40 resultados para bead milling


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Sm3Fe26.7V2.3N4 nitrides and Sm3Fe26.7V2.3Cy carbides have been synthesized by gas-solid phase reaction. Their hard magnetic properties have been investigated by means of additional ball-milling at room temperature. The saturation magnetization of Sm3Fe26.7V2.3N4 almost decreases linearly with increasing ball-milling time t, but that of Sm3Fe26.7V2.3Cy has no obvious change when the ball-milling time increases from t = 1 to 28 h. As a preliminary result, the maximum remanence B-r of 0.94 and 0.88 T, the coercivity mu(0i)H(C) of 0.75 and 0.25 T, and the maximum energy product (BH) of 108.5 and 39.1 kJ/m(3) for their resin-bonded permanent magnets are achieved, respectively, by ball-milling at 293 K. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic investigation of structure and intrinsic magnetic properties of the compounds Sm3Fe29-xTx (T = V and Cr) and their nitrides has been performed. Nitrogenation resulted in remarkable improvements in the saturation magnetization and anisotropy fields at 4.2 K and room temperature. First order magnetization processes are observed at around 5.7 T for Sm3Fe26.7V2.3 and around 2.8 T for Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0 and Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0N4, respectively. The spin reorientation of the easy magnetization direction of Sm3Fe26.7V2.3 is observed at around 230 K. As a preliminary result, the maximum remanence B-r of 0.94 T, the coercivity mu(0)H(C) of 0.75 T, and the maximum energy product (BH) of 108.5 kJ/m(3) for the nitride magnet Sm3Fe26.7V2.3N4 are achieved by ball-milling at 293 K.


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A systematic investigation of crystallographic and magnetic properties of nitride R3Fe29-xVxN4 (R = Y, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy) has been performed. Nitrogenation leads to a relative volume expansion of about 6%. The lattice constants and unit cell volume decrease with increasing rare-earth atomic number from Nd to Dy, reflecting the lanthanide contraction. On average, the Curie temperature increases due to the nitrogenation to about 200 K compared with its parent compound. Generally speaking, nitrogenation also results in a remarkable improvement of the saturation magnetization and anisotropy fields at 4.2 K and room temperature for R3Fe29-xVxN4 compared with their parent compounds. The transition temperature indicates the spin reorientations of R3Fe29-xVxN4 for R = Nd and Sm are at around 375 and 370 K which are higher than that of R3Fe29-xVx, for R = Nd and Sm 145 and 140 K, respectively. The magnetohistory effects of R3Fe29-xVxN4 (R = Ce, Nd, and Sm) are observed in low fields of 0.04 T. After nitrogenation the easy magnetization direction of Sm3Fe26.7V2.3 is changed from an easy-cone structure to the b-axis. As a preliminary result, a maximum remanence B-r of 0.94 T, an intrinsic coercivity mu(0)H(C) of 0.75 T, and a maximum energy product (B H)(max) of 108.5 kJ m(-3) for the nitride magnet Sm3Fe26.7V2.3N4 are achieved by ball-milling at 293 K.


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众所周知,聚乙烯、聚丙烯因其良好的加工性能及价格相对低廉而得到了广泛应用,但刚性和韧性的不足限制了它们在工程领域的应用。因此,提高聚乙烯、聚丙烯的刚性和韧性就成为高分子科学界和工程界一重要研究课题。本论文尝试用玻璃珠增韧聚云烯、聚丙烯,并系统研究体系的结构和性能,得到的主要结果有:1.成功实现了玻璃珠对高密度聚乙烯的增韧。在刚性、热稳定性显著提高的同时,玻璃珠增韧的高密度聚乙烯仍保持着很高的低温缺口冲击强度(-10℃,玻璃珠含量48wt%时,冲击强度为16KJ/m2)。2.得到了玻璃珠增韧高密度聚乙烯在脆韧转变点临界粒子间距(IDc)与温度的关系。这是第一条无机刚性粒子增韧热塑性聚合物体系的工Dc与温度的关系曲线。结果表明与弹性体增韧热塑性聚合物体系类似,工Dc随温度的升高而非线性增大。3.虽然没能在低温和常温下实现玻璃珠对聚丙烯的增韧,但是在较高的温度下仍发现了玻璃珠对聚丙烯有明显的增韧效果,且体系的脆韧转变温度随玻璃珠含量的增加而降低。4.用偏光显微镜(PLM)成功跟踪了所用聚丙烯p晶转变为仪晶的全过程。结果表明β晶能重结晶成以晶,重结晶生成的以晶熔点要比最初生成的a晶高五度左右。5.当聚丙烯存在两种晶型(a和β)时,实验发现聚丙烯/玻璃珠共混体系出现模量随玻璃珠含量增加先下降后上升的反常现象。进一步研究结果揭示该反常现象是玻璃珠填充和提高β晶形成能力二者竞争的结果6. 实验发现聚丙烯的β晶含量与添加玻璃珠的尺寸、含量及热处理温度有关。同样玻璃珠含量下粒子尺寸小有利于β晶的生成;对一定组成的共混物,存在一个最佳β晶形成温度。


