270 resultados para RP-HPLC


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A novel antimicrobial peptide named as ixosin was isolated from the salivary glands of the hard tick, Ixodes sinensis, by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Its amino acid sequen


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A novel kinin-releasing and fibrin (ogen)olytic enzyme termed jerdonase was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii by DEAE Sephadex A-50 anion exchange, Sephadex G-100 (superfine) gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Jerdonase migrated as a single band with an approximate molecular weight of 55 kD under the reduced conditions and 53 kD under the non-reduced conditions. The enzyme was a glycoprotein containing 35.8% neutral carbohydrate. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of jerdonase was determined to be IIGGDECNINEHPFLVALYDA, which showed high sequence identity to other snake venom serine proteases. Jerdonase catalyzed the hydrolysis of BAEE, S-2238 and S-2302, which was inhibited by phenymethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), but not affected by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Jerdonase preferentially cleaved the Aalpha-chain of human fibrinogen with lower activity towards Bbeta-chain. Moreover, the enzyme hydrolyzed bovine low-molecular-mass kininogen and releasing bradykinin. In conclusion, all results indicated that jerdonase was a multifunctional venom serine protease.


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A novel bradykinin-potentiating peptide (BPP), designated as TmF, has been purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus by 70% cold methanol extraction, Sephadex G-15 gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The amino acid sequence of TmF was determined to be pGlu-Gly-Arg-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-Pro-Ile-Pro-Pro (pGlu denotes pyroglutamic acid), which shared high homology with other BPPs. The molecular mass of TmF was 1.1107 kD as determinated by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which was in accordance with the calculated value of 1.1106 kD. The potentiating "unit" of TmF to bradykinin-induced (BK-induced) contraction on the guinea-pig ileum in vitro was (1.13 +/- 0.3) unit (mg/L), and TmF (5.0 x 10(-4) mg/kg) increased the pressure-lowering-effect of bradykinin (5.0 x 10(-5) mg/kg) with approximate descent value of (14 +/- 2) mmHg. In addition, TmF inhibited the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin 11, 2 x 10(-3) mg of TmF caused 50% inhibition (IC50) of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) hydrolyzing activity to bradykinin.


