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海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)不连续分布于美国大西洋沿岸和墨西哥湾沿岸,自1982年以来北部亚种(A. i. irradians)和南部亚种(A. i. concentricus)被先后引进到中国,由于其生长速度快、繁殖周期短和适宜温度范围广的特点,迅速成为我国海水养殖的重要品种。近年来飞速发展的分子标记技术为优良品种的选育注入了新的活力,相对于传统的表型选择来说,标记辅助选择不易受环境的影响,尤其是对于低遗传力性状和后期表达的性状,能增强选择效率,提高选择的准确度,缩短育种周期。本文通过构建海湾扇贝微卫星富集文库获得大量的微卫星DNA序列,筛选多态的微卫星标记构建了海湾扇贝的遗传连锁图谱,并应用复合区间作图法对生长相关性状进行了QTL定位。 本研究利用富集文库-菌落原位杂交法筛选海湾扇贝微卫星DNA,吸附(AC)15和(AG)15探针的尼龙膜捕捉并富集含有微卫星序列的片段,菌落原位杂交结果显示阳性克隆率达到40%,测序比对后获得521个独立的阳性克隆,其中微卫星506个,小卫星15个。微卫星中,完美型248个,占49.0%,非完美型216个,占42.7%;复合型42个,占8.3%;AG/TC重复占大多数(356个,70.4%),AC/TG重复有150个(29.6%)。设计合成了382对引物,利用38个海湾扇贝个体对其中15个微卫星位点进行了遗传多样性评价,不同位点扩增得到的等位基因数从3到7个不等,期望杂合度和观测杂合度的范围分别为0.198~0.813和0.083~0.833,实验结果表明富集文库-菌落原位杂交法适合大规模筛选微卫星标记。 利用8个微卫星标记对海湾扇贝1个野生种群和3个养殖群体的遗传多样性与分化进行了比较和分析。8个位点共扩增得到35个等位基因,平均每个位点4.38个等位基因,平均有效等位基因数为2.30,平均观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.41和0.46。相比于野生群体(美国),养殖群体(北卡罗来那、浙江和胶南)的等位基因数和杂合度都有所降低,在封闭环境下养殖19代的浙江群体等位基因数丢失最严重,共有9个等位基因丢失(25.7%)。经过多代人工养殖后,海湾扇贝养殖与野生群体之间和养殖群体之间出现了明显的遗传分化,胶南群体与野生群体的遗传距离最大,而胶南群体与浙江群体的遗传距离已经超过了胶南群体(北部亚种)和北卡罗来那(南部亚种)群体的遗传距离,这种分化将有利于海湾扇贝的杂交选育。 利用167个微卫星标记和1个壳色标记,以海湾扇贝2个全同胞F1代为作图群体,构建了海湾扇贝的性别遗传连锁图谱。整合的雌性连锁图谱含有118个标记,覆盖了16个连锁群,每个连锁群含有的标记数目从4到16个不等,平均每个连锁群上有7.4个标记,图谱总长度为761.0 cM,标记间的平均间隔为8.55 cM,图谱的覆盖率为73.5%;整合雄性连锁图谱含有126个标记,覆盖了17个连锁群,每个连锁群含有的标记数目从2到11个不等,平均每个连锁群上有7.4个标记,图谱总长度为729.1 cM,标记间的平均间隔为6.75 cM,图谱的覆盖率为74.7%。雌性亲本的重组率高于雄性,雌雄亲本共享标记间的重组率比值为1.18:1。偏分离标记在性别间呈现不对称分布,雄性亲本的偏分离高于雌性亲本,可能与雄性亲本来源于亚种间杂交的遗传背景相关。 利用海湾扇贝微卫星遗传连锁图谱在两个作图家系中对5个生长性状的QTL进行了定位,5个生长性状的表型相关均达到极显著水平(P < 0.01),Pearson相关系数均超过0.781,总重、壳长、壳宽、壳高和壳重的QTL(LOD > 2.0)的数目分别为8、6、6、7和6个。这些QTL成簇分布于CC5家系的LG1、LG3、LG4、LG8和CC10家系的LG1、LG3、LG6、LG8、LG9连锁群,单个QTL可解释的表型方差为5.5%到29.2%,QTL成簇分布现象说明这些生长相关的性状可能具有共同的遗传基础,家系特异性QTL暗示在不同的遗传背景和环境下存在不同的主效QTL。本研究定位的QTL,尤其在两个家系中共享的QTL为下一步分子标记辅助选择提供了参考区间。


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对虾疾病在世界范围内的频频爆发,给地区经济造成了重大损失。然而到目前为止,我们对于对虾免疫系统的分子机制还知之甚少,深入了解其免疫应答过程,包括异物识别,信息传递以及作用方式等是从根本上解决疾病问题的关键之一。本论文从中国明对虾血细胞中分别克隆了一种C型凝集素基因(Fclectin)、参与凝结过程的谷氨酰胺转移酶基因(FcTG)以及参与凝结级联反应和酚氧化酶原激活系统的两种丝氨酸蛋白酶基因(SP-1和SP-2)和两种丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂基因(SPI-1和SPI-2),分析了它们的分子结构特征,预测了其可能的作用,并对它们的组织分布及应答不同病原感染的表达变化模式进行了研究。 