氧化物酶、 抗菌肽、透明质酸酶、mucin样蛋白和脯氨酸丰富蛋白。另外,一些不知道功能的分 泌肽也被发现,这其中包括四个与Hybomitra bimaculata的分泌肽相似性达47-82%的 多肽,这些信息有助于我们发现牛虻唾液腺活性物质和加快从知道部分氨基酸序列的 蛋白的鉴定速度,加快对姚虻从宿主获得血餐的分子机制的诠释速度。 通过分子筛、高压液相色谱等程序,我们从姚虻唾液腺中得到了一个由55 个氨 基酸组成,分子量为6 kDa,含有3 对二硫键的Kunitz 型丝氨基酸蛋白酶抑制剂TYTI。 该抑制剂与Anemonia sulcata 的蛋白酶抑制剂AsKC3 和SA5II 的成熟肽部分的同源 性达66%;并且该抑制剂,对热相对稳定;对凝乳酶、弹性蛋白酶、凝血酶、胰酶等 都有抑制作用,对胰酶的抑制常数为2.586x10-4M 。 通过分子筛、高压液相色谱等程序,我们从姚虻唾液腺中得到了一分子量为7 kDa,由65 个氨基酸组成且含有3 对二硫键的防御素Taymin,它与长角血蜱的防御素的相 似性达43%,但它的第二个半胱氨酸比长角血蜱的半胱氨酸靠前一个氨基酸。该抗菌 肽对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和白色念球菌的最小抑菌浓度分别是: 160、80、140 和120μg/mL。 通过与分离丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂相同的生化分离手段,从姚虻唾液腺中得到一种 红细胞凝集素样活性物质TYML1,其能凝集原始和经胰酶、链霉蛋白酶和弹性蛋白酶 处理的A、B、O 和AB 血型的人、兔、绵羊、大鼠、小鼠、鹌鹑的红细胞, 对链霉蛋 白酶处理的鹌鹑红细胞的凝集效价比正常下降了8 倍;对热、酸、碱处理和蛋白酶降 解稳定;具有Ca2+依赖性,活性能为半乳糖胺和胎球蛋白所完全抑制。 通过分子筛、阴离子交换、高压液相色谱等程序,我们从姚虻唾液腺中分离得到 了一分子量为26 kDa,由234 个氨基酸组成,含有10 个半胱氨酸的血小板聚集抑制剂 Macquaritin-2,它与报道的所有血小板聚集抑制剂均不具有同源性,但是与双翅目昆 虫唾液腺过敏原却有一定的同源性(25%-33%),对其血小板聚集抑制活性研究发现:其 能抑制胰酶、花生四烯酸、Stejnulxin、TMVA、ADPU46619 等激动剂诱导的血小板 聚集;血小板膜结合试验表明:其能与血小板细胞膜结合,故该血小板聚集抑制剂可能 通过作用血小板上的受体来阻止激动剂诱导血小板聚集。 通过分子筛、阳离子交换、高压液相色谱等程序,我们从姚虻唾液腺中分离得到 分子量为24-30 kDa 的两个血小板聚集抑制剂Macquaritin-3 和Macquaritin-1,它 们的N 端16 个氨基酸分别是V N Y C R L P C R G C D Y H V 和 V A V D Y L G L P G R G Y H V。通过PCR, Macquaritin-3 的核苷酸序列被得到,其推导蛋白的成熟区 和信号肽分别含有232 和23 个氨基酸。利用根据Macquaritin-1 的N 端氨基酸设计 的简并引物扩到含有V A V D Y L G L P 序列的两组核苷酸序列。它们与报道的所有 血小板聚集抑制剂均不具有同源性,但是其与双翅目昆虫的唾液腺抗原5 相关蛋白却 有一定的同源性。将所有血小板抑制剂及其相关序列和通过cDNA 文库筛选得到的抗 原5 相关序列进行分析,发现它们有很高的相似性,这种相似性介于33.3%-93.0%间, 且大部分高于50%。另外,两个血小板聚集抑制剂和一个可能的血小板抑制剂分别处 于这些抗原5 相关蛋白进化树的三个簇中。因此,我们推测这些过抗原5 相关蛋白可 能都具有血小板抑制剂活性。


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在较高工作气压(332.5~399Pa)下,采用等离子增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)工艺制备了优质的本征纳米硅薄膜及掺磷的纳米硅薄膜,并采用X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼散射(Raman) 测试技术对其进行了测试和分析.结果表明纳米硅薄膜的XRD谱中存在(111)、(220)和(331)峰位;Raman谱中显示出其薄膜中的晶粒的大小(2~5nm)符合纳米晶的要求.将制备的纳米硅薄膜初步用于栅极/ITO/n-nc-Si∶H/i-nc-Si∶H/p-c-Si/Al/Ag结构的异质结(HIT)太阳能电池,开路电压(Voc)达404mV,短路电流密度(Jsc)可达到34.2mA/cm2(AM1.5,100mW/cm~2,25℃).


