106 resultados para Young modulus


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Nanocrystalline materials are characterized by a typical grain size from 1 to 100nm. In order to study the nanocrystalline properties of nanocrystalline materials, we chose nanocrystalline coppers as the research object. The uniaxial tensile deformation of computer produced nanocrystalline coppers is simulated by using molecular dynamics with Finnis-Sinclair potential. The mean grain size of simulated nanocrystalline coppers is varied within the 5.38 to 1.79 nm range. The strength, Young's modulus and stress-strain are strongly depended on the grain size and nanocrystalline structure. The simulated nanocrystalline coppers show a reverse Hall-Petch effect.


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Using dimensional analysis and finite-element calculations we determine the functional form of indentation loading curves for a rigid conical indenter indenting into elastic-perfectly plastic solids. The new results are compared with the existing theories of indentation using conical indenters, including the slip-line theory for rigid-plastic solids, Sneddon's result for elastic solids, and Johnson's model for elastic-perfectly plastic solids. In the limit of small ratio of yield strength (Y) to Young's modulus (E), both the new results and Johnson's model approach that predicted by slip-line theory for rigid-plastic solids. In the limit of large Y/E, the new results agree with that for elastic solids. For a wide range of Y/E, some difference is found between Johnson's model-and the present result. This study also demonstrates the possibilities and limitations of using indentation loading curves to extract fundamental mechanical properties of solids.


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By sample specificity it is meant that specimens with the same nominal material parameters and tested under the same environmental conditions may exhibit different behavior with diversified strength. Such an effect has been widely observed in the testing of material failure and is usually attributed to the heterogeneity of material at the mesoscopic level. The degree with which mesoscopic heterogeneity affects macroscopic failure is still not clear. Recently, the problem has been examined by making use of statistical ensemble evolution of dynamical system and the mesoscopic stress re-distribution model (SRD). Sample specificity was observed for non-global mean stress field models, such as the duster mean field model, stress concentration at tip of microdamage, etc. Certain heterogeneity of microdamage could be sensitive to particular SRD leading to domino type of coalescence. Such an effect could start from the microdamage heterogeneity and then be magnified to other scale levels. This trans-scale sensitivity is the origin of sample specificity. The sample specificity leads to a failure probability Phi (N) with a transitional region 0 < (N) < 1, so that globally stable and catastrophic modes could co-exist. It is found that the scatter in strength can fit the Weibull distribution very well. Hence, the Weibull modulus is indicative of sample specificity. Numerical results obtained from the SRD for different non-global mean stress fields show that Weibull modulus increases with increasing sample span and influence region of microdamage.


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Using dimensional analysis and finite element calculations, we derive simple scaling relationships for loading and unloading curve, contact depth, and hardness. The relationship between hardness and the basic mechanical properties of solids, such as Young's modulus, initial yield strength, and work-hardening exponent, is then obtained. The conditions for 'piling-up' and 'sinking-in' of surface profiles during indentation are determined. A method for estimating contact depth from initial unloading slope is examined. The work done during indentation is also studied. A relationship between the ratio of hardness to elastic modulus and the ratio of irreversible work to total work is discovered. This relationship offers a new method for obtaining hardness and elastic modulus. Finally, a scaling theory for indentation in power-law creep solids using self-similar indenters is developed. A connection between creep and 'indentation size effect' is established.


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Fracture appearance, surface and nanomechanics properties of antibacterial ceramics contairing rare earth phosphate composite antibacterial materials were characterized and measured by SEM, AFM and Nanoindenter, respectively. Results show that grain of fracture surface of antibacterial ceramics grows uniform refinement topography of bubble break-up appears at the surface, which is flat and has liquid character, by adding the phosphate composite containing rare earth, nevertheless needle-like crystal and granular outgrowth form at fracture surface and surface of common ceramics, respectively. Young's modulus of antibacterial ceramic film is 74. 397 GPa and hardness is 8. 134 GPa, which increses by 4.4﹪ and 1.6﹪ comparing with common ceramics, respectively. Loading curves of two kind of ceramics have obvious nonlinear character under 700 nm and linear character between 700 ~ 1000 nm, and unloading curve have obvious linear character.


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In this paper. the effect of indenter tip roundness on hardness behavior for two typical elastic perfectly plastic materials is studied by means of finite element simulation. A rigid conical indenter of semi apex angle 70.3 degrees fitted smoothly with a spherical tip is employed. It is shown that as the indentation depth increases hardness first rises from zero, reaches a maximum and then decreases slowly approaching asymptotically the limiting value equal to that due to a conical indenter of ideally sharp tip. The range within which hardness varies appreciably is comparable to the radius of the indenter tip. The difference between the maximum value and the limiting value depends on the yield stress over the Young's modulus ratio. The smaller this ratio the greater the difference is. Numerical simulation also provides an opportunity for checking the accuracy and limitations of the widely used Oliver-Pharr method.


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The influences of I,article size on the mechanical properties of the particulate metal matrix composite;are obviously displayed in the experimental observations. However, the phenomenon can not be predicted directly using the conventional elastic-plastic theory. It is because that no length scale parameters are involved in the conventional theory. In the present research, using the strain gradient plasticity theory, a systematic research of the particle size effect in the particulate metal matrix composite is carried out. The roles of many composite factors, such as: the particle size, the Young's modulus of the particle, the particle aspect ratio and volume fraction, as well as the plastic strain hardening exponent of the matrix material, are studied in detail. In order to obtain a general understanding for the composite behavior, two kinds of particle shapes, ellipsoid and cylinder, are considered to check the strength dependence of the smooth or non-smooth particle surface. Finally, the prediction results will be applied to the several experiments about the ceramic particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites. The material length scale parameter is predicted.


