31 resultados para coffee cropping
以22年定位试验为基础,研究了长期施用氮、磷和有机肥(NPM)对不同种植体系土壤有效硫在剖面上分布与累积状况。结果表明,在60—80 cm土层各处理出现第一个累积峰,累积峰值为粮饲轮作31.3,玉米连作29.2,小麦连作27.9,粮豆轮作25.6,苜蓿连作24.0 mg/kg;在140—180 cm土层各处理又出现有效硫的第二个累积峰,累积峰值为粮饲轮作44.7,粮豆轮作43.1,小麦连作41.0,玉米连作39.7,苜蓿连作36.5 mg/kg。第二累积峰值均大于第一累积峰值。0—200 cm土层有效硫总累积量粮饲轮作高达746.3 kg/hm~2,其次为玉米连作640.6,粮豆轮作为638.3,小麦连作为622.4,苜蓿连作最小为557.3 kg/hm~2。长期施用磷肥和有机肥是有效硫在土壤中累积的主要因素,有效硫在土壤剖面上有向深层迁移的趋势。不同作物对硫的吸收利用差异和不同种植方式对有效硫的累积与分布产生影响。
在长期定位试验的基础上,通过田间实地测定0~400 cm土壤含水量,分析和比较了不同种植方式下苜蓿草地土壤水分的变化。结果表明,连作苜蓿地、轮作苜蓿地的400 cm土层平均土壤含水量分别为10.6%和11.4%,均低于土壤稳定湿度,其干燥化指数为24.6%和37.2%,分别属强烈干燥化和严重干燥化,而小麦连作的干燥化指数为86.4%,属轻度干燥化。连作苜蓿地土壤干层最厚,400 cm处仍十分干燥,而轮作苜蓿地和连作小麦地到240 cm以下时,土壤水分开始有所恢复。连作苜蓿地和轮作苜蓿地通过降雨可恢复部分土壤水分,可恢复的土壤深度为40 cm和60 cm,而连作小麦地可达100 cm。不同施肥措施下连作苜蓿地土壤干燥化程度都很严重,施肥措施不是造成土壤干燥化的主要原因。轮作系统中不同轮作年限苜蓿地的土壤水分状况有一定的差异,但是均没有形成深厚的土壤干层。与连作苜蓿相比,轮作苜蓿不会大量消耗土壤深层水分而形成深厚的土壤干层,有利于土壤水分的可持续利用。
以22 a定位试验为基础,在黄土高原旱地研究了长期施用氮磷化肥,对不同种植体系土壤有效硫在剖面上分布与累积状况。结果表明,在60-80 cm土层各处理出现第一个累积峰,累积峰值为:玉米-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作27.07 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作25.42 mg/kg,小麦(2 a)+糜子-玉米轮作24.23 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+玉米轮作22.61 mg/kg,小麦连作16.56 mg/kg,红豆草-小麦(2 a)轮作15.14 mg/kg;在120-180 cm土层又出现有效硫的第二个累积峰,累积峰值为:小麦(2 a)+糜子-玉米轮作34.20 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作32.16 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+玉米轮作31.00 mg/kg,红豆草-小麦(2 a)轮作30.32mg/kg,玉米-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作29.16 mg/kg,小麦连作26.22 mg/kg。0-200 cm土层有效硫总累积量玉米-小麦+糜子轮作高达559.64 kg/hm2,其次是小麦+糜子-玉米轮作为538.88 kg/hm2,豌豆-小麦+糜子轮作为514.34 kg/...