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文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)是我国北方特有的木本油料树种,已被列为生物质能源树种之一。现阶段产量低是限制其发展的重要因素。本文以内蒙古赤峰市翁牛特旗文冠果经济林场内50年生文冠果树为研究对象,对文冠果生物学、生态学特性进行定位观测和试验,分析了文冠果发育节律与积温的关系。野外布置水肥措施试验,测定了文冠果产量和叶片、果实养分元素(N、PK、Mg、CaFe、Zn、Cu、Mn)的含量,分析了水肥措施对叶片、果实养分分配的影响。 主要结论: 1.文冠果物候期与积温呈显著的直线函数关系。能够用来预测文冠果年生长发育期有效积温的理论值,为经营管理提供依据。 2.文冠果叶片中主要元素含量随物候期的变化呈下降趋势,但微量元素呈增加趋势。养分重吸收水平由大到小的顺序是:Mg>N>K>P一定的水肥措施提高了文冠果养分再吸收水平,并降低了功能叶中的N/PC/N。 3.文冠果果实中CaFe随物候期的变化呈下降趋势,其他元素呈先减后增趋势。水肥措施降低了果实对养分元素的分配和收获系数;提高了养分利用效率。 4.合理的水肥措施能显著提高种子产量,增加含油率。最佳水肥措施为:5月初灌水50mm,施肥量为N 63 g•株-1、P2O5 83.3 g•株-1,于5、7月初分2次等量施入。 5.水分、P文冠果生长的主要限制性因子,限制性因子具有阶段性。水分对肥效有“激发效应”。


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综合运用环境地球化学、土壤学、生态学和统计学的方法开展了矿山废弃物尾矿石的堆置对土壤造成的污染以及矿区土壤重金属污染对白菜(Brassica Chinensis)的卫生品质和营养品质的影响研究。静态培养试验和动力学淋溶试验证明:在环境因素(如降水)的作用下,尾矿石的堆置将对下伏土壤的重金属含量产生长久影响,随着降水量以及酸度的增加,土壤中CuCdPb、Zn的全量和有效态含量都有所升高并且土层间的差异减小。有机酸能不同程度地促进土壤中的重金属转化为有效态,增强重金属的生物有效性;多元梭酸比一元梭酸的转化率高。另外,有机酸对重金属的转化作用随其浓度的增大而增强,在低温范围内,随温度的升高而增加。通过网室盆栽试验,研究了土壤受CuCdPb,Zn单一重金属污染后对大白菜吸收CuCdPb、Zn以及植物体内粗纤维和维生素C量的影响;同时还进一步对Cd-P互作用影响大白菜吸收CdP及植物体内粗纤维和维生素C量的情况进行了研究,结果表明大白菜从污染的土壤吸收重金属与土壤中目标元素的含量呈极显著正相关,对非目标重金属的吸收情况复杂,因不同元素间的相互作用机制而异;白菜体内粗纤维和抗坏血酸含量随土壤重金属浓度的增加而降低,它们之间呈极显著的负相关关系。在采用大白菜进行高等植物毒性试验的基础上,首次运用典型相关分析方法对CuCdPb、Zn复合污染土壤的生态毒性进行了评价,分别建立了由4元素共同组成的复合污染土壤毒性的线性组合函数和由芽生物量抑制率和根伸长抑制率组成的植物学表征的线性组合函数,并计算了其第一典型变量Toxl(土壤毒性)和BloL(植物学表征)之间的相关系数为0.94(p0.01)。典型相关分析是介质毒性评价的有效方法之一。


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常绿阔叶林以其富饶的生物资源、丰富的生物多样性和巨大的生态与环境效益引起了人们越来越大的重视,它的研究已成为国际植被科学界关注的主题之一。我国分布着世界上面积最大的亚热带常绿阔叶林,在世界植被中具有重要地位,它的分布表现出明显的地带性差异,存在着多样的植物群系及其对应的气候特征。但是在植物功能性状领域,与全球范围其它生物群系相比,常绿阔叶林物种的研究较少,其功能性状间、功能性状与环境间的关系尚不清晰。 本研究以常绿阔叶林木本植物的当年生小枝为对象,试图从小枝水平上的生物量分配格局、叶片大小与数量的权衡关系、小枝茎的构型效应、叶片元素化学计量学,以及小枝大小的成本与效益分析等方面,较为系统地揭示小枝水平上的植物功能性状间及其与气候间的关系。因此,在华西雨屏带内部的不同纬度设置峨眉-青城-雷波-平武的温度梯度进行比较,并对有降水差异的川西南偏湿性(雷波)与偏干性常绿阔叶林(西昌)进行对比研究,同时在不同山体进行不同海拔梯度的比较研究。 本文主要研究结果如下: (1)小枝生物量分配格局叶水平上,叶片重-叶柄重(Y轴vs.X轴,下同)呈斜率小于1的异速生长关系,表明叶柄对叶内部的生物量分配影响显著。小枝水平上,叶和茎的生物量以及它们与小枝总生物量间基本呈等速生长关系,表明大的小枝或大叶物种不一定在叶生物量的分配上占优势。不同生活型间,在小枝或者茎的生物量一定时,常绿物种叶片的生物量比例较落叶物种稍高。与温度和水分较优越(峨眉及其低海拔)的生境相比,在相对低湿(螺髻)与低温(平武)的生境中的植物会减少对叶的投入而增加对支撑部分的投资比例。 (2)小枝叶片大小与数量的权衡无论是不同气候带还是不同生活型以及不同海拔梯度,叶片大小与出叶强度基本都是呈负的等速生长关系,表明了叶片大小-数量在小枝水平上的权衡。在不同气候梯度的对比中,叶片数量(出叶强度)一定时,高温和高水分生境(峨眉)比低温(平武)和低湿(螺髻山)生境中的物种的叶片大小(质量和面积)更大,表明不同生境的比较中,小的叶片可能具有较高的出叶强度和更高的适合度收益。“出叶强度优势”(Leafingintensitypremium)假说可能不适宜解释不同生境物种叶片大小差异。 (3)小枝茎的构型效应虽然茎长和茎径与叶片大小都呈正相关关系,与出叶强度都呈负相关关系,但茎长/茎径比与叶/茎生物量之比呈负相关关系;与叶片的大小呈负相关关系,与出叶强度呈正相关关系。这说明小枝构型能影响小枝叶/茎生物量分配和叶大小-数量的权衡关系。其影响机制可能是小枝内部的顶端优势。另外,茎长/茎径比在低湿和低温等不利生境中的植物中较高,而在降水和温度较适宜环境中较低。 (4)叶片CN、P学计量学N含量和P量,C/N比和比叶重(LMA,leafmassperarea)呈正的等速生长关系,而N和LMA,PLMA呈负的等速生长关系。在LMA一定时,C/N比随着生境胁迫压力的增加而降低,N、P量随着生境压力的增加而增加。在P量一定时,N含量随着生境压力的增加而降低,即N/P在生境条件较优(峨眉及其低海拔)时较高。常绿和落叶植物叶片的N/P没有差异,在LMA一定时,常绿植物的N、P量较高、C/N比较低。总之,植物的CN、P学计量学特征受叶片属性如LMA与气候,及其相互作用的影响。 (5)小枝大小的代价与效益分析、TLA与小枝总重总叶面积(TLA,totalleafarea,Y轴,下同)与总叶重(X轴)均呈斜率小于1的异速生长关系,TLA与小枝横切面积呈斜率为1的等速生长关系。表明叶片面积的增加总是小于叶重和小枝总重的增加,随着小枝的增大,它的叶面积支撑效率下降。