首次从对虾中克隆了Fclectin基因,比对结果发现该基因属于C型凝集素超家族的成员之一;Northern blot和原位杂交结果显示,Fclectin基因在部分血细胞中呈组成型表达;利用毛细管电泳半定量RT-PCR方法分别研究了细菌和病毒感染后该基因的表达特征,并初步尝试了利用体外培养的原代血细胞系统研究LPS刺激后Fclectin的表达变化。该基因在感染或刺激后表达水平有明显的改变。 利用RACE技术从中国明对虾血细胞中克隆了一个FcTG基因,它与斑节对虾的谷氨酰胺转移酶基因有93%的相似性,可能编码一种具有活性的TG;原位杂交结果FcTG主要在血细胞中表达,在淋巴器官管腔的血细胞中表达尤为丰富,推断该基因可能主要在吞噬细胞中表达;病原的刺激未能使该基因的表达明显改变,但损伤(注射)的刺激会对其表达产生一定影响。 利用本组构建的对虾血液cDNA文库,克隆到了两个不同的丝氨酸蛋白酶基因,命名为SP-1和SP-2。前者为具有假clip结构域的胰蛋白酶样SP类似物(SPH),后者是一个具有完整的clip结构域的SPH,这在对虾中是首次发现。SP-1和SP-2都主要在血细胞中表达,此外SP-1在淋巴器官中的表达水平也很高;细菌的刺激对SP-1的影响不大,但会诱导SP-2表达量的增加,这两个基因的表达模式在病毒刺激后很相似,都出现先上调后下降的过程,可见病毒的感染会导致这两个基因转录的增强。 利用SMART-RACE技术结合对虾血液cDNA文库的利用,从中国明对虾血细胞中克隆到了两种SPI基因,它们分别为kazal-SPI和serpin-SPI,属于两个不同的家族。SPI-1与斑节对虾的SPI有76%的相似性,推断SPI-1可能主要对弹性蛋白酶、枯草杆菌蛋白酶、胰凝乳蛋白酶等有抑制作用;SPI-2为对虾中首次报道的serpin型抑制剂,它与淡水螯虾的serpin有42%的相似性,SPI-2可能主要对胰蛋白酶、酚氧化酶原激活酶、凝血酶和凝结酶有抑制活性。组织分别特征显示这两个抑制剂基因都在鳃、血细胞和淋巴器官中有高水平的表达。细菌的刺激都会导致这两个基因的表达在感染后出现下调,随后又上升至原有水平;病毒感染后,SPI-1和SPI-2的表达变化情况相似,感染后前12h基本没有明显的改变,到了感染的晚期(感染后24h和48h),随着病毒在体内大量复制,这两个基因的表达都急剧下降至接近基因关闭的状态,这可能暗示着与SPI相对应的蛋白酶的活力将很大程度的异常的增加,机体内稳定的免疫系统平衡状态可能已被破坏。


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在中国,孔石莼应用于医药方面已有几千年的历史,其煎剂常被当地居民用来治疗中暑和泌尿方面的疾病。实验室以前所做的工作表明,孔石莼的水溶多糖具有很好的抗高血脂活性,本论文在此研究的基础上主要就多糖的长期毒性、一般药理、多糖的衍生化、不同分子量孔石莼多糖的抗氧化活性、衍生物的抗氧化活性和动物调血脂活性进行了研究。 水提醇沉制备多糖,多糖主要由糖醛酸、鼠李糖、木糖、葡萄糖和硫酸根组成,还含有微量的半乳糖、甘露糖和阿拉伯糖。多糖中主要的二糖重复单位为[β-D-Glcp A-(1->4)- α-L-Rhap 3S] 和 [α-L-Idop A-(1->4)- α-L-Rhap 3S]。急性毒性实验表明,KM小鼠对孔石莼多糖的最大耐受量(MTD)大于4000 mg/kg,其腹腔注射雌性小鼠的半致死量(LD50)为408.7 mg/kg,雄性动物为432.7 mg/kg。长期毒性(6个月)实验表明孔石莼多糖无毒反应剂量为1.2 g/kg。一般药理研究表明孔石莼多糖对小鼠中枢神经系统无明显影响,对麻醉犬心血管系统和呼吸系统均无明显影响。 采用过氧化氢降解的方法制备了不同分子量的孔石莼多糖,并且测定了体外抗氧化活性;制备了高硫酸根含量的孔石莼多糖、乙酰化和苯甲酰化孔石莼多糖衍生物,测定了体外抗氧化活性和动物调血脂试验。结果表明,不同分子量的孔石莼多糖其抗氧化活性是不同的,分子量低的孔石莼多糖表现出了较强的抗氧化活性。孔石莼多糖的衍生物其抗氧化活性要优于孔石莼多糖。调血脂动物试验表明,孔石莼多糖以及其衍生物都具有很好的调血脂效果。高硫酸根含量孔石莼多糖的中、低剂量组的调血脂活性要优于高剂量组(低剂量组降低低密度脂蛋白的能力要稍弱于原料),而且,中剂量组与原料组相比,小鼠血清TG明显降低(P<0.05),LDL-C 明显降低(P<0.01)。低剂量组乙酰化衍生物降低甘油三酯(TG)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)的能力要优于中高剂量组。对于孔石莼多糖以及衍生物调血脂的机制还需进一步的研究。


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Ulvan, a sulfated polysaccharide from Ulva pertusa, was degraded to yield two low molecular weight fractions U1 and U2. The molecular weights of ulvan and its fractions were determined and varied from 151.6 to 28.2 kDa. They were fed to rats on a hypercholesterolemic diet for 21 days to evaluate and compare the antihyperlipidemic