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近年来,随着黑素细胞生物学的发展和对美白剂功效研究的不断深入,美白剂对皮肤正常生理潜在的负面影响正逐渐为人们所重视 ,仅仅通过临床皮肤敏感试验已远不能给以科学的解释,因而建立一个科学量化的美白剂评价体系就显得尤为迫切和必要。本文工 作旨在将体外黑素细胞原代培养与黑素生成相关的生化指标(包括:黑度,细胞量,铬氨酸酶TYR,多巴色素异构酶DT酶活的), 检测相结合,并联系细胞学观察,从而形成一整套相对完善,定性定量的研究美白剂功效的评价体系。通过测定外加a-MSH,内皮素 ET-1及其拮抗剂GD2168后黑素细胞内上述生化指标的变化,不仅验证了a-MSH,内皮素ET-1的促黑作用,内皮素拮抗剂GD2168的美 白功效,而且还体现出本评价体系不同于国内现有的其它美白评价体系的独特优势。首先,本评价体系在国内为首家将原代培养的 黑素细胞用于美白评价,由于原代培养环境与体内皮肤生理环境的相似性,在体外对10-8mol/La-MSH产生了正常的应答,所以在评 价美白剂的功效时该培养体较之将黑素细胞孤立生长的纯化培养体系更为科学也更具有说服力。尤其值得一提的是,国内现有的生 化水平的美白评价多局限于对TYR活力的测定,而本体系的另一特点就是除了TYR外还增加了对TRP-2即DT酶活的测定,由于DT在维 持正常黑素细胞及皮肤生理上的重要意义,对其变化的研究往往可揭示出美白剂对皮肤的潜在毒性,本文通过测定并分析内皮素拮 抗剂GD2168对体外黑素细胞DT活力的下调作用,对其潜在的副作用进行了科学的预测,这项工作国内尚无人开展。Over the past few years, melanin cell research has experienced unprecedent impetus, which also contribute to the study on lightener's function especially it's potent skin damage. As a result, it's the high time to build a more accurate and complete evaluation system to investigate lightener's effects and by-effects as well. After normal human melanocytes were cultured primarily in vitro, the effects of a-MSH, endothelin-1(ET-1)and ET -1's antagonist GD2168 on melanogenesis were studied biochemically by measurement of melanin content, cell-number, tyrosinaseTYR activity and dopachrome tautomeraseDT activity. Compared with untreated cells, the treated cells responsed to 10-8mol/L a-MSH with the increase in all items. ET-1 induced both an increae in DT activity and melanin concent; however, the melanosynthesis increase was inhibited significantly in the present of GD2168. Trough above work, a new evaluation system of lightener has been established and confirmed to be feasible. Different from other evaluation systems present in country, this system used the primary culture, which was more consistent to the physiological circumstance. Moreover, the system added DT activity assay that help reveal the GD2168's potent side-effects, which would have been clouded or ignored if only TYR activity was assayed.


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应用花粉管通道技术将新疆大赖草总DNA导入小麦,用高重序列分析方法,已为大赖草总DNA转入小麦提供了初步的分子证据。在转 化后代中选育出稳定遗传的大穗变异株系,分析表明,这些转化株中蛋白质含量明显增高(13%-17%)。对基因供体新疆大赖草、受 体春麦761、转化株的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)进行了SDS-PAGE分析,发现这些转化株中HMW-GS发生了很大变化,并在此基础 上,用来自小麦基因组的四对特异引物,以PCR方法扩增供体、受体以及转化株的1Ax、1Bx、1Dx及1Ay、1By、1Dy型HMW-GS全基因 ,比较他们扩增产物的差异,结果表明,受体与转化株在HMW-GS基因1Ax、1Bx位点上的扩增产物差异不大,在HMW-GS基因位点1Dx 和y型基因上的扩增产物有较大差异,说明了受体在基因位点1Dx、1Ay、1By和1Dy上可能发生了多位点插入,可能由于这些基因位 点上的插入引起了转化株的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)的变化,这就再一次为大赖草总DNA导入提供了直接的分子证据。虽然大 赖草总DNA导入提高了小麦蛋白质的含量,改变了HMW-GS的组成,部分改变了品质评分,但我们感到这些转化株在品质改良方面仍 有很大余地,如何更好地利用新疆大赖草蛋白质的优良特性及避免总DNA导入给转化株带来的不良性状,一个大赖草HMW-GS基因正 被分离及克隆,并准备将其利用于未来的品质育种当中。Total DNA of Leymus racemosus had been transformed into wheat through pollen tube pathway. Analysis of the repeated gene sequence had provided an elementary proof. Some variant cultivars with big ear were screened from their offsprings, and their protein content increased greatly from 13% (receptor)to 17%(transformed). The result from SDS-PAGE analysis of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits(HMW- GS) respectively in donor(Xinjiang Leymus racemosus), receptor(spring wheat cultivar 761)and transformed wheats, showed the HMW-GS composition changed in the transformed plants. On the basis of the research, Four special pairs primers from wheat(T.aestivum L.) genome were used to amplify complete coding regions of HMW-GS genes on 1Ax、1Bx 、1Dx and 1Ay、1By、1Dy loci of donor、receptor and the big ear transformed cultivars. By comparing amplified PCR products. Faint differences were found among receptor and transformed cultivar's 1Ax、1Bx PCR amplifed products and apparent differences on those of 1Dx、y-typePCR product. We gueseed that there may be some DNA inserts in 1Dx 、1By、1Dy loci resulted in the changes of the HMW-GS among transformed cultivars. This provides second direct molecular witness to the exogenous DNA introduction. Even though the transformed plants have higher protein content, changed HMW-GS composition, partially improved process quality, there still leave much work to improve quality. In order to make full use of the excellent property of Leymus racemosus protein and avoid the disadvantages introducced by total DNA transformation, a HMW-GS gene of Leymus racemosus was being isolated and cloned.


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穗发芽(PHS,preharvest sprouting)是影响禾本科作物生产的重要的灾害之一。收获时期如遇潮湿天气容易导致穗发芽发生。发生穗发芽的种子内部水解酶(主要是α-淀粉酶)活性急剧升高,胚乳贮藏物质开始降解,造成作物产量和品质严重降低。因此,选育低穗发芽风险的品种是当前作物育种工作中面临的重要任务。 青稞(Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare)主要分布于青藏高原,自古以来就是青藏高原人民的主要粮食。近年来,由于青稞丰富的营养成分和特有的保健品质、在燃料工业中的潜力以及在啤酒酿造工业中的利用前景,在发达国家日趋受到重视,掀起综合研究利用的热潮。我国拥有占全世界2/3 以上的青稞资源,具有发展青稞产业的得天独厚的条件。然而,由于青稞收获期间恰逢青藏高原雨季来临,常有穗发芽灾害发生,使青稞生产损失巨大。目前对青稞穗发芽研究很少,适用于育种的穗发芽抗性材料相对缺乏,不能很好的满足青稞穗发芽抗性育种的需要。本研究以青藏高原青稞为材料,对其穗发芽抗性的评价指标和体系进行构建,同时筛选青稞抗穗发芽品种并对其抗性进行评价,还利用分子生物学手段对青稞穗发芽抗性的分子机理进行了初步探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. 本试验以来自于我国青藏高原地区的青稞为材料,对休眠性测定的温度范围进行探讨,并对各种穗发芽抗性测定方法的对青稞的适用性进行评测。通过探讨温度对13 个不同基因型的青稞籽粒发芽和休眠性表达的影响,对筛选青稞抗穗发芽资源的温度条件进行探索,并初步分析了其休眠性表达的机理。在10,15,20,25,30℃的黑暗条件下,选用新收获的13 个青稞品种为材料进行籽粒发芽实验,以发芽指数(GI)评价其休眠性。结果发现,不同品种对温度敏感性不同,其中温度不敏感品种,在各温度条件下均表现很低的休眠性;而温度敏感品种,其休眠性表达受低温抑制,受高温诱导。15℃至25℃是进行青稞休眠性鉴定的较适宜的温度范围。通过对供试材料发芽后的α-淀粉酶活性,发现温度对青稞种子的休眠性表达的影响至少在一定程度上表现在对α-淀粉酶活性的调控上。随后,对分别在马尔康和成都进行种植的34 份青稞穗发芽指数(SI),穗发芽率(SR),籽粒发芽指数(GI)和α-淀粉酶活性(AA)进行了测定和分析,发现它们均受基因型×栽培地点的极显著影响,且四个参数之间具有一定相关性。GI 参数由于其变异系数较低,在不同栽培地点稳定性好,且操作简便,是较可靠和理想的穗发芽评价参数。SI 参数可作为辅助,区别籽粒休眠性相似的材料(基因型)或全面评价材料(基因型)的穗发芽抗性特征。AA 参数稳定性较差,并且检测方法复杂,因此不建议在育种及大量材料筛选和评价时使用。此外,青稞穗发芽抗性受环境影响较大,评价时应考虑到尽可能多的抗性影响因素及其在不同栽培条件下的变异。 2. 对来自青藏高原的青稞穗发芽抗性特征及其与其它农艺性状间的关系进行研究。通过测定穗发芽指数(SI)、籽粒发芽指数(GI)和α-淀粉酶活性(AA),表明113 份青稞材料的穗发芽抗性具有显著差异。SI、GI 和AA 参数的变幅分别为1.00~8.86、0.01~0.97 和0.00~2.76,其均值分别为4.72、0.63 和1.22。根据SI 参数,六个基因型,包括‘XQ9-5’,‘XQ33-9’,‘XQ37-5’,‘XQ42-9’,‘XQ45-7’和‘JCL’被鉴定为抗性品种。综合SI、GI 和AA 参数,可以发现青稞的穗发芽抗性机制包含颖壳等穗部结构的抗性和种子自身的抗性(即种子休眠性),且供试材料中未发现较强的胚休眠品种,除‘XQ45-7’外,所有品种在发芽第四天均能检测出α-淀粉酶活性。穗部结构和种子休眠的抗性机制因基因型不同而不同,在穗发芽抗性中可单独作用或共同作用。农家品种和西藏群体分别比栽培品种和四川群体的穗发芽抗性强,而在不同籽粒颜色的青稞中未发现明显差异。相关性检验发现,青稞的穗发芽抗性,主要是种子休眠性,与百粒重、开花期、成熟期、穗长、芒长和剑叶长呈显著负相关关系,与株高相关性不显著。农艺性状可以作为穗发芽抗性材料选育中的辅助指标。本试验为青稞穗发芽抗性育种研究提供了必要的理论基础和可供使用的亲本材料。 3. α-淀粉酶是由多基因家族编码的蛋白质,在植物种子萌发时高度表达,与植物种子的萌发能力密切相关。在大麦种子发芽时,高等电点α-淀粉酶的活性远大于低等电点的α-淀粉酶。为了研究不同穗发芽抗性青稞品种中编码高等电点α-淀粉酶Amy1 基因结构与抗性间的关系,我们以筛选得到的抗性品种‘XQ32-5’(TR1)、‘XQ37-5’(TR2)、‘XQ45-7’(TR3),易感品种‘97-15’(TS1)、‘9657’(TS2)以及强休眠大麦品种‘SAMSON’(SAM)为材料,对其Amy1 基因的编码区序列进行克隆和结构分析,并对它们推导的氨基酸序列进行比较。结果显示,青稞Amy1 基因具有三个外显子、两个内含子,编码区中有13 个核苷酸变异位点,均位于2、3 号外显子,2 个变异位点位于2 号外显子。SAM 和TS1 分别在2 号外显子相应位置有5 个相同的碱基(GAACT)的插入片段。相应α-淀粉酶氨基酸序列推导发现,所有核苷酸变异中有8 个导致相应氨基酸残基的改变,其余位点为同义突变。青稞Amy1 基因编码区序列品种间相似度高达99%以上,部分序列变异可能与其穗发芽抗性有关。随后,我们又通过SYBR Green 荧光定量技术对该基因在不同发芽时间(1d~7d)的相对表达水平进行了差异性检测。结果发现,7 天内不能检测到SAM 的Amy1 基因表达,5 个青稞品种间的Amy1 基因的相对表达量均随着发芽时间延长而上升,但上升方式有所不同。弱抗品种该基因表达更早,转录本增加速率更大,且在4~5 天可达到平台期。发芽7 天中,抗性品种总转录水平明显低于易感品种。本研究结果表明,青稞Amy1 基因的转录水平是与其穗发芽抗性高度相关。 我国青藏高原青稞,尤其是农家品种的穗发芽抗性具有丰富的变异,蕴藏着穗发芽抗性育种的宝贵资源。本研究为青稞穗发芽抗性育种建立了合理抗性评价体系,筛选出可供育种使用的特殊材料,阐明了农艺性状可辅助穗发芽抗性育种,同时还对穗发芽抗性与α-淀粉酶基因的结构和表达关系进行分析,为青稞穗发芽抗性资源筛选奠定了基础。 Preharvest sprouting (PHS) is a serious problem in crop production. It often takes place when encountering damp, cold conditions at harvest time and results in the decrease of grain quality and great loss of yield by triggering the synthesis of endosperm degrading enzymes (mostly the α-amylase). Therefore, PHS is regarded as an important criterion for crop breeding. In order to minimize the risk of PHS, resistant genotypes are highly required. Hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) is the staple food crop in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from of old, where is one of the origin and genetic diversity centers of hulless barley. Recently, interest in hulless barley has been sparked throughout the world due to the demonstrations of its great potential in health food industry and fuel alcohol production. Indeed, hulless barley can also be utilized to produce good quality malt if the appropriate malting conditions are used. In China, overcast and rainy conditions often occur at maturity of hulless barley and cause an adverse on its production and application. PHS resistant genotypes, therefore, are highly required for the hulless barley breeding programs. However, few investigations have been made so far on this issue. The objectives of this study were: 1) to assessment of methods used in testing preharvest sprouting resistance in hulless barley; 2) to evaluate the variability and characteristics of PHS resistance of hulless barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China; 3) to select potential parents for PHS resistance breeding; 4) to primarily study on the molecular mechanism of PHS resistance of hulless barley. Our results are as followed: 1. We investigated the temperature effects on seed germination and seed dormancy expression of hulless barley, discussed appropriate temperature range for screening of PHS resistant varieties, and analyzed the mechanism