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砷是毒性最强的元素之一,水体中砷的污染己经引起人们广泛的关注。我国的新疆、内蒙、山西和台湾等省和地区地下水砷含量严重超标。全球共有5,000多万人遭受高砷饮用水的威胁,其中中国有1,500多万,是饮用水砷污染最严重的国家之一。WHO推荐饮用水砷的最高允许浓度从原来的50 µg•L-1已降至10 µg•L-1。更为严格的砷卫生标准的颁布,对作为饮用水源的地下水中的砷去除工艺提出了更高的要求。吸附法除砷比膜法、混凝法和离子交换法更安全、简便,是砷去除工艺中最有效的方法之一。 首先,本研究通过优化制备条件(包括炭种类的选择、炭的粒径大小、还原剂的浓度及滴定速率、反应温度、铁盐的种类及浓度、分散剂的比例及浓度),制备了负载型纳米铁。考虑到砷的去除效率、工程应用的可行性以及经济性,最优的制备条件如下:选用粒径为20~40目煤质炭,在室温、一定的分散剂比例及浓度,0.2 M KBH4滴速为20 d•min-1时所制备的Fe/炭为82.0 mg•g-1;纳米铁在活性炭孔内呈针状,其直径为30~500 nm,长度为1,000~2,000 nm。绝大多数的铁都负载到活性炭内部,这在处理水时铁不流失很重要。 其次,利用制备的负载型纳米铁作吸附载体,进行了饮用水中As(Ⅴ)的吸附去除实验。研究了该吸附剂对As(Ⅴ)的吸附等温线、动力学以及影响动力学的各种因素(包括As(Ⅴ)的不同初始浓度、吸附剂用量、pH值、共存离子和不同温度)、pH值、共存离子等环境条件对As(Ⅴ)去除的影响;以及吸附剂的再生及再生后的吸附效率等。研究发现在前12 h内吸附较快,72 h时达到了平衡。用Langmuir 吸附等温式估算出As(Ⅴ)的吸附量为12.0 mg•g-1。该吸附剂在pH 6.5, (25±2)℃, As(Ⅴ)初始浓度为2 mg•L-1,吸附剂用量为1.0 g•L-1时,As(Ⅴ)的去除率为75.2%;当把吸附剂的用量增加到1.5 g•L-1时,As(Ⅴ)的去除率可达99.9%以上。吸附剂可以用0.1M的NaOH浸泡12 h后即可再生,再生效率较高。常见的阴离子中PO43-、SiO32-对As(Ⅲ)的去除抑制较大,而SO42-、CO32-、C2O42-等离子对砷的去除影响较小。Fe2+对As(Ⅲ)的吸附抑制作用较大而其它阳离子影响不大。吸附剂可用0.1 M NaOH 有效再生,并且具有良好的机械性能。实验室初步实验数据表明,该吸附剂对饮用水除砷具有较好的应用前景。 第三,利用实验室制备的负载型纳米铁对饮用水中As(Ⅲ)的吸附去除也进行了研究。考察了吸附等温线、动力学以及影响动力学的各种因素、pH值、共存离子等环境条件对As(Ⅲ)去除的影响;以及吸附剂的再生及再生后的吸附效率等。研究发现,该吸附剂在pH 6.5, (25±2)℃, As(Ⅲ)初始浓度为2 mg•L-1,吸附剂用量为1.0 g•L-1时, 对As(Ⅲ)的去除率为99.8%;其吸附容量为1.996mg•g-1。吸附过程中部分As(Ⅲ)被氧化。与As(Ⅴ)的吸附相比,该吸附剂对As(Ⅲ)的效率比较高-而常见的其它除砷吸附剂如载铁纤维棉等,对As(Ⅴ)的效率比As(Ⅲ)高,为有效去除As(Ⅲ),常常需要专门加上氧化这一过程。 最后,利用负载型纳米铁对饮用水中As(Ⅲ) 的氧化性能进行考察,发现该吸附剂不但能够有效吸附去除饮用水中的砷,而且还能把As(Ⅲ)有效地氧化为As(Ⅴ)。经过对吸附剂的构成组分分析发现,活性炭表面因富含多种官能团而对三价砷的氧化作用最大;其次是纳米铁也能把As(Ⅲ)氧化为As(Ⅴ)。


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Toward the development of an in vitro cultivation of marine sponge cells for sustainable production of bioactive metabolites, the attachment characteristics of marine sponge cells of Hymeniacidon perleve on three types of microcarriers, Hillex, Cytodex 3, and glass beads, were studied. Mixed cell population and enriched cell fractions of specific cell types by Ficoll gradient centrifugation (6%/8%/15%/20%) were also assessed. Cell attachment ratio (defined as the ratio of cells attached on microcarrier to the total number of cells in the culture) on glass beads is much higher than that on Cytodex 3 and Hillex for both mixed cell population and cell fraction at Ficoll 15-20% interface. The highest attachment ratio of 41% was obtained for the cell fraction at Ficoll 15-20% interface on glass beads, which was significantly higher than that of a mixed cell population (18%). The attachment kinetics on glass beads indicated that the attachment was completed within 1 h. Cell attachment ratio decreases with increase in cell-to-microcarrier ratio (3-30 cells/bead) and pH (7.6-9.0). The addition of serum and BSA (bovine serum albumin) reduced the cell attachment on glass beads.