actions. Ulvan-based diet significantly lowered the levels of serum total cholesterol (-45.2%, P < 0.05) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol, -54.1%, P < 0.05). While U1- and U2-based diets significantly elevated the levels of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol, +22.0% for U1, not significant; +61.0% for U2; P < 0.05) and reduced triglyceride (TG, -82.4% for U1, -77.7% for U2; P < 0.05) in rats as compared to control diet. In addition, consumptions of various ulvans significantly increased fecal bile acid excrement. The results indicated that ulvans with different molecular weights exhibited diverse effects on lipid metabolism. The high molecular weight ulvan was effective in serum total and LDL-cholesterol, whereas low molecular weight fractions were in TG and HDL-cholesterol. The fractions were considered to be more beneficial to hyperlipidemia associated with diabetes over ulvan. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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土地利用/覆被分类系统是碳蓄积研究的依据,然而各种碳蓄积研究所采用的土地利用/覆被分类系统不尽相同.根据1993年海南林业资源二类调查资料,我们按照USGS土地利用/覆被、LCCS土地覆被和中国科学院土地资源三种分类系统所定义的类别进行分类并计算了各自的碳储量和碳密度,为碳储量的进一步精确估算和土地覆被分类系统研制提供重要的科学依据.结果发现,(1)不同的土地利用/覆被分类系统所对应的总碳储量以及平均碳密度都有了明显的差别.林业调查资料的植被分类、FAO土地覆被分类系统(LCCS)、USGS土地利用/土地覆被分类系统以及我国学者常用的中国科学院土地资源分类系统的碳蓄积量(Tg C)分别是28.98、28.71、21.04和21.04;碳密度(t C/ha)分别是31.24、30.95、22.68和22.68.(2)土地利用分类系统和土地覆被分类系统之间的结果具有较大差异,其碳储量相差7.67~7.94TgC,碳密度则相差8.27~8.56t C/ha;差距在26.47%~37.74%之间.与其他学者研究结果比较发现,土地利用/覆被分类系统造成的碳蓄积差异的变化方向是不定的,取决于具体的分类系统和材积-生物量函数.不同土地利用/覆被分类系统对于植被划分的不同,导致了材积-生物量回归方程和类别面积的差异是造成碳蓄积和碳密度估算差异的根本原因.目前常用的土地利用/覆被分类系统在估算碳蓄积中存在一定问题,不适合于高精度的碳蓄积计算.体现地表植被生物量差异、植被叶型和外貌特征、种类及树龄差异等内涵的土地利用/覆被分类系统利于陆地碳循环研究的深化.


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为了研究柴达木盆地唐古特白刺果实的降血脂、抗氧化作用,本文采用高脂饲料诱导小鼠和大鼠 建立高脂动物模型,灌胃给药4周,测定各组实验动物的血清血脂水平,并测定大鼠红细胞SOD活性和血清脂质过氧化物(LPO)分解产物丙二醛(MDA)的含量变化。结果显示唐古特白刺果实1.8g/kg和3.6g/kg剂量对高脂饲料诱导的小鼠和大鼠血清TC、TG及大鼠的LDL具有显著的抑制作用;同时可显著升高高血脂大鼠HDL/TC和HDL/LDL的比值,提高高血脂大鼠SOD活力和降低高血脂大鼠MDA含量;对大鼠体重和正常小鼠血脂水平无明显影响。表明唐古特白刺果实具有降血脂、防治动脉粥样硬化和抗氧化作用。


