404 resultados para hu??rfano


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The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 can grow heterotrophically in complete darkness, given that a brief period of illumination is supplemented every day (light-activated heterotrophic growth, LAHG), or under very weak ( < 0.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1)) but continuous light. By random insertion of the genome with an antibiotic resistance cassette, mutants defective in LAHG were generated. In two identical mutants, sll0886, a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-family membrane protein gene, was disrupted. Targeted insertion of sll0886 and three downstream genes showed that the phenotype was not due to a polar effect. The sll0886 mutant shows normal photoheterotrophic growth when the light intensity is at 2.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1) or above, but no growth at 0.5 mumol m(-2) s(-1). Homologs to sll0886 are also present in cyanobacteria that are not known of LAHG. sll0886 and homologs may be involved in controlling different physiological processes that respond to light of low fluence. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A unicellular marine picoplankton, Nannochloropsis sp., was grown under CO2-enriched photoautotrophic or/and acetate-added mixotrophic conditions. Photoautotrophic conditions with enriched CO2 of 2800 mul CO2 l(-1) and aeration gave the highest biomass yield (634 mg dry wt l(-1)), the highest total lipid content (9% of dry wt), total fatty acids (64 mg g(-1) dry wt), polyunsaturated fatty acids (35% total fatty acids) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5omega3) (16 mg g(-1) dry wt or 25% of total fatty acids). Mixotrophic cultures gave a greater protein content but less carbohydrates. Adding sodium acetate (2 mM) decreased the amounts of the total fatty acids and EPA. Elevation of CO2 in photoautotrophic culture thus enhances growth and raises the production of EPA in Nannochloropsis sp.


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34-, 17-, 4-, 1.5-year old natural algal crusts were collected from Shapotou Scientific Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 40-day old field and greenhouse artificial algal crusts were in situ developed in the same sandy soil and the same place (37degrees27'N, 104degrees57'E). Their different cohesions both against wind force and pressure were measured respectively by a sandy wind-tunnel experiment and a penetrometer. On the basis of these algal crusts, the cementing mechanism was revealed from many subjects and different levels. The results showed that in the indoor artificial crusts with the weakest cohesion bunchy algal filaments were distributed in the surface of the crusts, produced few extracellular polymers (EPS), the binding capacity of the crusts just accomplished by mechanical bundle of algal filaments. For field crusts, most filaments grew toward the deeper layers of algal crusts, secreted much more EPS, and when organic matter content was more than 2.4 times of chlorophyll a, overmuch organic matter (primarily is EPS) began to gather onto the surface of the crusts and formed an organic layer in the relatively lower micro-area, and this made the crust cohesion increase 2.5 times. When the organic layer adsorbed and intercepted amounts of dusts, soil particles and sand grains scattered down from wind, it changed gradually into an inorganic layer in which inorganic matter dominated, and this made the crusts cohesion further enhanced 2-6 times. For crust-building species Microcoleus vaginatus, 88.5% of EPS were the acidic components, 78% were the acidic proteglycan of 380 kD. The uronic acid content accounted for 8% of proteglycan, and their free carboxyls were important sites of binding with metal cations from surrounding matrix.


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Single later blastula nuclei from AB strain of zebrafish (Danio rerio) were transplanted into enucleated unfertilized eggs of Long fin strain. Of 1119 cloning embryos, 14 reconstructed embryos developed into fry. DNA fingerprinting systems of the cloned fish were similar to those of the nuclear donor fish, but were distinctly different from those of the unclear recipient fish. It confirmed that the genetic material originated from nuclear donor cell other than from nuclear recipient egg. The research suggested that the basic technique for nuclear transplantation performed with different strains of zebrafish has made a breakthrough. It should be helpful for the study of some important developmental problems such as gene function, the regulation of gene expression during animal development, the developmental potential of a nucleus and the interactions between the donor nucleus and the recipient cytoplasm, etc.


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Clinorotation experiments were established to simulate microgravity on ground. It was found that there were obvious changes of Dunaliella salina FACHB435 cells and their metabolic characteristics during clinorotation. The changes included the increases of glycerol content, the rate of H+ secretion and PM H+-ATPase activity, and the decrease of ratio of the plasma membrane (PM) phospholipid to PM protein. These results indicated that microgravity was a stress environment to Dunaliella salina. It is deduced that it would be possible to attribute the effect of microgravity on algal cells to the secondary activation of water stress.


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Ecballocystopsis dichotomus sp. nov. is the third described species of Ecballocystopsis that grows on rock under water and epiphytically on the filaments of Cladophora and Mougeotia (green algae) collected in a small irrigation ditch in Chong-yang county, Hubei Province (East longitude 29 degrees 30', North latitude 114 degrees 10') and in Zhu-xi county, Hubei Province (East longitude 32 degrees 20', North latitude 109 degrees 45'). The new species differs from E. indica IYENGAR (1933) in having dichotomous branching and its smaller sized thallus; it differs from the second species, E. desikacharyi PRASAD (1985), in having looped filaments, dichotomous branching and smaller cells. Three patterns of cell divisions were observed in E. dichotomus sp. nov. (transverse, longitudinal and oblique). It may be that the new species is evolutionary a more advanced species based upon the structure of its thallus and the manner of spore formation. The systematic position of the genus, based on the comparative studies of the genus Ecballocystis BOHLIN with Cylindrocapsopsis IYENGAR, is discussed.