近年来,随着对作物重茬障碍原因的深入研究,植物的化感作用越来越受到国内外众多学者的重视。花椒(Zanthoxy piperitum.)为芸香科植物,是一种收益早、用途广、价值高的经济树种,是川西干旱河谷地区的重要经济作物,其连作障碍也倍受关注,系统研究花椒化感作用将有助于理解和最终解决花椒连作障碍问题。本文首先通过萃取、层析等方法分离花椒主效化感成分;通过外加不同浓度的花椒叶水浸液研究了对土壤氮素养分循环的影响;研究了花椒叶水浸液对苜蓿生理生化、光合作用、氮素养分吸收的影响,并对外施氮肥对这种化感影响的缓解作用做了研究;研究了花椒化感潜力对全球变化——UV-B增强辐射的响应。主要研究结果如下: 1.用不同极性的有机溶剂对花椒叶水浸液浓缩浸膏萃取、柱层析,结合生物活性检测,分离得到主效化感作用组分的一种化感物质——对甲氧基苯酚。采用该物质纯品进行生物活性检测,证明其具有化感作用。 2.花椒叶水浸液处理土壤30天后,土壤硝态氮、铵态氮、无机氮(硝态氮+铵态氮)与对照相比,随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加呈现降低的趋势,其中土壤铵态氮含量显著降低,而硝态氮含量的变化则不显著,无机氮含量也显著降低。土壤脲酶和蛋白酶的活性与无机氮含量的变化趋势相同。随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加,氨化细菌数量显著降低,固氮菌的数量变化不显著,硝化细菌和反硝化细菌数量有减少的趋势。60天后,硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、无机氮随水浸液浓度增加的变化趋势与30天时相似;随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加,氨化细菌、固氮菌的数量显著减少,硝化细菌数量、反硝化细菌数量仍呈减少趋势;土壤脲酶、蛋白酶活性与第30天的变化趋势相同。第60天与第30天的结果相比,相同水浸液浓度处理的硝态氮、铵态氮、无机氮均有下降的趋势,但除了25g.L-1水浸液处理的外,其它相同浓度的处理间差异均不显著;除了12.5 g.L的处理外土壤脲酶活性均呈增强的趋势;蛋白酶活性都有不同程度的增加;花椒叶水浸液处理的土壤硝化细菌和反硝化细菌数量呈增加趋势。 3.随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加,显著抑制了苜蓿根长、地上地下生物量、叶绿素含量、叶片中可溶性蛋白的含量,净光合速率。苜蓿体内四种抗氧化酶(POD、SOD、CAT、APX) 活性随着水浸液浓度的增加而降低,而丙二醛含量则增加。苜蓿氮初级同化相关酶硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)的活性随着水浸液浓度的增加受到不同程度的影响。总的来说,苜蓿硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰合成酶的活性受到抑制,而谷氨酸脱氢酶活性的变化则比较复杂,根呈先降低后增加的趋势,叶片则无显著变化。外施两种不同浓度的硝酸铵氮肥后,对12.5、25 g.L-1花椒叶水浸液处理的苜蓿化感作用有显著的缓解作用,表现在株高、生物量、光合作用等方面,大多达到与对照(0 g.L-1)未施氮肥无显著差异的水平,而对50 g.L-1水浸液处理的苜蓿幼苗,虽有一定的缓解作用,但这种作用均未达到与对照(0 g.L-1)未施氮肥时无显著差异的水平。 4. UV-B增强辐射处理花椒后,花椒的化感潜力显著增强。花椒叶片内UV-B吸收物质的含量和总酚含量均显著增加。 In recent years, with profound research on the reasons of continuous cropping obstacles, allelopathy received increasing attention to many scholars at home and abroad. Zanthoxy bungeanum as a Rutaceae plant is a high economic value species which gains early and uses widely. Zanthoxylum is an important economic crop in the arid valley of western Sichuan region, and its not even has received much concern for the continuous cropping obstacles. The systematic study of allelopathy of Zanthoxylum will contribute to the understanding and final settlement of this issue. The major allelopathic composition was separated through the extraction, chromatography combined with other methods. The impact on soil nutrient cycling was also studied through the addition of different concentrations of water extracts of Zanthoxylum. Furthermore, the effects of water extracts of Zanthoxylum leaves on alfalfa leaf physiological and biochemical indexes, photosynthesis, soil enzymes and nutrient uptake of nitrogen and the mitigation of allelopathy through using external fertilizer were studied to put forward scientific resolvent for Zanthoxylum continuous cropping obstacles .The response of allelopathic potential of Zanthoxylum to global change - UV-B enhanced radiation was studied . The main findings are as follows: 1. Through extraction with different polar organic solvents on concentrated water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf and then using column chromatography combined with detection of biological activity, one of the main allelopathic components- methoxy-phenol was isolated. The biological activity testing of the pure material of methoxy-phenol proved that it does have allelopathic potential. 2. Thirty days after treating soil with water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, as compared with the control, the contents of soil nitrate, ammonium, nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen showed a trend of decrease with the increase of the concentration of water extract whereas the content of ammonium nitrogen showed a significant reduction, and the content of nitrate did not change significantly, the content of nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen also showed a significant (P <0.05) redction. The activity of soil urease and protease showed the same trend as the content of nitrate nitrogen plus ammonium nitrogen. With the increase in the concentration of water extract, the number of ammonification bacteria significantly reduced but nitrogen-fixing bacteria did not change significantly and there was a decreasing trend in the number of nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria. Sixty days after the treatment, with the increase in solution concentration of water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, the content of nitrate、 ammonium nitrogen, nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen showed a similar change trend to 30 days’; the number of ammonification bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria significantly reduced ; the number of nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria was still an downward trend; the activity of soil urease and protease showed the same trend as the 30th days’. Compared to the results of the 30th days’, the content of nitrate, ammonium, nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen showed a decrease trend between the treatment of same concentration, but there was no significant difference except the treatment of 25g.L-1 between the same concentration; the activity of soil urease showed enhanced trend except the treatment of 12.5 g.L-1; the activity of protease increased to varying degrees; the number of ammonification bacteria、 nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria were growing while nitrogen-fixing bacteria reduced.. 