of seed dormancy expression of hulless barley. The dormancy level of 13 hulless barley were evaluated by GI (germination index) values calculating by seed germination tests at temperature of 10,15,20,25,30℃ in darkness. There were great differences in temperature sensitivity among these accessions. The insensitive accessions showed low dormancy at any temperature while the dormancy expression of sensitive accessions could be restrained by low temperature and induced by high temperature. The temperature range of 15℃ to 25℃ was workable for estimating of dormancy level of hulless barley according to our data. Analysis of α-amylase activity showed that the temperature effects on seed germination and the expression of seed dormancy be achieved probable via regulating of α-amylase activity. Furthermore, we evaluated the differences in sprouting index (SI), sprouting rate (SR), germination index (GI) and α-amylase activity (AA) between Maerkang and Chengdu among 34 accessions of hulless barley from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China. These PHS sprouting parameters were significantly affected by accession×location, and they had correlation between each other. GI was the most reliable parameter because of its low CV value, good repeatability and simple operation. SI could assist in differentiating between accessions of similar dormancy or overall evaluation of the resistance. AA was bad in repeatability and had relatively complex testing method, therefore, not appropriate for breeding and evaluation and screening of PHS resistant materials. Besides, since PHS resistance of hulless barley was greatly influenced by its growth environment, possibly much influencing factors and variations between cultivated conditions should be considered. 2. In this study, large variation was found among 113 genotypes of hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare) from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China, based on the sprouting index (SI), germination index (GI) and α-amylase activity (AA) which derived from sprouting test of intact spikes, germination test of threshed seeds and determination of α-amylase activity, respectively. The range of SI, GI and AA was 1.00~8.86, 0.01~0.97 and 0.00~2.76,the mean was 4.72, 0.63 and 1.22 espectively. Six resistant genotypes, including ‘XQ9-5’, ‘XQ33-9’, ‘XQ37-5’, ‘XQ42-9’, ‘XQ45-7’ and ‘JCL’, were identified based on SI. Integrating the three parameters, it was clear that both hulls and seeds involved in PHS resistance in intact spikes of hulless barley and there was no long-existent embryo dormancy found among the test genotypes. All the genotypes, except ‘XQ45-7’, had detectable α-amylase activity on the 4th day after germination. There was PHS resistance imposed by the hull and seed per se and the two factors can act together or independent of each other. Besides, landraces or Tibet hulless barley had a wider variation and relatively more PHS resistance when compared with cultivars or Sichuan hulless barley. No significant difference was found among hulless barley of different seed colors. The correlation analysis showed PHS resistance was negatively related to hundred grain weight, days to flowering, days to maturity, spike length, awn length and flag length but not related to plant height. This study provides essential information and several donor parents for breeding of resistance to PHS. 3. Alpha-amylase isozymes are encoded by a family of multigenes. They highly express in germinating seeds and is closely related to seed germination ability. In barley germinating seeds, the activity of high pI α-amylase is much higher than low pI α-amylase. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between preharvest sprouting resistance of hulless barley and the gene structure of Amy1 gene which encodes high pI α-amylase. The coding region and cDNA of Amy1 gene of three resistant accessions, including ‘XQ32-5’ (TR1), ‘XQ37-5’ (TR2), ‘XQ45-7’ (TR3), two susceptible accessions ‘97-15’ (TS1), ‘9657’ (TS2) and one highly dormant barley accession ‘SAMSON’ (SAM) was cloned. Analysis of their DNA sequences revealed there were three exons and two introns in Amy1 gene. Thirteen variable sites were in exon2 and exon3, 2 variable sites were in intron2. SAM and TS1 had a GAACT insert segment in the same site in intron2. Only 8 variable sites caused the change of amino acid residues. There were 99% of similarity between the tested hulless barley and some of the variable sites might be related with preharvest sprouting resistance. Then, we investigated the expression level of Amy1 gene in the 7-day germination test. Results of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that the relative expression trends of Amy1 gene were the same but had significant differences in the increase fashion between hulless barleys and no detectable expression was found in SAM. Susceptible accessions had earlier expression and faster increase and reached the maximum on day 4 ~ day 5. Besides, total transcripts level was found lower in resistant accessions than susceptible accessions. This study indicated that α-amylase activity was highly related to the transcription level of Amy1 gene which not correlated to missense mutation sites. In conclusion, hulless barley, especially the landraces from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China possesses high degree of variation in PHS performance, which indicates the potential of Tibetan hulless barley as a good source for breeding of resistance to PHS. This study provides several donor parents for breeding of resistance to PHS. Our results also demonstrate that agronomic traits may be used as assistants for PHS resistance selection in hulless barley. Besides, analysis of high pI α-amylase coding gene Amy1 revealed the relative high expression of was Amy1 one of the mainly reason of different PHS resistance level in hulless barley.


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本研究应用微波消解ICP-AES 法对62 个小麦品种及3 个地区土壤的锌铁硒含量进行了分析测定,发现不同小麦品种中微量元素含量差异很大,姊妹系间也存在差异。含铁量最高与最低的小麦品种铁含量相差29.68mg/kg。含锌量最高与最低的小麦品种锌含量相差46.70 mg/kg。含硒量最高与最低的小麦品种硒含量相差0.056 mg/kg。对不同地点的小麦及土壤中锌铁硒含量进行方差分析,发现双流和西昌两地种植小麦的铁含量和硒含量均有显著差异,西昌和荣县种植的锌含量有显著差异。在3 个地点中双流种植小麦硒含量最高,西昌种植小麦的铁和锌含量最高。 通过对小麦微量元素含量与土壤中微量元素含量进行了相关性分析,结果表明:小麦中的锌铁含量与土壤中的锌铁含量呈显著正相关,土壤中铁与锌含量呈极显著正相关,小麦中铁与锌含量也呈极显著正相关。随着土壤微量元素锌铁的提高,小麦中的锌铁元素含量同时提高,而且小麦对两种元素的吸收互相促进。土壤中的硒含量与锌铁含量呈负相关。小麦中硒含量也与锌铁含量也呈负相关。说明锌和铁与硒互相拮抗。小麦硒含量与土壤硒含量呈正相关,但不显著。表明土壤硒含量可以影响小麦硒含量,但不是决定因素,小麦硒含量与小麦自身因素有关。 对姊妹系G290(高硒含量)和G289(低硒含量)进行抗重金属胁迫和抗旱性实验发现,高硒品种G290的抗逆性优于低硒品种G289。 利用RAPD 技术对7 个姊妹系进行遗传差异分析发现,高硒材料G290出现了特异条带,分别标为1、2、3、4,其他姊妹系品种中未发现特异条带,回收4 条特异条带并连接转化,得到目的片段1、2、3 的重组子,进行测序。NCBI 中结果显示没有找到植物中的同源序列,说明特异序列可能是未发现的基因片段,推测可能与小麦硒含量有关,有待进一步研究。 以上研究结果,对小麦营养研究及功能性小麦的筛选和栽培具有指导作用。 In this study, we determinated the contents of zinc, iron, selenium in 62 wheat cultivars and soil samples of three regions by method of microwave digestion/ ICPAES,found that there was great difference of zinc, iron, selenium contents in different wheat cultivars as well as different sister lines. Iron content difference was 29.68 mg/kg between the highest-iron-content cultivar and the lowest one, and zinc content difference was 46.70 mg/kg , selenium content difference was 0.056 mg/kg. Anova analysis was made on contents of zinc, iron, selenium in wheat and soil samples of different locations, significant differences of Fe and Se contents were found between wheat in Shuangliu and Xichang, significant difference of Zn content was found between wheat in Xichang and Rongxian. Se content in wheat of Shuangliu was highest, Fe and Zn contents in wheat of Xichang were highest. Relativity analysis was made on three trace elements in Wheat and in soil, the result showed that there was significant positive correlation of zinc, iron content between in Wheat and in soil, as well as between Fe and Zn both in wheat and in soil. With the improving of Zn, Fe contents in soil, contents of Zn and Fe in wheat increased and absorption of Zn and Fe in wheat will mutual promote. Negative correlation of Se and Zn contents was found in wheat and soil, but not significant, that meant the antagonism of Se and Zn. Positive correlation of Se content in wheat and soil was found. High selenium content G290 and low selenium content G289 in sister lines were selected for heavy metal stress and drought resistance experiments, the result showed that the resistance of high-selenium-content cultivar was better than low selenium one. Analysis on genetic difference was made by RAPD, and specific bands were selected, marked 1,2,3,4, no more specific bands were found in other sister lines.4 bands were recovered, ligated to T-vector and transformed E.coli. Three recombinant plasmids were obtained and sequenced. NCBI Blast showed there was no homology with other plants. It implied that these fragments probably be new genes and maybe were related to selenium in wheat. It needs further research. This paper would be useful for the study of wheat nutrition as well as selection and cultivation of functional wheat.


