24 resultados para PRESERVATION


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Gas film lubrication of a three-dimensional flat read-write head slider is calculated using the information preservation (IP) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, respectively. The pressure distributions on the head slider surface at different velocities and flying heights obtained by the two methods are in excellent agreement. IP method is also employed to deal with head slider with three-dimensional complex configuration. The pressure distribution on the head slider surface and the net lifting force obtained by the IP method also agree well with those of DSMC method. Much less (of the order about 10(2) less) computational time (the sum of the time used to reach a steady stage and the time used in sampling process) is needed by the IP method than the DSMC method and such an advantage is more remarkable as the gas velocity decreases.


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This book elucidates the methods of molecular gas dynamics or rarefied gas dynamics which treat the problems of gas flows when the discrete molecular effects of the gas prevail under the circumstances of low density, the emphases being stressed on the basis of the methods, the direct simulation Monte Carlo method applied to the simulation of non-equilibrium effects and the frontier subjects related to low speed microscale rarefied gas flows. It provides a solid basis for the study of molecular gas dynamics for senior students and graduates in the aerospace and mechanical engineering departments of universities and colleges. It gives a general acquaintance of modern developments of rarefied gas dynamics in various regimes and leads to the frontier topics of non-equilibrium rarefied gas dynamics and low speed microscale gas dynamics. It will be also of benefit to the scientific and technical researchers engaged in aerospace high altitude aerodynamic force and heating design and in the research on gas flow in MEMS

  • 目次内容                                                                
[1]  Molecular structure and energy states (21)  
[2]  Some basic concepts of kinetic theory (51)  
[3]  Interaction of molecules with solid surface (131)  
[4]  Free molecular flow (159)  
[5]  Continuum models (191)  
[6]  Transitional regime (231)  
[7]  Direct simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) method (275)  
[8]  Microscale slow gas flows, information preservation method (317)  
[App. I]  Gas properties (367)  
[App. II]  Some integrals (369)  
[App. III]  Sampling from a prescribed distribution (375)  
[App. IV]  Program of the couette flow (383)  
Subject Index (399)  


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The micro-scale gas flows are usually low-speed flows and exhibit rarefied gas effects. It is challenging to simulate these flows because traditional CFD method is unable to capture the rarefied gas effects and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is very inefficient for low-speed flows. In this study we combine two techniques to improve the efficiency of the DSMC method. The information preservation technique is used to reduce the statistical noise and the cell-size relaxed technique is employed to increase the effective cell size. The new cell-size relaxed IP method is found capable of simulating micro-scale gas flows as shown by the 2D lid-driven cavity flows.


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本论文中采用IP方法模拟硬盘读写头的气膜润滑问题,并选择耗时但精准的DSMC方法作为该问题中IP方法的检验标准,IP方法计算得到的读写头表面压力分布及读写头所受净升力为读写头的设计提供可靠的参考数据。 首先,将读写头复杂表面简化为平面并假定尺寸为微米(远小于真实的毫米),微米尺寸时可以得到DSMC的模拟结果用于比较。IP法对该问题的模拟结果与DSMC的模拟结果完全吻合。 其次,选定一个真实的读写头表面几何,但仍然假定尺寸为微米。IP法在该问题的应用过程中遇到四点困难,我们提出或采取了相应的解决办法。在复杂表面几何的读写头气膜润滑问题中,IP法的模拟结果与DSMC的模拟结果也相符一致。 最后完成真实几何、真实尺寸(毫米)的读写头气膜润滑问题的模拟,这也是本论文的最终研究目标。IP法模拟该问题时需要采用大网格,为此我们构造二维检验模型验证了大网格的合理性。 真实几何读写头气膜润滑问题的模拟结果表明,在流场的局部区域压力沿着高度方向变化显著,这意味着读写头问题的传统计算方法(即概括性雷诺方程)在该局部区域不成立,故用它计算得到的结果值得认真检验,但文献中尚未给出过这类检验。这正是该论文的研究背景和采用新方法(IP方法)的原因。 本论文研究的问题属于过渡领域、低速流动问题,故本论文还介绍了该领域另外一种粒子模拟方法(LVDSMC方法)以及我们对该方法提出的一些改进。 关键词:硬盘读写头,气膜润滑,概括性雷诺方程,IP方法,DSMC方法,过渡领域,LVDSMC方法