3. With the increase of the concentration of water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, the water extract significantly inhibited the root length, aboveground biomass, content of chlorophyll and soluble protein in leaf and net photosynthetic rate. The activity of four antioxidant enzymes (POD, SOD, CAT, APX) reduced with the increase in concentration of the water extract but the content of MDA increased. The activity of enzymes related to primary nitrogen assimilation such nitrate reductase (NR), glutamyl synthetase (GS), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were subject to different degrees with an increase in the concentration of water extracts. In general, the activity of nitrate reductase, glutamyl synthetase were inhibited, while change in the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase was more complex. The activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in leaf was first reduced and then increase,but did not change significantly in root. After using two external different concentrations of nitrogen fertilizer, there was a significant mitigation in inhibiton in plant height, biomass, photosynthesis, etc. in the treatment of 12.5,25 gL-1 of water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, and most of these indexes showed no significant difference with the control (0 g.L-1, no external fertilizer was added) .Although there showed a certain degree of ease in the treatment of 50 g.L-1 , there was still a significant difference compared with the control (0 gL-1) in which no external fertilizer was used. 4.The allelopathic potential of Zanthoxylum positively responded to enhanced UV-B significantly. The content of UV-B absorbing compounds and the total phenol also significant increased.
花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)是川西干旱河谷地区重要的经济作物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的重要原因之一。花椒凋落物分解是影响花椒林地土壤肥力及花椒产量的重要因素,因此系统研究花椒化感作用是否对花椒凋落物的分解产生影响可以为解决花椒连作障碍导致的产量下降等问题提供科学的理论依据。本文通过室内模拟实验研究了花椒凋落物的四个分解动态以及分解后凋落物浸提液对花椒林地土壤性质的影响;通过野外盆栽实验研究了花椒凋落物浸提液对花椒幼苗的生长、花椒凋落物的质量及土壤性质的影响。最终从生理生化角度揭示了花椒的化感作用对凋落物分解的影响机理,为深入解决花椒连作障碍问题、对花椒凋落物采取有效的人工措施提供了科学的理论依据。主要的研究结果如下: 1. 室内分解实验证明,花椒凋落物在分解的60 d 内分解速率呈现由大到小的变化趋势,并且凋落物分解呈现明显的毒性动态。凋落物在分解的10 d、30 d 时,分解速率较大,30 d 以后分解速率显著降低。凋落物分解的10 d 左右酚酸释放量最大,此时凋落物的毒性最大,凋落物分解到10 d 以后,酚酸释放量逐渐减少,凋落物的毒性也逐渐减小。 2. 四个分解动态的花椒凋落物浸提液对土壤化学性质产生了显著的影响。花椒凋落物在分解的60 d 内,其浸提液使土壤pH值均显著的增加。分解0 d 的凋落物浸提液显著的降低了土壤铵态氮的含量,抑制了纤维素分解菌的生长;分解60 d 的凋落物浸提液显著的降低了土壤酚酸含量,增加了土壤有效磷的含量;分解30 d 和60 d 的凋落物浸提液均显著的促进了好气性纤维素分解菌的生长。这说明花椒凋落物在分解过程中呈现出明显的毒性动态:凋落物分解的初期毒性作用较大,随着分解的继续进行特别是在分解的30 d 以后,其毒性作用慢慢降低。 3. 花椒凋落物浸提液对花椒幼苗表现出明显的化感作用。不同浓度的浸提液对花椒幼苗地上及地下生物量、叶面积均产生了显著的抑制作用,并且随着浸提液浓度的升高抑制作用加强。凋落物浸提液对叶片厚度的影响较小,只有Y1对叶片厚度的生长抑制作用显著。 4. 花椒的化感作用改变了凋落物的质量,并对凋落物分解产生了显著的影响。对花椒幼苗用不同浓度的凋落物浸提液进行处理,Y1使凋落物有机碳含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/氮显著降低,纤维素含量显著升高;Y3使凋落物有机碳含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/氮显著升高。花椒凋落物质量的改变显著的影响了凋落物的分解,凋落物的分解速率大小依次为:Y1(10.15 a-1)> Y2(8.71 a-1)> CK(6.41 a-1)> Y3(5.08 a-1)。 5. 花椒的化感作用改变了土壤性质,并对凋落物分解产生了显著的影响。对花椒幼苗用不同浓度的凋落物浸提液处理的同时,也改变了土壤性质。不同浓度的凋落物浸提液显著的升高了土壤pH值、有机碳含量。各种浓度的凋落物浸提液对土壤多酚氧化酶的活性均起到了显著的促进作用。凋落物浸提液Y1对土壤纤维素分解酶的活性、细菌和真菌的生长也具有显著的促进作用。土壤性质的改变显著的影响了凋落物的分解,凋落物的分解速率大小依次为:Y1(10.30 a-1)>Y2(9.60 a-1)>CK(6.41 a-1)>Y3(6.29 a-1)。 6. 不论是凋落物质量发生改变还是土壤性质发生改变,在凋落物分解的整个过程中,C元素始终处于单调净释放的状态,并且C释放量与分解速率成显著的正相关,即凋落物分解越快,凋落物C释放量越大。凋落物分解过程中,均出现了酚酸大量释放的情况,并与凋落物分解速率成显著正相关。凋落物分解后的木质素含量、木质素/氮均增加,并且随着浸提液浓度的升高,凋落物木质素含量、木质素/氮升高。 Zanthoxylum bungeanum is an important economic crop in dry valley of the Minjiang river (Sichuan, Southwest China), but allelopathy is one of the important reasons for its continuous cropping. Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition affects Zanthoxylum bungeanum soil fertility and its output. So systemically investigate if allelopathy affects litter decomposition could provide the scientific methods to solve the problem of output fall caused by the continuous cropping. In this paper, the releasing dynamics of phenolic acid during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition (0, 10, 30 and 60 days) and the effects of its aqueous extract on soil chemical properties were investigated via the laboratory study. Effects of Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract on the growth of young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings, litter qualities and the soil qualities were investigated via the field study. Finally, we open out the action manner of Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathic effect on the litter decomposition, and provide the theoretical basis to solve the Zanthoxylum bungeanum continuous cropping. The main results showed that: 1. The laboratory litter decomposition experiment showed a trend of decomposition rate from large to small and an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition. The litter decomposition rate was larger at the tenth and 30th day during 60-day litter decomposition and gradually decreased after 30 days of litter decompostion. The releasing quantity of the litter phenolic acid was the highest at the tenth day, and here, the litter toxicity was the biggest. The releasing quantity of the litter phenolic acid gradually decreased after 10 days of litter decomposition, so the phytotoxicity of litter was gradually decreased with the litter decomposition. 2. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract after four decomposition stages had significantly effect on the soil chemical qualities. The pH value in soil was significantly increased in litter aqueous extract of four decomposition stages. The NH+4-N concentration was significantly decreased in soil amended with litter aqueous extract of 10-day decomposition which inhibited the growth of Aerobic cellulose-decomposer. The growth of soil Aerobic cellulose-decomposer was promoted by the litter aqueous extract of 30-day decomposition. Available phosphorus concentration was significantly increased and phenolic acid content was significantly decreased in soil amended with litter aqueous extract of 60-day decomposition which promoted the growth of Aerobic cellulose-decomposer. The study results showed an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition. The phytotoxicity of litter was the largest at the initial stage, but the phytotoxicity gradually decreased with the litter decomposition, especially after 30 days of decomposition. 3. The field study indicated that the Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract had significant allelopathic effects on the growth of young seedlings.Different concentration aqueous extract had signinficant inhibiting effects on biomass and leaf area of young seedlings. The inhibiting effect on the biomass strengthened with the litter aqueous extract concentration augment. Litter aqueous extracts had less effect on the leaf thickness, and only Y1 had significant inhibiting effect on the leaf thickness. 4. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathy had significant effect on the litter qualities and the litter decomposition. Treating the young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings with different concentration of litter aqueous extracts, the leaf litter organic C, lignin, C/N and lignin/N all decreased and the cellulose content increased under Y1 treatment. The leaf litter organic C, lignin, C/N and lignin/N all increased under Y3 treatment. So the litter decomposition was significant affectded by the litter qualities, and the litter decomposition rate was Y1(10.15 a-1)> Y2(8.71 a-1) > CK(6.41 a-1) > Y3(5.08 a-1). 5. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathy had significant effect on the soil qualities and the litter decomposition. Treating the young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings with different concentration of litter aqueous extracts, also changed the soil qualities. Different concentration of litter aqueous extracts had significant effects on the soil pH and organic C content. Every concentration of litter aqueous extracts accelerated the soil Polyphenol Oxidase activity and Y1 accelerated the soil Cellulase activity, the number of soil bacteria and fungi. So the litter decomposition was significant affected by the soil qualities, and the litter decomposition rate was Y1(10.30 a-1) > Y2 (9.60 a-1) >CK(6.41 a-1)>Y3(6.29 a-1)。 6. Whether the litter or soil qualities changed, the litter C element at the state of release at all times during the litter decomposition, and the release quantity increased with the decomposition rate augment. Litter released plentiful total penolics content during decomposition, and the release quantity had the positive correlation with the litter decomposition rate. The litter lignin content and the lignin/N all increased with the litter aqueous extracts concentration augment after litter decomposition.
