87 resultados para osmotic swelling
Macroporous and modified macroporous poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate-co-divinylbenzene) particles (m-PS and mm-PS) supported Cp2ZrCl2 were prepared and applied to ethylene polymerization using methylaluminoxane (MAO) as cocatalyst. The influences of the swelling response of the support particles on the catalyst loading capabilities of the supports as well as on the activities of the supported catalysts were studied. It was shown that the Zr loadings of the supports and the activities of the supported catalysts increased with the swelling extent of the support particles. The m-PS or mm-PS supported catalysts exhibited very high activities when the support particles were well swollen, whereas those catalysts devoid of swelling treatment gave much lower activities. Investigation on the distribution of the supports in the polyethylene by TEM indicated that the swelling of the support particles allowed the fragmentation of the catalyst particles. In contrast, the fragmentation of the support particles with poor swelling was hindered during ethylene polymerization.
A new method of measuring the mean size of solvent clusters in swollen polymer membrane is presented in this paper. This method is based on a combination of inverse gas chromatography (IGC) and equilibrium swelling. The mechanism is that weight fraction activity coefficient of solvent in swollen polymer is influenced by its clusters size. The mean clusters size of solvent in swollen polymer can be calculated as the quotient of the weight fraction activity coefficient of clustering system dividing the weigh fraction activity coefficient of non-clustering system. In this experiment, the weigh fraction activity coefficient of non-clustering system was measured with IGC. Methanol, ethanol and polyimide systems were tested with the new method at three temperatures, 20, 40, and 60degreesC. The mean clusters size of methanol in polyimide was five, four, and three at each temperature condition, respectively. Ethanol did not form clusters (the mean clusters size was one). In contrast to the inherent narrow temperature range in DSC, XRD, and FTIR methods, the temperature range in IGC and equilibrium swelling is broad. Compared with DSC. XRD. and FTIR, this new method can detect the clusters of solvent-polymer system at higher temperature.
Cell adhesion is crucial to many biological processes, such as inflammatory responses, tumor metastasis and thrombosis formation. Recently a commercial surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based BIAcore biosensor has been extended to determine cell binding mediated by surface-bound biomolecular interactions. How such cell binding is quantitatively governed by kinetic rates and regulating factors, however, has been poorly understood. Here we developed a novel assay to determine the binding kinetics of surface-bound biomolecular interactions using a commercial BIAcore 3000 biosensor. Human red blood cells (RBCs) presenting blood group B antigen and CM5 chip bearing immobilized anti-B monoclonal antibody (mAb) were used to obtain the time courses of response unit, or sensorgrams, when flowing RBCs over the chip surface. A cellular kinetic model was proposed to correlate the sensorgrams with kinetic rates. Impacts of regulating factors, such as cell concentration, flow duration and rate, antibody-presenting level, as well as pH value and osmotic pressure of suspending medium were tested systematically, which imparted the confidence that the approach can be applied to kinetic measurements of cell adhesion mediated by surface-bound biomolecular interactions. These results provided a new insight into quantifying cell binding using a commercial SPR-based BIAcore biosensor.
针对存在混凝土衬砌与否两种情况,对油井套管 ? 膨胀围岩体系进行了三维轴对称有限元分析.结果表明,在围岩产生的膨胀压力下,存在混凝土衬砌时,径向位移最大值发生于混凝土衬砌与膨胀岩交界处;没有混凝土衬砌时,径向位移最大值在油井套管与膨胀岩的交界处.故完好的混凝土衬砌能明显地减缓膨胀岩对油管套管的挤压作用.在围岩膨胀压力下,油井套管容易发生颈缩现象.
Mitochondria dynamics is crucial to many biological processes such as mitochondria fusion and fission, which is highly correlated to the mechanics of single mitochondria. However, the mechanobiological coupling of mitochondria has been poorly understood. Here membrane deformability and membrane tension of individual mitochondria isolated from MtDsRed labeled human embryonic T-Rex-293 kidney cells were measured using a micropipette aspiration assay. The results demonstrated that membrane deformation of isolated mitochondria exhibited an elastic transition phase followed by an equilibrium phase, and mitochondrial membrane tension was proportional to the area compressibility. It was also indicated that mitochondrial membrane deformability was significantly affected by physical chemical factors such as osmotic pressure or pH value, and was further correlated to mitochondrial functionality in different respiratory states and Ca2+ regulation. These findings provide a new insight into understanding the mechanical regulation of mitochondrial physiology.
