31 resultados para Skeletonema costatum
20世纪90年代以来,为了确保日益增长的人口对蛋白质的需求,海洋鱼类养殖在全球范围内日趋发展。然而,许多养殖鱼类的品质如抗病力、口味等与野生种类相比大为降低。饵料对于鱼类品质的好坏起着至关重要的作用。在海洋的自然环境中,浮游动物,特别是数量庞大、种类繁多的桡足类是野生鱼类的天然活饵料。哪些桡足类适于作养殖饵料,如何获得、从何处获得桡足类,人工培养是否可行,能否通过加入桡足类来改善养殖鱼类的品质是长期以来业内人士一直关注的问题,需要大量的基础性探索研究工作。 开展有潜在开发价值种的生物学特性及室内培养的基础研究,进而开展大量生产技术的研究与应用,不仅是开发利用桡足类的一个重要途径,而且可以获得一些重要的生态学参数。 本论文自2003年10月-2004年9月之间,在胶州湾采集不同的桡足类种类,通过室内比较培养实验,选定双刺纺锤水蚤作为具有开发潜力的研究培养对象,对其展开一系列培养条件及生物学特性研究,在此基础上进行了小水体增殖培养,结合现场调查资料对与其生活策略相关的生态学问题进行了初步研究探索。结果如下: 筛选:2003年10月-2004年9月全年不同季节共采集11 种桡足类,在室内自然温度、自然海水(盐度30-32)下长时间培养,粗略筛选出能够经受实验室人工养殖水体生活的种类有:强额拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus. crassirostris)、汤氏长足水蚤(Calanopia thompson)、太平洋真宽水蚤(Eurytemora pacifica)、双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)。对上述种类的成体和子代幼体分别测定其对不同盐度、温度的耐受能力。培养结果表明:18℃室温下,强额拟哲水蚤幼体在盐度20以上的环境中,存活时间不超过11天;汤氏长足水蚤雌体在培养温度低于20℃时,只能存活10天;25℃室温下,当盐度低于20时,汤氏长足水蚤雌体存活时间不超过9天,子代的存活时间不超过7天;太平洋真宽水蚤不适宜在温度较高的夏秋季培养,幼体在不同盐度的实验条件下存活时间不超过5天,不适宜长期培养;双刺纺锤水蚤在全年8-24℃的室内培养温度范围内保持了24-85%的存活率,雌体和子代在盐度10-35的范围内都能存活,最终结果表明双刺纺锤水蚤是其中最适宜进行人工培养的种类。 繁殖:对双刺纺锤水蚤雌体的培养条件和繁殖生物学的研究结果表明:在本实验所使用的6种微藻饵料:微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)、小球藻(Chlorella.sp)、等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)、亚心型扁藻(Platymonas subordiformis)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)中,亚心型扁藻和中肋骨条藻适宜成体培养,亚心型扁藻对雌体存活有利,排粪率也要比中肋骨条藻低得多,亚心型扁藻在高温条件下的饵料利用效率要高于中肋骨条藻,中肋骨条藻对产卵有利,二者混合优势互补;预饥饿处理的双刺纺锤水蚤恢复到最高产卵率需要较长的时间,并且一直保持较低的产卵率;该种繁殖的最适温度范围15-20℃;在10-25℃温度范围内的平均产卵率差异并不显著。 生长及发育:对双刺纺锤水蚤幼体培养条件及发育生物学研究结果表明:在本实验所使用的6种微藻饵料中,微绿球藻是比较理想的开口饵料;粒径小( 4 m)的微藻——微绿球藻和小球藻不能保证双刺纺锤水蚤后期无节幼体发育至桡足阶段,22℃以下采用微绿球藻 + 亚心型扁藻 + 中肋骨条藻的食物搭配,22℃以上需加入粒径在4m左右的等鞭金藻。 世代时间:通过一系列的温度梯度实验,证明在相同饵料的情况下,温度对双刺纺锤水蚤的发育具有显著的影响,在15-25℃的范围内,随着温度的升高,生长速度加快、世代周期缩短;在温度条件为15、18、20、22、25℃下的世代时间分别为25.5, 18.5, 13, 11.5, 9.5天。 群体培养:研究了适宜的微藻饵料种类搭配比例以及总饵料浓度对种群日均增值率的影响。