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青稞(Hordeum vulgare L.var.nudum Hook.f.),即裸大麦,是兼食用、饲用和酿造于一体的作物,有着重要的利用价值。淀粉是青稞籽粒中含量最多、最重要的碳水化合物,淀粉含量、直支淀粉比将会直接影响淀粉的功能特性,进而影响淀粉的应用领域。我国青藏高原青稞的栽培和食用历史悠久,特色青稞资源极其丰富。目前关于青藏高原青稞淀粉特性的报道还不多见,筛选和培育特色淀粉青稞利于拓展青稞的应用领域, 从而提高其经济价值。 本研究以114份青藏高原青稞品种(系)为实验材料,通过SDS-PAGE对材料的胚乳淀粉颗粒结合蛋白(SGAPs)进行分离,确定各蛋白的分子量大小、组合类型和多态性等。然后按照国标法测试材料的籽粒总淀粉含量和直链淀粉含量,通过微型糊化粘度仪分析相应的淀粉糊化特性,最后使用显微镜观察比较了青稞的淀粉颗粒形态特征。主要结果如下: 1、114种青稞中共分离出20种不同的SGAP条带,条带分子量为35.00~112.39 KDa,分布频率为12.28~97.37%。材料含有的SGAPs条带数从10到14不等,超过一半的材料含11种SGAP条带。20种条带形成16种组合类型,其中西藏地区青稞包含所有16个组合类型,四川地区青稞包含其中12个组合类型。青藏高原青稞籽粒淀粉颗粒结合蛋白的差异很大,遗传多样性丰富。 2、114份青稞的总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量、直支淀粉比、峰值粘度、糊化温度和峰值温度的变幅分别为51.26~66.70%、14.64~29.74%、0.17~0.42、194~1135BU、58.8~65.2℃和81.4~92.4℃,相应的平均值分别为59.82%、23.60%、0.31、722.30BU、62.1℃和88.8℃。群体在总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量、直支淀粉比、峰值粘度、糊化温度和峰值温度上的分布具有明显的正态性;所有胚乳淀粉体的淀粉粒都呈复粒结构。对西藏和四川的材料进行了分组比较, 两地区的青稞在直链淀粉含量和直支淀粉比上的差异达到显著水平。 3、筛选出18份具有特殊淀粉特性的青稞品种,其中5份材料的总淀粉含量超过65%,包括NB63-1、NB67、甘孜白六棱、98221-1和NB63;3份材料的直链淀粉含量大于29%,包括藏青85、藏青3号和喜马拉6号;8份材料的直支淀粉比小于0.25,包括99033-6、春青稞、阿坝330、Jan-03、米麦114、396、NB63-1和92013;7份材料的糊化温度低于60℃,同时材料的峰值粘度大于1000BU,并且峰值温度低于90℃,包括足捉春、Jan-03、阿坝330、米麦114、春青稞、20003和阿青5号。 4、各淀粉特性间存在高度相关性。直链淀粉含量和直支淀粉比与糊化温度成极显著正相关,与峰值粘度成极显著负相关,与A型淀粉粒数量和大小呈负相关。不同SGAPs组合的品种之间,淀粉含量和淀粉糊化特性间差异均达显著水平。SGAP2、SGAP5、SGAP6和SGAP7可能对籽粒直链淀粉含量、直支淀粉比和糊化温度有正向效应;SGAP3、SGAP9∼SGAP20可能对峰值粘度有正向效应。 本研究对青藏高原青稞淀粉资源进行了较为全面的评价,对该区青稞淀粉特性有了系统的认识。研究筛选出的特殊青稞品种可作为青稞育种和青稞淀粉工业应用的潜在资源,淀粉特性差异巨大的众多青稞品种也为拓宽青稞应用领域提供了丰富的资源保障。本研究对部分SGAPs在性质上的鉴定和功能上的初步推断为青稞材料的筛选提供了指导,也为品质育种提供了理论参考。 Hulless barley (naked barley, Hordeum vulgare L.) is a short- season, early maturing crop with a wide range of adaptation. It has been attracting more and more attention due to its superior nutrition and extensive industrial applications. Starch is the main ingredient in hulless barley seeds which makes up 65 percent of hulless barley’s dry weight. The ratio of the amylose/amylopectin and the size, shape, distribution of starch granules can affect the physico-chemical and functional properties of starch, which may turn affect its utilizations. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is located in southwestern China, is a typical area of vertical agricultural ecosystem and one of the barley origin centers with abundant hulless barley resources. There are little reports about hulless barley in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at present. To screen and cultivate some characteristic hulless barley can improve its value. An improved SDS-PAGE was used to identify SGAPs combination of 114 hulless barley varieties. Starch content (total starch and amylose starch) was determined according to the standard methods GB5006-85 and GB/T 15683 using PerkinElmer M341 Precision Automatic Polarimeter and UV spectrophotometer 755B respectively. The pasting properties were measured by BRABENDER Micrio Visco-Amylo- Graph 803201. The morphology of starch granules were observed and compared with Axioplan 2 Imaging light microscopy. The following were the results obtained: 1. There were 20 major SGAPs presented in 114 varieties, with the molecular weight ranged from 35.00 to 112.39 KDa, and the frequencies ranged from 12.28% to 97.37%. The number of SGAP bands in each accession varied from 10 to 14, more than half of the population had 11 bands. There were 16 distinct SGAP patterns in the 114 varieties, the Tibet hulless barley had all of the 16 types and the Sichuan hulless barley had 12 types. The results indicated the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau hulless barley had a polymorphism of the SGAPs. 2. The ranges of the total starch content, amylose content, Am/Ap, peak viscosity, pasting temperature and peak temperature of the 114 hulless barley were 51.26~66.70%,14.64~29.74%,0.17~0.42,194~1135BU,58.8~65.2 and 81.4℃~92.4, with an average of ℃59.82%, 23.60%, 0.31, 722.30BU, 62.1 and 88.8,℃℃ respectively. The distributions of the total starch content, amylose content, Am/Ap, peak viscosity, pasting temperature and peak temperature were visibly normal school. All of the amyloplasts in endosperm of varieties showed bimodal size distributions.The main starch properties of hulless barley from Tibet and Sichuan were separated and compared, the differences on amylose content and Am/Ap were obvious. 3. Eighteen accessions which had special starch properties were screened out. Five accessions with total starch content beyond 65%, including NB63-1, NB67, Ganzibailiuleng, 98221-1 and NB63; three accessions, Zangqing85, Zangqing3 and Ximala6, with the highest amylose content (>29%); five accessions with Am/Ap less than 0.25, including 99033-6, Chun Qingke, A Ba 330, Jan-03, Mi Mai114, 396, NB63-1 and 92013; seven accessions had a pasting temperature under 60, ℃meanwhile their peak viscosity beyond 1000BU and their peak temperature under 90℃,including Zu Cuochun, Jan-03, A Ba 330, Mi Mai 114, Chun Qingke, 20003 and A Qing 5. 4. There were high correlations between starch properties. Amylose content and Am/Ap were positively correlated to pasting temperature, negatively correlated to peak viscosity, negatively correlated to the number and granule size of A-type granule. Different SGAP combinations caused significant diversities in starch content and pasting properties. SGAP2, SGAP5, SGAP6 and SGAP7 may have positive effect on amylose content, Am/Ap and pasting temperature; SGAP3, SGAP9∼SGAP20 may have positive effect on peak viscosity. Our research made a comprehensive evaluation on the hulless barley starch from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we can get a systemic understanding. Some special accessions were screened out can be used on the hulless barley breeding lines and industries utilization.The combination of the SGAPs may become a criterion to evaluate the hulless barley endosperm starch quality. Consequently, the results will be good information for further studies on the hulless barley.