在热量和降水优越的生境(峨眉及其低海拔)中,相同小枝重或者相同茎横切面积的小枝,其叶面积支撑效率较低湿与低温环境下(螺髻山、平武及高海拔)的高。 总体上,本文初步研究了小枝水平上可能存在的以下三种权衡关系:叶-茎生物量分配权衡;叶片大小-数量的权衡;小枝茎长-茎径的权衡关系,以及气候要素等对这三种权衡关系的影响。在此基础上,我们还讨论了这些权衡关系的可能形成机制,及其与物种生态适应的联系。本研究丰富了生活史对策中关于权衡关系的研究内容,为我国常绿阔叶林功能生态学研究积累了材料。 Evergreen broad-leaved forests are attracting much more attention from vegetation ecologists than ever before because of their abundant nature resource and biological diversity, and also great ecological benefits. China has the largest distribution of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests (temperate rainforests) that are typical and representative in the world. The forests span over more than ten degrees in latitude and more than 30 degrees in longitude, providing an ideal place to study plant functional ecology, i.e., the climatic effect on plant functional traits and the relationship between the traits. However, relative to the other biomes, there are few studies addressing functional ecology of the plant species from subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. In this study, I focused on the leaf size-twig size spectrum of the woody species of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in southwestern china. I collected data on leaf size and number, twig size in terms of both mass and volume, and stem architecture from five temperate mountains, and then I analyzed the relationships between leaf and stem biomass and between leaf size and number, the effect of stem length/diameter ratio on biomass allocation and on the relationship between leaf size and number, leaf C:N:P stoichiometry, and the twig efficiency of supporting leaf area in relation to twig size. I also addressed the climate effect on the spectrum. The temperature gradient from warm to cool sites was represented by Emei Mountain, Qingchengshan, Leibo, and Pingwu, and the rainfall gradient was assumed to emerge from the comparison between Leibo (High) and Luojishan (Low). In addition, altitudinal effects were analyzed with comparisons between low and high altitudes for each mountains. My main results are as follows. Isometric relationships were found between leaf mass and twig mass and between lamina mass and twig mass, suggesting that the biomass allocation to leaves or laminas was independent of twig mass. Petiole mass disproportionably increase with respect to lamina mass and twig mass, indicating the importance of leaf petioles to the within-twig biomass allocation. In addition, the investigated species tended to have a larger leaf and lamina mass, but a smaller stem mass at a given twig mass at favorable environments including warm and humid sites or at low altitude than unfavorable habitats, which might be due to the large requirements in physical support and transporting safety for the species living at unfavorable conditions. Moreover, the evergreen species invested more in leaves and laminas than the deciduous at given stem or twig biomass within any specified habitats. Negative, isometric scaling relationships between leaf number and size broadly