花椒(Zanthoxylum piperitum)是川西干旱河谷地区的重要经济作物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的原因之一。系统研究花椒化感作用有助于深入理解并最终解决花椒连作障碍。本文通过研究花椒叶、林下土壤浸提液及单一纯化感物质对花椒幼苗生长、苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响作用,从生理生化角度揭示浸提液及纯化感物质的作用方式。通过室外和室内模拟实验,对浸提液及纯化感物质的化感效应进行比较,为花椒连作障碍的解决和化感作用机制的深入理解提供依据。主要结果如下: 1.花椒叶及林下土壤浸提液对地下生物量影响作用强与对地上生物量的化感效应,两种浸提液的化感效应强度不同,叶浸提液作用表现更显著。其中在Y6、Y8 、T6和T8处理时,花椒幼苗地下生物量分别降低了31.2%、32.1%、31.6%和31.7%。 2.两种浸提液均能显著影响花椒幼苗体内的保护性酶活性,总体说来,在高浓度下抑制各种抗氧化物酶活性,幼苗体内丙二醛含量增加,幼苗受害严重;在较低浓度下,各种保护性酶活性有所增加,丙二醛含量减少,幼苗伤害减轻。同时,不同月份里,各种酶的活性高低显著不同,9月份的活性显著低于7月份的酶活性。对于养分含量的影响,Y8、T8的影响强度最大,分别使碳元素含量降低了27.8%和30.8%,使钾元素含量降低了34.7%和25.6%。 3.花椒叶及林下土壤浸提液对苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生长有化感作用,表现在最终萌发率、不同物质代谢及保护性酶活性的差异上。两种浸提液对苜蓿种子萌发过程中蛋白质的含量均无显著性影响,对淀粉和可溶性糖的影响作用类似,高浓度处理无明显化感效应,较低浓度处理显著降低二者在萌发苜蓿种子中的含量。Y2、Y4与T4处理分别使可溶性糖含量减少了32.3%、29.1%和18.8%,Y2与T2处理分别使淀粉含量降低了29.3%和26.8%。 4.苜蓿种子在4种单一化感物质最高浓度即10-3 mol•L-1处理下,萌发率显著降低,半数萌发时间推迟,随着处理浓度降低,抑制作用逐渐减弱,当降低到10-6 mol•L-1时,又能够表现出对苜蓿种子萌发的促进作用。 5.纯化感物质在10-6 mol•L-1时使苜蓿幼苗叶片的保护性酶活性显著升高,丙二醛含量显著降低;在10-3 mol•L-1时使苜蓿叶片中保护性酶活性显著降低,丙二醛含量增加,膜脂过氧化程度加重。 Zanthoxylum piperitum is one of the most important cash crops and has been extensively cultivated in Eastern Tibetan Plateau, especially in the fragile dry valley areas. Allelopathic effects could be a reason for Z. piperitum’s continuous cropping impediment. Systemmatically research of the effect of Z. piperitum allelopathy could help to comprehend the continuous cropping impediment. The allelopathic effects on seedlings growth and seed germination of aqueous extracts of Zanthoxylum piperitum and phenolic allelochemicals were studied, and the action mechanism of the two substances was also discussed from physiology. Indoor and outdoor experiments were set to compare the difference between aqueous extracts and pure allelochemicals. The main results showed that: 1. The aqueous extracts of leaf and soil had significant allelopathic effects on aboveground and underground biomass, but the effect on underground biomass was stronger than the effect on underground evidently. Treated with Y6、Y8 、T6 and T8, the underground biomass was reduced 31.2%、32.1%、31.6% and 31.7% respectively. 2. The activity of activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase were significantly reduced, while the content of MDA was increased and the seedlings were suffered stronger, when treated by the high concentration; but at the low concentration, these were reversed. And then, at the different month, the activities of antioxidant enzyme were significantly distinct. As for the contents of nutrient element, Y8、T8 had the more intensive effects than other treatments. 3. The results showed that the two types of aqueous extracts had significant allelopathic effects on seed germination, substances metabolize and the activity of antioxidant enzyme. But the aqueous extracts had no effects on the content of protein, while had the similar effects on the content of starch and soluble sugar. At Y2、Y4 and T4, the content of soluble sugar decreased 32.3%、29.1% and 18.8% respectively. 4. Treated with 10-3 mol•L-1 of the four allelochemicals, the seed germination of alfalfa was significantly inhibited. Ferulic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid at 10-3 mol•L-1 significantly reduced the activities of antioxidant enzyme, while the content of MDA in alfalfa seedling was significantly increased. The restrain effects became weakened with the treat concentration falled. However, ferulic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid could increase the activities of antioxidant enzyme at 10-6mol•L-1.