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通过秋水仙素诱导获得同源四倍体水稻10个株系,包括6个恢复系、3个保持系和1个不育系,这些株系具有加倍的染色体组。田间观察表明10个株系具有特殊的农艺性状:茎杆变粗壮、植株颜色加深、叶片变厚、叶宽适度增加、分蘖数减少、有效分蘖的比率下降等。根尖有丝分裂鉴定表明,同源四倍体水稻10个株系具有正常的有丝分裂,观察细胞的染色体数目皆为2n=48。花粉母细胞减数分裂鉴定表明10个株系具有比较理想的减数分裂行为,后期I染色体滞后、末期I微核生成和末期II异常小孢子比率较低,能较好的完成减数分裂过程,其中后期I染色体滞后比率约为10%-20%,末期I微核生成比率约为1%-6%,末期II异常小孢子比率约为1%-8%。这提示,染色体联合和分离不规则导致三价体、单价体 和落后染色体等产生,并进一步导致在后期和末期不均横分离产生异常小孢子,这可能是同源四倍体株系结实率不高的原因之一。 同源四倍体水稻正常胚囊为蓼型,变异胚囊具有多种类型,其比率显著高于二倍体对照,变化范围为39.62%-69.85%。按变异胚囊的结构特点和形成方式,分为四种类型:退化型,结构变异型,无融合生殖型和反足细胞增殖型。退化型胚囊的平均比率为29.17%,包括小胚囊(15.04%)和完全退化胚囊(14.13%),前者仍有较小胚囊腔而后者胚囊腔缺失。结构变异胚囊包括结构缺失、结构重复和位置异常,反映了蓼型胚囊八核七细胞结构的变异,其在各株系的平均比率为18.96%。无融合生殖胚囊发生比率极低,平均比率为1.77%,类型包括反足胚和卵细胞胚。反足细胞增殖胚囊是反足细胞团频繁增殖形成,伴随上述三种变异发生使异常胚囊的多样性进一步增加,其在各株系的平均比率为10.62%。相关分析表明,同源四倍体水稻结实可能主要来自三部分:正常胚囊、正常型小胚囊和反足细胞增殖型胚囊。这三种胚囊具有相对完整的蓼型结构,可能具有较好的育性,其对结实率的贡献程度估计值分别为72.44%、15.12%、12.44%。此外,完全退化型胚囊和位置异常型胚囊对结实率分别表现出显著(-0.66)和极显著(-0.92)的负相关,这表明二者可能是结实性的抑制因素。 Ten autotetraploid strains, which include six restoring lines, three maintaining lines and a sterile line, are derived from artificial induction by colchicine treatments. Variations of agronomical traits are observed which include large organs, sturdy plants, long panicle length and deep leaf color and so on. It has been confirmed that autotetraploid strains exhibit normal chromosome behaviors in mitosis and the chromosome numbers are all 48. Moreover, abnormal chromosome behaviors are investigated in meiosis including univalent, trivalent, quatrivalent, chromosome lagging and microkernel and so on. It evaluates that the percentage of chromosome lagging in anaphase I is about 10%-20%, the percentage of microkernel in telophase I is about 1%-6% and the percentage of abnormal microspore in telophase II is about 1%-8%. In all, abnormal behaviors of chromosomes could induce univalent, trivalent and et al. and subsequently induce infertile microspore. That may be one of the causes of low seed sets in autotetraploid strains. Embryo sacs of autotetraploid strains are formed according to the Polygonum type. However, these strains exhibit variations of abnormal embryo sacs at high frequencies (39.62% - 69.85%). The variations are frequently involved in the spikelets of the main panicles and the first tillers, leading to obvious decreases of the percentages of normal embryo sacs among the strains. Four types of abnormal embryo sacs are classified basing on their different structures and origins: degenerated embryo sac (DES), structure variation (SV), apomixis (Apo) and antipodal cell proliferation (ACP). Embryo sacs of DES (29.17%) exhibit small embryo sacs (15.04%) or no embryo sac (14.13%), the former showing embryo sacs with decreased size and the latter showing no sac. Embryo sacs of AS (18.96%) include three subtypes: structure deletion, structure duplication and location variation, which suggests abnormalities of the eight nuclei, seven celled pattern of the Polygonum type. Embryo sacs of Apo (only 1.77%) include two origins of apomictic embryos: antipodal embryo and egg embryo. Embryo sacs of ACP are observed frequently (10.62%) in autotetraploid strains which subsequently increase the variations of abnormal embryo sacs. It evaluates by the Pearson’s correlation analysis that seed set is probably contributed by three origins of embryo sacs: normal embryo sacs, small embryo sacs (normal pattern) and embryo sacs of ACP. These three origins exhibit comparatively good structure of the Polygonum type and could account for seed set at a percentage of 72.44%, 15.12%, 12.44%, respectively. Moreover, the subtype of no embryo sac (NES) negatively related to seed set at the P>0.01 level (-0.92) and the subtype of location variation (LV) negatively related to seed set at the P>0.05 level (-0.66). Which suggest the two subtypes may have strong stress on seed set.


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赤霉素是一种高效能的广谱植物生长调节剂,为五大植物激素之一,具有重要的生物学功能。目前利用赤霉素突变体研究生物合成途径和信号转导已经成为热点。 GA 20-氧化酶是GA生物合成中的一类关键酶,它位于GA合成途径的中心位置。本研究根据烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)GA 20-氧化酶基因序列,设计2对分别含有特定酶切位点的特异引物,以烟草基因组DNA为模板,扩增目的基因(约250 bp)片段。将正、反向目的片段分别插入中间载体的内含子两侧,再经BamH I和Sac I双酶切回收约700 bp的目的片段,插入到双元载体质粒p2355中,成功构建了含GA 20-氧化酶基因片段反向重复序列的植物表达载体p23700。分别将p2355质粒和p23700质粒导入根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)EHA105中并转化烟草叶片细胞,经卡那霉素选择培养,PCR及GUS组织染色鉴定,获得转基因烟草植株。以EHA105-p2355转化的烟草,获得41株转基因植株,均没有矮化表型;而以EHA105-p23700转化的烟草,获得转基因植株14株,其中具有矮化表型的烟草10株,表明反向重复序列转录产物能形成发夹RNA(hpRNA),产生小分子干扰RNA(small interferring RNA,简称siRNA),干扰目的基因的表达。 赤霉素含量测定表明矮化植株中赤霉素合成途径的最终产物GA3总含量明显低于野生型烟草植株。荧光定量PCR结果表明,矮化转基因烟草的GA 20-氧化酶基因表达量受到明显抑制,表达量明显低于野生型对照。同时对上游内根-贝壳杉合成酶(Ent-kaurene synthase,KS)基因,下游的GA-3β羟化酶基因进行了RT-PCR分析,结果显示上游基因的表达没有规律性变化,而下游基因表达量亦降低。上述结果表明,GA 20-氧化酶基因的表达被有效地干扰了,表达受到抑制,从而影响植株体内GA3的合成,影响植株的生长发育,导致植株矮化。并推测,GA 20-氧化酶基因受到抑制,可能影响下游基因的表达。并且通过干旱胁迫测试,发现矮化植株相对于野生型植株及不含干扰片段的转基因植株,对干旱的耐受力有了很大的提高,具有更强的耐受力。 研究结果为进一步进行相关研究奠定基础。 Gibberellin(GA) is an efficient plant growth regulator. As one of five major plant hormones, it plays an important biological function. Using GA mutant for investigating biosynthetic pathways and signal transduction has become high lights. GA 20-oxidase is a crucial enzyme involved in gibberellin biosynthesis. According to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) GA 20-oxidase enzyme gene sequence and based on binary vector p2355, we constructed a plant expression vector p23700, which habors an inverted repeat DNA fragment of GA 20-oxidase gene drivered by Cauliflower mosaic virus promtor (CaMV 35Sp). Binary plasmid p2355 had no inverted repeat DNA fragment of GA 20-oxidase gene. The vector p2355 and p23700 were introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 and tobacco leaf transformation was conducted. After selected by kanamycin and characterized by PCR and GUS hischemical reaction, transsgenic plants were obtained. Fourtheen transgenic plants, which were transformed by EHA105-p23700, were obtained. Among them, 10 were dwarf mutants. However, 41 transgenic plants with the same normal phenotype as wild type,which were transformed by EHA105-p2355, were obtained. Analysis of Gibberellin contents showed that it was lower in dwarf mutants than in normal phenotype plants. Moreover, comparing to normal phenotype plants including wild type and transgenic plants with no interference fragment, the drought tolerance of dwarf plants have greatly increased. And their proline content increased obviously after drought test. Fluorescence quantitative real time PCR (RT-PCR) showed that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was significantly inhibited in dwarf transgenic tobacco. Meanwhile, the expression of the upstream gene ent-kaurene synthase (KS) gene and downstream gene GA-3β hydroxylase gene was also detected by RT-PCR. The results presented that KS gene expression had no regular change while GA-3β hydroxylase gene expression reduced. It implied that inhibiting GA 20-oxidase gene probably reduce the expression of downstream genes. The results showed that the transcriptional products of the foreign inverted repeat fragment can form hairpin RNA (hpRNA) to induce RNAi. It presented that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was effectively interfered, resulting in reducing GA3 synthesis and inhibiting plant growth and development, then dwarf plants were produced. However, the dwarf plants had higher tolerance of drought.


