24 resultados para playing cards


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are an evolutionarily ancient family of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), playing a crucial role in innate immune responses. Here we present a Toll homolog from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis, designated FcToll. The full-length cDNA of FcToll is 4115 bp including a poly A-tail of 16 bp, encoding a putative protein of 931 amino acids. The predicted protein consists of an extracellular domain with a potential signal peptide, 16 leucine-rich repeats (LRR), two LRR-C-terminal (LRR-CT) motifs, and two LRR-N-terminal (LRR-NT) motifs, followed by a transmembrane segment of 23 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic Toll/Interteukin-IR (TIR) domain of 139 residues. Genomic structure of FcToll gene contains five exons and four introns. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that it belongs to insect-type invertebrate Toll family. Transcripts of FcToll gene were constitutively expressed in various tissues, with predominant level in lymphoid organ. Real-time PCR assays demonstrated that expression patterns of FcToll were distinctly modulated after bacterial or viral stimulation, with significant enhancement after 5 h post-Vibrio anguillorum challenge but markedly reduced levels immediately after white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) exposure. These results suggest that FcToll might be involved in innate host defense, especially against the pathogen V. anguillarum. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The equatorial Pacific upwelling zone has been suspected of playing an important role in the global atmospheric CO2 changes associated with glacial-interglacial cycles. In order to assess the influencing scope of the surface water deglacial delta(13)C minimum in the tropical low-latitude Pacific, the core DGKS9603, collected from the middle Okinawa Trough, was examined for 4513 C records of planktonic foraminifera N. dutertrei and G. ruber. The planktonic foraminiferal delta(13)C records show a clear decreasing event from 20 to 6 cal. kaBP., which is characterized by long duration of about 14 ka and amplitude shift of 0.4 x 10(-3). Its minimum value occurred at 15.7 cal kaBP. The event shows fairly synchrony with the surface water deglacial delta(13)C minimum identified in the tropical Pacific and its marginal seas. Because there is no evidence in planktonic foraminiferal fauna and 45180 records for upwelling and river runoff enhancement, the broad deglacial delta(13)C minimum event in planktonic foraminiferal records revealed in core DGKS9603 might have been the direct influencing result of the deglacial surface water of the tropical Pacific. The identification for the event in the Okinawa Trough provides new evidence that the water evolution in the tropical low-latitude Pacific plays a key role in large regional, even global carbon cycle.


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Satellite and in situ observations in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during 2002-03 show dominant spectral peaks at 40-60 days and secondary peaks at 10-40 days in sea level and thermocline within the intraseasonal period band (10-80 days). A detailed investigation of the dynamics of the intraseasonal variations is carried out using an ocean general circulation model, namely, the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Two parallel experiments are performed in the tropical Atlantic Ocean basin for the period 2000-03: one is forced by daily scatterometer winds from the Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) satellite together with other forcing fields, and the other is forced by the low-passed 80-day version of the above fields. To help in understanding the role played by the wind-driven equatorial waves, a linear continuously stratified ocean model is also used. Within 3 degrees S-3 degrees N of the equatorial region, the strong 40-60-day sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and thermocline variability result mainly from the first and second baroclinic modes equatorial Kelvin waves that are forced by intraseasonal zonal winds, with the second baroclinic mode playing a more important role. Sharp 40-50-day peaks of zonal and meridional winds appear in both the QuikSCAT and Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) data for the period 2002-03, and they are especially strong in 2002. Zonal wind anomaly in the central-western equatorial basin for the period 2000-06 is significantly correlated with SSHA across the equatorial basin, with simultaneous/ lag correlation ranging from-0.62 to 0.74 above 95% significance. Away from the equator (3 degrees-5 degrees N), however, sea level and thermocline variations in the 40-60-day band are caused largely by tropical instability waves (TIWs). On 10-40-day time scales and west of 10 degrees W, the spectral power of sea level and thermocline appears to be dominated by TIWs within 5 degrees S-5 degrees N of the equatorial region. The wind-driven circulation, however, also provides a significant contribution. Interestingly, east of 10 W, SSHA and thermocline variations at 10 40- day periods result almost entirely from wind-driven equatorial waves. During the boreal spring of 2002 when TIWs are weak, Kelvin waves dominate the SSHA across the equatorial basin (2 degrees S-2 degrees N). The observed quasi-biweekly Yanai waves are excited mainly by the quasi-biweekly meridional winds, and they contribute significantly to the SSHA and thermocline variations in 1 degrees-5 degrees N and 1 degrees-5 degrees S regions.


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Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)) was investigated in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, Hangzhou Bay and their adjacent areas during a cruise in August 2004, China. The data show that pCO(2) in surface waters of the studied area was higher than that in the atmosphere with only exception of a patch east of Zhoushan Archipelago. The pCO(2) varied from 168 to 2 264 mu atm, which fell in the low range compared with those of other estuaries in the world. The calculated sea-air CO2 fluxes decreased offshore and varied from -10.0 to 88.1 mmol m(-2) d(-1) in average of 24.4 +/- 16.5 mmol m(-2) d(-1). Although the area studied was estimated only 2 x 10(4) km(2), it emitted (5.9 +/- 4.0) x 10(3) tons of carbon to the atmosphere every day. The estuaries and their plumes must be further studied for better understanding the role of coastal seas playing in the global oceanic carbon cycle.