花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)是川西地区重要的经济植物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的原因之一,而花椒凋落物和根系分泌物对土壤质量的影响是花椒化感作用的一个重要方面。系统研究花椒如何影响土壤有助于深入理解和解决花椒连作障碍。本文主要以大红袍(10a生)花椒叶和种植过花椒的土壤的浸提液浇灌花椒幼苗进行试验,分析叶浸提液与土壤浸提液对非花椒生长土壤中土壤微生物、土壤酶及土壤化学性质的影响。主要结果如下: 1.花椒叶浸提液和土壤浸提液减少了土壤中微生物的种类、组成和数量。本试验中未施加浸提液的土样中根际微生物明显高于非根际区,在经过花椒叶浸提液处理后,根际细菌、真菌和放线菌数量以及微生物总数都有所减少,这样将会导致土壤中的有效养分的供给减少,进而可能影响植物的生长。 2.施加花椒叶浸提液和土壤浸提液,以及花椒幼苗的栽种,对不同土样中的土壤酶各有促进和抑制作用。在浸提液处理下,水解酶之间及氧化还原酶之间各存在相互促进作用。 3.施加花椒叶浸提液和土壤浸提液均抑制了根际土中全氮和有机质含量,叶浸提液还抑制了无苗土中全磷含量,土壤浸提液还抑制了无苗土中全氮含量与根际土全磷、有机质含量。但两种浸提液均促进了根际土中有效磷和水解性氮含量、根外土中全磷含量,叶浸提液促进了根际土中全磷含量,土壤浸提液促进了根外土中有效磷含量。全氮和有机质含量的下降可能对植物生长发育不利。 4.土壤化学性质与土壤酶活性在不同土样中有不同的相关性。全氮含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性呈正相关。水解性氮含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、蔗糖酶活性呈正相关。全磷含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与多酚氧化酶活性呈正相关;在施加土壤浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、蔗糖酶活性呈正相关,与多酚氧化酶活性呈负相关。有效磷含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与多酚氧化酶活性呈正相关,与蛋白酶活性呈负相关;在施加土壤浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性呈正相关。有机质含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、蔗糖酶活性呈正相关。 Zanthoxylum bungeanum is one of the most important cash crops in Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Allelopathic effects could be one of reasons for Z. bungeanum’s continuous cropping impediment. The effects of secretion of leaf and root of Z. bungeanum on soil quality is a important way of Z. bungeanum’s allelopathic effects. However, allelopathic effect of Z.bungeanum on soil microbes, enzyme activities and chemical property were seldom studied. In this study, leaf and soil extracts of Da Hongpao(DHP), the most common varieties of Z.bungeanum in this area, were used to assess allelopathic effect of Z. bungeanum on soil biology and biochemistry by pot experiments . The main results showed that: 1. The irrigation of two kinds of extracts reduced the species, component and quantity of soil microbes. In rhizosphere soil which irrigated by distilled water, the quantity of soil microbes is significantly different from exoroot soil. In rhizosphere soil which irrigated by leaf extracts, the quantity of bacterial, fungi, actionmycete and gross of microbes were decreased, it may resulted in reduce of Available nutrient in soil, and influenced the growth of plants. 2.The irrigation of two kind of extracts reduced or enhanced the enzyme activities in different soils. Interaction between hydrolytic ferments and redoxases were promoted each other. 3. The irrigation of two kinds of extracts reduced the total N and organic matter in rhizosphere soil. Leaf extracts also reduced the total P in soil without seedling. Soil extracts reduced total N in soil without seedling and total P, organic matter in rhizosphere soil. But both extracts also enhanced available P and hydrolysable N in rhizosphere soil, total P in exoroot soil. Leaf extracts enhanced total P in rhizosphere soil. Soil extracts enhanced available P in exoroot soil. The reduction of total N and organic matter may influence growth of plants. 4.Positive correlations between total N and prolease, hydrolysable N and prolease, hydrolysable N and saccharase, total P and polyphenol oxidase, available P and polyphenoloxidase, organic matter and prolease, organic matter and saccharase, were studied in soil irrigated by leaf extracts. In soil irrigated by soil extracts, there are positive correlations between total P and prolease, total P and saccharase, available P and prolease, available P and catalase, while negative correlation between total P and polyphenoloxidase, available P and prolease, available P and catalase was found.