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为了从分子水平对中国药用石斛及其混伪品进行鉴定,本文选取了核rDNA ITS 序列和叶绿体DNA 的matK 基因序列进行研究。采用改良的CTAB 法提取石斛的基因组DNA,PCR 产物直接测序法对17 种(共32 份)药用石斛的核糖体内转录间隔区ITS 全序列进行测定,克隆测序法对12 种(共22 份)药用石斛的叶绿体的matK 基因序列进行测定,运用BioEd it,MEGA4.0 等生物软件分析了石斛属植物的rDNA ITS 序列及叶绿体的matK 基因序列的特征,比较了石斛属间、种间、种内不同居群(品种)间的序列碱基差异及遗传距离,应用邻接法构建分子系统树。主要研究结果如下: (1)建立了17 种(共32 份)药用石斛rDNA ITS 区碱基全序列数据库,其中,ITS1 的长度为228~234 bp,GC 含量为45.7%~53.0%,变异位点167 个,占总位点67.34%,信息位点106 个,占总位点42.74%,ITS2 长度为241~247 bp,GC含量为44.8%~55.7%,变异位点165 个,占总位点66.27%,信息位点115 个,占总位点46.18%。 (2)建立了12 种(共22 份)药用石斛的叶绿体matK 基因全序列数据库,叶绿体matK 基因长1410 bp,变异位点51 个,信息位点11 个。除了存在碱基替换的遗传变异外,还存在碱基的插入和缺失。 (3)通过ITS 序列比较分析了各材料间的遗传距离和碱基差异,属间的遗传距离为0.295,石斛种间的平均遗传距离为0.142,碱基相差2~156 个,种内各居群间的平均遗传距离为0.002,碱基相差1~2 个。属间的遗传距离大于种间的遗传距离,种间的遗传距离大于种内不同居群(品种)间的遗传距离。 (4)根据分析石斛叶绿体的matK 基因序列得到,外类群(密花石豆兰)与石斛属间最小遗传距离为0.027,石斛种间的平均遗传距离为0.008,种间最大的遗传距离0.014, 最小的遗传距离为0.003,碱基相差8~20 个。种内不同居群(品种)遗传距离为0.001,相差1~5 个碱基。 (5)利用17 种石斛的全序列数据库及遗传分析软件,通过对待检种rDNA I TS区进行序列测定,成功地对10 个待检种进行了鉴定,并且在原植物开花后得到了验证。 (6)运用12 种石斛的matK 基因全序列数据库及遗传分析软件,成功地对4个待检种进行了鉴定,同样在原植物开花后得到了验证。 (7)本文利用石斛的核糖体内转录间隔区ITS 序列和叶绿体的matK 基因序列数据库分别构建了NJ 树,外类群与石斛属间石斛种间以及种内不同居群(品种)间均能在NJ 树中明显分化开来,二者构建的分子系统树一致,为石斛的分子鉴定提供了依据。 In order to identify Chinese Herba Dendrobii and its adulterant species on molecular level, we studied the sequences of rDNA ITS and chloroplast matK gene. Genomic DNA of Dendrobium was extracted using the modified cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. The PCR products of the rDNA ITS sequences of Dendrobium (32 materia ls) were purified and then sequenced. The PCR products of chloroplast matK gene of Dendrobium (22 materia ls) were purified, cloned and then sequenced. The characteristic of the sequences and the genetic dista nce were compared between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium, Dendrobium interspecies, and different populations. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the NJ method by the biology softwares including BioEd it, MEGA4.0 etc. The ma in results as follows: (1) It was built up that the database of rDNA ITS sequences of 17 species of Herba Dendrobii (32 materia ls). The ITS1 was 228~234 bp, the GC content accounting for 45.7%~53.0%. Its variable sites were 167, accounting for 67.34%. The Parsim-Informative positions were 106, accounting for 42.74%. The ITS2 was 241~247 bp, the GC accounting for 44.8%~55.7%. The variable sites were 165, accounting for 66.27%. The Parsim-Informative positions were 115, accounting for 46.18%. (2) The database of the chloroplast matK gene sequences was built up, which contained 12 species of Herba Dendrobii (22 materia ls). The matK gene sequences were about 1410bp in length. There were 51 variable sites and 11 Parsim-Informative sites. And there were nucleotides insertions and deletions in some species , in addition to the nucleotides substitutions. (3) The rDNA ITS sequences were compared and analyzed by the biology softwares. The genetic dista nce between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium was 0.295. The avera ge genetic dista nce was 0.142 between Dendrobium species, and there were 2~156 variable nucleotides. The avera ge genetic dista nce between different populations was 0.002, and there were 2~156 variable nucleotides. The genetic dista nce between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium was greater tha n that of Denrobium interspecies. Meanwhile, the genetic dista nce between Denrobium species was also greater tha n that of different populations (variaties). (4) The characteristics of the chloroplast matK gene sequences were obtained after analyzing by the biology softwares. The minima l genetic dista nce was 0.027 between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium . The ma xima l genetic dista nce was 0.014 between Dendrobium species, and there were 20 variable nucleotides. The minima l genetic dista nce between populations was 0.003, and there were 8 variable nucleotides.The genetic dista nce between populations was 0.001, and there were 1~5 variable nucleotides. (5) The molecular Phylogeny tree was constructed on the database of rDNA ITS the sequences of 17 species of Herba Dendrobii using the biology softwares. Then we authenticated 10 materia ls on molecular level. What’s more, they had been proved when these pla nts flowered. (6) The molecular Phylogeny tree was built up on the database of chloroplast matK gene sequences of 12 species of Herba Dendrobii with the biology softwares.Then 4 materia ls were authenticated on molecular level. Moreover, they had also been proved when these pla nts were in flower. (7) The Phylogenetic trees were separately constructed on the sequences of rDNA ITS and chloroplast matK gene B. odoratissimum and Dendrobium all could be distinguished on the Phylogenetic trees. Meanwhile, the Phylogenetic trees based on two groups of sequences were coincident. rDNA ITS and matK gene sequence could be used as molecular markers for authentication of Herba Dendrobii.


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课题组在不断地创制新的同源四倍体材料的同时,连续多年以提高结实率为目的培育、筛选自交系材料,已获得自交繁殖十二年的高代自交系材料。相对于诱导创制初期,材料表现出的结实率低,同种系单株间的差异较大;高代材料已表现出较显著的结实率提升和较一致的农艺性状表型。 本实验选取课题组多年培育的同源四倍体水稻高代自交系材料,通过形态学、农艺性状和细胞遗传学比较,研究水稻同源四倍体与二倍体之间的异同。结果显示,所有同源四倍体材料的染色体组成均为2N=4X=48,花粉母细胞(PMC)减数分裂行为较正常,99%以上的染色体都能在减数分裂中期I(MI)发生联会、配对,形成四价体和二价体,这与理论染色体组构成相符。在减数分裂过程中,结实率较高的材料染色体异常现象较少而结实率较低的材料染色体异常现象较严重。统计分析表明,二价体和四价体的比例对结实率没有显著影响,但是三价体的数目对结实率有一定影响。这一结果表明了结实率和细胞减数分裂行为可能存在相关性,同源四倍体的减数分裂行为为筛选高结实率的同源四倍体种系提供了依据。 然后,对同源四倍体水稻高代自交系材料进行农艺性状和品质性状的统计与分析。主要针对结实率、每穗实粒数、有效分蘖和穗长等主要农艺性状,以及直链淀粉含量这一重要的品质性状进行统计。将统计结果与1996年诱导加倍的初代材料的数据相对比分析,结果显示所有材料经过多代选育培养,其农艺性状已经有了较显著的提高,同时同源四倍体材料的农艺性状稳定性也有了较显著的提升。如结实率的提高幅度较大,所有材料的平均结实率均显著高于加倍初代,而同种材料不同单株间的结实率差异也显著地减少,变异系数(CV)的平均值由1996年的41.15%减少到了2008年的28.81%。其他重要农艺性状也有不同程度的改良,种内变异系数也相应地降低。此外,实验测量了同源四倍体材料和来源二倍体材料的直链淀粉含量。分析结果显示,部分材料的直链淀粉含量与二倍体亲本产生了较显著的差异,这可能是诱导加倍过程中的遗传变异造成的;同源四倍体材料的种内变异系数(CV)平均值由1996年的6%下降到了2008年的3.88%,显示出在品质性状方面,同源四倍体材料的遗传稳定性也有较显著的增加。同源四倍体材料农艺性状经过多年的选育,表现出一定的提升,同时,经过多年自交纯化,所有材料种系内的性状差异逐渐缩小,说明同源四倍体水稻的遗传稳定性随着自交纯化而增强,这为同源四倍体水稻的进一步选育打下了良好的基础。 最后,通过测量连续两年的自交系材料的遗传多态性,分析材料间遗传差异和种群遗传结构,深入研究连续两代材料间的遗传差异,研究同源四倍体水稻与二倍体材料遗传稳定性之间的差异。实验采用18对SSR微卫星标记对连续两代15个材料,共94份样本进行差异分析。通过扩增条带长度多态性分析,计算不同材料以及同种材料不同世代间的遗传距离,构建同源四倍体和二倍体水稻的分子指纹库,并绘制聚类图。结果显示,同源四倍体和二倍体不同材料间的遗传差异比较大,遗传距离处于0.4757至0.2816之间;而相同品种不同世代材料间的遗传差异较小,但也表现出一定的遗传差异。同种同源四倍体材料不同世代间的遗传差异比二倍体材料更大,两代四倍体材料间遗传距离处于0.1359至0.0485之间;而两代二倍体材料间的遗传距离处于均小于0.0388。结果表明,同源四倍体水稻高代材料具有一定的遗传稳定性,但与来源二倍体材料相比,其世代间的遗传变异性仍然较强。这种结果说明,经过多代的自交纯化培育,同源四倍体水稻材料能够建立起相对稳定的遗传结构,同时,其强于二倍体亲本的变异性有能够为新品种的选育,农艺性状、品质性状的改良提供一定的遗传基础。此外,分析结果表明通过分子标记辅助检验,水稻材料间的遗传多态性能够有效地区分不同的品种,这为水稻品种的分子鉴定提供了一定的依据。 本研究从细胞学鉴定,农艺性状统计分析以及分子标记辅助聚类分析多方面地对同源四倍体水稻高代系进行了研究,对探究同源四倍体水稻的遗传规律,进一步揭示其遗传特性、农艺性状的遗传构成,为进一步选育优质的多倍体水稻提供了一定的理论依据。 This group insists on creating new Autotetraploid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) materials, while improving the seed-setting of them for many years, cultivated and selected the inbred line materials, has obtained the high generation inbred lines after twelve years cultivation. Compared to the early induced materials, which shown the low seed setting, and the large difference between the different plants in the same germ-line; the high generation materials have shown significant improvement in seed setting and more uniform phenotype agronomic traits. The autotetraploid rice high generation inbred lines material, which has been cultivated for more than 12 years, was chose in this experiment. The similarities and differences between autotetraploid and diploid rice was studied through morphological, agronomic and cytogenetic ways. The results showed that all the chromosome of autotetraploid materials are composed of 2N=4X=48, the pollen mother cells (PMC) meiosis behavior is normal, more than 99% chromosomes in metaphase I(MI) were federated and paired to form tetravalents or bivalents, which constitutes a consistent theory of genome. In the meiosis process, the material with a higher seed setting showed less chromosome abnormal than the material whose seed setting is lower. However, statistical analysis showed that the bivalent and tetravalent rate had no significant impact on seed setting, but the number of trivalent had a certain impact on seed setting. The result shows that the seed setting may be related to the meiosis behavior, which provides a basis to cultivate new autotetraploid germ line with high seed setting through the meiotic behavior. Furthermore, the agronomic and quality traits of autotetraploid rice high generation inbred material were statistically analyzed. The statistically analysis was focused on major agronomic traits such as: seed setting, grains per panicle, effective tillers and panicle length, as well as the important quality trait amylose content. The statistic data was compared with the data in 1996, when the first induced generation of autotetraploid material, and the result shows that after a multi-generation breeding, the agronomic traits has been significantly improved in all the materials, while the stability of agronomic traits also significant upgraded. For instant, the seed setting increased significantly, the average seed setting of all materials was significantly higher than the first induced generation, and the differences between different plants in the same species also significantly reduced, the average of the coefficient of variation (CV) was reduced from 41.15% in 1996 to 28.81% in 2008. Other important agronomic traits had improved in different degrees; the coefficient of variation within species is also reduced accordingly. In addition, the amylose content of autotetraploid and diploid materials was measured in this experiment. The results shows that the amylose content of some of the material differed from diploid parents significantly, it may caused by the genetic change during the inducing, autotetraploid materials intra-specific coefficient of variation (CV) average reduced from 6% in 1996 to 3.88% in 2008, shows that this is a significant increase of quality traits stability in autotetraploid rice. Agronomic traits of autotetraploid material shows some improvement after years of breeding, at the same time, after years of purification, all material within the germ-line gradually narrow the differences in traits indicates that autotetraploid rice genetic stability was enhanced, which laid a good foundation for the further autotetraploid rice breeding. Finally, this experiment studied the genetic differences between materials of two generations and researched the difference of genetic stability between diploid and autotetraploid rice materials through investigating the genetic polymorphism, genetic differences between materials and population genetic structure of inbred line materials of two consecutive years.18 pairs of SSR microsatellite markers for 15 materials of two generations were used in this experiment, and the total of 94 samples were analyzed. Through the amplification length polymorphism analysis of different materials and materials in different generations, the genetic distance between materials and generations was analyzed, a diploid and autotetraploid rice molecular fingerprint database and map rendering cluster were constructed. The result shows that the genetic distance is between 0.4757 to 0.2816 among different autotetraploid and diploid materials; the genetic distance between different generations of same species was less, but also shows a certain degree of genetic differences. The inter-generational genetic differences of autotetraploid materials were greater than of the diploid materials, which are 0.1359 to 0.0485 as the genetic distance; comparing with the 0.0388 of diploid materials. The result shows that high generation inbred autotetraploid rice material has a certain genetic stability, but the genetic variation between generations is still strong comparing with the source diploid materials. It indicates that, after many generations of purification cultivation, autotetraploid rice materials established a relatively stable genetic structure, at the same time, stronger variability than its diploid parents are useful in the breeding of new varieties, provides a genetic foundation to the agronomic and quality traits improvement. In addition, the analysis result shows that the through the molecular marker-assisted testing, rice genetic polymorphism between materials can effectively distinguish different species, provides a certain basis for molecular identification of varieties of rice. A series of investigation such as cytological identification, statistical analysis of agronomic traits, molecular marker-assisted cluster analysis was applied in this experiment to research genetic pattern of autotetraploid rice high generation inbred lines, revealed the genetic characteristics and the genetic composition of agronomic traits, provides a theoretical basis for the further selection of high quality autotetraploid rice.