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Seasonal variations in a population of the monogenean Ancyrocephalus mogurndae Gussev, 1955 were investigated on gills of cage-cultured mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky), during the period from April 1994 to April 1995. The abundance of A. mogurndae peaked in late spring and summer. Prevalence was high (75-100 %) throughout the study period, and did not vary significantly between months. More than 50 % of all monogeneans were found on the first and second gill arches, except one occasion when the fourth gill arch had the majority in April 1995. The niche breadths were significantly correlated with the population abundance. A coexistent parasitic myxosporean, Henneguya weishanensis Hu, 1965, on the gills of the fish was found to have little influence on the gill-arch preference of the monogenean, although the monogenean abundance was higher in those fish infected with the myxosporean.


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The seasonal dynamics in the nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a amount (Chl-a), total algal volume (CV), Chl-a/CV ratio, seston structure were studied at two sampling stations in a shallow, highly eutrophicated subtropic lake (the Guozheng Hu area of the East Lake) on the plain of the middle basin of the Chang Jiang (the Yangtze River) of China. The lake ecosystem of the Guozheng Hu area is dominated by two planktivorous fishes (silver carp and bighead carp), phytoplankton and zooplankton. Macrophytes are extremely scarce in this area. Concentrations of the total dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the Guozheng Hu area in 1990 were very high. Fish yield, of which, more than 90 % was composed of silver carp and bighead carp in the Guozheng Hu area was very high (ca. 1140 kg/ha or 45.6 g/m3 in 1990). Grazing pressure by the fishes on the plankton community is considered to be rather strong. The annual average biomass of zooplankton was ca. 1/3 - 1/2 that of phytoplankton. On the average, dry matter in the living plankton only constituted ca. 3-7 % of the total dry seston, and plankton carbon only constituted ca. 5 - 10 % of the seston carbon. The present results indicate that, in the Guozheng Hu area of the East Lake, of the organic part of the seston, detritus is quantitatively an important constituent, while living plankton is only a very small component.


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Mode competitions between modes with different output coupling efficiencies can result in optical bistability under certain asymmetric nonlinear gain. For a GaInAsP/InP equilateral triangle microlaser with the side length of 10 mu m, the drop of the output power with the increase of the injection current is observed corresponding to transverse mode transitions. Furthermore, the measured laser spectra up to 270 K show that lasing modes coexist with the wavelength interval of 39 nm at 240 K. The emission at 5.2 THz can be expected by the mode frequency beating with the 39 nm interval.


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We report the growth of high quality and crack-free GaN film on Si (111) substrate using Al0.2Ga0.8N/AlN stacked interlayers. Compared with the previously used single AlN interlayer, the AlGaN/AlN stacked interlayers can more effectively reduce the tensile stress inside the GaN layer. The cross-sectional TEM image reveals the bending and annihilation of threading dislocations (TDs) in the overgrown GaN film which leads to a decrease of TD density.


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A wafer-level testable silicon-on-insulator-based microring modulator is demonstrated with high modulation speed, to which the grating couplers are integrated as the fiber-to-chip interfaces. Cost-efficient fabrications are realized with the help of optical structure and etching depth designs. Grating couplers and waveguides are patterned and etched together with the same slab thickness. Finally we obtain a 3-dB coupling bandwidth of about 60nm and 10 Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero modulation by wafer-level optical and electrical measurements.


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We demonstrate a photonic crystal hetero-waveguide based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) slab, consisting of two serially connected width-reduced photonic crystal waveguides with different radii of the air holes adjacent to the waveguide. We show theoretically that the transmission window of the structure corresponds to the transmission range common to both waveguides and it is in inverse proportion to the discrepancy between the two waveguides. Also the group velocity of guided mode can be changed from low to high or high to low, depending on which port of the structure the signal is input from just in the same device, and the variation is proportional to the discrepancy between the two waveguides. Using this novel structure, we realize flexible control of transmission window and group velocity of guided mode simultaneously.


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An efficient fabrication scheme of buried ridge waveguide devices is demonstrated by UV-light imprinting technique using organic-in organic hybrid sol-gel Zr-doped SiO2 materials. The refractive indices of a guiding layer and a cladding layer for the buried ridge waveguide structure are 1.537 and 1.492 measured at 1550 nm, respectively. The tested results show more circular mode profiles clue to existence of the cladding layer. A buried ridge single-mode waveguide operating at 1550 nm has a low propagation loss (0.088 dB/cm) and the 1 x 2 MMI power splitter exhibits uniform outputs, with a very low splitting loss of 0.029 dB at 1549 nm.