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在过去的一个多世纪里,两栖类动物皮肤分泌液作为它们的第一道防御屏障引起了研究者们极大的兴趣,同时也开展了相关的许对研究,到目前为止,已从中分离鉴定出了百余种的活性物质。无指盘臭蛙是我国的一种特有两栖动物,初步的活性检测发现,无指盘臭蛙皮肤分泌液具有很强的抗菌,溶血以及蛋白酶抑制剂活性。 在本论文中,我们利用多肽组学与基因组学的方法对无指盘臭蛙皮肤的抗感染多肽组进行了研究。 通过三步分离纯化过程:一步Sephadex G-50分子筛和两步反相高压液相(RP-HPLC)的方法,从无指盘臭蛙皮肤分泌液中分离纯化得到了21条新的抗菌肽,它们分别属于17个不同的抗菌肽家族,其中8个分别属于已知的5个抗菌肽家族,它们是:Brevinin-1E(2个)、Brevinin-2E(1个)、Esculentin-1(1个)、Esculentin-2(1个)和Nigrocin(3个)抗菌肽家族。另外的13个抗菌肽与已发现的抗菌肽表现出较低的相似性,我们将它们归类到12种新的抗菌肽家族,它们是:Odorranain-A (1个)、Odorranain-B(1个)、 Odorranain-C(1个)、 Odorranain-G (1个)、Odorranain-H (2个)、 Odorranain-J (1个)、Odorranain-L (1个)、Odorranain-M (1个)、 Odorranain-N (1个)、 Odorranain-O (1个)、Odorranain-Q(1个)、 Odorranain-T(1个)。 从单个无指盘臭蛙皮肤里面,我们克隆得到了372条抗菌肽序列,它们编码107条新的抗菌肽,这一发现使得目前发现的两栖类抗菌肽的数目几乎增加了1倍。这也是目前发现的抗菌肽最为丰富的物种。这107条抗菌肽分别属于30个不同的抗菌肽家族,其中有24个为新的抗菌肽家族。这些抗菌肽的多样性可能是通过点突变、碱基的插入或删除、结构域的穿梭以及拼接等多种机制形成的。这些抗菌肽多样性的形成可能与无指盘臭蛙生活环境中微生物的组成有关。30个家族抗菌肽前体序列的SPD区域(包括信号肽和前导肽序列,Signal and Propiece Domain, SPD)非常保守,表明它们可能起源于同一个祖先基因。对7个抗菌肽家族的非同义碱基替代率Dn与同义碱基替代率Ds进行检测发现,它们可能经受着不同选择压力的作用。无指盘臭蛙皮肤抗菌肽在二级结构和功能上都表现出丰富的多样性。在一个两栖类个体里面发现如此丰富的抗菌肽甚是让人惊讶。这一发现也使得我们不得不重新认识先天性免疫在两栖类动物防御系统中的重要性,对两栖类生态环境的分子基础以及那种认为一种两栖类只需要20-30种抗菌肽就足以抵御环境中的微生物的看法重新审视。我们的研究还显示:无指盘臭蛙抗菌肽之间还存在着协同效用。 我们对无指盘臭蛙皮肤抗菌肽的去极化作用进行了研究,发现所检测的7个抗菌肽都可使金黄色葡萄球菌发生去极化,但是它们使细菌发生去极化的能力不同。对12种抗菌肽的抗菌机制研究发现,它们通过多种不同的机制发挥作用:有些在细菌内形成片层样的囊泡状结构,有些导致细胞质壁的分离,有些在细菌的膜上形成穿孔,有些则导致了细菌染色质的固缩。 总之,这些研究为设计新型的抗菌肽提供了有用的参考资料。


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Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of bacteria are key molecules interacting with the host environment. Flavobacterium columnare, a pathogen-causing columnaris disease of fish worldwide, was studied in order to understand the composition of its OMPs. The sarcosine-insoluble membrane fraction of the OMPs was analysed using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in combination with reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC MS/MS). Thirty-six proteins were identified, including proteins involved in cell wall/membrane biogenesis, specific transport of various nutrients and in essential metabolism. The present study is the first report on the OMPs of F. columnare, and may serve as the basis for understanding the pathogenesis of the bacterium.


