31 resultados para chromatin immunoprecipitation


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Background: U19/EAF2 is a potential tumor suppressor exhibiting frequent down-regulation and allelic loss in advanced human prostate cancer specimens. U 19/EAF2 has also been identified as ELL-associated factor 2 (EAF2) based on its binding to ELL, a fusion partner of MLL in acute myeloid leukemia. U19/EAF2 is a putative transcription factor with a transactivation domain and capability of sequence-specific DNA binding. Methods: Yeast-two-hybrid-screening was used to identify U19/EAF2-binding partners. Co-immunoprecipitation and mammalian 1-hybrid assay were used to characterize a U19/EAF2-binding partner. Results: FB1, an E2A fusion partner in childhood leukemia, was identified as a binding-partner of U19/EAF2. FB1 also binds to EAF1, the only homologue of U19/EAF2. FB1 also interacts and co-localizes with ELL in the nucleus. Interestingly, FB1 inhibited the transcriptional activity of U19/EAF2 but not EAF1. Conclusions: FB1 is an important binding partner and a functional regulator of U19/EAF2, EAF1, and/or ELL. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Our previous studies showed that microcystin-RR could induce oxidative damage in plant cells as they do with animal cells. However, whether microcystin can induce plant cell apoptosis is still unknown. In this study, the morphological changes of tobacco BY-2 suspension cells exposed to microcystin-RR were observed under light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and apoptosis was clearly distinguished by intense perinuclear chromatin margination, condensation of nuclear chromatin after 6d exposure of 50 mg/L (about 50 mu M) microcystin-RR. We also found that microcystin-RR can induce tobacco cell apoptosis in a dose- and time-dependent manner with flow cytometry analysis. Our study provides the first evidence that microcystins can induce plant cell apoptosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A rhabdovirus was observed from the diseased turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) with lethal syndrome. In this study, a carp leucocyte (CLC) cell line was used to investigate the infection process and cell death mechanism occurring during the virus infection. Strong cytopathogenic effect (CPE) and the morphological changes, such as extreme chromatin condensation, nucleus fragmentation, and apoptotic body formation, were observed under fluorescence microscopy after DAPI staining in the infected CLC cells. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed cell shrinkage, plasma membrane blebbing, cytoplasm vacuolization, chromatin condensation, nuclear breakdown and formation of discrete apoptotic bodies. The bullet-shaped nucleocapsids were measured and ranged in size from 110 to 150 nm in length and 40 to 60 nm in diameter. And therefore the virus is called Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV). Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of the DNA extracted from infected cells showed typical DNA ladder in the course of SMRV infection. Flow cytometry analysis of SMRV infected CLC cells detected apoptotic peak in the virus infected CLC cells. Virus titre analysis and electron microscopic observation revealed that the virus replication fastigium was earlier than that of the apoptosis occurrence. No apoptosis was observed in the CLC infected with UV-inactivated SMRV. All these supported that SMRV infected CLC cells undergo apoptosis and the virus replication is necessary for apoptosis induction of CLC cells. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The causative agent of lymphocystis disease that frequently occurs in cultured flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in China is lymphocystis virus (LV). In this study, 13 fish cell lines were tested for their susceptibility to LV. Of these, 2 cell lines derived from the freshwater grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus proved susceptible to the LV, and 1 cell line, GCO (grass carp ovary), was therefore used to replicate and propagate the virus. An obvious cytopathic effect (CPE) was first observed in cell monolayers at 1 d post-inoculation, and at 3 d this had extended to about 75% of the cell monolayer. However, no further CPE extension was observed after 4 d. Cytopathic characteristics induced by the LV were detected by Giemsa staining and fluorescence microscopic observation with Hoechst 33258 staining. The propagated virus particles were also observed by electron microscopy. Ultrastructure analysis revealed several distinct cellular changes, such as chromatin compaction and margination, vesicle formation, cell-surface convolution, nuclear fragmentation and the occurrence of characteristic 'blebs' and cell fusion. This study provides a detailed report of LV infection and propagation in a freshwater fish cell line, and presents direct electron microscopy evidence for propagation of the virus in infected cells. A possible process by which the CPEs are controlled is suggested.