结果表明:20℃下培养宜采用亚心型扁藻:中肋骨条藻:微绿球藻按含碳量2:1:1的比例组成混合饵料,达到最高增殖率的混合饵料浓度范围在1.0-4.0 μg C ml-1之间;25℃下培养宜采用亚心型扁藻:中肋骨条藻:微绿球藻:等鞭金藻按含碳量2:1:1:2的比例组成混合饵料,日均增殖率在混合饵料总浓度为1.0 μg C ml-1 时最高,低于和高于此浓度都会降低日增值率。 度夏机制:针对野外大面调查发现双刺纺锤水蚤在高温季节的胶州湾内仍然存在的事实(传统观点认为该种在夏季从水体中消失,通过休眠卵度夏),本论文从基础生态学研究出发,根据胶州湾夏季的温度和叶绿素浓度资料,设计实验研究了高温和饵料浓度对成体繁殖和幼体生长发育的影响。实验发现,饵料浓度对高温下雌体的繁殖有着明显的影响,15g Chla l-1浓度下的雌体在28℃都可以保持产卵状态,而且卵的孵化率也在50%以上;各处理中的卵都很快孵化,并保持了60%以上的孵化率;高浓度组15 g Chla l-1和10 g Chla l-1,无节幼体都能发育至成体,低浓度5 g Chla l-1处理组中,28℃下,不能发育至桡足阶段,而25℃下也只能发育至C4期。在本实验中没有发现双刺纺锤水蚤产生休眠卵。在胶州湾自然环境中发现该种全年存在。胶州湾中的双刺纺锤水蚤在夏季能够在不产生休眠卵的情况下安全度夏。
富营养化已经成为世界性的环境问题。作为我国最大河口的长江口,富营养化问题也日渐突出。如何准确地评价富营养化程度,对预防和解决水体的富营养化问题有重要的意义。 本论文以长江口海域2004年和2005年共8个季度的现场调查为基础,分析了该海域的营养状况;进行了室内模拟培养实验,尝试寻找能反映环境营养条件的微藻的生理生化指标。 对长江口海域2004年和2005年的海水的营养状况进行了分析,并主要运用模糊综合评价方法对富营养水平进行了评价。结果表明: ⑴长江口海域DIN的含量较高,为主要的污染物质,其它的指标较好; ⑵约有一半的调查站点呈现富营养化,长江口门及冲淡水区富营养化程度较高,外海富营养化程度较低,富营养程度从外海向近岸增加; ⑶富营养化区域全年除少数站点外,大部分都分布于盐度小于20的一侧,明显的季节分布和区域分布,表明长江口海域的富营养化水平主要受到长江冲淡水的控制。 对中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)进行了室内模拟培养,对微藻生理生化指标变化与环境营养条件的关系进行了初步探索。结果显示: ⑴环境营养条件影响藻的大多数生理生化指标,不同的氮磷起始浓度和氮磷比下的藻细胞的指标也有差异 ⑵藻细胞的叶绿素a含量、碱性磷酸酶活性、RNA/DNA比值对环境营养条件的反映较为明显,有作为指示富营养化水平指标的可能性,应进一步研究。
有害赤潮(Harmful algal blooms, HAB)已成为全球性的海洋灾害,对我国近海养殖业危害尤为巨大,研究赤潮发生、发展的主要环境影响因子,对于控制赤潮的发生以及加强赤潮的防治具有十分重要的意义。本文根据国家自然科学基金“九五”重大项目“中国沿海典型增养殖区有害赤潮发生动力学防治对策研究”项目组近年来对胶州湾东北部养殖海域的监测资料,分析了该海区营养状况,结合该区自然环境特点,探讨了发生于1998年7月和1999年6月两次硅藻赤潮的主要影响因子;并应用胶州现场海水进行了室内模拟培养实验,对影响有害赤潮生消过程的关键环境因子进行了分析探讨。对1998和1999年赤潮多发季节胶州湾东北部增养殖水域海水的营养状况进行了分析,并参照潜在性富营养化的概念,应用NQI指数对该海域的富营养化水平进行了评价。结果表明:(1)胶州湾东北部增养殖海域赤潮多发季节TIN、DIP和活性硅酸盐的含量均较高,远高于同期胶州湾大面观测站各营养盐的平均含量;该海域有机污染物含量相对营养盐含量不高。(2)该海域春季氮、磷营养盐含量充足,水域属富营养化平;夏季该海域具有较高的生物具,磷酸盐水平相对较低,海域多数时间属于磷限制潜在性富营养化水平;但这种限制极易为外界补充所改变,如陆源输入、养殖废水的排放等。(3)该海域为典型增养殖区,养殖废水对海域营养盐的补充有重要意义,因此应当加强对该海域养殖业的综合管理。对分别于1998年7月和1999年6月在胶州湾东北部增养殖海域发生的中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)赤潮和浮动弯角藻(Eucampia zoodiacus)赤潮生消过程中环境因子的变化进行了探讨。发生赤潮生物量的升高常伴随海水pH值、溶解氧(DO)含量的升高以及各营养盐(氮、磷、硅)含量的降低;认为在该海域较高营养盐含量和较高生物量的情况下,赤潮发生前大规模的降雨过程及随后的气候条件为赤潮生物的快速生长繁殖创造了有利条件;无机磷和活性硅酸盐含量相对于无机氮显得较低,对该海域硅藻赤潮的生消过程起着控制作用。