existed in the species regardless of climate, altitude, and life forms, suggesting a leaf size/number trade-off within twigs. Along the climatic gradients, at given leaf number or leafing intensity, the leaves were larger in the favorable environments than the poor habitats. This suggested that the fitness benefit gained by small leaves could be larger than that with high leafing intensity in the stressful sites. I concluded that the “leafing intensity premium” hypothesis was not appropriate to interpreting between-habitat variation in leaf size. Both stem length and diameter were positively correlated to leaf size but negatively correlated to leafing intensity. The ratio of stem length to diameter was negatively correlated to leaf mass fraction, and it was negatively correlated to leaf size but positively correlated to leafing intensity. This suggested that the stem architecture influenced twig biomass allocation and the relationship between leaf size and number. The mechanism underlying the architectural effect might lie in the apical dominance within twig. Moreover, the ratio was greater in unfavorable habitats but smaller in favorable environments. Positive, isometric relationships were found between N and P contents per leaf mass, and between C/N ratio and leaf mass per area (LMA), but N and P contents scaled negatively to LMA. C/N ratio decreased but N and P increased with increasing habitat stress at a given LMA. N content declined with increasing habitat stress at given P content. These indicated that N/P and C/N were higher but LMA was lower in favorable habitats than in the other circumstances. The evergreen and deciduous species were non-heterogeneous in N/P, but the evergreen species have higher N and P contents and lower C/N than the deciduous ones. In general, C:N:P stoichiometry were related to both climatic conditions and other important functional traits like LMA. Total leaf area (TLA) allometricly scaled to leaf mass with a slope shallower than 1, similar to the relationship between TLA and total twig mass (leaf mass plus stem mass), suggesting that TLA failed to keep pace with the increase of leaf mass and twig size. However, TLA scaled isometricly to twig cross-sectional area. Thus, it could be inferred that the twig efficiency of displaying leaf area decreased with increasing twig size. In addition, the efficiency at a given twig size was large in favorable than unfavorable habitats. In general, in this preliminary study, I studied three tradeoff relationships within twigs, i.e., between leaf and stem biomass, between leaf number and size, and between stem length and diameter, as well as the climatic effect on the relationships. I discussed the mechanisms underlying the tradeoff relationships in view of biophysics and eco-physiology of plants. I believe that this study can serve as important materials advancing plant functional ecology of subtropical forest and that it will improve the understanding of life history strategies of plants from this particular biome.