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The aim of this study was to determine the lowest concentration of nocodazole and colchicine to arrest blastomere division during the cleavage stage of loach embryos and to assess the reversibility and toxicity of the treatments in the treated embryos. Eight-cell loach embryos were incubated for 4, 8, 12, or 16 h in 1/10x Holtfreter supplemented with either nocodazole, an inhibitor of tubulin polymerization, or colchicine, an inhibitor of tubulin assembly. Complete arrest of cell cycle was observed, at a colchicine concentration of 0.996 mM and at a nocodazole concentration of 0.275 muM, respectively (the lowest effective concentration). No major morphological alteration in chromatin was observed. Reversibility and toxicity of both agents were dose and exposure period dependent. For both agents, prolonging cleavage arrest for more than 4 h (at the effective concentrations) is detrimental to development of embryos. Nocodazole treatment was less cytotoxic, whereas the concentrations of colchicine which induce cleavage arrest were detrimental to development beyond the blastula stage. Toxic effects beyond the blastula stage could be minimized for both agents by reducing the period of treatment and concentration.


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To study nuclear transfer in the leach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus Sauvage), blastula and gastrula cells were fused with UV-inactivated oocytes by cell-to-cell electrofusion. To facilitate nuclear transfer, blastula and gastrula cells were cultured or incubated at 4 degreesC in different solutions. TC-199 medium supplemented with 20% calf serum was the best culture solution, and effectively retained the totipotence of blastula or gastrula cells for up to 10 days, It was found that gastrula cells incubated at 4 degreesC had the same totipotence as blastula cells, The optimal UV dosage for inactivation of the oocyte chromatin was 180-240 mJ cm(-2). Electrofusion was carried out in a cone-shaped fusion chamber, which permitted the recipient oocyte and the donor blastula cell to contact one another. The electrofusion procedure resulted in a 10% success rate of normal-appearing fish. Genetic analysis indicated that the nuclear material originated from the donor cell (blastomere) and the oocyte pronucleus did not take part in development.


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用ACHT处理黑麦萌动种子,对修复前后材料的观察和分析结果表明:1. ACHT操作引起染色体数目变化和染色体断裂损失。在一定 条件和范围内,不同处理引起的这种变化具有显著差异,条件越剧烈,染色体数目变化的范围和频率愈大,断片发生的数量和频率 也愈高,同时修复前后染色体数目的变化范围和频率与断片发生的数量和频率以及它们的修复频率均表现明显的相关性。2. ACHT 操作引起染色体畸变的多样性。经ACHT处理后,胚根细胞染色体有4种断裂方式,包括着丝粒断裂、次溢痕断裂、长臂断裂和短臂 断裂等,其中着丝断裂频率最高;产生6种断片类型,包括有着丝粒和端粒的、有着丝粒而无端粒的、有部分着丝粒和端粒的、有 部分着丝粒而无端粒的、只有端粒的、既无着丝粒也无端粒的断片等。3. ACHT操作引起遗传结构重建的多样性。经ACHT处理后, 对修复24-72小时材料进行核型比较(按Stebbins 和 Levan 标准)和随体分析,处理细胞在染色体数目、大小、形态、位置等方面 均发生显著变化,说明ACHT处理使这些细胞的染色体结构和染色体组型发生了深刻变化。进一步通过Giemsa C— 带分析,观察到 多种重建染色体类型,包括易位型染色体、附加型染色体、无着丝粒染色体、化染色体、增加的m染色体以及某些带型特异的染色 体等。4. RAPD 分析从分子水平上验证了ACHT能有效地引起遗传结构的改变。所用10种引物对处理和对照材料基因组DNA的扩增产 物在条带数目、条带位置及带型特征等方面均有明显差异,其中4种引物出现条带减少,6种引物出现条带增加,后者还包括一个带 位移动。这说明两种材料的基因组DNA具有明显的RAPD反应多态性差异。This paper descripes some results draw on the basis of the observation and analysis on the rye before and after repaired through treating its budding seeds by ACHT in contrast to without ACHT: 1. ACHT manipulation caused the number variation and breakage damage of rye chromosome. Within certain conditions and timits, this phenomenon caused by different treats had signifcant difference: the more the treatment condition is drastie, the more the chageable range and frequence of rye chromosomae number, and so is the produced fragments. Meanwhile, there existed striking relationship among the changeable range and frequence of rye chromosome, the produced number and frequence of fragments and repairing frequence. 