130 resultados para donor acceptor pair


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The photoluminescence (PL) properties of nitrogen-doped ZnSe epilayers grown on semi-insulating GaAs(100) substrates by MBE using a rf-plasma source for N doping were investigated. The PL peak which can be related to N acceptor was observed in the PL spectra of ZnSe:N smaples. At 10K, as the excitation power density increases, the energy of donor-acceptor pair(DAP) emission shows a blue-shift and its intensity tends to saturate. As the temperature increases over a range from 10K to 300K, the relative PL intensity of donor bound exciton to that of the acceptor bound exciton increases due to the transfer between two bound excitons.


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Hexagonal GaN films (similar to 3 mu m) were grown on 3c-SiC/Si(111) and carbonized Si(111) substrates using a thick AlN buffer Cracks are observed on the surface of the GaN film grown on the carbonized Si(111), while no cracks are visible on the 3c-SiC/Si(111). XRD exhibits polycrystalline nature of the GaN film grown on the carbonized Si(111) due to poorer crystalline quality of this substrate. Raman spectra reveal that all GaN layers are under tensile stress, and the GaN layer grown on 3c-SiC/Si(111) shows a very low stress value of sigma(xx) = 0.65 Gpa. In low-temperature Photoluminescence spectra the remarkable donor-acceptor-pair recombination and yellow band can be attributed to the incorporation of Si impurities from the decomposition of SiC.


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The photoluminescence (PL) properties of ZnSe films grown by hot wall epitaxy are reported. The PL spectra show clear neutral donor-bound exciton peak; donor acceptor pair (DAP) peak, conduction band to acceptor (CA) peak, and their phonon replicas until fourth order. The conduction band to acceptor peak and it's phonon replicas exist until room temperature. From the ratio of PL intensities of DAP and CA peaks and their replicas, we obtain the Huang-Rhys factor S = 0.58, in agreement with other experiments for acceptor-bound exciton transitions. From the temperature dependence of PL intensities we derive the activation energy of thermal quenching process for the DAP transitions as about 7 meV.


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Photoluminescence (PL) was investigated in undoped GaN from 4.8 K to room temperature. The 4.8 K spectra exhibited recombinations of free exciton, donor-acceptor pair (DAP), blue and yellow bands (Ybs). The blue band (BB) was also identified to be a DAP recombination. The YB was assigned to a recombination from deep levels. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy show that C and O are the main residual impurities in undoped GaN and that C concentration is lower in the epilayers with the stronger BB. The electronic structures of native defects, C and O impurities, and their complexes were calculated using ab initio local-density-functional (LDF) methods with linear muffin-tin-orbital and 72-atomic supercell. The theoretical analyses suggest that the electron transitions from O-N states to C-N and to V-Ga states are responsible for DAP and the BB, respectively, and the electron transitions between the inner levels of the C-N-O-N complex may be responsible for the YB in our samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The energy bands of zinc-blende and wurtzite GaN are calculated with the empirical pseudopotential method, and the pseudopotential parameters for Ga and N atoms are-given. The calculated energy bands are in agreement with those obtained by the ab initio method. The effective-mass theory for the semiconductors of wurtzite structure is established, and the effective-mass parameters of GaN for both structures are given The binding energies of acceptor states are calculated by solving strictly the effective-mass equations. The binding energies of donor and acceptor are 24 and 142 meV for the zinc-blende structure, 20 and 131, and 97 meV for the wurtzite structure, respectively, which are consistent with recent experimental results. It is proposed that there are two kinds of acceptor in wurtzite GaN. One kind is the general acceptor such as C, which substitutes N, which satisfies the effective-mass theory. The other kind of acceptor includes Mg, Zn, Cd, etc., the binding energy of these accepters is deviated from that given by the effective mass theory. In this report, wurtzite GaN is grown by the molecular-beam epitaxy method, and the photoluminescence spectra were measured. Three main peaks are assigned to the donor-acceptor transitions from two kinds of accepters. Some of the transitions were identified as coming from the cubic phase of GaN, which appears randomly within the predominantly hexagonal material. [S0163-1829(99)15915-0].


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Naphthalocyanine-sensitized multi-walled carbon nanotube (NaPc-MWNT) composites have been synthesized through the pi-stacking between naphthalocyanine (NaPc) and carbon nanotubes. The resultant nanocomposites were characterized with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), a transmission electron microscope (TEM), and by UV - vis absorption and photocurrent spectra. The long-range ordering was observed in the NaPc - MWNT composites by using a TEM. The enhancement in the absorption intensity and the broadening of the absorption wavelength observed in the composite films, which were due to the attachment of NaPc on the MWNT surface, is discussed based on the measured UV - vis absorption spectra. Furthermore, the photoconductivity of the poly( 3-hexylthiophene)(PAT6) - NaPc - MWNT composite film was found to increase remarkably in the visible region and broaden towards the red regions. These new phenomena were ascribed to the larger donor/acceptor (D/A) interface and the formation of a biconsecutive D/A network structure, as discussed in consideration of the photoinduced charge transfer between PAT6 and NaPc - MWNT.