采集胶州湾现场海水进行了实验室模拟培养实验,对影响赤潮生消过程的主要环境因素进行了研究和探讨。结果表明,现场海水进行模拟培养时,排除了潮流、风以及水团间交流混合等因素对水体中浮游生物的影响,培养水体中的浮游植物生物量都存在增高的现象;在氮、磷、硅等营养盐含量充足的条件下,浮游植物可快速进入指数增长期,并较快发展形成赤潮,高浓度的营养盐常导致培养水体中浮游植物的较高的生长速率,浮游植物对氮磷营养盐的吸收受到环境中营养盐含量的影响;初始环境下营养盐的限制可抑制浮游植物的进一步增殖,发生赤潮水体中某种营养盐的含量降低最终导致了赤潮的消亡。
本文通过胶州湾围隔实验、微藻培养实验研究了海洋微藻产生溶解有机物的三维荧光特性,并初步利用经验正交函数对三维荧光光谱图进行了主成分分析,通过东海取样研究了东海荧光溶解有机物的时空分布特征,并对荧光溶解有机物的来源进行了分析。得到了一些初步结论: 胶州湾围隔实验中不同营养盐培养结果表明浮游植物可产生类蛋白和类腐殖质荧光,类蛋白荧光峰由类酪氨酸(tyrosine-like)荧光峰和类色氨酸(tryptophan-like)荧光峰组成,主要位置为Exmax/Emmax=270nm/290~310nm,Exmax/Emmax= 270~290/320~350的荧光峰强度比较弱;在Exmax/Emmax=250~260/380~480nm(A峰)、Exmax/Emmax=310~320/380~420nm(C峰)和Exmax/Emmax=330~350/420~480nm(M峰)位置均出现零散的类腐殖质荧光峰,其中以A峰为主。类酪氨酸荧光强度明显高于类腐殖质荧光强度。浮游植物量降低时,类酪氨酸荧光强度与叶绿素a浓度呈明显的负相关。硅藻和甲藻产生的类酪氨酸和类色氨酸荧光强度之间具有较好的相关性,两者来源相似, 并且甲藻与硅藻相比能够产生更多的类蛋白荧光物质。不同环境下类腐殖质混合物的组分比例不同,甲藻生长环境下相对于硅藻具有较低的A:C比值。 在实验室培养中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)、微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium mimutum)、锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)及海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrum micans)的实验结果表明,微藻在生长过程中产生出荧光溶解有机物,中肋骨条藻为代表的硅藻主要产生类腐殖质荧光物质,而甲藻在指数增长期主要产生类蛋白荧光物质。进入消亡期后类蛋白荧光和类腐殖质荧光强度迅速增大,原因可能是衰老、死亡藻细胞的破碎释放出大量的荧光有机物质所致,此外还有细菌对非荧光有机物进一步降解。塔玛亚历山大藻、微小亚历山大藻、东海原甲藻及海洋原甲藻的类蛋白荧光强度在消亡后期由于细菌降解或光降解等因素而降低。同属微藻产生的荧光物质相似,例如塔玛亚历山大藻与微小亚历山藻、东海原甲藻与海洋原甲藻,但具体荧光峰位置有所不同。利用经验正交函数能够对三维荧光光谱谱图进行主成份分析。 在利用三维荧光光谱法研究长江口海域台风前后不同站位荧光溶解有机物荧光特性及分布特征的结果表明,长江口海区主要的荧光溶解有机物荧光峰为T峰、S峰和A峰。风前和风后的类色氨酸分别来源于相似物质。风前,在表层浮游植物能够产生类蛋白荧光物质,而底层类蛋白荧光物质不受浮游植物的影响,长江冲淡水能够带来部分类蛋白荧光物质;表层的类腐殖质不受浮游植物的影响,而底层的浮游植物在降解过程中能够产生一部分类腐殖质,并且长江冲淡水对表层和底层的类腐殖质来源均有很大贡献。风后,表层的类色氨酸与叶绿素a浓度不呈相关性,而底层却呈正相关,另外表层和底层的类色氨酸均受到长江冲淡水的影响;表层和底层的类腐殖质与叶绿素a均没有相关性,但受陆源影响显著,长江冲淡水能带来类腐殖质。