2. ACHT manipulafion engendered the diversify of rye chromosomal aberration. Four breakage patterns and six sorts of fragment were observed by watching the chromosome of the rye radicle treated by ACHT, including centric breakage (occuring in the highest frequence), secondary constriction breakage, long arm breakage and short arm breakage to the former, Comprising that with both centromere and telomere, that with centromere and without telomere, that with partial centromere and with telomere, that with partfial ceetromere and without telomere, that only with telomere and that neither with centromere nor with telomere, etc. 3. ACHT manipulation engendered the diversify or rye genetic structs reconstruction. Karureotype analysis(according to Stebbins and Levan) and satellite anaeysis were carried out to rye radicle through 24-72-hour-long recoverage after ACHT manipulation, which showed remarkable change happened on the rye chromosomal number、shape、arm ration and pattern, etc. and also on the satellite number、size、shape and location etc. Those indicated that ACHT manipulation engendered violent changes to rye chromatin structure and chromosome type. Further Giemsa C-banding analysis showed many types of reconstructed chromosome, such as translocation、addition、without centromere、st and other chromosome. 4. RAPD analysis checked the validity of ACHT on changing genetic structure of rye on the level of molecular biology. The treated and recovered rye has different amplifying band pattern by using IO valid arbitary primers selected from 40 comparing with the control.


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人类的载脂蛋白A5(apolipoprotein A5,APOA5)是一个新近发现的载脂蛋白家族成员。它在血浆中的含量比其他载脂蛋白低1-2个数量级,但能显著影响血浆三酰甘油水平,对血脂代谢具有重要意义,可以作为降血脂药物治疗中一个强有力的潜在靶标。 由于APOA5在血浆中含量低,直接从血浆中分离纯化很困难,国内一直没有报道简易可靠的纯化方法。为进一步研究APOA5的生物学特性,探讨其与TG代谢中的其它关键成分之间的相互关系,揭示其在脂类代谢相关疾病中的重要地位,必须有大量的蛋白和抗体用于基础研究。因此本研究首先利用基因工程技术,诱导表达纯化APOA5蛋白,免疫动物制备多克隆抗体,为进一步研究人肝脏细胞中APOA5的相互作用蛋白,研究APOA5蛋白在肝脏细胞中的功能奠定基础。 为了深入研究APOA5在肝脏中如何行使功能,我们采用细菌双杂交技术寻找与APOA5相互作用的蛋白因子。并采用Pull-down技术,免疫荧光及免疫共沉淀技术进一步确证其在体外和体内的相互作用关系,为进一步阐明APOA5在体内的生理功能提供了新的线索。 第一部分 APOA5基因的克隆、原核表达、纯化及其多克隆抗体的制备 本研究首先应用基因克隆技术,从人肝癌细胞系SMMC-7721的cDNA中扩增出1.1 kb的ApoA5基因全长序列。然后将其克隆至表达载体pThioHisD,构建原核表达载体pTH-APOA5。该重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌 BL21(DE3),成功实现人APOA5融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达。经发酵得到高效表达的融合蛋白。 融合蛋白在 IPGT 诱导下以包涵体的形式大量表达。利用融合蛋白上的一段组氨酸序列,用镍离子亲和柱进行纯化和复性后,获得较高纯度的人APOA5融合蛋白。利用该融合蛋白免疫新西兰大耳白兔,获得了高效价的兔抗人APOA5多克隆抗体,Western Blot结果显示此多克隆抗体与APOA5特异性结合。 第二部分 细菌双杂交筛选与APOA5相互作用的蛋白 本实验首先构建了pBT-APOA5重组质粒,经双酶切、PCR和测序鉴定证明重组诱饵质粒构建成功,并进行了表达、自激活鉴定。Western Blot鉴定证实报告菌株中表达了分子量为 68 kD左右的重组融合蛋白,与预测的分子量APOA5(41 kD)/lamda cI (27 kD)一致。自激活实验证明诱饵蛋白不能单独激活报告基因,可用于筛选人肝脏cDNA文库。经过双重抗性筛选和回复筛选,分离出10个阳性克隆。对结果进行生物信息学分析,得到7个与APOA5相互作用的蛋白,其中BI1为细胞凋亡调节因子;ATP6、CYTB、ND2、COX-1为线粒体表达蛋白; ALB、TTR为血清蛋白。 第三部分 APOA5与BI1相互作用的确证 首先构建了BI1的原核表达载体pGEX-5X-3-BI1,利用Pull-down实验检测了APOA5与BI1在体外具有相互作用。然后构建了BI1的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1和APOA5的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1-APOA5,并验证其表达。通过免疫荧光细胞内共定位研究发现,靶蛋白APOA5主要分布于胞浆,与BI1在HEK293细胞有共定位,即APOA5与BI1存在相互作用的可能。最后利用免疫共沉淀手段,在HEK293细胞中确证了靶蛋白APOA5与BI1在体内的相互作用。 上述研究结果,为深入研究APOA5在体内的生物学功能提供了新的思路。 Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) is a newly discovered protein belongs to apolipoprotein family. APOA5’s concentration is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than other apolipoproteins in the circulation. APOA5 significantly affected plasma triglyceride levels, which is important on lipid metabolism. APOA5 has strong potential to be used as a hypolipidemic drug target. Large amount of APOA5 protein and antibodies are needed in basic research, such as biological characteristics study of the APOA5, its relationship with other key components in TG metabolism, its role played in Lipid metabolism-related diseases. Due to its low concentration in plasma, separation and purification of APOA5 from the plasma is very difficult. Until now no report on simple and reliable method for purification has been published in China. In this study, we firstly got APOA5 recombinant protein using genetic engineering technology. The purified recombinant protein was used to immunize rabbits to get antiserum. It is important for further study of the APOA5 protein-interacting protein. And it lays the foundation for studing APOA5 function in liver. In order to study APOA5 function in liver, we used bacterial two-hybrid technology to find the APOA5 protein interactor. Pull-down, immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation techniques were used to further confirm the interaction between APOA5 with its interactor in vitro and in vivo. All of these stdudies provided new clues on its physiological functions in vivo. Part I: Cloning, prokaryotic expression, purification and polyclonal antibody preparation of APOA5 First of all, we amplified APOA5 CDS sequence from the human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721, and subcloned into Expression vector pThioHisD, and got the recombinants named pTH-APOA5. The plasmid was transformed to BL21 (DE3). E. coli BL21(DE3) cells bearing the pTH-APOA5 plasmid were cultured and APOA5 protein synthesis was induced by the addition of IPTG. Recombinant protein was expression in the form of inclusion. Inclusion bodies were dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline containing 8 M urea and 40 mM imidazole, then applied to a Ni2+ affinity column, and were eluted in a buffer containing 4 M urea and 200 mM imidazole. Fractions containing the APOA5 protein were pooled and dialyzed against buffer containing phosphate-buffered saline. Antiserum to recombinant human APOA5 was generated by immuning rabbit. Western Blot showed that this antiserum specific binding with APOA5. Part II Two-hybrid system screening protein interactions with the APOA5 The coding sequence of human APOA5 was amplified using synthetic oligonucleotide primers from pTH-APOA5 vector and was subcloned into the pBT plasmidc to yield pBT-APOA5 vector. DNA sequencing was performed to verify that no unwanted mutations occurred during the process of plasmid vector construction. We verified recombinant protein expression and tested self-activation by pBT-APOA5 prior to screening. Western Blot verified inducing a 68 kD band, consistent with the predicted molecular weight (APOA5 41 kD, lamda cI 27 kD). pBT-APOA5 can be used for screening human liver cDNA library because it can not self-activation. Totally 10 positive clones were isolated. The nucleotide sequence of the positive clones were determined and compared to NCBI nucleotide sequence databases. We got 7 protein which interact with APOA5, included BI1(Apoptosis regulator); ATP6, CYTB, ND2, COX-1(Mitochondrial protein) and ALB, TTR(Serum protein). Part III Confirming of interaction between APOA5 with BI1 pGEX-5X-3-BI1 vector was subcloned at first. Pull-down experiments were used to detect the interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vitro. Later, pCDNA3.1-HA-BI1 and pCDNA3.1-APOA5 were subcloned. Through immunofluorescence co-localization study, we found APOA5 mainly distributed in the cytoplasm. APOA5 is co-localization with BI1 in HEK293 cells. Finally, we verified interaction between APOA5 with BI1 in vivo through immunoprecipitation.