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齐墩果酸(OA)是一个分布广泛、含量丰富的天然三萜化合物,常以皂苷元的形式广泛存在于植物中,具有多种重要生物活性。但是OA许多活性较弱,且生物利用度低,限制了其在临床上的应用。一是OA水溶性差;二是抗癌活性仍与临床应用的抗癌药物相差比较大。 真菌在微生物转化中具有种类多、培养条件比较简单等特点,为了寻找到具有转化OA能力的菌株,采取一步发酵的方法,在18株实验室保藏真菌菌株中筛选到5株目的菌株,TLC分析显示有转化效果。 随后采用二步发酵的方法作为复筛,验证5株菌株转化能力,波谱分析结果表明5株菌株对OA确实有转化作用。 选择5株菌种中代号1F-2 2菌株作为放大实验菌株,分离转化产物,得到OA衍生物108(相对分子量414m/z)和1010(相对分子量340 m/z),分离出的产物用于活性检测。寻找到产物108的RP-HPLC分离条件,质谱得出二者相对分子质量。 为验证OA转化产物抗肿瘤活性,首次研究了OA对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231作用,通过细胞增殖抑制实验、用MTT法检测细胞活性,结果表明齐墩果酸可降低卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231细胞增殖能力并呈剂量依赖性,对肿瘤细胞株的半数有效抑制浓度化IC50 分别为36.58μg/mL和38.8μg/mL (P<0.01)。OA能抑制肿瘤细胞活性,并且OA对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1抑制活性高于乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231。 在此基础上,转化产物108和1010对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231的抑制作用也进行研究,MTT实验结果表明,转化产物对两株癌细胞也有抑制活性(P<0.01)。 总之,本文工作为进一步开展齐墩果酸类化合物结构改造和抗肿瘤活性的研究奠定了基础。 Oleanolic acid (OA) is a triterpenoid widely distributed in the nature which possesses various important bioactivities. OA also serves as aglycon of many natural saponins. However, the relatively weak activities and poor bioavailability hinder its clinical use. Firstly, poor water-solubility results in worse bioavailability. Secondly, compared with clinical antitumor drug, the antitumor effect of OA has a great difference, it is worse. Many fungi have ability to transform nature products into a variety of derivatives, and transformation conditions of fungi are simple. Attempt to obtain fungi strains able to biotransform OA, we carried out the following experiments: To investigate the biotransformation 0f OA by strains supplied firstly, we used one-step fermentation method to screen the aimed strains from 18 fungus strains stored in our laboratory. On the basis of the initial screening experiments, we found 5 aimed strains. The TLC results showed that the 5 fungi strains could transform OA into other components derivatives. Then we used two-step fermentation method as secondly screening. We repeated the five strains to do the experiments, analytical data of the results proved the transformation indeed. In the followed experiments work, we chose 1F-2 2 strain as large-scale transformation fungus from the aimed fungi. We got two biotransformation products of OA by 1F-2 2, and named those derivatives 108 and 1010. We found RP-HPLC separation conditions of product 108. The two products were characterized by ESI-MS. To verify the anti-tumor activity of biotransformation products of OA, we studied the inhibition effect of oleanolic acid on the ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 firstly. With an assay based on a tetrazolium dye (MTT), the effects of various concentrations of oleanolic acid on ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 were studied. MTT method was used to measure the tumor cells viability. Compared with the control group, oleanolic acid can significantly inhibit the viability of the ovarian carcinoma cells IGROV1 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line (P<0.01), IC50 values were 36.58μg/mL or 38.8μg/mL. Oleanolic acid can inhibit the malignant tumor cells viability, and inhibitory activity of OA to ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 was higher than to breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. On this basis, we studied the anti-tumor activity of the two derivatives of OA [called 108 (414 m/z) and 1010(340 m/z)]. It came to the conclusion that the two derivatives also showed potent inhibitory effect on the growth of these tumor cells(P<0.01). Therefore, the results of studies will benefit the further investigating on the relationships of structures and antitumor activities of OA.


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To avoid the limitation of the widely used prediction methods of soil organic carbon partition coefficients (K-OC) from hydrophobic parameters, e.g., the n-octanol/water partition coefficients (K-OW) and the reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) retention factors, the soil column liquid chromatographic (SCLC) method was developed for K-OC prediction. The real soils were used as the packing materials of RP-HPLC columns, and the correlations between the retention factors of organic compounds on soil columns (k(soil)) and K-OC measured by batch equilibrium method were studied. Good correlations were achieved between k(soil) and K-OC for three types of soils with different properties. All the square of the correlation coefficients (R-2) of the linear regression between log k(soi) and log K-OC were higher than 0.89 with standard deviations of less than 0.21. In addition, the prediction of K-OC from K-OW and the RP-HPLC retention factors on cyanopropyl (CN) stationary phase (k(CN)) was comparatively evaluated for the three types of soils. The results show that the prediction of K-OC from k(CN) and K-OW is only applicable to some specific types of soils. The results obtained in the present study proved that the SCLC method is appropriate for the K-OC prediction for different types of soils, however the applicability of using hydrophobic parameters to predict K-OC largely depends on the properties of soil concerned. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new numerical emulation algorithm was established to calculate retention parameters in RP-HPLC with several retention times under different linear or nonlinear binary gradient elution conditions and further predict the retention time under any other binary gradient conditions. A program was written according to this algorithm and nine solutes were used to test the program. The prediction results were excellent. The maximum relative error of predicted retention time was less than 0.45%. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple preparation process of alkylamide phase for reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) is described. The process includes aminopropyltrimethoxysilane firstly reacted with octanoyl chloride, then the intermediate was coupled onto porous silica. The resultant bonded silica has a reproducible ligand surface concentration and homogenous bonded ligand distribution on the porous silica. Characterization of prepared packing was carried out with elemental analysis, solid-state C-13 NMR and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). Chromatographic evaluations were carried out by using a mixture of organic compounds including acidic, basic and neutral analytes under methanol/water as binary mobile phase. The results showed that the stationary phase have excellent chromatographic properties and can be efficiently used for the separation of basic compounds.


