404 resultados para ION-BEAM DEPOSITION


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It is found that both methods using either continuous Sb supply or pre-deposition of a very thin Sb layer are efficient for the Sb-assisted molecular beam epitaxy growth of highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs). The emission of QWs is extended to long wavelength close to 1.25 mu m with high luminescence efficiency at room temperature. The influence of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the photoluminescence intensity critically depends on the annealing temperature and duration for highly strained QWs. A relatively low RTA temperature of 700 degrees C with a short duration of 10 s is suggested for optimizing the annealing effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ZnO, as a wide-band gap semiconductor, has recently become a new research focus in the field of ultraviolet optoelectronic semiconductors. Laser molecular beam epitaxy (L-MBE) is quite useful for the unit cell layer-by-layer epitaxial growth of zinc oxide thin films from the sintered ceramic target. The ZnO ceramic target with high purity was ablated by KrF laser pulses in an ultra high vacuum to deposit ZnO thin film during the process of L-MBE. It is found that the deposition rate of ZnO thin film by L-MBE is much lower than that by conventional pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Based on the experimental phenomena in the ZnO thin film growth process and the thermal-controlling mechanism of the nanosecond (ns) pulsed laser ablation of ZnO ceramic target, the suggested effective ablating time during the pulse duration can explain the very low deposition rate of the ZnO film by L-MBE. The unique dynamic mechanism for growing ZnO thin film is analyzed. Both the high energy of the deposition species and the low growth rate of the film are really beneficial for the L-MBE growth of the ZnO thin film with high crystallinity at low temperature.


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It is well known that the value of room-temperature conductivity sigma(RT) of boron-doped silicon films is one order lower than that of phosphorus-doped silicon films, when they are deposited in an identical plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition system. We use surface acoustic wave and secondary-ion mass spectrometry techniques to measure the concentration of total and electrically active boron atoms. It is shown that only 0.7% of the total amount of incorporated boron is electrically active. This is evidence that hydrogen atoms can passivate substitutional B-Si bonds by forming the neutral B-H-Si complex. By irradiating the boron-doped samples with a low-energy electron beam, the neutral B-H-Si complex converts into electrically active B-Si bonds and the conductivity can be increased by about one order of magnitude, up to the same level as that of phosphorus-doped samples.


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Three causes involved in the instability of the ISFET are proposed in this study. First, it is ascertained that hydroxyl group resident at the surface of the Si3N4 film or in the electrolyte solution is most active and subject to gain or loss of electrons. This is one of the main causes for ISFET structural instability. Secondly, the stability of the pH-sensitive FET varies with deposition conditions in the fabrication process of the ISFET. This proves to be another cause of ISFET instability. Thirdly, the pH of the measured solution varies with the measuring process and time, contributing to the instability, but is not a cause of the instability of the pH-ISFET itself. We utilized the technique of readjusting and controlling the ratio of hydroxyl groups to amine groups to enhance the stability of the ISFET. Our techniques to improve stability characteristics proved to be effective in practice.


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The Raman and photoreflectivity spectra of gallium nitride (GaN) films grown on (0001) oriented sapphire substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) have been investigated. The Raman spectra showed the presence of the E-2(high) mode and a shift in the wavenumber of this mode with respect to the GaN epilayer thickness. The Raman scattering results suggest the presence of stress due to lattice and thermal expansion misfit in the films, and also indicate that the buffer layer play an important role in the deposition of high quality GaN layers. The residual stress changes from tensile to compressive as the epilayer thickness increases. Samples subjected to anneal cycles showed an increase in the mobility due probably to stress relaxation as suggested by an observed shift in the E-2(high) mode in the Raman spectra after annealing.