作者用扫描电镜、透射电镜和组织化学方法研究了甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)花粉和柱头的发育及相互作用,得到了如下结果: 一.甘蓝型油菜具有典型的同型孢子体自交不亲和性(Homomorphic and sporophytic self-incompatibility)。自花授粉后,部分花粉粘住在乳突细胞表面,随后萌发出花粉管,花粉管生长受阻于乳突细胞,花粉管表现出各种异常形态,缠绕卷曲(Coiled pattern),顶端膨大成基足状(pad-Like swelling),花粉管二叉分枝(dichotomous branching Pollen tubes),花粉管相互连接(connections of pollen tubes),有的花粉粒还形成两个花粉管。 二.不同时期的乳突细胞的扫描电镜观察表明: 开花前6—7天 乳突细胞壁内陷,柱头中央有一沟槽; 开花前4—5天 乳突细胞被有孔的块状物覆盖; 开花前2—3天 覆盖物消失,壁表面只剩下波状纹或小凹; 开花前l - 2天 乳突细胞充分吸水膨胀,呈指状,排列疏松,细胞壁上有一些小颗粒。此时的乳突细胞已发育成熟。 三.不亲和授粉时,花粉和乳突细胞均有强烈的胼胝质荧光。 四.乳突细胞的组织化学特点:缺乏淀粉积累,细胞壁和细胞质中有过氧化物酶活性。 五.乳突细胞的超微结构特点:细胞壁分为三层,蜡质层、角质层和纤维素层。粗面内质网成群分布在细胞壁附近,并以及泡形式向细胞壁分泌物质。缺乏质体,细胞核位于乳突细胞基部,细胞中央为大液泡占据。 六.花粉的超微结构发育特点:单核花粉已发育出内壁和外壁,外壁内层不明显。细胞核位于中央。细胞质浓厚,缺乏层膜结构而积累大量淀粉粒的质体存在于细胞质中。其他细胞器不发达。两细胞花粉时期,花粉壁接受乌氏体转运的孢粉素和含油体转运的脂类物质。生殖细胞没有壁,悬浮在营养细胞的细胞质中。细胞核大,细胞质稀薄,只有一些嵴不明显的线粒体。营养细胞的核显著,细胞质浓厚,线粒体发达,质体内部的淀粉消失,转变成嗜饿小体。内质网短而粗,遍布于细胞质中,高尔基体缺乏。 七.绒毡层积极参与了花粉外壁的建成。首先,它通过分泌作用把物质(可能是蛋白质)转移到单核花粉的腔隙中或在它后期滚解后,由分布在二细胞花粉间的粗面内质网合成蛋白质,转移到花粉壁内。其次,绒毡层细胞的质体层膜形成许多造油小体,至二胞花粉时,造油小体进入壁的柱状层,参与花粉鞘形成。第三,绒毡层细胞形成许多乌氏体,花粉发育后期,乌氏体与花粉外壁接触,将孢粉素转移到花粉外壁上。
渗透胁迫下植物中游离脯氨酸的积累被普遍认为对植物有保护作用。本文对甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)中的脯氨酸积累及其调控机理进行了研究。正常生长条件下幼苗叶中脯氨酸含量最高,根中脯氨酸含量最低,盐胁迫后不同部位脯氨酸积累程度相近。盐浓度200 mM起,幼苗开始有明显脯氨酸积累,并随着浓度的增加而增加。PEG处理后脯氨酸积累要明显高于ABA和盐胁迫处理后脯氨酸积累。在成株中,生殖器官中脯氨酸含量明显高于营养器官中脯氨酸含量。 我们克隆了编码Δ1-二氢吡咯啉-5-羧酸合成酶(P5CS),鸟氨酸转氨酶(OAT)和脯氨酸脱氢酶(PDH)的四个基因的cDNA。通过Southern杂交检测P5CS基因在甘蓝型油菜及其亲本白菜型油菜和甘蓝中的拷贝数,发现杂交条带在4倍体油菜中并没有显著的多于其两个2倍体亲本,推测有可能是在物种进化的过程中发生了基因丢失。 利用实时定量PCR的方法检测了渗透胁迫下甘蓝型油菜中BnP5CS,BnOAT和BnPDH等基因的表达水平。在ABA处理,盐处理和干旱处理时,BnP5CS1和BnP5CS2的表达在脯氨酸积累开始前就开始有明显上调,但是BnP5CS1的上调水平要比BnP5CS2高许多。BnOAT在ABA处理后表达水平没有太大的变化,在盐胁迫后甚至有一点下调,在干旱处理后却表现为一定程度的上调。另一方面,BnPDH的表达在ABA处理,盐胁迫和干旱胁迫后都受到了抑制。在成株不同器官相关基因表达的研究中发现,BnOAT在叶中表达量最高,BnP5CS和BnPDH在花蕾和花中的表达水平都比其他器官中要高。 我们的结果说明,渗透胁迫下甘蓝型油菜中的脯氨酸积累是脯氨酸合成途径的诱导和脯氨酸降解途径的抑制共同作用的结果。在轻度的渗透胁迫下,谷氨酸合成途径占主导地位,而在较为严重的渗透胁迫后期,谷氨酸合成途径和鸟氨酸合成途径共同起作用。甘蓝型油菜生殖器官花和花蕾中脯氨酸的代谢非常旺盛,说明脯氨酸可能在花发育中起着一定的作用。