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Three human malignancy cell lines were irradiated with Co-60 gamma-rays. Initial chromatid breaks were measured by using the chemically induced premature chromosome condensation technique. Survival curves of cells exposed to gamma rays was linear-quadratic while the efficiency of Calyculin A in inducing PCC of G(2) PCC was about five times more than G(1) PCC. A dose-dependent increase in radiation-induced chromatid/isochromatid breaks was observed in G(1) and G(2) phase PCC and a nearly positive linear correlation was found between cell survival and chromatin breaks. This study implies that low LET radiation-induced chromatid/isochromatid breaks can potentially be used to predict the radiosensitivity of tumor cells either in in vitro experimentation or in in vivo clinical radiotherapy.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF-MS), in combination with immunoaffinity provided a powerful tool for determining epitope (antigenic determinant) in protein. The linear epitope of the beta(2)-microglobulin was characterized in the paper. The method as follows: at first beta(2)-microglobulin was digested by a proteolytic enzyme to produce an appropriate set of peptide fragments, then peptide fragments containing the linear epitope were selected and separated from the pool of peptide fragments by immunoprecipitation with the monoclonal antibody. The agarose beads were collected carefully after the reaction. Unbound peptides would be washed away, while the peptides containing the epitope would remain bound to the immobilized antibody after. the beads were washed several times with appropriate buffer. At last the masses of the bound peptides were identified directly by MALDI-TOF MS. Using Endoproteinase Glu-C Endoproteinase Lys-C and Trypsin in the experiment, the linear epitope of beta(2)-microglobulin was located within peptide fragment 59-69, that is, DWSFYLLYYTE.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important Gram-negative enteric pathogen affecting both animals and humans. It possesses a type III secretion system (T3SS) essential for pathogenesis. EseB, EseC and EseD have been shown to form a translocon complex after secretion, while EscC functions as a T3SS chaperone for EseB and EseD. In this paper we identify EscA, a protein required for accumulation and proper secretion of another translocon component, EseC. The escA gene is located upstream of eseC and the EscA protein has the characteristics of T3SS chaperones. Cell fractionation experiments indicated that EscA is located in the cytoplasm and on the cytoplasmic membrane. Mutation with in-frame deletion of escA greatly decreased the secretion of EseC, while complementation of escA restored the wild-type secretion phenotype. The stabilization and accumulation of EseC in the cytoplasm were also affected in the absence of EscA. Mutation of escA did not affect the transcription of eseC but reduced the accumulation level of EseC as measured by using an EseC-LacZ fusion protein in Ed. tarda. Co-purification and co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated a specific interaction between EscA and EseC. Further analysis showed that residues 31-137 of EseC are required for EseC-EscA interaction, Mutation of EseC residues 31-137 reduced the secretion and accumulation of EseC in Ed. tarda. Finally, infection experiments showed that mutations of EscA and residues 31-137 of EseC increased the LD50 by approximately 10-fold in blue gourami fish. These results indicated that EscA functions as a specific chaperone for EseC and contributes to the virulence of Ed. tarda.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), which catalyzes the de novo synthesis of dUMP, is an important target for cancer therapy. In this report, the effects of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and ZD1694 on the regulation of TS gene expression were evaluated in zebrafish embryos. Our results revealed that the expression of TS was increased by about six-fold when embryos were treated with 1.0 mu M 5-FU and there was a greater than 10-fold increase in the TS protein level after treatment with 0.4 mu M ZD1694. Northern blot analysis confirmed that expression of TS mRNA was identical in treated or untreated embryos. Gel shift and immunoprecipitation assays revealed that zebrafish TS was specifically bound with its cognate mRNA in vitro and in vivo. We identified a 20 nt RNA sequence, TS:N20, localized to the 5'-UTR of TS mRNA, which corresponded to nt 13-32; TS:N20 bound to the TS protein with an affinity similar to that of the full-length TS mRNA. The MFold program predicted that TS:N20 formed a stable stem-loop structure similar to that of the cis-acting element found in human TS mRNA. Variant RNAs with either a deletion or mutation in the core motif of TS:N20 were unable to bind to the TS protein. In vitro translation experiments, using the rabbit lysate system, confirmed that zebrafish TS mRNA translation was significantly repressed when an excess amount of TS protein was included in the system. Additionally, a TS stability experiment confirmed that treatment of zebrafish embryos with 5-FU could increase the TS stability significantly, and the half life of TS protein was about 2.7 times longer than in untreated embryos. Our study revealed a structural requirement for the interaction of TS RNA with TS protein. These findings also demonstrated that the increase in TS protein induced by 5-FU occurs at the post-transcriptional level and that increased stability and translation efficiency both contributed to the increase in TS protein levels induced by TS inhibitors.