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当今,生物资源——“物种”正在以地质史上前所未有的速度灭绝或走向濒危。保护生物多样性已是世界范围内环境保护和生物学研究的热点。基于种子具有完善的保护结构和内潜的隐蔽生命以适应逆境的微妙机制,种子库被认为是保护植物种质资源的主要措施。现阶段世界各国的种子库均为低温库或超低温库,可观的建库投资和运转费用的经济负担直接影响到贫困国家和地区植物种质资源及时有效的保护,寻求取代低温库的廉价贮藏种子的策略和技术已列为联合国FAO/IBPGR的全球战略措施。 此乃本文的工作背景和最终目标。早期的研究已查明,通过降低种子含水量可以在适当提高温度的条件下达到在较高含水量在低温下同样的贮藏效果,但是由于干燥技术以及5%为种子安全含水量下限这一经典概念的局限,种子贮藏的含水量一直没有突破5%下限。超干贮藏即以此为依据,摸索以适当的干燥技术将种子含水量降至这一经典下限以下,即采取超低含水量种子密封贮藏的方法,以达到部分或完全取代低温库的目的。 作为种子贮藏的方法首先要保证种子活力的保持。本文选用了不同化学组份以及不同粒度大小的种子为材料,涉及到40个不同的种和品种,针对不同类型的种子摸索了适宜的干燥方法及辅助措施,从种子生活力和活力、细胞形态结构、细胞器发育和功能以及若干生理活性指标等多元角度上确认种子含水量可以安全降至5%以下,除了个别敏感类型种子外,在常温条件下能大幅度增强种子的耐藏性。 本文对种子耐干性差异以及辅助干燥措施提高种子耐干性进行了水分热力学方面的分析,认为种子本身的特性决定了种子内部水分吸附位点对关键水分束缚力量的不同,导致在相同干燥过程中失去关键性水分程度的不同,从而造成种子在耐干程度上有所差异。干燥的辅助措施可以通过改变种子中的化学成份增强种子对关键性水分吸附的力量,继而使得关键性水分不会轻易丢失。超干延缓种子劣变的原因在于,MC不能真实反映种子水分水平,一定MC范围内的超干种子的关键性水分仍然存在,即使在极度干燥的种子中,虽然一部分束缚水已失去,但对导致和抑制脂质过氧化的正负效应折衷的结果使劣变反应从整体上还是受到抑制。内源抗氧剂的活性及含量以及劣变产物MDA的积累量表明种子在超干贮藏过程中脂质过氧化被部分抑制,酶类抗氧剂系统保存完好,非酶类抗氧剂被消耗的量减少,使得种子在结束贮藏进入萌发状态时仍具有较高水平的自由基清除系统的正常运转能力。无氧贮藏,和外源抗氧防护等预处理措施使种子在超干贮藏过程中能更好地清除活性氧的伤害,吸湿回干、PEG等处理使超于种子吸胀时膜系统功能及结构更具完整性。回水预处理诱导的生化修补效应可保留于种子内部,以便在种子再次吸水时及早发挥作用。本文已在干前及干后预处理辅助措施上找到了若干行之有效的方法,其中有些是首次应用于种子技术范畴。 本文在总结系列试验研究结果和纵观近年来国内外在此领域的动态后,认为一般常规型种子在适度超低水分状态下不仅自身不受脂质过氧化的危害,并能保持种子内外形态学和种质遗传性的完整性,而且可使种子内部代谢停顿,更有利于耐藏性的大幅度提高,加上超干技术上的不断完善,为今后建立节能种子库展示了希望。