中华哲水蚤是黄、东海浮游动物关键种,连接初级生产与较高营养级,在海洋生态系统中占据核心地位。在以往研究基础上,依据2006年3月至2007年8月黄海9个航次、胶州湾11个航次现场调查数据以及大量室内实验数据,本文研究了中华哲水蚤的繁殖、种群补充以及油脂积累的季节变化,期望初步阐明中华哲水蚤在黄海的种群动态及驱动因素、并构建其生活史概念模型。 3、4月份,黄海与胶州湾中华哲水蚤的生殖腺普遍发育成熟、产卵率较高,中华哲水蚤种群进入繁殖、种群补充的活跃期,恰好可以利用此时较好的食物条件。5、6月份,中华哲水蚤在黄海近岸海区仍表现出较高的产卵率,而陆架海区的中华哲水蚤生殖腺成熟度、产卵率逐渐降低,种群逐渐表现出度夏特征—C5占优势、积累大量脂类。整个夏季,中华哲水蚤的繁殖率、种群补充率在整个黄海都较低,尤其在黄海冷水团区:中华哲水蚤生殖腺停滞于未成熟的GS1-GS2期,产卵率为零。10月,中华哲水蚤在冷水团边缘潮汐锋区的繁殖、种群补充活跃,或许可以解释秋、冬季近岸种群的恢复。11月之后,随着垂直混合的加强,黄海冷水团逐渐消失,此时陆架区的中华哲水蚤种群结束度夏过程,并以较低的繁殖率进行种群补充,直到次年3、4月份食物环境转好,中华哲水蚤种群出现新一轮繁殖、补充高峰。本文依据中华哲水蚤雌体密度、产卵率、孵化率等计算了中华哲水蚤的种群潜在补充率,我们发现,陆架区种群仅在3、4月份出现较强补充以及冬季的微弱补充,而近岸海区除夏季外,于各个季节均可进行比较活跃的种群补充,其中春季种群补充规模、强度最大;整体来看,春季是黄海中华哲水蚤种群补充的最重要时期。 本文详细研究了中华哲水蚤的繁殖与各种环境、雌体自身因素之间的关系:1、统计结果表明,中华哲水蚤的产卵率与海区食物条件(浮游植物生物量、纤毛虫丰度)之间具有紧密联系,而与油囊体积无关;在饥饿培养条件下,中华哲水蚤只能维持3-6天的产卵,而添加食物2-7天内,即可逐渐恢复产卵;体内积累油脂在饥饿过程中有所消耗,不过仍然不能阻止产卵率的下降;这些结果表明中华哲水蚤繁殖的能量所需主要来自于近期摄食,而体内储存脂类可能主要用于代谢所需,是应对不利条件的一种能量缓冲。2、统计分析表明:产卵率与雌体前体长间具有一定的正相关性,这可能由于体长较长的雌体往往具有较高的怀卵量;产卵率与温度之间没有显著的统计关系,温度可能通过调节中华哲水蚤的代谢率、体长等间接影响到产卵率。3、值得一提的是,本文发现中华哲水蚤的产卵率与其生殖腺成熟度之间具有非常紧密的统计关系,这为通过保存样品估算产卵率以及长期历史样品、数据间的比较提供了可能。 春季硅藻水华是黄海及其邻近海域的重要季节性特征。本文针对硅藻水华与中华哲水蚤繁殖的关系进行了多次现场研究,我们发现,硅藻水华因其发生海区、硅藻优势种类不同而对中华哲水蚤繁殖具有复杂多样的影响。2006年3月,胶州湾东部海区发生中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)水华,中华哲水蚤的产卵率显著增高,但其孵化率相对较低(50%左右);2007年2月,胶州湾东部发生环纹劳德藻(Landeria annulata)水华,中华哲水蚤卵的孵化率在各种处理下均接近100%;2006年4月,黄海东北部发生太平洋海链藻(Thalassiosira pacifica)水华,产卵率与孵化率均处于调查海区的中等水平;2007年4月,黄海中部海区发生中肋骨条藻水华,中华哲水蚤在此次调查海区平均产卵率高达27.8 卵/雌体/天,远远高于以往同时期的调查结果,孵化率、幼体存活率也普遍较高;此次硅藻水华对于黄海陆架区中华哲水蚤的种群补充具有积极的促进作用。综上,硅藻水华对中华哲水蚤繁殖的影响表现出种类、海区特异性,其具体机理仍需进一步研究。 本文研究了黄海中华哲水蚤C5期油脂积累的区域、季节变化,并探讨了油脂积累对中华哲水蚤的生理、生活史的可能作用。黄海近岸区的C5期油囊体积常年较小,而陆架区则表现出明显的季节差异。在陆架区,C5期是中华哲水蚤度夏种群的主要组成部分,其油囊体积与度夏过程有密切联系:最大油囊体积(可占前体部体积的30%以上)出现于度夏准备期(5、6月),随着度夏过程的进行,油囊体积因代谢而不断消耗,至12月时,油囊体积降低到与近岸种群无异。次年4月以后,油脂积累可能随食物条件转好而再次开始积累。我们认为黄海中华哲水蚤所积累油脂除了可以为休眠提供能量以克服较长时期食物缺乏之外,还可能是休眠的诱导因素,对其生活史具有重要意义。 黄海近岸海区与陆架海区在水团特征、中华哲水蚤种群丰度与结构、繁殖特征、种群补充、油脂储存策略等方面具有显著差异,因此,本文分别讨论了这两个区域中华哲水蚤的生活史。