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干旱环境常常由于多变的降水事件和贫瘠土壤的综合作用,表现出较低的生产力和较低的植被覆盖度。全球性的气候变暖和人类干扰必将使得干旱地区缺水现状越来越严竣。贫瘠土壤环境中已经很低的有效养分含量也将会随着干旱的扩大而越来越低。干旱与半干旱系统中不断加剧的水分与养分的缺失将严重限制植物的生长和植被的更新,必然会使得已经恶化的环境恶化速率的加快、恶化范围的加大。如何抑制这种趋势,逐步改善已经恶化的环境是现在和将来干旱系统管理者面临的主要关键问题。了解干旱系统本土植物对未来气候变化的适应机制,不仅是植物生态学研究的重要内容,也对人为调节干旱环境,改善干旱系统植被条件,提高植被覆盖度具有重要的实践意义。 本研究以干旱河谷优势灌木白刺花(Sophora davidii)为研究对象,通过两年大棚水分和施N控制实验和一个生长季野外施N半控制实验,从植物生长-生理-资源利用以及植物生长土壤环境特征入手,系统的研究了白刺花幼苗生长特性对干旱胁迫和施N的响应与适应机制,并试图探讨施N是否可调节干旱系统土壤环境,人工促进干旱条件下幼苗定居,最终贡献于促进植被更新实践。初步研究结论如下: 1)白刺花幼苗生长、生物量积累与分配以及水分利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶面积、根长、生物量生产、相对含水量和水分利用效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低,但地下部分生物量比例和R/S随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。轻度施N处理下幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶片面积和生物量生产有所增加。但重度施N处理下这些生长指标表现出微弱甚至降低的趋势。严重干旱胁迫条件下,幼苗叶面积率、R/S、相对含水量和水分利用效率也以轻度施N处理为最高。 2)白刺花幼苗叶片光合生理特征对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应叶片光合色素含量和叶片光合效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,并且PS2系统在干旱胁迫条件下表现出一定程度的光损害。但是比叶面积随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。在相对较好水分条件下幼苗净光合速率的降低可能是因为气孔限制作用,而严重干旱胁迫条件下非气孔限制可能是导致幼苗叶片光合速率下降的主要原因。叶片叶绿素含量、潜在光合能力、羧化效率、光合效率以及RUBP生能力等在施N处理下得到提高,并因而改善干旱胁迫条件下光合能力和效率。虽然各荧光参数对施N处理并无显著的反应,但是干旱胁迫条件下qN和Fv/Fm在轻度施N处理下维持相对较高的水平,而两年连续处理后在严重干旱胁迫条件下幼苗叶片光合效率受到重度施N处理的抑制,并且Fv/Fm和qN也在重度施N处理下降低。 3)白刺花幼苗CN和P累以及N、P用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗CN和P积累,P用效率以及N和P收效率随干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,CN和P分配格局也随之改变。在相同水分处理下,CN和P积累量、P用效率以及N和P收效率在轻度施N处理下表现为较高的水平。然而,CN和P积累量和P用效率在重度施N处理下不仅没有表现出显著的正效应,而且有降低的趋势。另外,在相同水分条件下白刺花幼苗N利用效率随着施N强度的增加而降低。 4)白刺花幼苗生长土壤化学与微生物特性对干旱胁迫和施N的适应白刺花幼苗生长土壤有机C有效N和P量也随干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低。干旱胁迫条件下土壤C/N、C/P转化酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性的降低可能表明较低的N和P化速率。尽管微生物生物量CN和P一个生长季干旱胁迫处理无显著反应,但微生物生物量CN在两年连续干旱胁迫后显著降低。土壤有机C有效P量在轻度施N处理下大于重度施N处理,但是有效N含量随着施N强度的增加而增加。微生物生物量CN、碱性磷酸酶和转化酶活性也在轻度施N处理下有所增加。但是碱性磷酸酶活性在重度施N处理下降低。 5)野外条件下白刺花幼苗生长特征及生长土壤生化特性对施N的适应植物生长、生物生产量、C固定、N、P资源的吸收和积累、其它受限资源的利用效率(如P在轻度施N处理下均有所增加,但N利用效率有所降低。幼苗生物生产量及CN和P资源的分配格局在轻度施N处理下也没有明显的改变。白刺花幼苗叶片数目、生物生产量和CN、P积累量在重度施N处理下虽然也相对于对照有所增加,但幼苗根系长度显著降低。生物量及资源(生物量、CN、P在重度施N处理下较多地分配给地上部分(主要是叶片)。另外,土壤有机C全N和有效N含量随外源施N的增加而显著增加,土壤pH随之降低,但土壤全P量并无显著反应。其中有机C量和有效P量以轻度施N处理最高。微生物生物量CN和P轻度施N处理下也显著增加,而微生物生物量C重度施N处理下显著降低。同时,转化酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性在施N处理下也明显的提高,但酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著降低,其中碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性以轻度施N处理最高。 综合分析表明,干旱河谷水分和N严重限制了白刺花幼苗的生长。施N不能完全改变干旱胁迫对白刺花幼苗的抑制的作用,但是由于施N增加土壤N有效性,改善土壤一系列生物与化学过程,幼苗的生长特性也对施N表现出强烈的反应,表现为植物结构与资源分配格局的改善,植物叶片光合能力与效率的提高,植物生长以及利用其他受限资源(如水分和P的效率的增加,致使植物自身生长及其生长环境在干旱环境下得到改善。但是过度施N不仅不能起到改善干旱胁迫下植物生长环境、促进植物生长的作用,反而在土壤过程以及植物生长过程中加重干旱胁迫对植物的伤害。因此,建议在采用白刺花作为先锋种改善干旱河谷系统环境的实践中,可适当施加N以改善土壤环境,调节植物利用与分配资源的效率,促进植物定居,得到人工促进种群更新的目的。但在实践过程中也要避免过度施N。 Arid regions of the world are generally noted for their low primary productivity which is due to a combination of low, unpredictable water supply and low soil nutrient concentrations. The most serious effects of global climate change and human disturbances may well be those which related to increasing drought since drought stress has already been the principal constraint in plant growth. The decline in total rainfall and/or soil water availability expected for the next decades may turn out to be even more drastic under future warmer conditions. Nevertheless, water deficit is not the only limiting factor in arid and semiarid environments. Soils often suffer from nutrient (especially N and P) deficiencies in these ecosystems, which can also be worsened by climate change. How to improve the poor soil quality and enhance the vegetation coverage is always the problem facing ecosystem managers. The adaptive mechanisms of native plant to future climate change is always the focus in plant ecology, it also plays important roles in improving vegetation coverage by manual controlled programmes. Sophora davidii is a native perennial shrub of arid valleys, which is often predominant on eroded slopes and plays a vital role in retaining ecological stability in this region. It has been found that S. davidii was better adapted to dry environment than other shrubs, prompting its use for re-vegetation of arid lands. A two-years greenhouse experiment and a field experiment were conducted in order to understand the adaptation responses of Sophora davidii seedlings to different water and N conditions, and further explore if additional N supply as a modified role could enhance the adaptation ability of S. davidii seedlings to dry and infertile environment. Two-month old seedlings were subjected to a completely randome design with three water (80%, 40% and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg N kg-1 soil) regimes. Field experiment was arranged only by three N supplies in the dry valley. 