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苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物种类繁多, 全世界约150属3700余种,我国有58属470余种,大部分具有极高的观赏价值,许多是传统的民间草药。虽然我国苦苣苔科植物资源丰富,然而很多种类分布区域狭窄,种群数量稀少,加之生境受到破坏,许多已经面临灭绝的危险。本研究拟通过组织培养、玻璃化超低温保存以及快速繁殖,达到保护和扩繁珍稀濒危苦苣苔科植物的目的。 以药用唇柱苣苔(Chirita medica D. Fang ex W. T. Wang)和粉绿异裂苣苔(Pseudochirita guangxiensis W.T.Wang var. glauca Y. G. Wei et Y. Liu)为材料,取幼嫩叶片为外植体,通过组织培养实验得到最佳诱导不定芽培养基:MS培养基附加30 g l-1蔗糖,7.5 g l-1琼脂,药用唇柱苣苔附加0.10 mg l-1 BA ,0.10 mg l-1 NAA,粉绿异裂苣苔附加0.05 mg l-1IAA,1.00 mg l-1BA。最高不定芽诱导率分别为:90.3%和85.0%。最佳生根培养基:1/2MS培养基附加30 g l-1蔗糖,5 g l-1活性炭,7 g l-1琼脂,生根率为100%,诱导产生6.11条根,根长为18.8mm(药用唇柱苣苔);1/2MS培养基附加10-20g l-1蔗糖,1 g l-1活性炭,7 g l-1琼脂,诱导生成6.8-7.4条根,均长17.7-22.0mm(粉绿异裂苣苔)。 在组织培养的基础上进行了苦苣苔科植物的玻璃化超低温冷冻保存研究。以烟叶唇柱苣苔(C. heterotricha Merr.)和濒危植物药用唇柱苣苔叶片外植体为材料,经过自然干燥、装载液处理、玻璃化溶液处理、液氮冷冻保存,成功实现了玻璃化超低温冷冻保存,经过液氮冷冻保存后的材料可以继续分化、生长。适当时间的玻璃化试剂处理对于材料无致死作用,不经液氮冷冻,可以达到100%存活。-20 oC 、-40 oC、液氮保存后,存活率随温度下降而下降,表明冷冻致死的原因在于冰晶形成;提高冷冻后成活率的关键是控制干燥脱水,经过适当的自然干燥,材料存活率分别达到50.0%和27.8%。 以叶片为外植体材料,通过组织培养和快速繁殖可以大规模扩繁苦苣苔科植物。主要步骤为:外植体叶片消毒→不定芽诱导培养→生根诱导培养→继代保存或炼苗移栽,经过3-4个月时间可获得大量栽培植株。已成功保存并培养了40余种苦苣苔科植物,包括濒危苦苣苔及高观赏价值苦苣苔。


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Many fluorescent probes excited by visible light have been used to assess sperm quality by flow cytometry. Developing a viability evaluation method using UV excited stains would be useful for multiparameter analysis of sperm function. This investigation was conducted to determine the efficacy of Hoechst 33342 (H342) and propidium iodide (PI) dual staining for evaluating rhesus monkey sperm viability through use of flow cytometry and excited by a single UV laser. The results showed that the live cells stained only with H342 strongly correlated with expected sperm viability, and flow cytometric analyses were highly correlated with fluorescence microscopic observation. Using H342/PI/SYBR-14 triple staining method, it was found that the live/dead sperm distributions were completely concordant in both H342/PI and SYBR-14/PI assays. In addition, this dual staining was extended with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) to simultaneously analyze viability and acrosome integrity of sperm cryopreserved using two different extenders, TTE and TEST, and indicated that TTE offered better Preservation of plasma and acrosome integrity than TEST Therefore, the H342/PI dual staining provides an accurate technique for evaluating viability of rhesus monkey sperm and should be valuable for multiparameter flow cytometric analysis of sperm function.


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干细胞冷冻保存是干细胞研究和临床应用中的必需技术.为提高兔胚胎干细胞在慢速冻存过程中的保存效果,比较了二甲基亚砜(DMSO)和乙二醇(ethylene glycol,EG)对兔胚胎干细胞冷冻保护效果.对冷冻复苏后的细胞进行台盼蓝染色,并研究其胚胎干细胞分子特性,结果表明DMSO比EG具有更好的冷冻保护效果.再在以10% DMSO为基础的防冻液中添加膜稳定剂海藻糖(trehalose)或谷氨酰胺(glutamine),细胞冷冻复苏后结果显示,谷氨酰胺对兔胚胎干细胞有明显的冷冻保护作用,使细胞存活率从71%提高到83.7%.当谷氨酰胺浓度为0、5、10、20、40 mmol/L分别加入防冻液中后,20 mmol/L的谷氨酰胺具有最佳的冷冻保护效果.以上结果得出兔胚胎干细胞慢速冷冻的防冻液改进配方为:在胚胎干细胞培养液中添加10% DMSO+20 mmol/L谷氨酰胺.