黄海陆架海区中华哲水蚤在全年共有4-5个世代:11月末,中华哲水蚤结束度夏过程,种群中占优势的C5期个体开始蜕皮为成体、逐渐成熟、繁殖,由此产下的子代可称之为G0,此世代在食物条件较差的冬季发育成熟后可以产下G1;G1于3月初发育成熟,恰逢春季较好的食物条件,于是在3月初-5月中旬很可能发育G2、G3两个世代;假若陆架区食物环境适宜,5月中旬后很可能产生新的世代—G4;G3与G4两个世代的混合种群共同进入度夏过程,期间,一小部分C5蜕皮为成体,大部分C5保持滞育状态;至12月冷水团消退后,G3、G4世代C5蜕皮、成熟,开始新的生活周期。中华哲水蚤生殖腺成熟度、油囊体积的季节变化与上述概念模型具有较好的对应关系,另外,这两个参数简单易用、对环境变化敏感,可以尝试应用于气候变化与桡足类关系等长期研究中。 以往的研究更多的关注于黄海陆架区的中华哲水蚤种群,对近岸种群的关注较少,本文初步探讨了近岸种群的种群补充、世代情况。相对于陆架区,黄海近岸区中华哲水蚤的生活史更为复杂,区域差异较大。近岸海区中华哲水蚤产卵率、种群周转率较高;同时,近岸海区是多种鱼类的产卵场、索饵场,该区域的各营养级间的能量流动对黄海海洋生态系统的结构功能至关重要。因此,在将来的研究中,近岸海区中华哲水蚤种群的生态学、生活史应该受到同样的重视。
Under laboratory conditions, the potential influence of diatom diets on reproduction of zoo-plankton Calanus sinicus was studied. Four diatom diet ingredients: Skeletonema costatum (SC), Chaetoceros muelleri (CM), Phaeodactylum tricornutum (PT), diatom mixture (MIX) and a control diet: the flagellate Platymonas subordiformis (PS), were used at the same carbon concentrations of 2.0 mu g mL(-1) C. In a period of 17-day laboratory experiment, the effects of these algae diets on egg production and hatching success of the copepod Calanus sinicus were examined. The diets were analyzed for fatty acid content as an indicator of food quality. The results showed that the female survival of all treatments reached more than 80% except PT. Comparing to the initial value, egg production of Calanus sinicus was reduced in diatom diets (PT, CM), but remained in normal level in SC and MIX, indicating that some single diatom diets had a negative effect on the egg production of Calanus sinicus. Feeding with mixed food however can eliminate this negative effect. Among all the treatments, hatching success in filtered seawater was significantly higher than in algal exudates, indicating that not only diatoms but also other phytoplankton in certain concentration can release extracelluar substance that may inhibit eggs from hatching. Fatty acid analysis showed that both egg production rate and hatching success were negatively correlated to the ratio of 20:5 omega 3 and 14:0 in fatty acid composition.