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For the first time to our knowledge, we report here methane emissions by plant communities in alpine ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This has been achieved through long-term field observations from June 2003 to July 2006 using a closed chamber technique. Strong methane emission at the rate of 26.2 +/- 1.2 and 7.8 +/- 1.1 mu g CH4 m(-2) h(-1) was observed for a grass community in a Kobresia humilis meadow and a Potentilla fruticosa meadow, respectively. A shrub community in the Potentilla meadow consumed atmospheric methane at the rate of 5.8 +/- 1.3 mu g CH4 m(-2) h(-1) on a regional basis; plants from alpine meadows contribute at least 0.13 Tg CH4 yr(-1) in the Tibetan Plateau. This finding has important implications with regard to the regional methane budget and species-level difference should be considered when assessing methane emissions by plants.


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Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was measured in a Kobresia humilis meadow and a Potentilla fruticosa meadow in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from June 2003 to July 2006. Five treatments were setup in the two alpine meadows. Two bare soil treatments were setup in the K. humilis meadow (BSK) and in the P. fruticosa meadow (BSP) by removing the above- and belowground plant biomass. Three plant community treatments were setup with one in the K. humilis meadow (herbaceous community in the K. humilis meadow-HCK) and two in the P. fruticosa meadow (herbaceous community in the P. fruticosa meadow-HCP, and shrub community in the P. fruticosa meadow-SCP). Nitrous oxide emission from BSP was estimated to be 38.1 +/- 3.6 mu g m(-2) h(-1), significantly higher than from BSK (30.2 +/- 2.8 mu g m(-2) h(-1)) during the whole experiment period. Rates from the two herbaceous blocks (HCK and HCP) were close to 39.5 mu g m(-2) stop h(-1) during the whole experimental period whereas shrub community (SCP) showed significant high emission rates of N2O. Annual rate of N2O emission was estimated to be 356.7 +/- 8.3 and 295.0 +/- 11.6 mg m(-2) year(-1) from the alpine P. fruticosa meadow and from the alpine K. humilis meadow, respectively. These results suggest that alpine meadows in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau are an important source of N2O, contributing an average of 0.3 Tg N2O year(-1). We concluded that N2O emission will decrease, due to a predicted vegetation shift from shrubs to grasses imposed by overgrazing.