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), which catalyzes the de novo synthesis of dUMP, is an important target for cancer therapy. In this report, the effects of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and ZD1694 on the regulation of TS gene expression were evaluated in zebrafish embryos. Our results revealed that the expression of TS was increased by about six-fold when embryos were treated with 1.0 mu M 5-FU and there was a greater than 10-fold increase in the TS protein level after treatment with 0.4 mu M ZD1694. Northern blot analysis confirmed that expression of TS mRNA was identical in treated or untreated embryos. Gel shift and immunoprecipitation assays revealed that zebrafish TS was specifically bound with its cognate mRNA in vitro and in vivo. We identified a 20 nt RNA sequence, TS:N20, localized to the 5'-UTR of TS mRNA, which corresponded to nt 13-32; TS:N20 bound to the TS protein with an affinity similar to that of the full-length TS mRNA. The MFold program predicted that TS:N20 formed a stable stem-loop structure similar to that of the cis-acting element found in human TS mRNA. Variant RNAs with either a deletion or mutation in the core motif of TS:N20 were unable to bind to the TS protein. In vitro translation experiments, using the rabbit lysate system, confirmed that zebrafish TS mRNA translation was significantly repressed when an excess amount of TS protein was included in the system. Additionally, a TS stability experiment confirmed that treatment of zebrafish embryos with 5-FU could increase the TS stability significantly, and the half life of TS protein was about 2.7 times longer than in untreated embryos. Our study revealed a structural requirement for the interaction of TS RNA with TS protein. These findings also demonstrated that the increase in TS protein induced by 5-FU occurs at the post-transcriptional level and that increased stability and translation efficiency both contributed to the increase in TS protein levels induced by TS inhibitors.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), an essential enzyme for DNA de novo synthesis, is a critical therapeutic target in cancer therapy. Previous study has shown that TS was able to bind to its own mRNA in human and E.coli, resulting in translational repression. Zebrafish is the best animal model for vertebrate study. In order to study the regulatory mechanism of zebrafish TS, the enzyme were expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) and it was purified to homogeneity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was used to detect the interaction of zebrafish TS protein and its own TS transcript in vitro and the results showed that zebrafish TS could bound with its own mRNA specifically. Further study revealed that zebrafish TS was able to interact with its own mRNA in vivo using immunoprecipitation : RT-PCR technique. The results provide evidence that zebrafish may be developed as an useful model for studying the anti-metabolism agents.


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Rhein, an anthraquinone derivative of rhubarb, inhibits the proliferation of various human cancer cells. In this paper, we focused on studying the effects of rhein on human hepatocelluar carcinoma BEL-7402 cells and further understanding the underlying molecular mechanism in an effort to make the potential development of rhein in the treatment of cancers. Using MTT assay and flow cytometry, we demonstrate a critical role of rhein in the suppression of BEL-7402 cell proliferation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The increase of apoptosis rate was observed after incubation of BEL-7402 cells with rhein at 50-200 mu M for 48 hours, and the cells exhibit typical apoptotic features including cellular morphological change and chromatin condensation. Moreover, rhein-induced cell cycle S-phase arrest. Additionally, after rhein treatment, expression levels of c-Myc gene were decreased, while those of caspase-3 gene were increased in a dose-dependent manner by using real-time PCR assay. The results demonstrate for the first time that cell cycle S-phase arrest is one of the mechanisms of rhein in inhibition of BEL-7402 cells. Rhein plays its role by inducing cell cycle arrest via downregulation of oncogene c-Myc and apoptosis through the caspase-dependent pathway. It is expected that rhein will be effective and useful as a new agent in hepatocelluar carcinoma treatment in the future.