香豆素类物质是苯丙酸内酯(环酯)类化合物,绝大部分高等植物通过次生代谢途径都能合成。研究表明,香豆素类物质是花椒体内最重要的化感物质,系统研究香豆素类物质的作用机理有助于理解和最终解决花椒连作障碍。本文通过研究香豆素对几种植物种子特别是苜蓿种子萌发、苜蓿幼苗初级氮同化的影响,从生理生化角度揭示香豆素的作用方式,为花椒连作障碍的解决和化感作用机制的深入理解提供依据。主要研究结果如下:1. 研究了香豆素对6 种常见作物种子萌发的影响,并对一组数据采用4个不同的指标进行评价,对生物测定化感作用中存在的问题进行了讨论。结果发现1.0mM的香豆素对采用的6 种作物的种子萌发均表现出一定的化感作用,4 个指标的敏感程度依次为S (发芽速度)>AS(累积发芽速度)>CRG(发芽指数)>GT(最终发芽率)。种子萌发实验是化感作用研究中最重要、应用最广泛的生物测定方法之一,应根据不同的研究目的合理采用指标和实验方法。2. 采用培养皿试纸法进行种子萌发试验,研究了香豆素水溶液在苜蓿种子萌发过程中对其吸水、电导率及抗氧化保护酶活性的影响。结果表明,影响苜蓿种子发芽的香豆素浓度阀值为0.3mM。香豆素在1.0mM 的浓度下降低了苜蓿种子吸水阶段Ⅱ的吸水速度,使其外渗物质增多,电导率增大,并显著抑制了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,同时种子体内丙二醛(MDA)的含量显著增大。高浓度香豆素破坏了膜的结构、影响了抗氧化保护酶的活性是香豆素降低苜蓿发芽率的原因之一,也可能是影响花椒-苜蓿间作的关键因素之一。3. 不同浓度(0、25 μM、50 μM、0.1 mM、1.0 mM)化感活性物质香豆素对10 日龄苜蓿幼苗初级氮同化的影响的结果表明25 µM~50 µM 的香豆素加快了苜蓿幼苗对硝态氮的吸收。高浓度的香豆素导致苜蓿根系和叶片内可溶性蛋白含量降低、鲜重减小、地下鲜重/地上鲜重(R/S)的比值升高,根系中初级氮同化的关键酶硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酸胺合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)的活性降低,叶片中NR、GS 的活性减低、叶绿素含量减少,而GDH 的活性升高。香豆素影响苜蓿幼苗氮代谢和氨同化的关键酶,导致体内养分的缺失是香豆素抑制苜蓿幼苗生长的机理之一。Coumarins are lactones of o-hydroxycinnamic acid, and are allelopathiccompounds that originate in the phenylpropanoid pathway. They are synthesized byalmost all higher plants. According to previous studies, coumarins were mostimportant allelochemicals in Chinese prickly ash. Systematically research of theeffect of coumarin could help to comprehend the continuous cropping impediment.The effects of coumarin on seed germination and primary nitrogen assimilation ofalfalfa were studied. The main results showed that:1. We compared four common germination indices (S, AS, CRG, GT)preciously calculated with the same date. The results showed that, at theconcentration of 1.0 mM, coumarin inhibited seeds germination. Among all indices,the S index was most sensitive, followed by the AS and CRG indices. Andsuggestions on the expression of bioassay results were also provided.2. At concentrations above 0.3 mM, coumarin inhibited seed germination in aconcentration-dependent manner. During seed imbibitionⅡ, coumarin at 1.0 mMsignificantly reduced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT),peroxidase (POD), while the content of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) in alfalfa seedssignificantly increased. The higher concentration coumarin destroyed structure ofmembrane and influenced activities of antioxidant enzymes, which might be one ofthe reasons that coumarin decreased germination rate of alfalfa, and one of the keyfactors influencing Chinese prickly ash-alfalfa intercropping.3. Alfalfa plants were exposed to different concentration of coumarin (0、25μM、50 μM、0.1 mM、1.0 mM) grown for 10 days on control medium. Coumarin, in the range of 25 μM~50 μM, significantly stimulated the net nitrate uptake.Increasing coumarin concentration led to a decrease of protein contents in theleaves and roots. The root to shoot (R/S) FW ratio was increased by increasingcoumarin concentration. Under high coumarin concentration, the activities of nitratereductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) were repressed in the roots andleaves. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was inhibited in the roots, while enhancedin the leaves. Chlorophyll contents in the leaves were also decreased under highcoumain concentration. Coumarin decreased alfalfa growth by (i) nutritionaldeficiencies shown by the decrease of nitrate, (ii) lowered N compound synthesisvia inhibition of nitrate reduction and ammonium assimilation.