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Rhubarb is an important Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, the wild resource has been declining. In order to design appropriate conservation methods for the official species across their natural distributions, it is important to characterize their genetic diversity. Here, we describe the development of 10 new microsatellite loci for AC/TG/CCA in Rheum tanguticum. The microsatellites were enriched using the combined biotin capture method. The polymorphism of each locus was further assessed in 12 individuals from four geographically distinct populations of this species. The number of alleles ranged from three to seven and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.53 to 0.73. All markers have been checked in the other three species in the genus and two of them together comprise the official medicinal rhubarb resource, with R. tanguticum. These microsatellite markers could. provide a useful tool for genetic and conservation studies of the rhubarb species.


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In northern China, the loess-soil sequence of the last 2.6 Ma, the Hipparion Red-Earth of eolian origin and recently reported Pliocene-Miocene loess-soil sequence provide a near continuous continental eolian record of climatic history for the past 22.0 Ma. This work aims to investigate the composition and structure of clay minerals contained in deposits, and to explore their implications for environmental evolutions over the last 22.0 Ma. Clay minerals, which were extracted from eolian samples collected at Xifeng (0-6.2 MaBP) and Qinan (6.2-22.0 MaBP) sections, were analyzed qualitatively and semi-quantitatively by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and chemical analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: Over the last 22.0 Ma, the clay mineral assemblage among Quaternary loess-soils, Hipparion Red-Earth, and Miocene loess-soils shows similar components, mainly consisting of illite (55-80%), kaolinite (7-20%), chlorite (4-13%), smectite (2-23%) as results calculated by comparing major peak areas. There are no obvious differences in both types and amounts of clay minerals between loess and interbedded soils, suggesting that overwhelming part of the clay minerals is derived from the source. According to the components of clay minerals, the whole sequence of eolian deposits in the Loess Plateau can be divided into ten clay mineral assemblage zones over the last 22.0 Ma, whose corresponding ages are: 22.0-21.0 MaBP, 21.0-18.0 MaBP, 18-16.2 MaBP, 16.2-13.0 MaBP, 13.0-10.0 MaBP, 10.0-5.5 MaBP, 5.5-4.4 MaBP, 4.4-2.8 MaBP, 2.8-1.0 MaBP, 1.0-0 MaBP, respectively. This may imply that dust supply changed at least nine times over the past 22.0 Ma. The loess illite has a better crystaliinity, higher value of the FWHM and IC, than the interbedd soils. Previous studies indicated that irregular mixed layer minerals could form under relatively warm and humid conditions (Han, 1982). According to the general distribution of clay minerals of zonal soil (Chamley, 1989), the clay mineral assemblage of eolian deposits in Xifeng and Qinan sections is typical of temperature-humid and warm-subarid environment. Therefore, our results indicate climatic environment in Loess Plateau did not change remarkably since 22.0 Ma, and fluctuated between temperature-humid and warm-subarid climate. 4. The illite generally presents poorer crystaliinity during the period of 22.0 to 2.8 MaBP than in the last 2.8 Ma BP, especially at the intervals of 3.5-4.5 Ma BP, 14.0-17.0 MaBP and 20.0-22.0 Ma BP, which indicates that the weathering intensity was stronger in Neogene than in Quaternary. 5. The relatively low ice volume and high global temperature may be responsible for the strange weathering intensity during the interval of the 3.5-4.5 Ma BP, 14.0-17.0 Ma BP and 20.0-22.0 Ma BP.