Variations of cellular total lipid, total carbohydrate and total protein content of two dominant bloom-forming species (Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense) isolated from the Yangtze River Estuary were examined under six different nutrient conditions in batch cultures. Daily samples were collected to estimate the cell growth, nutrient concentration and three biochemical compositions content during 7 days for S. costatum and the same sampling procedure was done every other day during 10 days for P. donghaiense. Results showed that for S. costatum, cellular total lipid content increased under phosphorus (P) limitation, but not for nitrogen (N) limitation; cellular carbohydrate were accumulated under both N and P limitation: cellular total protein content of low nutrient concentration treatments were significantly lower than that of high nutrient concentration treatments. For P. donghaiense, both cellular total lipid content and total carbohydrate content were greatly elevated as a result of N and P exhaustion, but cellular total protein content had no significant changes under nutrient limitation. In addition, the capability of accumulation of three biochemical constituents of P. donghaiense was much stronger than that of S. costatum. Pearson correlation showed that for both species, the biochemical composition of three constituents (lipid, carbohydrate and protein) had no significant relationship with extracellular N concentration, but had positive correlation with extracellular and intracellular P concentration. The capability of two species to accumulate cellular total lipid and carbohydrate under nutrient limitation may help them accommodate the fluctuating nutrient condition of the Yangtze River Estuary. The different responses of two species of cellular biochemical compositions content under different nutrient conditions may provide some evidence to explain the temporal characteristic of blooms Caused by two species in the Yangtze River Estuary. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dilution experiments were performed to examine the growth rate and grazing mortality rate of size-fractionated phytoplankton at three typical stations, inside and outside the bay, in the spring and summer of 2003 in the Jiaozhou Bay, China. in spring, the phytoplankton community structure was similar among the three stations, and was mainly composed of nanophytoplankton, such as, Skeletonema costatum and Cylindrotheca closterium. The structure became significantly different for the three stations in summer, when the dominant species at Stas A, B and C were Chaetoceros curvisetus, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, C. affinis, C. debilis, Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis and Paralia sulcata respectively. Tintinnopsis beroidea and T. tsingtaoensis were the dominant species in spring, whereas the microzooplankton was apparently dominated by Strombidium sp. in summer. Pico- and nanophytoplankton had a relatively greater growth rate than microzooplankton both in spring and summer. The growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.18 similar to 0.44 and 0.12 similar to 1.47 d(-1) for the total phytoplankton and 0.20 similar to 0.55 and 0.21 similar to 0.37 d-1 for nanophytoplankton in spring respectively. In summer, the growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.38 similar to 0.71 and 0.27 similar to 0.60 d-1 for the total phytoplankton and 0.11 similar to 1.18 and 0.41 similar to 0.72 d(-1) for nano- and microphytoplankton respectively. The carbon flux consumed by microzooplankton per day was 7.68 similar to 39.81 mg/m(3) in spring and 12.03 similar to 138.22 mg/m(3) in summer respectively. Microzooplankton ingested 17.56%similar to 92.19% of the phytoplankton standing stocks and 31.77%similar to 467.88% of the potential primary productivity in spring; in contrast, they ingested 34.60%similar to 83.04% of the phytoplankton standing stocks and 71.28%similar to 98.80% of the potential primary productivity in summer. Pico- and nanophytoplankton appeared to have relatively greater rates of growth and grazing mortality than microphytoplankton during the experimental period. The grazing rate of microzooplankton in summer was a little bit greater than that in spring because of the relatively higher incubation temperature and different dominant microzooplankton species. Microzooplankton preferred ingesting nanophytoplankton to microphytoplankton in spring, while they preferred ingesting picophytoplankton to nanophytoplankton and microphytoplankton in summer. Compared with the results of dilution experiments performed in various waters worldwide, the results are in the middle range.