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The temperature dependences of the orange and blue emissions in 10, 4.5, and 3 nm ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were investigated. The orange emission is from the T-4(1)-(6)A(1) transition of Mn2+ ions and the blue emission is related to the donor-acceptor recombination in the ZnS host. With increasing temperature, the blue emission has a red-shift. On the other hand, the peak energy of the orange emission is only weakly dependent on temperature. The luminescence intensity of the orange emission decreases rapidly from 110 to 300 K for the 10 nm sample but increases obviously for the 3 nm sample, whereas the emission intensity is nearly, independent of temperature for the 4.5 nm sample. A thermally activated carrier-transfer model has been proposed to explain the observed abnormal temperature behaviour of the orange emission in ZnS:Mn nanoparticles.


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We report the investigation of temperature and excitation power dependence in photoluminescence spectroscopy measured in Mg-doped GaN epitaxial layers grown on sapphire by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, The objective is to examine the effects of rapid-thermal annealing on Mg-related emissions. It is observed that the peak position of the 2.7-2.8 eV emission line is a function of the device temperature and annealing conditions, The phenomenon is attributed to Coulomb-potential fluctuations in the conduction and valence band edge and impurity levels due to the Mg-related complex dissociation. The blue shift of the 2.7-2.8 eV emission line with increasing excitation power provides clear evidence that a donor-acceptor recombination process underlies the observed emission spectrum. In addition, quenching of minor peaks at 3.2 and 3.3 eV are observed and their possible origin is discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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近年来,随着近红外领域研究的深入,特别是光通讯工业的发展,迫切需要一大批具有良好发光性质的近红外材料。有机材料由于成本低、工艺简单和结构易调控等优点而备受关注。目前,对近红外有机发光材料的研究主要集中在两大类:一是稀土元素配合物;二是有机离子染料。但由于稀土元素的4f-4f跃迁是宇称禁阻的,其分子的激发需通过配体与中心离子的能量转移,发光效率低。同时有机离子染料由于静电相互作用,分子容易因聚集而导致发光萃灭,其器件结构主要采用主客体掺杂技术,存在着较强的主体材料发光和器件发光效率低等缺点。传统有机非离子型材料则不受上述因素的限制,可得到聚集态下高效的发光效率。本论文通过将电子给体与受体共轭连接,设计并合成了系列非离子型的窄带隙有机小分子,研究了它们在近红外电致发光等器件中的应用,主要工作内容和结果如下: (1)在分子内同时引入电子给体和受体,将它们共轭连接,设计并合成了系列D-π-A-π-D型的有机小分子,利用分子内电荷转移,实现近红外区域的吸收和发射。我们选择三苯胺和芴为电子给体,苯并双噻二唑及其衍生物为电子受体,苯、噻吩和吡咯为连接基团,得到的系列化合物的光谱及电化学性质能在很大的范围内进行调节。化合物的吸收光谱可从600nm至1400nm,发射光谱从900nm至1600nm范围内调节。化合物的带宽可从1.19eV减小到0.56eV。由于分子间的强相互作用,化合物在混合溶剂中可自组装成带状结构。同时该系列化合物在隔绝氧气的环境中有良好的光化学稳定性,可应用于电致发光或光伏器件中。 (2)多层器件结构是提高有机电致发光效率的有效方法,但前提是发光材料最好是可真空蒸镀。我们在前部分工作的基础上,合成了系列热稳定的可蒸镀型有机小分子。通过改变受体及给体结构可调节发光波长及效率。利用“掺杂剂/主体材料的思想”制备的电致发光器件,发光波长覆盖700nm到1500nm的范围,最长中心波长为1115nm。发光波长752nm时,器件最高外量子效率为1.12%。基于化合物IV-5制备的非掺杂器件,发光波长为1080nm,外量子效率为0.28%。该效率比基于有机离子染料的器件提高了近10倍。基于化合物IV-7的器件最大发射波长为1220nm,为迄今为止非掺杂有机电致发光器件中的最长发射波长。以上结果证明,该系列分子是良好的近红外电致发光材料。 (3)我们研究了含苯并双噻二唑分子与常见阴离子的相互作用关系,发现其只对CN-离子和F-离子有响应,而对其它阴离子如Cl , Br , I , AcO , H2PO4 , HSO4 , 和NO3 等则没有任何响应。并且通过将其中噻二唑环换成硝基,可实现对CN-离子和F-离子的区分。化合物V-2可高选择性的检测氰离子,其它离子的存在不会干扰检测信号,包括氟离子。检测信号为外观颜色的改变,可作为显色传感器。化合物V-3可定量检测CN-离子,检测极限为1μM。并且检测信号包括近红外发射的萃灭、可见发射的增强和吸收光谱的改变,多重检测信号可增加检测的可靠性。由于响应信号处于近红外区的生物波段,可应用于生物领域