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With the objective of making calcium alginate gel beads with small and uniform size, membrane emulsification coupled with internal gelation was proposed. Spherical gel beads with mean size of about 50 mum, and even smaller ones in water, and with narrow size distribution were successfully obtained. Experimental studies focusing mainly on the effect of process parameters on bead properties were performed. The size of the beads was mainly dependent on the diameter of the membrane pores. High transmembrane pressure made for large gel beads with wide size distribution. Low sodium alginate concentration produced nonspherical beads, whereas a high concentration was unsuitable for the production of small beads with narrow distribution. Thus 1.5% w/v was enough. A high surfactant concentration favored the formation of small beads, but the adverse effect on mass transfer should be considered in this novel process. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Affinity chromatography is unique among separation methods as it is the only technique that permits the purification of proteins based on biological functions rather than individual physical or chemical properties. The high specificity of affinity chromatography is due to the strong interaction between the ligand and the proteins of interest. Membrane separation allows the processing of a large amount of sample in a relatively short time owing to its structure, which provides a system with rapid reaction kinetics. The integration of membrane and affinity chromatography provides a number of advantages over traditional affinity chromatography with porous-bead packed columns, especially with regard to time and recovery of activity. This review gives detailed descriptions of materials used as membrane substrates, preparation of basic membranes, coupling of affinity ligands to membrane supports, and categories of affinity membrane cartridges. It also summarizes the applications of cellulose/glycidyl methacrylate composite membranes for proteins separation developed in our laboratory. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ca-alginate beads were prepared with either external or internal calcium sources. The structures of both beads were investigated with the aid of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal microscopy. It was shown that the beads with internal calcium source had a looser structure and bigger pore size than those with external calcium source. The attempts to interpret the difference were carried out by determining the Ca content within the beads at various times, which indicated that it was the different gelation mechanisms that caused the difference of structures of both beads. Furthermore, it was also found that the diffusion rate of haemoglobin (Hb) within the beads with an internal calcium source was faster than that of the beads with an external one, which was consistent with the observation of their structures.


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Icosahedral quasicrystalline Ti45Zr35Ni17Cu3 alloy was ball-milled with 30 mass% La0.9Zr0.1Ni4.5Al0.5 alloy (LaNi5 phase), the effect of the milling time on crystallographic and electrochemical characteristics of the alloy powder was investigated. The amount of amorphous phase increased with increasing milling time from 60 to 360 min, and the LaNi5 phase cannot be observed when milling time was 240 min or more. The maximum discharge capacity and high-rate dischargeability of milled alloy electrodes were obviously higher than those of the alloy electrode before milling. The cycling capacity retention rate after 40 cycles increased from 52.8% (t = 60 min) to 62.9% (t = 360 min).


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Heteropolyanions of tungstophosphoric acid (PWA) have been successfully hybridized with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by a severe mechanical milling. The obtained hybrid is electroactive for hydrogen evolution (HE) at potentials as positive as -0.16 V vs. Ag/AgCl in 0.2 M HClO4 aqueous solution and its electrocatalysis is up to the level of Pt/CNTs (20 wt% Pt) for HE, indicating a vigorous alternative to Pt group metals. The HE mechanism of the hybrid was also studied and it was found that the tungsten oxycarbides are the electroactive components for HE.


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Pure metal powder mixtures of W and Mg at the desired composition were milled in conventional high-energy ball mill, and amorphous alloy W50Mg50 was obtained after milling for 20 h. The structure evolution of elemental powder mixtures was studied following milling and subsequent high pressure and high temperature treatment. The amorphous alloy transform into a nanocrystalline material below 1050 degreesC at 4.0 GPa. On increasing the temperature, it transforms into a mixture of several new crystal phases under high-pressure condition. It also found that both mechanical alloying and high pressure treatment are the two necessary processes to form the nanocrystalline and the new phases.


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W1-xAlxC (x = 0.33, 0.50, 0.75, 0.86) solid solutions have been synthesized directly by ball-milling tungsten powder, aluminum powder and activated carbon. The structural development of W0.5Al0.5C phase with the milling times up to 160 h has been followed using X-ray diffraction. X-ray photoelectron spectra demonstrate that Al atom takes the place of W. High temperature annealing experiment reveals that Al is stable in hexagonal structure to 1873 K. Transmission electron microscopy image shows that the grain size of the prepared powders is about 5 nm.


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Supported liquid phase catalyst (SLPC) is one of effectively heterogenized homogeneous catalysts using organometallic complexes as active components, which are dissolved in a small quantity of liquid phase dispersed in the form of isle or film on the surface of supports. The SLPC has successfully been applied for several chemical transformations and this article will review recent results with respect to the preparation and catalytic performance, the applicability to continuous flow operations, and the capability of multifunctional catalysis.