本文的研究是中国科学院院重大项目“暖温带森林生态系统结构、功能及生产力持续发展”的主要内容之一。作者以详实的第一手资料,从森林小气候及环境特征、森林降水的水文学效应及降水化学、森林的热量平衡及蒸发散、树木个体的水分生理生态学几个方面阐述、分析了暖温带山地森林生态系统主要林分的水分及其相关生态学问题。 在森林小气候及环境特征一章,作者从不同季节的日变化和生长季的月际变化两个视角,以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,考察了林冠上和林下四个不同梯度的风速、气温、湿度、地温的时空动态。 在森林降水的水文学效应和降水化学一章,笔者以1993、1994年试验年度的83次降雨观测资料为基础,分析了暖温带落叶阔叶混交林、辽东栎林、油松林、落叶松林、次生灌丛降水总量与各降水分量的关系,建立了单次降雨与各降雨分量的经验模型,并给出了生长季林冠作用层和林地作用层的水量分配的月际动态。在探讨上述水量关系的同时,作者还分析了前四类林分大气降水及各降水分量中N、K、Ca、S、Mg、P、Al七种元素的浓度及含量变化,就不同树种对上述元素的选择性交换作了探讨,比较了不同林分的降水化学效应差异。 在第四章,作者以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,分析了两类林分在94试验年度生长季辐射平衡、显热通量、潜热通量、蒸发散以及土壤热通量的季节变化和日变化特征。 在树木个体的水分生理生态部分,作者应用压力室一容积技术测定了暖温带落叶阔叶林、油松林和次生灌丛10种主要树种的水分生理指标:日最低水势值、最大膨压时的渗透势、膨压为零时的渗透势、初始质壁分离时渗透水的相对含量、初始质壁分离时的相对含水量、质外体水的相对含量、细胞最大弹性模量,并比较了不同树种间上述指标与抗旱性的关系。此外,作者还应用Li-1600稳态气孔计测定了上述林分中主要树种的日均蒸腾强度的季节动态,并比较了上下两面叶片蒸腾特性的差异。最后,作者采用九种水分生理指标对10种主要树种的抗旱性作了主分量分析,给出了综合性抗旱指标。 在第六章,作者应用热脉冲技术系统地研究了暖温带山地森林主要乔木树种的树干液流的时空变化特征,并应用时序分析方法对上述树种的树液流量变化建立了自回归模型,在此基础上提出了生理惯性指标,给予了生理学解释。
本文以不同水分胁迫下的四种禾本科牧草(羊草、冰草、洽草、糙隐子草)为对象,比较研究了水分胁迫对植物的生理生态损伤,以及植物的渗透调节、内源保护酶系统与水分胁迫的关系。 结果表明:水分胁迫对植物造成一定的影响/伤害,表现在相对含水量、高度、生物量、总叶绿素、总糖及蛋白质含量均降低。在同一水分胁迫梯度时,植物的保水能力以羊草最高,糙隐子草、冰草次之,洽草最低。参与渗透调节的物质以K+、游离非必须氨基酸为主;以Na+,游离必须氨基酸、糖为辅,不同植物渗透调节物质不同。供试植物的渗透调节能力以羊草最强。 在水分胁迫下,植物细胞膜的脂质过氧化程度降低,说明这几种植物具有较强的内源保护酶系统,表现在SOD、POD活性明显增高;ASA和还原性糖的缓慢变化。说明在水分胁迫下植物通过维持较高的保护酶活性,以减轻膜脂过氧化作用和膜的损伤。保护酶系统中的各组分所起的作用与物种有关。在供试植物中冰草、隐子草的这种保护能力强于羊草、洽草。渗透调节和内源保护酶系统或其一可能是这四种牧草具较强抗旱性的原因之一。
浑善达克沙地是我国四大沙地之一,地处北方干旱半干旱区,为草原区向荒漠区过渡的地带。长期以来,由于人类不合理的生产活动,加上这里脆弱的生态环境,已引起了严重的土地退化问题:流动沙丘面积由1950s年占沙地总面积的2%增加到1990s的近50%。因此浑善达克沙地成为我国研究土地退化、防治沙尘暴的重点地区,本文从自然科学和人文科学相结合的角度出发,对浑善达克沙地草地退化原因、自然恢复潜力、恢复过程、适宜物种选择,以及社区生存、生产等方面进行了综合研究,得出以下主要结论: 1) 浑善达克沙地土壤种子库中含有大量的种子,在退化草地自然恢复中表现出极大的潜力。这些种子在摆脱人和牲畜干扰的前提下,可以萌发、定居并形成植物群落,使退化草地恢复;当地表达到一定程度的植被覆盖,可有效减少沙尘暴的危害。土壤种子库中的植物种类与地上植被有极显著的相似性(P<0.05),这是地上植被形成稳定群落的基础。种子库中的物种组成影响植被恢复演替的进程;反之,恢复演替也制约着种子库组成和幼苗建立。 2)退化沙地草地围封后,对不同恢复阶段草地的群落学调查表明,该地区自然恢复过程大致分为3个阶段:围封2年的恢复早期,流动沙丘向半固定沙丘转变;围封3-5年的恢复中期,半固定沙丘向固定沙丘转变;围封6年后的恢复后期,为固定沙丘稳定发展阶段。根据生活型及植物种类随恢复演替的变化规律,浑善达克沙地植被演替的总体趋势可归纳为:沙米 (Agriophyllum squarrosum)+ 雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)群落→黄柳(Salix gordejevii)+ 冰草(Agropyron cristatum)群落→褐沙蒿(Artemisia intramongolica) + 冰草群落→沙地榆(Ulmus pumila var. sabulosa)疏林+冰草群落。