1) The growth, biomass partitioning and water-use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, root length, biomass production, relative water content (RWC) and WUE were decreased with increase of drought stress. An increase in below-ground biomass was observed indicating a higher root/shoot ratio (R/S) under drought stress conditions. Low N supply increased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass production, but decreased root length. In contrast, these growth characteristics showed little or negative effect to high N supply treatment. Leaf percentages increased with increase of N supply, but fine root percentages decreased. In addition, Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf/fine root mass ratio (L/FR), R/S and RWC under severe drought stress (20%FC), even though these parameters could increase with the high N supply treatment under well-watered condition (80%FC). Moreover, Low N supply also increased WUE under three water conditions, but high N supply had little effect on WUE under drought stress conditions (40%FC and 20%FC). 2) Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Leaf area (LA), photosynthetic pigment contents, and photosynthetic efficiency were decreased with increase of drought stress, but specific leaf area (SLA) increased. Photodamage in photosystem 2 (PS2) was also observed under drought stress condition. The decreased net photosynthetic rate (PN) under relative well-watered water conditions might result from stomatal limitations, but the decreased PN under other hand, photosynthetic capacity by increasing LA, photosynthetic chlorophyll contents, Pnmax, CE, Jmax were increased with increase N supply, and photosynthetic efficiency was improved with N supply treatment under water deficit. Although N supply did a little in alleviating photodamages to PS2 caused by drought stress, low N supply enhanced qN and kept relative high Fv/Fm under drought stress condition. However, high N supply inhibited leaf photosynthetic efficiency, and declined Fv/Fm and qN under severe drought stress condition after two year continues drought stress and N supply. 3) Carbon accumulation, nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply C, N and P accumulation, NUE , N and P uptake efficiency (NUtE and NUtE ) P N P were decreased with increase of drought stress regardless of N supply. On the other hand, the S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were inconsistent with the various N supply levels. Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased C, N and P accumulation, improved NUEP, NUtE and NUtE under corresponding water condition. In contrast, high N supply N P did few even depressed effects on C, N and P accumulation, and NUEP, although NUtEN and NUtEP could increase with high N supply under corresponding water conditions. Even so, a decrease of NUEN was observed with increase of N supply under corresponding water conditions. 4) Soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to drought stress and N supply The content of soil organic C, available N and P were decreased with increase of drought stress. Decreases in C/N and C/P, and invertase, urea and alkaline phosphatase activity were also observed under drought stress conditions, indicating a lower N and P mineralization rate. Although microbial biomass C, N and P showed slight responses to drought stress after one growth period treatment, microbial biomass C and N were also decreased with increase of drought stress after two year continuous treatment. The content of soil organic C and available P showed the stronger positive responses to low N supply than which to high N supply, although than the other two N treatments increased microbial biomass N and invertase activity under severe drought stress condition, even though invertase activity could increase with high N supply treatment under relative well-water conditions. Moreover, low N supply treatment also increased C/P and alkaline phosphatase activity which might result from higher P mineralization, but high N supply did negative effects on alkaline phosphatase activity. 