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Cd in GaAs is an acceptor atom and has the largest atomic diameter among the four commonly-used group-II shallow acceptor impurities (Be, Mg, Zn and Cd). The activation energy of Cd (34.7 meV) is also the largest one in the above four impurities, When Cd is doped by ion implantation, the effects of lattice distortion are expected to be apparently different from those samples ion-implanted by acceptor impurities with smaller atomic diameter. In order to compensate the lattice expansion and simultaneously to adjust the crystal stoichiometry, dual incorporation of Cd and nitrogen (N) was carried out into GaAs, Ion implantation of Cd was made at room temperature, using three energies (400 keV, 210 keV, 110 keV) to establish a flat distribution, The spatial profile of N atoms was adjusted so as to match that of Cd ones, The concentration of Cd and N atoms, [Cd] and [N] varied between 1 x 10(16) cm(-3) and 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). Two type of samples, i.e., solely Cd+ ion-implanted and dually (Cd+ + N+) ion-implanted with [Cd] = [N] were prepared, For characterization, Hall effects and photoluminescence (PL) measurements were performed at room temperature and 2 K, respectively. Hall effects measurements revealed that for dually ion-implanted samples, the highest activation efficiency was similar to 40% for [Cd] (= [N])= 1 x 10(18) cm(-3). PL measurements indicated that [g-g] and [g-g](i) (i = 2, 3, alpha, beta,...), the emissions due to the multiple energy levels of acceptor-acceptor pairs are significantly suppressed by the incorporation of N atoms, For [Cd] = [N] greater than or equal to 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), a moderately deep emission denoted by (Cd, N) is formed at around 1.45-1.41 eV. PL measurements using a Ge detector indicated that (Cd, N) is increasingly red-shifted in energy and its intensity is enhanced with increasing [Cd] = [N], (Cd, N) becomes a dominant emission for [Cd] = [N] = 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). The steep reduction of net hole carrier concentration observed for [Cd]/[N] less than or equal to 1 was ascribed to the formation of (Cd, N) which is presumed to be a novel radiative complex center between acceptor and isoelectronic atoms in GaAs.


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Thermally stimulated redistribution and precipitation of excess arsenic in Ge0.5Si0.5 alloy has been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) and X-ray energy disperse spectrometry (EDS). Samples were prepared by the implantation of 6 X 10(6) As+ cm(-2) and 100 keV with subsequent thermal processing at 800 degrees C and 1000 degrees C for 1 h. The XPS depth profiles from the implanted samples before and after the thermal annealing indicate that there is marked redistribution of the elements in heavily arsenic-implanted Ge0.5Si0.5 alloys during the annealing, including: (1) diffusion of As from the implanted region to the surface; (2) aggregation of Ge in the vicinity of the surface. A high density of precipitates was observed near the surface which were by XTEM and EDS identified as an arsenide. It is suggested that most of the implanted As in Ge0.5Si0.5 alloy exists in the form of GeAs.


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GaNAs alloy is grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using dimethylhydrazine (DMHy) as the nitrogen precursor. High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) are combined in determining the nitrogen contents in the samples. Room temperature photoluminescence (RTPL) measurement is also used in characterizing. The influence of different Ga precursors on GaNAs quality is investigated. Samples grown with triethylgallium (TEGa) have better qualities and less impurity contamination than those with trimethylgallium (TMGa). Nitrogen content of 5.688% is achieved with TEGa. The peak wavelength in RTPL measurement is measured to be 1278.5nm.


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The paper reports a method of depositing SiO2, SiNx, a:Si, Si3N4 and SiOxNy dielectric thin films by electron cyclotron resonance plasma chemical vapor deposition (ECR CVD) on InP, InGaAs and other compound semiconductor optoelectronic devices,and give a technology of depositing dielectric thin films and optical coatings by ECR CVD on Laser's Bars. The experiment results show the dielectric thin films and optical coatings are stable at thermomechanical property,optical properties and the other properties. In addition, the dielectric thin film deposition that there is low leakage current is reported for using as diffusion and ion implatation masks in the paper. In the finally, the dielectric film refractive index can be accurately controlled by the N-2/O-2/Ar gas flow rate.