根据渭北旱塬自然经济特点 ,提出了该区农业持续发展的关键技术和增产新途径——农田高效优化种植模式 (以双元覆盖小麦为主 )。通过 4a的试验示范与推广 ,结果表明 :该模式可较对照增产小麦6 2 .92 % ;复种黄豆增收 1 5 0 0~ 2 2 5 0 kg/ hm2 ,较对照增产 1 0 0 %。该模式的聚水、保墒、增温和促进有机质矿化、增加土壤养分效应显著 ,可使土壤水、热环境改善 ,充分利用水资源 ,提高用水效率。
利用定位观测数据 ,对四川中部丘陵地区不同种植模式下旱地土壤水分变化规律进行了初步研究。结果表明 ,各种植模式土壤水分的季节变化具有明显差别 ,依据其变化特征可划分为 3种类型 ;垂直梯度变化基本表现为增长型 ,标准差和变异系数可用于对其变化特征的描述和层次划分 ,据此划分出了速变层 ( 0 cm~ 2 0 cm)和弱变层 ( 2 0 cm~ 50 cm) 2个差异明显的土壤水分垂直变化层。最后依据土壤水分的高效利用 ,对该区旱地种植模式的优化进行了探讨
Sustainable water use is seriously compromised in the North China Plain (NCP) due to the huge water requirements of agriculture, the largest use of water resources. An integrated approach which combines the ecosystem model with emergy analysis is presented to determine the optimum quantity of irrigation for sustainable development in irrigated cropping systems. Since the traditional emergy method pays little attention to the dynamic interaction among components of the ecological system and dynamic emergy accounting is in its infancy, it is hard to evaluate the cropping system in hypothetical situations or in response to specific changes. In order to solve this problem, an ecosystem model (Vegetation Interface Processes (VIP) model) is introduced for emergy analysis to describe the production processes. Some raw data, collected by investigating or observing in conventional emergy analysis, may be calculated by the VIP model in the new approach. To demonstrate the advantage of this new approach, we use it to assess the wheat-maize rotation cropping system at different irrigation levels and derive the optimum quantity of irrigation according to the index of ecosystem sustainable development in NCP. The results show, the optimum quantity of irrigation in this region should be 240-330 mm per year in the wheat system and no irrigation in the maize system, because with this quantity of irrigation the rotation crop system reveals: best efficiency in energy transformation (transformity = 6.05E + 4 sej/J); highest sustainability (renewability = 25%); lowest environmental impact (environmental loading ratio = 3.5) and the greatest sustainability index (Emergy Sustainability Index = 0.47) compared with the system in other irrigation amounts. This study demonstrates that application of the new approach is broader than the conventional emergy analysis and the new approach is helpful in optimizing resources allocation, resource-savings and maintaining agricultural sustainability.
Compared with other existing methods, the feature point-based image watermarking schemes can resist to global geometric attacks and local geometric attacks, especially cropping and random bending attacks (RBAs), by binding watermark synchronization with salient image characteristics. However, the watermark detection rate remains low in the current feature point-based watermarking schemes. The main reason is that both of feature point extraction and watermark embedding are more or less related to the pixel position, which is seriously distorted by the interpolation error and the shift problem during geometric attacks. In view of these facts, this paper proposes a geometrically robust image watermarking scheme based on local histogram. Our scheme mainly consists of three components: (1) feature points extraction and local circular regions (LCRs) construction are conducted by using Harris-Laplace detector; (2) a mechanism of grapy theoretical clustering-based feature selection is used to choose a set of non-overlapped LCRs, then geometrically invariant LCRs are completely formed through dominant orientation normalization; and (3) the histogram and mean statistically independent of the pixel position are calculated over the selected LCRs and utilized to embed watermarks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide sufficient robustness against geometric attacks as well as common image processing operations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.