The influence of diatoms on the reproduction and naupliar development of Acartia bifilosa was investigated under laboratory conditions, comparing initial in situ values and laboratory-food treatments. Egg production by A. bifilosa was significantly reduced by one diatom diet (Phaeodactylum tricornutum: Pt) and by two non-diatom diets (Platymonas subordiformis: Ps and Nannochloropsis oculata: No). It was less affected by the other diatom diet (Skeletonema costatum: Sc) or by two mixed-food treatments (D-mix and DG-mix), composed of two diatoms (Pt, Sc) and four species (Pt, Sc, Ps and No), respectively. The negative effect of Pt was eliminated when adult copepods were offered mixed-food diets. There were no significant differences between the hatching success values observed in filtered seawater and in algal exudates, indicating that diatoms did not produce active dissolved toxic substances under the different food concentrations tested. The mortality rate of nauplii was higher with Pt than the other diets, suggesting that this diatom species had a negative effect on egg production, hatching success and naupliar survival simultaneously. Compared to other diets, No and Pt were not beneficial food sources for reproduction and for female and larval survival. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied the possible role that marine microalgae may play during the outbreaks of WSS (white spot syndrome). In order to elucidate the possibility of marine microalgae carrying WSSV (white spot syndrome virus), six marine microallgae (Isochr.vsis galbana, Skeletonema costatum, Chlorella sp., Heterosigma akashiwo, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Dunaliella salina) were co-cultured with adult Marsupenaeus japollicus infected with WSSV and were assayed daily by nested-PCR to study whether they could carry WSSV. Further experiments were conducted to investigate whether the virus carried by microalgae could re-infect juvenile M. japonicus. Results showed that all of the experimental microalgae, except H. akashiwo could carry WSSV, and among them, Chlorella sp. and S. trochoidea had the strongest WSSV-carrying ability. Unlike other invertebrate carriers of WSSV, the WSSV detections in microalgae, which were positive after I and 3 days, were negative after 10 days of incubation. WSSV detection results in juvenile M. japonicus showed that the juvenile shrimp were re-infected by co-cultured Chlorella sp., although the juvenile M. japonicus carried so small an amount of WSSV that it could only be detected by nested-PCR. The results of this experiment suggest that microalgae might be one possible horizontal transmission pathway for WSSV. Further research, however, is required to better understand the factors behind the different carrying abilities and virus-carrying mechanisms of different microalgae. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A cruise was undertaken from 3rd to 8th November 2004 in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and its adjacent waters to investigate the spatial biomass distribution and size composition of phytoplankton. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration ranged 0.42-1.17 mu g L-1 and 0.41-10.43 mu g L-1 inside and outside the river mouth, with the mean value 0.73 mu g L-1 and 1.86 mu g L-1, respectively. Compared with the Chl-a concentration in summer of 2004, the mean value was much lower inside, and a little higher outside the river mouth. The maximal Chl-a was 10.43 mu g L-1 at station 18 (122.67 degrees E, 31.25 degrees N), and the region of high Chl-a concentration was observed in the central survey area between 122.5 degrees E and 123.0 degrees E. In the stations located east of 122.5 degrees E, Chl-a concentration was generally high in the upper layers above 5 m due to water stratification. In the survey area, the average Chl-a in sizes of > 20 mu m and < 20 mu m was 0.28 mu g L-1 and 1.40 mu g L-1, respectively. High Chl-a concentration of < 20 mu m size-fraction indicated that the nanophytoplankton and picophytoplankton contributed the most to the biomass of phytoplankton. Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum micans and Scrippsiella trochoidea were the dominant species in surface water. The spatial distribution of cell abundance of phytoplankton was patchy and did not agree well with that of Chl-a, as the cell abundance could not distinguish the differences in shape and size of phytoplankton cells. Nitrate and silicate behaved conservatively, but the former could probably be the limitation factor to algal biomass at offshore stations. The distribution of phosphate scattered considerably, and its relation to the phytoplankton biomass was complicated.
The three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum was used to detect the changes in dissolved organic substances from the cultured Skeletonema costatum, Alexandrium tamarense, Alexandrium mimutum, Scrippsiella trochodea, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans. The result indicates that all of the microalgaes can produce FDOM in the growth courses. Diatom such as Skeletonema costatum can produce humic-like FDOM. However dinoflagellate can produce protein-like FDOM at exponential growth phase. When the algae grows into decadency phase, the intensity of humic-like and protein-like fluorescence augments rapidly, which may be due to a mass of FDOM realeased by the old or dead cell fragmentation and the degradation of bacteria by using non-FDOM. The fluorescent intensity of Alexandrium tamarense, Alexandrium mimutum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans can reduce at anaphase of decadency phase because of the degradation of bacteria and light. The same genus of algae can produce similar FDOM, for example: Alexandrium tamarense, and Alexandrium mimutum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans, but the positions of the fluorescence peaks are different.