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Three series of poly(phenylene vinylene) (PPV) derivatives containing hole-transporting triphenylamine derivatives [N-(4-octoxylphenyl)diphenylamine, N,N'-di(4-octyloxylphenyl)-N,N'-diphenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine, and N,N'-di(4-octoxylphenyl)-N,N'-diphenylbenzidine] (donor) and electron-transporting oxadiazole unit (2,5-diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole) (acceptor) in the main chain were synthesized by improved Wittig copolymerization. The resulting donor-acceptor (D-A) polymers are readily soluble in common organic solvents, such as chloroform, dichloroethane, THF, and toluene.


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During the reaction of reduced C-60 with benzyl bromide in benzonitrile, a novel cis-1 C-60 adduct, 1,4-dibenzyl-2,3-cyclic phenylimidate C-60 (1), Was obtained rather than the expected product of 1,4-dibenzyl C-60. The structure of compound 1 was analyzed by X-ray single-crystal diffraction, identifying the presence of a five-membered heterocycle at a [5,6] bond of C-60. One of the heteroatoms is assigned as a nitrogen atom; however, the identity of the other heteroatom cannot be determined unambiguously by crystallography due to similarity between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms.


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A series of donor-acceptor low-bandgap conjugated polymers, i.e., PTnBT (n = 2-6), composed of alternating oligothiophene (OTh) and 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (BT) units were synthesized by Stille cross-coupling polymerization. The number of thiophene rings in OTh units, that is n, was tuned from 2 to 6. All these polymers display two absorption bands in both solutions and films with absorption maxima depending on n. From solution to film, absorption spectra of the polymers exhibit a noticeable red shift. Both high- and low-energy absorption bands or P'F5BT and PT6BT films locate in the visible region, which are at 468 and 662 nm for PT5BT and 494 and 657 nm for PT6BT.


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Nanoscale-phase separation of electron donor/acceptor blends is crucial for efficient charge generation and collection in Polymer bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells. We investigated solvent vapor annealing effect of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)/methanofullerene (PCBM) blend oil its morphology and optoelectronic properties. The organic solvents of choice for the treatment have a major effect oil the morphology of P3HT/PCBM blend and the device performance. Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectro,;copy shows that specific solvent vapor annealing can induce P3HT self-assembling to form well-ordered structure; and hence, file absorption in the red region and the hole transport are enhanced. The solvent that has a poor Solubility to PCBM Would cause large PCBM Clusters and result in a rough blend film. By combining an appropriate solvent vapor treatment and post-thermal annealing of the devices, the power conversion efficiency is enhanced.


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Low-cost photovoltaic energy conversion using conjugated polymers has achieved great improvement due to the invention of organic bulk heterojunction. in which the nanoscale phase separation of electron donor and acceptor favors realizing efficient charge separation and collection. We investigated the polymer photovoltaic cells using N, N'-bis(1-ethylpropyl)-3,4,9,10-perylene bis(tetracarboxyl diimide)/poly(3-hexyl thiophene) blend as an active layer. It is found that processing conditions for the blend films have major effects on its morphology and hence the energy conversion efficiency of the resulting devices. By optimizing the processing conditions, the sizes of donor/acceptor phase separation can be adjusted for realizing efficient charge separation and collection. The overall energy conversion efficiency of the photovoltaic cell processed with optimized conditions increases by nearly 40% compared to the normally spin-coated and annealed cell.


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series of a donor-acceptor-donor type of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent chromophores based on [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-g]quinoxaline (TQ) as an electron acceptor and triphenylamine as an electron donor are synthesized and characterized. By introducing pendent phenyl groups or changing the pi-conjugation length in the TQ core, we tuned tile energy levels of these chromophores, resulting in the NIR emission in a range from 784 to 868 nm. High thermal stability and glass transition temperatures allow these chromophores to be used as dopant emitters, which can be processed by vapor deposition for the fabrication of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) having the multilayered structure of ITO/MoO3/NPB/Alq(3):dopant emitter/BCP/Alq(3)/LiF/Al. The electroluminescence spectra of the devices based on these new chromophores cover a range from 748 to 870 nm. With 2 wt % of dopant 1, the LED device shows an exclusive NIR emission at 752 nm with the external quantum efficiency (EQE) as high as 1.12% over a wide range of current density (e.g., around 200 mA cm(-2)).