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对15株白腐真菌进行了以玉米秸秆为基质的初步筛选,从中获得一株选择性系数较高的菌株Y10,并对其降解玉米秸秆的情况进行了研究。结果表明,在30天的培养过程中菌株Y10对玉米秸秆降解的选择性系数都大于1,第15天选择性系数最高为3.88。对未经降解和降解过的玉米秸秆分别作了紫外光谱和红外光谱分析,结果表明,经该菌降解后玉米秸秆的化学成分发生了很大变化,且木质素的降解程度要大于纤维素的降解程度。对菌株Y10进行了ITS-5.8S rDNA序列鉴定,初步判定其为Cerrena sp.。 为了考查不同的外源添加物对菌株Y10降解玉米秸秆的影响,在以玉米秸秆为基质的固态发酵培养基中分别添加了7种金属离子、8种碳源、6种氮源。结果显示,这7种金属离子均能促进木质素的降解,并且一定浓度的某些离子明显抑制纤维素的降解;其中添加0.036%的MnSO4·H2O和0.36%的MgSO4·7H2O对纤维素降解的抑制作用比较强,降解率分别为0.96%和1.31%,木质素的选择性系数分别达到了34.40和20.17。8种碳源中除麦芽糖外都能促进木质素的降解,除微晶纤维素外都明显促进纤维素的降解。6种氮源中酒石酸铵、硫酸铵、草酸铵和氯化铵的添加都会使该菌生长变慢,而且氮源浓度越高菌丝生长越慢。外加碳源和金属离子对半纤维素降解和选择性系数的影响不大。 同时对菌株Y10在液态培养下产木质素降解酶的条件和培养基做了优化。结果表明,在初始产酶培养基中,菌株Y10的漆酶酶活在第10d达到最高,锰过氧化物酶酶活在第11d达到最高,基本上检测不到木质素过氧化物酶。菌株Y10产漆酶的最适温度为32℃,最适PH为6.0;产锰过氧化物酶的最适温度为32℃,最适PH为6.5。菌株Y10产漆酶的最佳碳源为甘露糖,最佳氮源为酒石酸铵,最适诱导剂VA浓度为3 mmol/L,最适表面活性剂TW-80浓度为1%。 利用响应面法对其产漆酶的培养基进行优化,优化后的培养基配方为葡萄糖10.00 g/L,酒石酸铵0.50 g/L,大量元素296.50 ml/L,微量元素100.00 ml/L,NTA 1.40 g/L,VA 5.00 mmol/L,吐温-80加入量为0.10%。进行了菌株Y10产漆酶的验证实验,实测酶活为5282.56 U/L,与预测酶活5162.73 U/L接近。在优化后培养基中,菌株Y10在第14 d达到生长的最高峰,第20 d时,漆酶酶活最高,为11325.00 U/L;第16 d时,锰过氧化物酶酶活最高,为30.77 U/L。 对菌株Y10的漆酶酶学性质做了初步的研究,结果显示,酶反应的最适温度为40℃-65℃,最适PH为3.0。在40℃,PH=3.0时,漆酶催化ABTS反应的米氏方程为 。 Fifteen white-rot fungi based on corn stalk were screened. One white-rot fungus Y10 with high selectivity value was obtained. The degradation of corn stalk was initially studied. The results indicated that the selectivity value was above 1 during the 30 day-cultivation and the highest was 3.88 after 15 days. The composition of untreated and treated stalk was analyzed through ultraviolet spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. It was found that the composition of treated stalk was greatly altered and the degree of the degradation of lignin is greater than the cellulose. Y10 was identified as Cerrena sp. by ITS -5.8S rDNA sequence analysis. The influence of metal ions, carbon sources and nitrogen sources on corn stalk degradation by white-rot fungus was studied. While all seven metal ions could promote lignin degradation, the cellulose degradation was best inhibited at certain ion concentrations. Notably, when 0.036% MnSO4·H2O and 0.36% MgSO4·7H2O were added into the medium, the cellulose degradation was restrained to the extents that the coefficients of lignin selectivity rose to 34.40 and 20.17 respectively. It was also found that all carbon sources except maltose can promote lignin degradation. The addition of carbon sources other than microcrystalline cellulose significantly promoted cellulose degradation. The addition of the nitrogen sources, ammonium tartrate, ammonium sulfate, oxalate, ammonium chloride, resulted in remarkable inhibition to mycelium growth; the larger the concentrations of nitrogen sources are, the slower the mycelium grew. The addition of carbon sources and metal ions had less impact on the degradation of hemicellulose and selectivity value. Meanwhile, we optimized the conditions and culture medium of the lignin-degrading enzyme production of strain Y10. The results showed that in the initial culture medium, the Lac activity was highest at the 10th day, the MnP activity was highest at the 11th day and the LiP could not be detected. The optimum condition of Lac was at temperature 32 and PH =6.0 and the optimum condition of MnP was at temperature 32 and PH =6.5. The optimum carbon source for Lac was seminose, the optimum nitrogen source was ammonium tartrate, the optimum content of VA was 3 mmol/L, the optimum content of TW-80 was 1%. PB and RSM were used to optimize the culture medium of laccase by white-rot fungus Y10. The optimum culture medium was consist of glucose 10.00 g/L, ammonium tartrate 0.50 g/L, macro elements 296.50 ml/L, trace elements 100.00 ml/L, NTA 1.40 g/L, VA 5.00 mmol/L, TW-80 0.10%. Under the optimal conditions, the activity of laccase was 5282.56 U/L and the experimental value agreed with the predicted value 5162.73 U/L. The biomass was highest at the 14th day, the Lac activity was highest at the 20th day, the MnP activity was highest at the 16th day. The results of the studies on the characteristics of Lac showed that the optimum temperature for Lac activity is 40℃-65℃ ; the optimum PH for Lac activity is 3.0 and under 40℃,PH=3.0, the Michaelis-menten equation of Lac catalized ABTS oxidation was .


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本文从不同厌氧生境中获得7组(C-2、Y-2、L-2 、NZ、H-3、CZ、L-3)具有纤维素降解能力的复合菌系。经过不断传代、淘汰纤维素降解能力降低的菌系,最后得到一组高效、传代稳定的厌氧纤维素分解复合菌系L-3。该菌系可使滤纸在42 h内溃烂,并能在分解纤维素的同时产氢气。对L-3复合菌系的产酶条件进行了研究,结果表明,在实验范围内该菌系的产酶最适条件为:pH 6.5,温度37 ℃,接种量5 %,最佳碳源为滤纸,最佳氮源为硫酸铵。第10天测得羧甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)、滤纸酶(FPA)、外切葡聚糖酶(C1)、β-葡聚糖苷酶(β-glucodase)的酶活分别为0.216 U/ml、0.101 U/ml、0.132 U/ml、0.002 U/ml,滤纸失重率70.6 %。发酵代谢产物乙醇和丁酸含量分别可达1378 mg/L 、2695 mg/L,发酵产生的气体中氢气含量最高可达70.2 %。DGGE结果表明该菌系主要由14种菌组成,其中有三株菌在发酵前后菌数发生了明显的变化,说明在以滤纸为底物的降解过程中,这三株菌起到了重要作用,对这三株菌进行了分子生物学鉴定,初步定为Clostridium phytofermentans、Clostridium cellulovorans、Desulfovibrio sp。 利用实验室分离得到的纤维素降解菌,最终配制出由10、X-1、X-13、ST-13、L-3组成的好氧-厌氧纤维素降解复合菌剂。以秸秆为发酵底物,菌剂接种量1%,利用复合菌剂预处理后的秸秆,发酵总产气量相对于对照提高了71.62%,甲烷含量最高可达70.08%。 A group of microbial consortia L-3 was isolated from the anaerobic fermentation residue of corn stalk, which could degrade cellulose and produce hydrogen. The CMCase, FPA, C1 and β-glucosidase activity of L-3 could reach to 0.216 U/ml, 0.101 U/ml, 0.132 U/ml and 0.002 U/ml, respectively. In the filter degrading process, the filter paper collapsed in the liquid culture within 42 h and the filter degrading rate could reach to 70.6% in the 13 days, meanwhile, hydrogen was determined and the highest hydrogen content was 70.2%. The optimum cellulase-degrading conditions were filter papaer as the carbon source, (NH4)2SO4 as the nitrogen source, 37 ℃ and pH 6.5 in this experiment. DGGE results showed that the microbial consortia L-3 mainly included 14 strains. The amount of 3 strains were changed during the fermentation. These strains were identified as Clostridium phytofermentans、Clostridium cellulovorans、Desulfovibrio sp by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The cellulose- degrading microbial agent was composed by 10, X-1, X-13, ST-13, L-3 which were isolated in the laboratory. The straw pretreated by cellulose-degrading microbial agent was used to ferment, the total biogas production increased by 72% comparing to the control. The content of methane could reach to 70.08%。


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水华暴发是一个世界性的问题,近年来在发展中国家显得尤其严重。水华暴发给环境和公众健康带来巨大灾难,一些蓝藻产生的毒素可以造成鱼类、鸟禽和家畜的死亡,而臭名昭著的微囊藻产生的微囊藻毒素更是有强烈致癌效应。因此,寻找控制水华藻类的有效方法非常迫切。在利用物理和化学方法处理不甚理想的情况下,利用溶藻细菌控藻成为一个新的研究方向。溶藻细菌一般直接从富营养化水体中分离,杀藻活力对有害蓝藻具有较强的选择性而不危害其它生物,尤其适合在水华发生初期使用,可以在短时间内达到阻止藻类增殖的效果。本研究富集分离到一个高效溶解铜绿微囊藻的溶藻菌群,对其溶藻效应和溶藻机制进行了探索研究。 1溶藻菌群的富集筛选及其溶微囊藻效果 富集筛选得到一个有明显抑藻效果的菌群,它对铜绿微囊藻有显著溶藻效果。与对照组相比,加入富集的溶藻菌后,第4 d开始出现溶藻现象,6~8 d出现明显的溶藻效果,8 d后测得叶绿素去除率在85%以上。 2 溶藻菌群的作用范围及溶藻特性 富集分离到的溶藻菌群对铜绿微囊藻和念珠藻有显著溶藻作用,对水华微囊藻和其它几株受试微囊藻没有明显溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群不仅可以在液体中溶解铜绿微囊藻,生长在固体平板上的藻苔也有一定的溶藻效应,生成溶藻空斑。保证快速溶藻的最大稀释度可以达到1/100, 000。 3 环境因子对菌群溶藻效力的影响 试验发现,不同的pH、温度、和光照条件下,溶藻菌群溶藻效力明显不同,且不同种类的氮源对其溶藻作用也有一定影响。这些条件对该菌群溶藻作用的影响,在相当的程度上可能取决于它们对藻和细菌两者的生长状况的影响综合。 4 溶藻菌群的溶藻作用机理 溶藻菌液过滤除菌和煮沸灭菌处理后溶藻液,未见明显的溶藻效果,只有原液具有很好的溶藻效果。因此可初步确定,蓝藻细胞的溶解可能是由溶藻菌直接接触藻细胞产生的作用效果。显微镜观察发现,细菌在溶藻的过程中频繁地接触藻细胞并侵入藻细胞,破坏进而裂解杀死藻细胞。这也进一步说明了此溶藻菌是通过直接方式杀藻。 5 溶藻菌群的菌群结构解析 分离有溶藻效果的纯菌的多次尝试都没有成功。结合DGGE和16S rDNA文库综合分析发现:Rubritepida菌,假单胞菌和鞘氨醇单胞菌是存在于铜绿微囊藻中的三种伴生细菌。加入富集的溶藻菌群后,菌群结构发生明显的变化,Rubritepida菌、假单胞菌消失,混合菌群则包含未培养黄杆菌,鞘氨醇单胞菌和噬氢菌,其中黄杆菌是优势菌群,并且细菌种群结构的变化与藻细胞消亡之间有显著的相关性。通过菌种的分离鉴定与DGGE和16S rDNA文库的测序结果比较,一些未培养菌可能在溶藻过程中起重要调控作用。 6 溶藻细菌控藻应用基础 (1) 扩大规模的模拟水华实验进一步确定了细菌对微囊藻的强烈溶解作用。 (2) 铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa 905, zc)、微囊藻(Microcystis spp., zd)和溶藻菌群共培养试验表明,zc可以抑制zd生长,而溶藻菌群可以溶zc。 本研究是第一次报道混合菌群的溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群对带有藻际细菌的铜绿微囊藻具有高效的溶藻效力,表明它对自然界中存在的带菌铜绿微囊藻和其它一些蓝藻的生消具有一定的控制作用。对进一步研究菌藻关系与生态学作用,以及对富营养化湖泊和水库水体中蓝藻暴发的防控,该菌群具有一定的应用潜力。 