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Oil and gas exploration of marine strata in China's Pre-Cenozoic residual basins is regarded as a worldwide puzzle because of existent problems and cruxes. Objectively speaking, the subsurface geologic structure is complicated, and the surface conditions of some areas are tough. On the other hand, there are still many problems to be solved in oil and gas exploration technologies of Pre-Cenozoic marine fades, and theoretic cognition about petroleum geology is not profound yet. Therefore, it is principal to explore integrated geophysical research ways of Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. Seismic prospecting and geophysical integrated interpretation technologies aimed at middle Paleozoic marine facies with deeper burial and complicated geologic conditions have not formed due to bad quality of deep strata data. Pre-Cenozoic strata, and especially extension, thickness and internal structure of Paleozoic strata can not be recognized from seismic profiles, so it is hard to systematically cognize structural features and oil-gas resources prospect of Pre-Cenozoic basins. To further investigation of fabric and structural features, basin prototype, formation and evolution pattern of Pre-Cenozoic basins, and also their control over formation, migration and aggregation of oil and gas, will play a guiding and promotive role in developing new surveying areas, selecting advantageous zones and predicting oil-gas resources.This paper follows the modem macrocontrol theory of "Region constrains local, deep strata controls shallow ones", and uses the integrated geophysical method of "One guide, two hinges, three combinations and multi feedbacks'*. Based on several years of geological and geophysical results of the Shengli Oilfield, and 14 newly-joint regional seismic profiles, deep structure and oil-gas bearing capacity of the Jiyang area are discussed and new cognitions are drawn as below.Seismic identification marks Tr, Tg, Tgl and Tg2 are established for importantPre-Cenozoic geological interfaces, and promoted to the whole Jiyang area.Through area-wide tracking and clogging of important seismic reflection marker,the isochronic framework of pre-Tertiary basin is set up in the Jiyang area for the firsttime, which is vital for basin research.Integrated with geological and geophysical research results, the Jiyang area isdivided into four first-order tectonic sequences- basement, lower tectonic layer,upper tectonic layer, and top tectonic layer. The basement and lower tectonic sequence which are related to Pre-Cenozoic are studied with emphasis.Through the research of regional seismic profiles, the point of view is given thatthe Kongdian Formation of Jiyang is structural transition period. The top-bottomunconformable interface of the Kongdian Formation is found out for the first time,and the basin model is determined primarily, which lay a basis for prototype basinresearch of the Jiyang Kongdian Formation.The distribution status of Middle-Paleozoic is delineated in the Jiyang area.The maximum thickness of Paleozoic lies in the top of the south declivity of half-graben. The thickness gets thinner towards the center of Mesozoic and Cenozoic half-graben basin, and even disappears. Structural action in the west-north affects the distribution of Paleozoic residual strata.6. The features of second-order tectonic sequence of the Jiyang depression isstudied and its evolution history of is rebuilt.Combined with the 5-stage evolution history of the China continent and structure evolution features of the Jiyang area, the structure sedimentary process since Paleozoic is divided into 5 periods - basement forming , Indosinian orogenic, Yanshan negative reversal, Himalayan extension and Neogene subsidence period.Combined with the research results of gravity, magnetic surveying and regionalprofiles, this paper brings forward the idea for the first time that the western boundaryof the Jiyang depression is the Ningjin-Yangpan fracture zone, and forms aside-column assemblage with the Wudi fracture zone.The opinion that under Middle-Cenozoic basins in the middle Jiyang area theremight superimpose an old residual basin is given for the first time. And if it is provedto be true, a new exploration space will be pioneered for Jiyang and even north China.There exists many types of tectonic-stratigraphic traps formed under piezotropy,extension and compound action in Pre-Cenozoic Jiyang. Therein all kinds of burialhills are the most important oil-gas trap type of Pre-Cenozoic, which should besurveyed layeredly according to the layout of oil sources.As such a new challenging project and field, the paper systematically analyses different geophysical responses of the Jiyang area, frames the deep structure of the area, and preliminarily recognizes the Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. It breaks through to a certain extent in both theory and practice, and is expected to provide new geophysical and geotectonic clues for deep exploration in Shengli.