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In this paper, the mechanical properties of PI/Si_O, nanocomposite hybrid films with different silica doping levels are experimentally studied at low temperature. Experimental results show that the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the PI/Si_O, nanocomposite hybrid films gradually reduces when the ambiance temperature is decreased. At the liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), the CTE value is about five times less than that at room temperature (287 K). The measured CTEs of hybrid films greatly decrease when doped with inorganic silica, especially when the silica doping level is more than 1 wt.%. However, too high silica contents (more than 10 wt.%) can cause problem to disperse effectively and the specimens become quite opaque. Experimental results also show that the effects of the pre-applied stress levels can be neglected on the CTE testing. When the ambient temperature changes from 287 to 77 K, the measured average values of the films' ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and Young's modulus increase about 60 and 90%, respectively, while the breaking elongation decreases about 42%.


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We derive a relationship between the initial unloading slope, contact depth, and the instantaneous relaxation modulus for displacement-controlled indentation in linear viscoelastic solids by a rigid indenter with an arbitrary axisymmetric smooth profile. While the same expression is well known for indentation in elastic and in elastic–plastic solids, we show that it is also true for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids, provided that the unloading rate is sufficiently fast. When the unloading rate is slow, a “hold” period between loading and unloading can be used to provide a correction term for the initial unloading slope equation. Finite element calculations are used to illustrate the methods of fast unloading and “hold-at-the-maximum-indenter-displacement” for determining the instantaneous modulus using spherical indenters.


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Size-dependent elastic properties of Ni nanofilms are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulations with embedded atom method (EAM). The surface effects are considered by calculating the surface relaxation, surface energy, and surface stress. The Young's modulus and yield stress are obtained as functions of thickness and crystallographic orientation. It is shown that the surface relaxation has important effects on the the elastic properties at nanoscale. When the surface relaxation is outward, the Young's modulus decreases with the film thickness decreasing, and vice versa. The results also show that the yield stresses of the films increase with the films becoming thinner. With the thickness of the nanofilms decreasing, the surface effects on the elastic properties become dominant.


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Flexible organic elastomeric nanoparticles (ENP) and two kinds of rigid inorganic silica nanoparticles were dispersed respectively into a bisphenol-A epoxy resin in order to tailor and compare the performance of mechanical properties. It was found that the well-dispersed flexible ENP greatly enhanced the toughness of the epoxy with the cost of modulus and strength. Comparatively, the rigid silica nanoparticles improved Young's modulus, tensile strength and fracture toughness simultaneously. Both fumed and sol-gel-formed nanosilica particles conducted similar results in reinforcing the epoxy resin, although the latter exhibited almost perfect nanoparticle dispersion in matrix. The toughening mechanisms of nanocomposites were further discussed based on fractographic analysis.


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The effective elastic modulus and fracture toughness of the nanofilm were derived with the surface relaxation and the surface energy taken into consideration by means of the interatomic potential of an ideal crystal. The size effects of the effective elastic modulus and fracture toughness were discussed when the thickness of the nanofilm was reduced. And the dependence of the size effects on the surface relaxation and surface energy was also analyzed.


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The relationship between hardness (H), reduced modulus (E-r), unloading work (W-u), and total work (W-t) of indentation is examined in detail experimentally and theoretically. Experimental study verifies the approximate linear relationship. Theoretical analysis confirms it. Furthermore, the solutions to the conical indentation in elastic-perfectly plastic solid, including elastic work (W-e), H, W-t, and W-u are obtained using Johnson's expanding cavity model and Lame solution. Consequently, it is found that the W-e should be distinguished from W-u, rather than their equivalence as suggested in ISO14577, and (H/E-r)/(W-u/W-t) depends mainly on the conical angle, which are also verified with numerical simulations. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We report the observations of a clear fractographic evolution from vein pattern, dimple structure, and then to periodic corrugation structure, followed by microbranching pattern, along the crack propagation direction in the dynamic fracture of a tough Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (Vit.1) bulk metallic glass (BMGs) under high-velocity plate impact. A model based on fracture surface energy dissipation and void growth is proposed to characterize this fracture pattern transition. We find that once the dynamic crack propagation velocity reaches a critical fraction of Rayleigh wave speed, the crack instability occurs; hence, crack microbranching goes ahead. Furthermore, the correlation between the critical velocity of amorphous materials and their intrinsic strength such as Young's modulus is uncovered. The results may shed new insight into dynamic fracture instability for BMGs. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Pile-up around indenter is usually observed during instrumented indentation tests on bulk metallic glass. Neglecting the pile-up effect may lead to errors in evaluating hardness, Young's modulus, stress-strain response, etc. Finite element analysis was employed to implement numerical simulation of spherical indentation tests on bulk metallic glass. A new model was proposed to describe the pile-up effect. By using this new model, the contact radius and hardness of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass were obtained under several different indenter loads with pile-up, and the results agree well with the data generated by numerical simulation.