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A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector-electrospray ionization multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-DAD-ESl-MSn) method has been developed for the detection and analysis of lignan constituents in the methanol extract from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. RP-HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-TCR-MSn) have been applied to investigate the characteristic product ions of four lignan reference compounds. Then, the logical fragmentation pathways of the lignans have been proposed. By comparing the retention time (t(R)) of HPLC, the ESI-MSn data and the structures of analyzed compounds with the data of reference compounds and in the literature, 11 peaks in HPLC have been unambiguously identified and another 5 peaks have been tentatively identified or deduced. Also, in the present paper, the extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) have been used to analyze the lignan isomers. The experimental results demonstrate that RP-HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn is a specific and useful method for the identification of the lignan constituents and their isomers.


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Jussiaea repens L. (JRL) is an edible medicinal plant and is also used as a vegetable by the local people in southwestern China. The crude extract and its four fractions derived from JRL were evaluated for the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging ability, hydroxyl radical-scavenging capacity and the potassium ferricyanide reduction property. The ethyl acetate-soluble fraction (EAF) and EAF6 (a subfraction derived from EAF) were the most valuable fraction and subfraction, respectively. Furthermore, bioactivity-guided chromatographic fractionation revealed that three pure compounds greatly contributed to the antioxidant activities. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the major antioxidant constituents in the extract were systematically conducted by NMR, mass spectral analyses and RP-HPLC. The result demonstrated that rosmarinic acid (2.00 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight) quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (9.88 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight), and kaempferol 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1.85 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight) were the major antioxidative constituents in JRL. These compounds are reported for the first time from this plant.


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采用薄层色谱法(TLC)和反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)对藏药材圆萼刺参中的芦丁,熊果酸和齐墩果酸进行定性和定量的分析.定性分析:TLC法检定芦丁和熊果酸和齐墩果酸成分,薄层色谱条件是以V(乙酸乙酯)∶V(丁酮)∶V(甲酸)∶V(水)=10∶6∶1∶2为展开剂,喷以10 g/L.NaNO_2的1%甲醇溶液在105℃检定芦丁,以V(CHCl3)∶V(乙酸乙酯)=1∶1为展开剂,喷以V(H2SO4)∶V(甲醇)=1∶2溶液在105℃检定熊果酸和齐墩果酸.定量分析:RP-HPLC法测定圆萼刺参中芦丁,流动相:V(甲醇)∶V(0.4%H_3PO_4溶液)=38∶62;检测波长340 nm;RP-HPLC法测定熊果酸和齐墩果酸,流动相:V(甲醇)∶V(0.2%H_3PO_4)溶液=85∶15;检测波长215 nm;圆萼刺参中的齐墩果酸,在本种植物中首次发现.


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研究了花锚中去甲氧基花锚甙和花锚甙的含量随着不同生长期的变化趋势,为药材的合理栽培和采收提供科学依据.RP-HPLC法,使用VP-ODS C18柱,流动相为乙腈∶磷酸∶水(1‰),梯度洗脱程序:0~5.00 min乙腈的体积分数(以下同)为15%、5.01~14.00 min由15%增至25%、14.01~30.00 min由25%增至40%,流速为1 mL/min,柱温25℃,检测波长:254 nm.花锚甙和去甲氧基花锚甙、在花锚全草中的含量在不同生长期有明显变化.