This article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, Bashania fangiana, Bashania fargesii, Chaetodon vagabundus, Colletes floralis, Coluber constrictor flaviventris, Coptotermes gestroi, Crotophaga major, Cyprinella lutrensis, Danaus plexippus, Fagus grandifolia, Falco tinnunculus, Fletcherimyia fletcheri, Hydrilla verticillata, Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus, Leavenworthia alabamica, Marmosops incanus, Miichthys miiuy, Nasua nasua, Noturus exilis, Odontesthes bonariensis, Quadrula fragosa, Pinctada maxima, Pseudaletia separata, Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Podocarpus elatus, Portunus trituberculatus, Rhagoletis cerasi, Rhinella schneideri, Sarracenia alata, Skeletonema marinoi, Sminthurus viridis, Syngnathus abaster, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis, Verticillium dahliae, Wasmannia auropunctata, and Zygochlamys patagonica. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Chaetodon baronessa, Falco columbarius, Falco eleonorae, Falco naumanni, Falco peregrinus, Falco subbuteo, Didelphis aurita, Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops paulensis, Monodelphis Americana, Odontesthes hatcheri, Podocarpus grayi, Podocarpus lawrencei, Podocarpus smithii, Portunus pelagicus, Syngnathus acus, Syngnathus typhle,Uroteuthis (Photololigo) edulis, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvauceli and Verticillium albo-atrum. This article also documents the addition of nine sequencing primer pairs and sixteen allele specific primers or probes for Oncorhynchus mykiss and Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; these primers and assays were cross-tested in both species.
Analysis using historical data on the phosphate sources in Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary show that phosphate was supplied equally from the east, south, west and north of the estuary. These sources include the Changjiang River, the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), a cyclone-type eddy, and the 32A degrees N Upwelling, supplying different phosphates in different times, ways and intensities. The magnitude of their supplying phosphate concentration was related with the size in the order of the Changjiang River < the TWC < the 32A degrees N Upwelling < the cyclone-type eddy, and the duration of the supplying was: the Changjiang River > the TWC > the cyclone-type eddy > the 32A degrees N Upwelling. The four sources supplied a great deal of phosphate so that the phosphate concentration in the estuary was kept above 0.2 mu mol/L in previous years, satisfying the phytoplankton growth. The horizontal and vertical distribution of the phosphate concentration showed that near shallow marine areas at 122A degrees E/31A degrees N, the TWC in low nutrient concentration became an upwelling through sea bottom and brought up nutrients from sea bottom to marine surface. In addition, horizontal distribution of phosphate concentration was consistent with that of algae: Rhizosolenia robusta, Rhizosolenia calcaravis and Skeletonema, which showed that no matter during high water or low water of Changjiang River, these species brought by the TWC became predominant species. Therefore, the authors believe that the TWC flowed from south to north along the coast and played a role in deflecting the Changjiang River flow from the southern side.
This study was carried out in the Changjiang Estuary from 19 to 26 May 2003. Based on the data collected from 29 stations, including two anchor stations, phytoplankton taxonomic composition, abundance, diurnal variability and spatial distribution were examined. Eighty-seven species, including 54 species of diatoms and 16 red tide causative species, were identified. Average diversity index (H') and evenness (J) values were 1.04 and 0.40, respectively. A bloom in abundance of certain phytoplankton species, especially Prorocentrum dentatum and Skeletoneina costatum, was thought to be the cause of the low diversity index and evenness values. Total phytoplankton abundance averaged 6.75 x 10(5) cells 1(-1), and was much higher than previous investigation carried out in the same month in 1986. Abundance increased seaward showing a distinct spatial difference, and the dominant species varied with salinity. Correlation between phosphorus and abundance further supported the former conclusion that phosphorus is the controlling factor in phytoplankton growth in the Changjiang Estuary where light is not limiting. Based on the relationship between DO, pH and abundance, it is likely that the bloom was caused by rapid in situ growth of phytoplankton with high nutrients and sufficient light. The data also indicated that the duration of the bloom was not long and