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人类对地球深部结构的认识主要依赖于天然地震的观测资料,高温高压下矿物、岩石和岩浆玻璃的弹性波速测量,是对野外地震波探测资料进行物质反演的重要依据,也为建立地球内部结构模型和地球动力学研究提供重要的实验数据。大量研究证实,高温高压下岩石的部分熔融将形成地震波低速层。然而,前人的研究中,多以岩石的纵波波速(Vp)测量结果来讨论区域地壳结构和低速层的成因,而且很少对实验过程中的中间产物进行观察分析。另一方面,由于玻璃在高温高压下具有特殊的弹性性质,一些科学家推测地球内部岩石的非晶质化也将导致地震波低速层形成。但目前这一推测尚缺乏充分的实验数据支持。为此,作者依托YJ-3000吨大腔体高压实验技术平台,利用脉冲反射法和透射-反射法,完成了: (Ⅰ)三江地区花岗岩和角闪斜长片麻岩在最高压力2.0GPa、最高温度1200℃下的纵波波速(Vp)和最高温度600℃下的横波波速(Vs)研究,并通过岩石物态变化过程中的取样实验,综合探讨岩石中矿物脱水、固-固相变、部分熔融对其弹性波速的影响。获得以下主要结论: ① 花岗岩和角闪斜长片麻岩的Vp和Vs随压力及温度的变化趋势基本一致。室温下岩石的Vp和Vs随压力升高而升高,岩石波速具明显的各向异性,而且其各向异性随压力增大到约0.5GPa后逐渐趋于一恒定值; ② 恒定压力下,岩石的Vp和Vs首先随温度升高近线性缓慢降低,当750℃ 950℃后,石英相变完成,岩石的波速由于熔体含量增加又快速降低; ③ 高温高压下岩石的Vp和Vs研究显示了对三江地区地壳结构一致的约束结果,即该区花岗岩主要分布在上地壳,而角闪斜长片麻岩从上地壳底部到中地壳底部均有分布,这一结果与前人利用Vp研究建立的该区地壳模型基本一致; ④ 在三江地区中上地壳高石英含量的岩石中,石英的α-β相变是地壳地震波低速层形成的主要因素,而随岩石中石英含量的变化,高温高压下岩石的部分熔融及岩石的波速各向异性也可能形成低速层。 (Ⅱ)化学成分从基性到酸性的7种岩石的熔体玻璃在1.0GPa和2.0GPa,最高温度1000℃下的Vp研究和最高温度730℃下的Vs研究。获得以下主要结论: ① 与岩石波速随压力增大而增大不同,室温、0.4-2.0GPa压力下,除两种基性岩石(正长辉石岩和粗面玄武岩)的熔体玻璃外,其它5种中酸性岩石的熔体玻璃的Vp均随压力增大而减小,而这7种玻璃的Vs全部随压力增大而减小。而且,玻璃波速随压力增加而异常降低的幅度随样品中SiO2含量的增高逐渐增大; ② 恒定压力下,随实验温度升高,各种玻璃的弹性波速缓慢降低。当温度高于玻璃转变温度Tg后,玻璃弹性波速的温度系数(∂V/∂T)增大约3倍以上; ③ 研究证实了一种新的地震波低速层成因模式,即上地幔岩石中如果含有超过10vol%的玄武岩玻璃,将会形成地震波低速层;假如下地壳基性岩石中中酸性非晶质体含量超过20vol%,也可能导致地壳低速层的形成。


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The heat capacity of nanostructured amorphous SiO2 (na-SiO2) has been measured by adiabatic calorimetric method over the temperature range 9-354 K. TG and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) were also employed to determine the thermal stability. Glass transition temperature (T-g) for the two same grain sizes with different specific surface of naSiO(2) samples and one coarse-grained amorphous SiO2 (ca-SiO2) sample were determined to be 1377, 1397 and 1320 K, respectively. The low temperature experimental results show that there are significant heat capacity (C-P) enhancements among na-SiO2 samples and ca-SiO2. Entropy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy and Debye temperature (theta (D)) were obtained based on the low temperature heat capacity measurement of na-SiO2. The Cp enhancements of na-SiO2 were discussed in terms of configurational and vibrational entropy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.