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The CSAMT method is playing an important role in the exploration of geothermal and the pre-exploration in tunnel construction project recently. In order to instruct the interpretation technique for the field data, the forward method from ID to 3D and inversion method in ID and 2D are developed in this paper for the artificial source magnetotelluric in frequency domain. In general, the artificial source data are inverted only after the near field is corrected on the basis of the assumption of half-homogeneous space; however, this method is not suitable for the complex structure because the assumption is not valid any more. Recently the new idea about inversion scheme without near field correction is published in order to avoid the near field correction error. We try to discuss different inversion scheme in ID and 2D using the data without near field correction.The numerical integration method is used to do the forward modeling in ID CSAMT method o The infinite line source is used in the 2D finite-element forward modeling, where the near-field effect is occurred as in the CSAMT method because of using artificial source. The pseudo-delta function is used to modeling the source distribution, which reduces the singularity when solving the finite-element equations. The effect on the exploration area is discussed when anomalous body exists under the source or between the source and exploration area; A series of digital test show the 2D finite element method are correct, the results of modeling has important significant for CSAMT data interpretation. For 3D finite-element forward modeling, the finite-element equation is derived by Galerkin method and the divergence condition is add forcedly to the forward equation, the forward modeling result of the half homogeneous space model is correct.The new inversion idea without near field correction is followed to develop new inversion methods in ID and 2D in the paper. All of the inversion schemes use the data without near field correction, which avoid introducing errors caused by near field correction. The modified grid parameter method and the layer-by-layer inversion method are joined in the ID inversion scheme. The RRI method with artificial source are developed and finite-element inversion method are used in 2D inversion scheme. The inversion results using digital data and the field data are accordant to the model and the known geology data separately, which means the inversion without near field correction is accessible. The feasibility to invert the data only in exploration area is discussed when the anomalous body exists between the source and the exploration area.


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Emotion is one of the most popular spots in recent decision making research, while regret is always being considered as the most relevant emotion with decision making. Current article firstly reviewed the literature of regret theory to date to profile the relation between regret and decision making under uncertainty through three mainlines: experienced regret, anticipated regret and regret orientation, respectively. And then, based on the theory of regret regulation raised by Zeelenberg recently, we came up with a theory of risk preference regulated by regret. Then three studies were conducted under the current framework, by using experiment, survey, and quasi experiment design. The major findings were below: In study 1, when playing ultimatum game, risk preference in decision making can be determined by experienced regret and anticipated regret of risk aversion, which made individual risk taking; In study 2, survey showed that risk orientation was negatively related with risk taking (health/safety, recreational and social); In study 3, when asked the Asian Disease Problem, risk preference can be determined by the coherence of the risk preference between the past decision and the current alternative. Individuals much more like alternative with the same risk preference of the past decision. A two way interaction was found, regret orientation, as a personality, was found as a moderator. Individuals with high regret orientation were more sensitive to the coherence of the risk preference than those with low regret orientation. Three studies provide fruitful evidences for the theory of risk preference regulated by regret in different prospective, show us the function of regret in decision making.


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General aptitude tests have been playing an important role in vocational guidance and preliminary personnel selection. The present research aimed at the estimation of the reliability and validity of the preliminarily constructed Chinese version of the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB). A Chinese version of GATB was developed on the basis of the Japanese version of GATB at first. It was then administered to a sample of nearly 500 secondary school students in Beijing City. And its reliability and validity were studied through a series of univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. The results showed that the reliability of the test battery and the criteria-related validities of some subtests were acceptable. Concerning construct validity, three or four common factors were identified by exploratory factor analysis, and a simpler reasonable four-factor-solution was approached by confirmatory factor analysis; desirable group differences were also discovered by analyses of variance and multivariate analysis of variance. Generally, it has been demonstrated that the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of GATB constructed in the present research are satisfactory.


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Molecular diagnosis is playing an increasingly important role in the rapid detection and identification of pathogenic organisms in clinical samples. The genetic variation of ribosomal genes in bacteria offers an alternative to culturing for the detection and identification of these organisms. Here 16S rRNA and 16S-23S rRNA spacer region genes were chosen as the amplified targets for single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) capillary electrophoresis analysis and bacterial identification. The multiple fluorescence based SSCP method for the 16S rRNA gene and the RFLP method for the 16S-23S rRNA spacer region gene were developed and applied to the identification of pathogenic bacteria in clinical samples, in which home-made short-chained linear polyacrylamide (LPA) was used as a sieving matrix; a higher sieving capability and shorter analysis time were achieved than with a commercial sieving matrix because of the simplified template preparation procedure. A set of 270 pathogenic bacteria representing 34 species in 14 genera were analyzed, and a total of 34 unique SSCP patterns representing 34 different pathogenic bacterial species were determined. Based on the use of machine code to represent peak patterns developed in this paper, the identification of bacterial species becomes much easier.