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In this study, we report the dependences of infrared luminescence properties of Er-implanted GaN thin films (GaN:Er) on the kinds of substrates used to grow GaN, the growth techniques of GaN, the implantation parameters and annealing procedures. The experimental results showed that the photoluminescence (PL) intensity at 1.54 mum was severely influenced by different kinds of substrates. The integrated PL peak intensity from GaN:Er /Al2O3 (00001) was three and five times stronger than that from GaN:Er /Si (111) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), respectively. The PL spectra observed from GaN:Er/Al2O3 (0001) grown by MOCVD and by MBE displayed a similar feature, but those samples grown by MOCVD exhibited a stronger 1.54 mum PL. It was also found that there was a strong correlation between the PL intensity with ion implantation parameters and annealing procedures. Ion implantation induced damage in host material could be only partly recovered by an appropriate annealing temperature procedure. The thermal quenching of PL from 15 to 300 K was also estimated. In comparison with the integrated PL intensity at 15 K, it is reduced by only about 30 % when going up to 300 K for GaN:Er/Al2O3 sample grown by MOCVD. Our results also show that the strongest PL intensity comes from GaN:Er grown on Al2O3 substrate by MOCVD. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the growth of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) by molecular beam epitaxy using a DC plasma as the N sourer. The N concentration was independent of the As pressure and the In concentration, but inversely proportional to the growth rate. It was almost independent of T, over the range of 400-500 degreesC, but dropped rapidly when T-g exceeded 500 degreesC. Thermally-activated N surface segregation is considered to account for the strong falloff of the N concentration. As increasing N concentration, the steep absorption edge of the photovoltage spectra of GaInNAs/GaAs QW became gentle, the full-width at half-maximum of the photoluminescence (PL) peal; increased rapidly, and a so-called S-shaped temperature dependence of PL peak energy showed up. All these were attributed to the increasing localized state as N concentration. Ion-induced damage was one of the origins of the localized state. A rapid thermal annealing procedure could effectively remote the localized state. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science D.V. All rights reserved.


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The optimum growth condition of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy was investigated. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence (PL) measurements showed that ion damage drastically degraded the quality of GaNAs and GaInNAs QWs and that ion removal magnets can effectively remove the excess ion damage. Remarkable improvement of PL intensity and obvious appearance of pendellosung fringes were observed by removing the N ions produced in the plasma cell. When the growth rate increased from 0.73 to 1.2 ML/s, the optimum growth temperature was raised from 460 degreesC to 480 degreesC and PL peak intensity increased two times. Although the N composition decreased with increasing growth rate, degradation of optical properties of GaInNAs QWs was observed when the growth rate was over 0.92 ML/s. Due to low-temperature growth of GaInNAs QWs, a distinctive reflection high-energy electron diffraction pattern was observed only when the GaAs barrier was grown under lower As-4 pressure. The samples with GaAs barriers grown under lower As-4 pressure (V/III ratio about 24) exhibited seven times increase in PL peak intensity compared with those grown under higher As-4 pressure (V/III ratio about 50). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.


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Cubic GaN(c-GaN) films are grown on GaAs(001) substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Two GaN samples were grown with different buffer layer, the deposition time of each was 1 and 3 min, respectively. 4-circle X-ray double crystal diffraction (XRDCD) was used to study the secondary crystallographic phases presented in the c-GaN films. The phase composition of the epilayers was determined by X-ray reciprocal space mapping. The intensities of the c-GaN(002) and h-GaN(10 (1) over bar 1) planes detected in the mapping were investigated by omega scans. The content of the hexagonal phase inclusions in the c-GaN films was calculated to about 1.6 and 7.9%, respectively. The thicker buffer layer is not preferable for growing high quality pure c-GaN films. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Gas source molecular beam epitaxy has been used to grow Si1-xGex alloys and Si1-xGex/Si multi-quantum wells (MQWs) on (100) Si substrates with Si2H6 and GeH4 as sources. Heterostructures and MQWs with mirror-like surface morphology, good crystalline qualify, and abrupt interfaces have been studied by a variety of in situ and ex situ techniques. The structural stability and strain relaxation in Si1-xGex/Si heterostructures have been investigated, and compared to that in the As ion-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers. The results show that the strain relaxation mechanism of the non-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers is different from that of the As ion-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers.