113 resultados para 1995_12080748 Optics-10
Acceleration of an initially moving electron by a copropagation ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulse in vacuum is studied. It is shown that when appropriate laser pulse parameters and focusing conditions are imposed, the acceleration of electron by ascending front of laser pulse can be much stronger compared to the deceleration by descending part. Consequently, the electron can obtain significantly high net energy gain. We also report the results of the new scheme that enables a second-step acceleration of electron using laser pulses of peak intensity in the range of 10(19)-10(20) W mu m(2)/cm(2). In the first step the electron acceleration from rest is limited to energies of a few MeV, while in the second step the electron acceleration can be considerably enhanced to about 100 MeV energy.
Trichromatic manipulation of Kerr nonlinearity in a three-level A atomic configuration is investigated theoretically. It is shown that for a weak monochromatic probe field, the enhanced Kerr nonlinearity can be achieved in multiple separate transparent windows due to interference effect of multiple two-photon Raman channels. Furthermore, the property of Kerr nonlinearity can be controlled by the sum of the relative phases of the sideband components of the trichromatic pump field compared to the central component.
We have developed a two-stage Ti:sapphire amplifier system which can produce 17-TW/23-fs pulses at a repetition rate 10 MHz. A birefringent plate is used in the regenerative amplifier to alleviate gain narrowing, while an all-reflective cylindrical-mirror-based pulse stretcher and an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) are used to compensate for the higher order dispersion of the system.
利用两束超连续光干涉得到的信号,测量了透镜焦点附近飞秒激光脉冲的古依(Gouy)相移。根据得到的光谱干涉信号,利用傅里叶变换得到相对相位值。激光光束在聚焦透镜后的束腰半径可以由成像方法测得。根据测量得到的激光光束束腰半径,用非线性拟合的方法得到了古依相移曲线,拟合曲线与实验结果符合得非常好。给出了古依相位在焦点前后1 mm区域内的移动量。
长期以来,远场光学荧光显微镜凭借其非接触、无损伤、可探测样品内部等优点,一直是生命科学中最常用的观测工具。但由于衍射极限的存在,使传统的宽场光学显微镜横向和纵向的分辨率分别仅约为230 nm和1000 nm。为了揭示细胞内分子尺度的动态和结构特征,提高光学显微镜分辨率成为生命科学发展的迫切要求,在远场荧光显微镜的基础上,科学家们已经发展出许多实用的提高分辨率甚至超越分辨率极限的成像技术。例如,采用横向结构光照明提高横向分辨率到约100 nm,利用纵向驻波干涉效应将纵向分辨率提高5~10倍。然而,直到在光学荧光显微镜中引入非线性效应后,衍射极限才被真正突破,如受激荧光损耗显微镜利用非线性效应实现了30~50 nm的三维分辨率。另外应用荧光分子之间能量转移共振原理以及单荧光分子定位技术也可以突破衍射极限,甚至可以将分子定位精度提高到几个纳米的量级。
用体布拉格光栅(VBG)作为反馈元件与瓦级半导体激光器(LD)以及快轴准直柱透镜构成一个可以将半导体激光器的工作波长稳定在体布拉格光栅布拉格波长处的外腔激光器。测量了体布拉格光栅外腔激光器的波长稳定性与其工作电流、热汇温度、激光束准直装置等因素的关系。分析了波长稳定效果与半导体激光器增益谱特性、外腔结构参量等因素的关系。研究表明,在相同的工作电流、热汇温度下,当准直柱透镜直径为0.4 mm时的波长稳定效果较好;在此情况下,当热汇温度控制在30 ℃,工作电流从0.5 A增加到1.5 A的测量范围内,以及当工
采用溶胶-凝胶法制作波导环形谐振腔, 讨论了环形谐振腔器件的传输特性。测量了在不同物质、不同体积分数的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)蒸气气氛下器件的传输光谱的敏感性。结果表明, 谐振波长随甲醇、乙醇、丙醇等醇类化合物, 以及丙酮、甲醛等蒸气体积分数的上升而向长波方向移动, 具有高的灵敏度, 且两者基本呈线性关系。其中, 对丙醇最敏感, 灵敏度达到1.403 pm/10-6。对甲烷和二甲苯也有微弱反应, 但是其灵敏度很低。也测量了水蒸气对传输谱特性的影响。观察到传输谱衬比度对不同挥发性有机化合物物质蒸气的不同敏
基于动量守恒和光参变过程中的三波耦合波方程, 和负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10的色散方程, 研究了在光参变效应中超短激光脉冲由于群速度色散引起的展宽和形变。数值模拟显示, 在超短脉冲波形为双曲正割形和无啁啾调制时, 高阶群速度色散引起的超短脉冲为50 fs时, 晶体长度为10 mm, 紫外光213 nm作为基波入射时的脉冲展宽是波长为532 nm绿光在同等条件下的1.6倍。脉冲展宽程度与入射波长和晶体长度有关, 波长越短和晶体长度越长则脉冲展宽和波形变化越严重,高阶色散引起的超短高斯脉冲展宽, 将
The absorption characteristic of lithium niobate crystals doped with chromium and copper (Cr and Cu) is investigated. We find that there are two apparent absorption bands for LiNbO3:Cr:Cu crystal doped with 0.14 wt.% Cr2O3 and 0.011 wt.% CuO; one is around 480 nm, and the other is around 660 nm. With a decrease in the doping composition of Cr and an increase in the doping composition of Cu, no apparent absorption band in the shorter wavelength range exists. The higher the doping level of Cr, the larger the absorbance around 660 nm. Although a 633 nm red light is located in the absorption band around 660 nm, the absorption at 633 nm does not help the photorefractive process; i.e., unlike other doubly doped crystals, for example, LiNbO3:Fe:Mn crystal, a nonvolatile holographic recording can be realized by a 633 nm red light as the recording light and a 390 nm UV light as the sensitizing light. For LiNbO3:Cr:Cu crystals, by changing the recording light from a 633 nm red light to a 514 nm green light, sensitizing with a 390 nm UV light and a 488 nm blue light, respectively, a nonvolatile holographic recording can be realized. Doping the appropriate Cr (for example, N-Cr = 2.795 X 10(25)m(-3) and N-Cr/N-Cu = 1) benefits the improvement of holographic recording properties. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
The dispersion compensation characteristics of the chirped fiber grating (CFG) for different dispersion compensation positions are analyzed in externally modulated cable television (CATV) lightwave system and the analytic expression of the composite second order (CSO) distortion is derived. The analyses give a reasonable explanation for the position-dependent effect of CFG dispersion compensator, which was found in practical systems. Moreover, the theoretical result is also verified by an experiment. It is believed that the theory will be helpful in designing optical CATV fiber links with nodes at proper positions both for intensity amplification and dispersion compensation.