Cyanobacterial blooms break out frequently all over the world, especially in developing countries. Blooms create enormous disasters to public health and to the environment. Some cyanobacterial blooms produce extremely toxic substances that have killed fish, domestic animals and birds. It has been well known that microcystins, a hepatoxin produced by Microcystis, can promote tumors in humans. So it is very important to find an effective method for controlling the growth of the bloom-forming algae. Measures for controlling such kind of algae include physical, chemic and biologic means, but the former two may damage the aquatic environment and require high-energy inputs. The alternative approach for the elimination of nuisance algae involves the application of algicidal bacteria. The algicidal bacteria, which are nontoxic to other organisms and most of which are isolated from the eutrophic lake in situ, may be potential microbial algaecides. In the initial stages of the water blooms, they are able to restrain the biomass or multiplication of the bloom-forming algae in a short time. In order to use algicidal bacteria to suppress blooms of M. aeruginosa, we isolated a bacterial culture capable of lysing the noxious cyanobacteria M. aeruginosa. In this paper we described some properties of the bacterial culture and its growth-inhibiting or algicidal effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa, and investigated its algicidal mechanisms. 1 Enrichment of a microbial culture that lyses Microcystis aeruginosa A mixed bacterial culture was isolated from a hypereutrophic pond and showed significant algicidal activity against the noxious Microcystis aeruginosa. Algae lysis would be seen obviously 4 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) reduction went beyond 85% 8 days later. 2 The host range and some other algicidal feature of the mixed algicidal culture. Microcystis aeruginosa, Nostoc sp., were susceptible to the mixed algicidal culture, while the lytic effects of this mixed culture on Microcystis flos-aquae and some other tested Microcystis were feeble.The algicidal culture can not only lyse M. aeruginosa in liquid media, but aslo lyse M. aeruginosa lawns on soft agar plates and form plaques. The maximun dilution of the mixed culture required for rapid Microcystis lysis is 1/100, 000. 3 Influences of environmental factors such as pH, temperature, illumination, and the nitrogen source on the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa. In our investigations, it was shown that the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa was straightly correlated with pH, temperature, illumination, as well as the nitrogen source in the medium. The impacts of these environmental factors on the algicidal activity of the mixed bacterial culture, to a certain extent, may depend on both the algal and the bacterial growth rates under the tested environmental conditions. 4 The mechanisms of algal cell lysis by the algicidal bacteria Death was detected when the mixed bacterial culture was added to the algal culture, but not when only the culture filtrate or autoclaved bacterial culture was added. This indicates that the mixed bacterial culture did not release extracellular products inhibitory to Microcystis aeruginosa. In addition, under the microscope, we observed frequent contacts btween bacteria and algae cells, and some bacteria can even penetrate into target algal cells and destroyed them. These results may suggest that the bacterium kill the alga by direct contact. 5 Molecular Characterization of the algicidal bacterial culture Attempts for isolation of pure bacterium or bacteria from the enrichment culture responsible for Microcystis lysis have so far been failed. Based on PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and 16S rDNA clone library analysis, Rubritepida sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Sphingomonas sp., as accompanying bacteria, were existed in M. aeruginosa. The bacterial community in M. aeruginosa showed significant change after adding the enrichment culture, where uncultured Flavorbacterium sp., Sphingomonas sp. and Hydrogenophaga sp. were observed, and the uncultured Flavorbacterium sp. became a dominant species. The obvious correlation can be seen between change of bacterial population and extinction of M. aeruginosa. Compared identification of pure bacterium with sequencing of DGGE bands and the clone distribution of the clone libraries, it was inferred that some uncultured bacteria were probably play an important role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa. 6 Further study for algae control by applications of algicidal bacteria (1) Algae lysis would be seen obviously 6 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) was reducted to a low level 20 days later in the simulated water bloom experiments. (2) The growth of Microcystis sp. (zd) was restrained by Microcystis aeruginosa 905 (zc) when they were co-cultured together, and zc was lysed by the algicidal bacterial culture. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa, and its algicidal activity remained high against non-axenic tested M. aeruginosa, suggesting that bacteria in the natural environment could play a role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa and other cyanobacteria. Such bacteria could also potentially be used as agents to prevent the mass development of cyanobacteria in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs.


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本学位论文主要研究一株放线菌发酵产物的抗肿瘤活性。先对该株放线菌进行活化培养,然后进行大批量发酵,发酵液经过冷冻离心,对离心得到的沉淀和上清液用不同极性的有机溶剂进行萃取,得到六个浸膏样品。对六个样品进行初步抗肿瘤活性检测。 然后对活性浸膏进行分离纯化和活性跟踪。本论文主要进行了如下的工作: 1、对菌种进行活化培养,利用该菌株在280C,200r.min-1条件下进行发酵实验,发酵时间为72h,发酵总量为15L。发酵液经过离心得到上清液和沉淀两部分。 2、分别用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取沉淀和上清液,得到编号为1—6的六个浸膏样品,对六个浸膏样品进行初步的细胞毒性和抗HepG2肿瘤活性实验,得出结论为5号样品活性最高。在没有分离纯化的情况下GI50达到0.76µg/mL。 3、对5号样品进行TLC实验,找出能够较好分离5号样品中各组分的溶剂组合,最后得出在氯仿:甲醇=8:1时分离效果较好。然后利用氯仿:甲醇=8:1的溶剂组合作为洗脱剂对5号样品进行过硅胶柱分离纯化并进行活性跟踪分离。 4、对分离纯化后得到的样品进行活性跟踪和结构分析。分离后得到样品A,在其浓度为10µg/ml时,抗肿瘤实验细胞的生长率为73.5%。在浓度为1.0mg/ml时,抗单纯疱疹病毒率(HSVⅡ)为74.5%。结构分析得知其分子式最可能为C41H43N8O4. This dissertation studied about the anti-tumor activity of an actinomycete fermentation product. First, we cultured the actinomycete. Second, we fermented it in large quantities, and then centrifuged the fermentation fluid; the next step is that we extract sedimentation and supernatant in different polar organic solvents, in turn to obtained six samples, which were detected about anti-tumor activity. Last, we purified active sample and tracked activity of it. We carried out the following research work: 1. Activation, culture and screening of the actinomyces was carried on. We used the screening strain to carry on the fermentation when the conditions are 280C,200r.min-1,the fermentation time is 72h. Fermentation fluid volume is 15L.And we obtained sedimentation and supernatant after fermentation fluid was centrifuged. 2. We used Petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol separately to extract sedimentation and supernatant, and obtained six samples that were numbered 1-6. From the preliminary cell toxicity and the anti-tumor(HepG2) bioactivity experiment, we found that No.5 sample has the highest activity in the samples; the GI50 was 0.76µg/ml which has not been purified. 3. We Carried on TLC experiment on the No.5 sample, found the solvent composition that can separate each component of the No.5 sample. At last, we found that when the proportions are tri-chloromethane: methyl alcohol = 8:1, the Separation result was the best, and then we used the Solvent composition which proportion are tri-chloromethane: methyl alcohol = 8:1 as eluant to Purify No.5 sample by silica gel column. 4. We tracked the activity of pure sample obtained from Purification and analyzed structure of these substances. We got a compound A after separation, and the cell growth rate was 73.5% when its concentration was 10µg/ml. The anti-virus(HSVⅡ) rate was 74.5% when its concentration was 1.0mg/ml. We analyzed the Structure of A, and informed its molecular formula that was the most likely for C41H43N8O4.