5) The growth characteristics of Sophora davidii seedlings and soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to N supply under field condition Low N supply facilitated seedlings growth by increasing leaf number, basal diameter, root length, biomass production, C, N and P accumulation and absorption, and enhancing the use efficiency of other limited resources as P. Compared to control, however, low N supply did little effect on altering biomass, C, N and P portioning in seedlings components. On the contrary, high N supply treatment also increased leaf number, biomass and C, N and P accumulation relative to control, but significantly decreased root length, and altered more biomass and resources to above-ground, which strongly reduced the ability of absorbing water under drought condition, and thus which might deep the drought stress. In addition, N supply increased soil C, N and available N content, but declined pH and showed little effects on P content. Low N supply showed higher values of soil C and available P content. Low N supply also increased microbial biomass C, N and P, although high N supply decreased microbial biomass C. N supply significantly enhanced soil invertase, urea, alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity, while declined acid phosphratase and catalase activity. Low N supply exhibited higher alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity compared to the others. The results from this study indicated that both drought and N limited the growth of S. davidii seedlings and their biomass production. Regardless of N supply levels, drought stress dramatically reduced the seedlings growth and biomass production. Although plant growth parameters, including basal diameter, height, leaf number, and biomass and their components were observed to be positive responses to low N supply, N supply alone can not alter the diminishing tendency which is caused by drought. available N content increased with increase N supply. In addition, low N supply rather These findings imply that drought played a primary limitation role and N was only the secondary. Even so, appropriate N supply was seemed to enhance the ability that S. davidii seedlings adapted to the xeric and infertile environment by improving soil processes, stimulating plant growth, increasing recourses accumulation, enhancing use efficiency of other limited resources, and balancing biomass and resources partitioning. Appropriate N supply, therefore, would be recommended to improve S. davidii seedling establishment in this region, but excess N supply should be avoided.


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川西北高寒草甸位于青藏高原东部地区,是我国四大牧区之一,也是长江和黄河等江河源区的重要水源涵养功能区。近几十年来,大量牦牛粪便被牧民作为生物能源、肥料或者食用菌产业的原料而利用,为草原生态系统的养分平衡增加了生态风险。鉴于在青藏高原地区针对牦牛粪便的相关研究尚未见报道,本文从粪便和土壤养分相互变化趋势的角度出发,研究了粪便在夏秋两季的分解状况和粪便其下及其周围土壤的养分变化。通过此研究,将有助于了解牦牛粪便在自然状态下的分解速率以及粪便对土壤养分及土壤微生物生物量的影响,为粪便对草地土壤生态系统的贡献提供概念性认识,同时也为高寒草甸草地这种脆弱生态系统的可持续管理提供理论依据。 针对牦牛粪便自身养分释放及其对土壤在时间和空间尺度上的影响,本文通过模拟牛粪堆积,在不同时间和固定区域内对牛粪和土壤进行了夏秋两季的采样测定,分析了牛粪及土壤NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K、无机P有机C全N 和全P 含量随时间的变化趋势。得到如下结果: 1. 在研究区域内,牛粪对草地生态系统具有较强的养分(N、P贡献能力。据初步统计,其估值大致为氮素699~932 kg ha-1,P 素为110~147 kg ha-1。牛粪(湿重、干重)在夏秋季节的分解速率具有较大差异,夏季显著快于秋季。夏季牛粪湿重、干重在2 个月左右之后分别降为初期的14%和24%,而秋季同期分别降为35%和52%。牛粪养分(NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K、无机P有机C全N 和全P的分解速率在夏季也要显著快于秋季。秋季经过2 个月左右的分解之后,牛粪以上含量分别降至初始态的32%、60%、36%、64%、58%、63%和43%,远高于夏季的同期水平。 2. 在不同季节,牛粪周围的土壤养分(NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K 和无机P含量变化随时间改变呈现相同的趋势。但是,牛粪周围不同远近下土壤养分随时间的动态变化幅度略有不同。粪下土壤养分含量随时间变化波动较大,距粪便越远,随时间变化的变幅越为平缓。总体来说,在夏季由于粪便分解较快,对土壤养分的持续作用时间不及秋季,秋季粪便分解变慢,表现出养分的缓释特征。其次,牛粪对粪下土壤影响的持续时间也长于对周围土壤的作用时间。 3. 粪便对土壤养分(NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K、无机P影响的范围在不同季节具有差异。夏季要高于秋季,但对周围土壤养分影响的持续时间低于秋季。在夏季短期内,牛粪对土壤NO3--N 和速效K 含量的影响范围能够超过30cm,而对NH4+-N 和无机P 的影响范围则介于10cm 和30cm 之间。在2 个月左右之后,牛粪对周围土壤养分的影响能力基本消失。在秋季,牛粪对周围土壤养分影响范围难以达到30cm 处。粪便在夏季对其下土壤和周围土壤的有机C全N 和全P 含量并无显著影响,但在秋季能显著增加其下土壤有机C全N 和全P 含量。 4. 牛粪在秋季对土壤SMB-CSMB-N 和SMB-P 含量的影响能够持续2 个月以上,由于秋冬季节牛粪分解缓慢,因此推断这种效应持续时间至少能够1 年左右。另一方面,牛粪在秋季对土壤SMB-CSMB-N 和SMB-P 含量的影响范围主要集中在其下土壤,而周围的影响效应并不明显。 The grassland on the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was one of the four greatest pasture zones in our country and the main water conservation function zones in the hesastream of Yangtse River and Huanghe river. Rencent years, lots of dung in this area was used as biological energy, fertilizer or material of fungoid growing, leading to high risk of nutrient banlance in grassland ecosystem. In view of the researches on the impact of yak dung in this area are relatively rare, the present study focused on the relationship of dung and soil nutrient transformation in sunmer and autumn, which could profoundly illuminate the mechanism of dung decomposition and the effect of dung on soil chemical properties and soil microbe biomass. The present study also contributed to a basic understand and provided scientific management in the high-frigid ecosystem. Decomposition of yak dung and its effect on soil chemical properties in eastern grassland of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were determined. The study simulated the real dung pats, took dung and soil samples at different time and fixed-point in summer and autumn. The samples were analysed for NO3--N, NH4+-N, available K, inorganic P, total organic C (TOC), total N (TN), total P (TP). It was concluded that: 1. In study area, the yak dung supplied to ecosystem substantial nutrient. It is estimated that the N contribution of dung was approximately 699~932 kg ha-1, P contribution was approximately 110~147 kg ha-1. The rate of yak decomposition was more rapid in summer than autumn, the wet and dry weight of yak decreased to 14% and 24% respectively after 2 months when dung excreted in summer, with 35% and 52% in autumn. The content of NO3--N、NH4+-N、available K、inorganic PTOCTN and TP in dung decomposed more rapid in summer too. After 2 months when dung excreted in autumn, the content of above nutrient decreased to 32%、60%、36%、64%、58%、63% and 43% respectively,which were significantly higher than summer. 2. The content of NO3--N、NH4+-N、available K and inorganic P in soil around dung had the same transformation trend in each season, whereas it was distinguishing at different gradient of distance from dung, the nutrient in soil below dung had the most significant change while the more far from dung, the less change in soil. It was concluded that the yak dung had prolong impacts on soil in autumn compared with summer, besides, it aslo showed that the yak dung had protract effect on soil below dung compared with soil around dung. 3. The yak dung had expansive impact on soil around dung in summer whereas had relatively short effect compared with autumn. In short-term at summer, there was a significant increase about the content of NO3--N and available K around 30cm radius from dung pat while the content of NH4+-N and inorganic P between 10cm to 30cm. After 2 months, the impact almost disappeared. In autumn, the effect was hard to reach 30cm. The yak dung had no significant effects on the content of TOCTN and TP in soil below or around dung in summer whereas there was a obvious increase in soil below dung pat in autumn. 4. The duration of effect of yak dung on soil microbial biomass(SMB) CN and P was at least 2 months, maybe even more than 1 year. On the other hand, the impact of dung on SMB-CSMB-N and SMB-P mainly acted on soil below dung while no obious effect on soil around dung.


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Superconducting quarter-wave resonators, due to their compactness and their convenient shape for tuning and coupling, are very attractive for low-beta beam acceleration. In this paper, two types of cavities with different geometry have been numerically simulated: the first type with larger capacitive load in the beam line and the second type of lollipop-shape for 100 MHz, beta=0.06 beams; then the relative electromagnetic parameters and geometric sizes have been compared. It is found that the second type, whose structural design is optimized with the conical stem and shaping drift-tube, can support the better accelerating performance. At the end of the paper, some structural deformation effects on frequency shifts and appropriate solutions have been discussed.


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Molar heat capacities (C-p,C-m) of aspirin were precisely measured with a small sample precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 78 to 383 K. No phase transition was observed in this temperature region. The polynomial function of Cp, vs. T was established in the light of the low-temperature heat capacity measurements and least square fitting method. The corresponding function is as follows: for 78 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to383 K, C-p,C-m/J mol(-1) K-1=19.086X(4)+15.951X(3)-5.2548X(2)+90.192X+176.65, [X=(T-230.50/152.5)]. The thermodynamic functions on the base of the reference temperature of 298.15 K, {DeltaH(T)-DeltaH(298.15)} and {S-T-S-298.15}, were derived.