在围封禁牧下,浑善达克退化沙地草地在较短时间内实现自然恢复,因此制约退化草地恢复演替的关键因素主要是人为和牲畜的干扰,只要排除了这种干扰因素,浑善达克大面积的退化沙地草地完全能够借助自然力实现生态恢复。 3) 浑善达克沙地3种生境下84种植物叶片渗透势值和含水量,表现出不同功能型上的差异。总体变化趋势为: 深根系 > 浅根系;灌木 > 乔木 > 草本;分布在湿地和丘间低地的植物叶片渗透势和含水量较高,而生长在沙丘上的植物叶片渗透势较低,需要有发达的根系吸收土壤深层的水。不同植物具有独特的水分利用特性,使它们能共存于同一生态系统中。这些不同植物功能型表现出的植物水分生理生态特性,表明浑善达克天然分布的植物群落发育有完善的利用水资源的能力,能够保证在很大降水波动条件下分布有丰富的植物群落和较高的生物生产力,构成该特殊类型生态系统很强的恢复潜力。另外,浑善达克沙地沙丘的存在是该类生态系统恢复弹性较高的另一重要原因。 4)本地种与引入种在生理生态上表现出不同的适应能力。在相似的太阳辐射和叶片温度下,引入种旱柳的叶片水势较高,而净光合速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率则较低。这表明它的光合潜能在改变环境中没有正常发挥。同时,引入种较低的最大光化学效率进一步表明它抵抗环境胁迫的能力较低。当土壤水分可利用程度降低而导致水分竞争时,引入种很可能在竞争中被淘汰。因此,在生态恢复中,应尽量避免引入外来种,大量使用本地种。 5) 生态恢复不仅是自然科学问题,更重要的是社会经济问题。为了充分认识当地社区的参与对生态恢复的作用,在实验过程中,调查了当地居民自本实验开展以来的思想观念、经济收入和生产效益等变化。在生态恢复中当地社区的积极参与是保证恢复成功与否的关键因素。从发挥“自然力” 和“以人为本”的指导思想出发,在生态恢复中应注重充分利用自然的力量;在管理方面,要以解决社区居民的生产生活实际需求为目标。只有这样,才能保证生态、社会和经济可持续发展。
Fourteen mice trapped in or near houses were infected with Pneumocystis carinii and the establishment of pneumonia was helped by injecting with cortisone acetate for 6 weeks. Then 16 cats were infected with P. carinii by injection of lung homogenate from the mice which contained from 1.3 X 10(5) to 2.6 X 10(5) P. carinii cysts. The infection resulted in severe cough and tachypnea in Cats 1-8 injected with cortisone acetate, and a subclinical infection in Cats 9-16. In Cats 1-8, the main pathological finding was typical P. carinii pneumonia, but there only was slight swelling of the lungs in Cats 9-16.
Tobacco BY-2 cells were exposed to microcystin-RR (MC-RR) at two concentrations, 60 mu g mL(-1) and 120 mu g mL(-1), to study the changes in morphology and ultrastructure of cells as a result of the exposure. Exposure to the lower concentration for 5 d led to typical apoptotic morphological changes including condensation of nuclear chromatin, creation of a characteristic 'half moon' structure, and cytoplasm shrinkage and decreased cell volume, as revealed through light microscopy. fluorescence microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. Exposure to the higher concentration, on the other hand, led to morphological and ultrastructural changes typical of necrosis, such as rupture of the plasma membrane and the nuclear membrane and a marked swelling of cells. The presence of many vacuoles containing unusual deposits points to the involvement of vacuoles in detoxifying MC-RR. Results of the present study indicate that exposure of tobacco BY-2 cells to MC-RR at a lower concentration (60 mu g mL(-1)) results in apoptosis and that to a higher concentration (120 mu g mL(-1)), in necrosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of salt stress on carbohydrate metabolism in Microcoleus vaginatus Gom., a cyanobacterium isolated from desert algal crusts, were investigated in the present study. Extracellular total carbohydrates and exopolysaccharides (EPS) in the culture medium produced by M. vaginatus increased significantly during the growth phase and reached a maximum during the stationary phase. The production of extracellular carbohydrates also significantly increased under higher salt concentrations, which was attributed to an increase in low molecular weight carbohydrates. In the presence of NaCl, the production of cellular total carbohydrates decreased and photosynthetic activity was impaired, whereas cellular reducing sugars, water-soluble sugars and sucrose content and sucrose phosphate synthase activity increased, reaching a maximum in the presence of 200 mmol/L NaCl. These parameters were restored to original levels when the algae were transferred to a non-saline medium. Sodium and K+ concentrations of stressed cells decreased significantly and H+-ATPase activity increased after the addition of exogenous sucrose or EPS. The results suggest that EPS and sucrose are synthesized to maintain the cellular osmotic equilibrium between the intra- and extracellular environment, thus protecting algal cells from osmotic damage, which was attributed to the selective exclusion of cellular Na+ and K+ by H+-ATPase.