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本文对无介体双室微生物燃料电池的产电性能进行了初步研究,并根据不同运行阶段产电性能的优劣,对其中微生物的差异性进行了比较分析。全文分为两个部分: 第一部分:以乙酸钠为阳极原料构建双室微生物燃料电池(MFC),研究不同阴极受体、外接电阻、乙酸钠浓度和pH等因素对电池产电性能的影响,研究结果表明:在500mL的阴阳极反应体系中,选用乙酸钠作为阳极底物,质量浓度为6.46 g/L, pH 7.0,接入500Ω外电阻,阴极电子受体选择高锰酸钾的情况下,微生物燃料电池产电性能最好,最大电功率密度达到294.72 mW/m2,库伦效率能达到25.87%。在确定最适外接电阻阻值的同时对MFC内阻进行测定,阻值为871.87Ω。 第二部分:微生物燃料电池运行中,比较以厌氧污泥作为接种源的第一阶段和只接入附着有大量微生物电极的第二阶段的产电性能,得出第二阶段产电性能优于第一阶段,最大电功率密度达到353.57mW/m2,比第一阶段提高58.85 mW/m2;库伦效率为39.35%,增幅达52%左右;针对微生物燃料电池运行过程中,底物CH3COONa可能存在其它的代谢途径,本实验进行了第二阶段产电性能与CH3COONa消耗率关系以及阳极液面上方气体成分和含量的研究,发现第二阶段50h前CH3COONa的大量消耗主要用于微生物的生长,在整个运行过程中,阳极液面上方含有CH4和CO2;对气体测定的同时还发现,振荡能增强电功率密度的输出;通过对电极上和污泥中微生物差异性分析得出,δ-变形菌纲、β-变形菌纲和拟杆菌门的菌种更适应微生物燃料电池的运行环境,能在电极上大量富集,提高电池的产电性能,只接入附着有大量微生物的电极能有效降低热袍菌纲的菌种数量,降低了CH3COONa的无为消耗,有效提高了电池的库伦效率。 Electricity production in the mediator-less two-chambered microbial fuel cell(MFC) was researched. Based on the result in the different operation phase in the MFC, the microbial diversity was analysed. The paper involved two parts: Part 1: A two-chambered microbial fuel cell (MFC) was constructed with high-concentration sodium acetate as fuel in the anode. The influence of different electron acceptors in the cathode, external resistance value, pH value and concentration of sodium acetate on electricity generation in MFC was investigated. The result showed that the maximum power density of 294.72 mW/m2 and the coulombic efficiency of 25.87% was achieved at sodium acetate concentration of 6.46 g/L, pH 7.0, external resistance 500Ωin the anode and when using potassium permanganate as electron acceptor in the cathode. While decided the value of resistor, we found that shaking has effect on electricity production in the MFC. Part 2: Comparing the electricity production in different operation phases when using anaerobic sludge as inoculum in the first phase and microbes in the anodic electrode as inoculum in the second phase, the result showed that electricity production in the second phase was more than that in the first phase, the maximum power density of 353.57 mW/m2 and the coulombic efficiency of 39.35% was achieved, 58.85 mW/m2 and 52% more than that in the first phase, respectively. According to the fact that CH3COONa might be metabolized in other pathway in the running process in the MFC, we determining the relationship between electricity production and CH3COONa consumption, and the gas content in the anode, we found that CH3COONa was mainly used for microbe growth before 50h, and the anode contained CH4 and CO2. At the same time, we found that shaking could improve power density. The analysis on diversity of microbe in the anodic electrode and anaerobic sludge showed that δ-proteobacterium, β-proteobacterium and Bacteroidetes adapted themselves to the running environment of MFC. The anode could enrich them to improve the electricity production while reduced the quantity of Thermotogales, which were obligately anaerobic organotrophs with a fermentative metabolism, to increase the coulombic efficiency effectively.


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人类的载脂蛋白A5(apolipoprotein A5,APOA5)是一个新近发现的载脂蛋白家族成员。它在血浆中的含量比其他载脂蛋白低1-2个数量级,但能显著影响血浆三酰甘油水平,对血脂代谢具有重要意义,可以作为降血脂药物治疗中一个强有力的潜在靶标。 由于APOA5在血浆中含量低,直接从血浆中分离纯化很困难,国内一直没有报道简易可靠的纯化方法。为进一步研究APOA5的生物学特性,探讨其与TG代谢中的其它关键成分之间的相互关系,揭示其在脂类代谢相关疾病中的重要地位,必须有大量的蛋白和抗体用于基础研究。因此本研究首先利用基因工程技术,诱导表达纯化APOA5蛋白,免疫动物制备多克隆抗体,为进一步研究人肝脏细胞中APOA5的相互作用蛋白,研究APOA5蛋白在肝脏细胞中的功能奠定基础。 为了深入研究APOA5在肝脏中如何行使功能,我们采用细菌双杂交技术寻找与APOA5相互作用的蛋白因子。并采用Pull-down技术,免疫荧光及免疫共沉淀技术进一步确证其在体外和体内的相互作用关系,为进一步阐明APOA5在体内的生理功能提供了新的线索。 第一部分 APOA5基因的克隆、原核表达、纯化及其多克隆抗体的制备 本研究首先应用基因克隆技术,从人肝癌细胞系SMMC-7721的cDNA中扩增出1.1 kb的ApoA5基因全长序列。然后将其克隆至表达载体pThioHisD,构建原核表达载体pTH-APOA5。该重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌 BL21(DE3),成功实现人APOA5融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达。经发酵得到高效表达的融合蛋白。 融合蛋白在 IPGT 诱导下以包涵体的形式大量表达。利用融合蛋白上的一段组氨酸序列,用镍离子亲和柱进行纯化和复性后,获得较高纯度的人APOA5融合蛋白。利用该融合蛋白免疫新西兰大耳白兔,获得了高效价的兔抗人APOA5多克隆抗体,Western Blot结果显示此多克隆抗体与APOA5特异性结合。 第二部分 细菌双杂交筛选与APOA5相互作用的蛋白 本实验首先构建了pBT-APOA5重组质粒,经双酶切、PCR和测序鉴定证明重组诱饵质粒构建成功,并进行了表达、自激活鉴定。Western Blot鉴定证实报告菌株中表达了分子量为 68 kD左右的重组融合蛋白,与预测的分子量APOA5(41 kD)/lamda cI (27 kD)一致。自激活实验证明诱饵蛋白不能单独激活报告基因,可用于筛选人肝脏cDNA文库。经过双重抗性筛选和回复筛选,分离出10个阳性克隆。对结果进行生物信息学分析,得到7个与APOA5相互作用的蛋白,其中BI1为细胞凋亡调节因子;ATP6、CYTB、ND2、COX-1为线粒体表达蛋白; ALB、TTR为血清蛋白。 第三部分 APOA5与BI1相互作用的确证 首先构建了BI1的原核表达载体pGEX-5X-3-BI1,利用Pull-down实验检测了APOA5与BI1在体外具有相互作用。然后构建了BI1的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1和APOA5的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1-APOA5,并验证其表达。通过免疫荧光细胞内共定位研究发现,靶蛋白APOA5主要分布于胞浆,与BI1在HEK293细胞有共定位,即APOA5与BI1存在相互作用的可能。最后利用免疫共沉淀手段,在HEK293细胞中确证了靶蛋白APOA5与BI1在体内的相互作用。 上述研究结果,为深入研究APOA5在体内的生物学功能提供了新的思路。 Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) is a newly discovered protein belongs to apolipoprotein family. APOA5’s concentration is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than other apolipoproteins in the circulation. APOA5 significantly affected plasma triglyceride levels, which is important on lipid metabolism. APOA5 has strong potential to be used as a hypolipidemic drug target. Large amount of APOA5 protein and antibodies are needed in basic research, such as biological characteristics study of the APOA5, its relationship with other key components in TG metabolism, its role played in Lipid metabolism-related diseases. Due to its low concentration in plasma, separation and purification of APOA5 from the plasma is very difficult. Until now no report on simple and reliable method for purification has been published in China. In this study, we firstly got APOA5 recombinant protein using genetic engineering technology. The purified recombinant protein was used to immunize rabbits to get antiserum. It is important for further study of the APOA5 protein-interacting protein. And it lays the foundation for studing APOA5 function in liver. In order to study APOA5 function in liver, we used bacterial two-hybrid technology to find the APOA5 protein interactor. Pull-down, immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation techniques were used to further confirm the interaction between APOA5 with its interactor in vitro and in vivo. All of these stdudies provided new clues on its physiological functions in vivo. Part I: Cloning, prokaryotic expression, purification and polyclonal antibody preparation of APOA5 First of all, we amplified APOA5 CDS sequence from the human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721, and subcloned into Expression vector pThioHisD, and got the recombinants named pTH-APOA5. The plasmid was transformed to BL21 (DE3). E. coli BL21(DE3) cells bearing the pTH-APOA5 plasmid were cultured and APOA5 protein synthesis was induced by the addition of IPTG. Recombinant protein was expression in the form of inclusion. Inclusion bodies were dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline containing 8 M urea and 40 mM imidazole, then applied to a Ni2+ affinity column, and were eluted in a buffer containing 4 M urea and 200 mM imidazole. Fractions containing the APOA5 protein were pooled and dialyzed against buffer containing phosphate-buffered saline. Antiserum to recombinant human APOA5 was generated by immuning rabbit. Western Blot showed that this antiserum specific binding with APOA5. Part II Two-hybrid system screening protein interactions with the APOA5 The coding sequence of human APOA5 was amplified using synthetic oligonucleotide primers from pTH-APOA5 vector and was subcloned into the pBT plasmidc to yield pBT-APOA5 vector. DNA sequencing was performed to verify that no unwanted mutations occurred during the process of plasmid vector construction. We verified recombinant protein expression and tested self-activation by pBT-APOA5 prior to screening. Western Blot verified inducing a 68 kD band, consistent with the predicted molecular weight (APOA5 41 kD, lamda cI 27 kD). pBT-APOA5 can be used for screening human liver cDNA library because it can not self-activation. Totally 10 positive clones were isolated. The nucleotide sequence of the positive clones were determined and compared to NCBI nucleotide sequence databases. We got 7 protein which interact with APOA5, included BI1(Apoptosis regulator); ATP6, CYTB, ND2, COX-1(Mitochondrial protein) and ALB, TTR(Serum protein). Part III Confirming of interaction between APOA5 with BI1 pGEX-5X-3-BI1 vector was subcloned at first. Pull-down experiments were used to detect the interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vitro. Later, pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1 and pCDNA3.1-APOA5 were subcloned. Through immunofluorescence co-localization study, we found APOA5 mainly distributed in the cytoplasm. APOA5 is co-localization with BI1 in HEK293 cells. Finally, we verified interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vivo through immunoprecipitation.