33 resultados para Memory in motion pictures
An ultra low power non-volatile memory is designed in a standard CMOS process for passive RFID tags. The memory can operate in a new low power operating scheme under a wide supply voltage and clock frequency range. In the charge pump circuit the threshold voltage effect of the switch transistor is almost eliminated and the pumping efficiency of the circuit is improved. An ultra low power 192-bit memory with a register array is implemented in a 0.18 mu M standard CMOS process. The measured results indicate that, for the supply voltage of 1.2 volts and the clock frequency of 780KHz, the current consumption of the memory is 1.8 mu A (3.6 mu A) at the read (write) rate of 1.3Mb/s (0.8Kb/s).
The effects of ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, on memory in animals have been limited to the sub-anesthetic dose given prior to training in previous studies. We evaluated the effects of post-training anesthetic doses of ketamine to se
In most studies regarding the improving or therapeutical effects induced by enriched environment (EE), EE was performed after the stress treatment or in patients with certain diseases. In the current study, the effects of chronic restraint stress (6 h/day) in mice living in an enriched environment or standard environment (SE) were tested. Mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: non-stressed or stressed mice housed in SE or EE conditions (SE, stress + SE, EE, stress + EE). Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of startle was tested after the 2 weeks or 4 weeks stress and/or EE treatment and 1 or 2 weeks withdrawal from the 4 weeks treatment. After the 4 weeks treatment, spatial recognition memory in Y-maze was also tested. The results showed that EE increased PPI in stressed and non-stressed mice after 2 weeks treatment. No effect of EE on PPI was found after the 4 weeks treatment. 4 weeks chronic restraint stress increased PPI in mice housed in standard but not EE conditions. Stressed mice showed deficits on the 1 h delay version of the Y-maze which could be prevented by living in an enriched environment. Our results indicated that living in an enriched environment reversed the impairing effects of chronic restraint stress on spatial recognition memory. However, EE did not change the effects of stress on PPI. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used for materials microprocessing. Due to their ultrashort pulse width and ultrahigh light intensity, the process is generally characterized by the nonthermal diffusion process. We observed various induced microstructures such as refractive-index-changed structures, color center defects, microvoids and microcracks in transparent materials (e.g., glasses after the femtosecond laser irradiation), and discussed the possible applications of the microstructures in the fabrication of various micro optical devices [e.g., optical waveguides, microgratings, microlenses, fiber attenuators, and three-dimensional (3D) optical memory]. In this paper, we review our recent research developments on single femtosecond-laser-induced nanostructures. We introduce the space-selective valence state manipulation of active ions, precipitation and control of metal nanoparticles and light polarization-dependent permanent nanostructures, and discuss the mechanisms and possible applications of the observed phenomena.
Monkeys with lesions of areas 9 and 46 performed three variants of the spatial delayed response (SDR) task. There were no impairments in allocentric spatial memory in which geometrical relationships between environmental cues were used to identify spatial location; thus, memory of a 3D environmental map is intact. In contrast, there were severe impairments in egocentric spatial memory guided by visual or tactile cues that monkeys can relate to their viewing perspective during testing. These results strongly suggest that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex selectively mediates spatial memory tasks that are solved by referencing the location of targets to the body's orientation. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Behavioral stress can either block or facilitate memory and affect the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). However, the relevance of the stress experience-dependent long-term depression (SLTD) to spatial memory task is unknown. Here we have investigated the effects of acute and sub-acute elevated platform (EP) and foot shock (FS) stress on LTD induction in CA1 region of the hippocampus of anesthetized rats and spatial memory in Morris water maze. We found that LTD was facilitated by acute EP stress, but not by sub-acute EP stress that may be due to the fast adaptation of the animals to this naturalistic mild stress. However, FS stress, an inadaptable strong stress, facilitated LTD induction both in acute and sub-acute treatment. In addition, with the same stress protocols, acute EP stress impaired spatial memory but the sub-acute EP stressed animals performed the spatial memory task as well as the controls, may due to the same reason of adaptation. However, acute FS stress slightly impaired learning but sub-acute FS even enhanced memory retrieval. Our results showed that SLTD was disassociated with the effect of stress on memory task but might be related to stress experience-dependent form of aberrant memory. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.
Traumatic events always lead to aversive emotional memory, i.e., fear memory. In contrast, positive events in daily life such as sex experiences seem to reduce aversive memory after aversive events. Thus, we hypothesized that post-traumatic pleasurable ex
使用急性成瘾性药物会影响大脑功能,随着药物使用时间的延长,这种影响更加广泛、持久,并且在药物成断后的很长时间内依然存在.实验表明,急性及短期吗啡给予小鼠和戒断均损伤了其Y迷宫空间识别记忆能力,但这种损伤短暂且可逆.本实验小鼠被连续注射吗啡(40mg/kg·day,i p)或生理盐水21天,利用Y迷宫来检测长期吗啡给予后在戒断第2、9和19天,吗啡对小鼠空间识别记忆的影响.结果表明,连续吗啡给予21天后,在戒断第2、9和19天,小鼠Y迷宫空识别记忆能力均受到损伤,提示长期给予小鼠吗啡会导致其空间识别记忆能力的长期损伤.
In the present study, we examined the effects of exposure to an extremely low-frequency magnetic field of 1 mT intensity on learning and memory in Lohmann brown domestic chicks using detour learning task. These results show that 20 h/day exposure to a low
本研究探讨了新生期的触觉刺激(tactile stimulation,TS)和母婴分离(maternal separation,MS)经历对大鼠成年后空间工作记忆和空间参考记忆的影响,以及对海马-前额叶神经通路的突触可塑性产生的效应。Wistar品系的母鼠分娩后,以split-litter方法对仔鼠进行分组:NTS组的仔鼠不接受触觉刺激和母婴分离;TS组的仔鼠在出生后第2-9天(postnatal day 2-9,PND2-9),或者PND10-17内,每天接受短暂(约30s)的人为抓握,并进行体表标记;TS/MS组的仔鼠在PND2-9,或者PND10-17内,接受TS组相同方式的抓握并在不同体表部位进行标记后,被单独地放入一个杯子中,杯中有取自鼠巢的垫料,每天与母鼠分离1h后返回鼠巢。按照常规方法饲养这些在新生期有不同经历的大鼠,待其成年后(3月龄),采用交互延缓作业(纠正错误法和不纠正错误法)、空间分辨作业及反转学习作业测试雄性大鼠的学习记忆功能,并观察多巴胺D1受体激动剂A77636对不同组成年雄鼠的工作记忆是否产生影响。采用活体电生理方法,高频刺激海马腹侧部在前额叶记录突触效能长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP),对PND2-9有不同经历的成年大鼠(雌雄兼用)的海马-前额叶LTP进行比较。 结果:(1)各组仔鼠间在PND30、PND60和PND90的体重都没有显著性差异,表明本研究中的新生期TS处理和MS处理不影响仔鼠的体重发育。 (2)在交互延缓作业-纠正错误法中,各组成年雄鼠在0s延缓期的达标天数没有显著性差异;0s延缓期达标后,再经过30天的训练,PND2-9TS组和PND10-17TS组的成年雄鼠达到的最长延缓期明显高于NTS组,而且在30s—50s延缓期内达标(正确率≥86.7%)的大鼠数量明显较多(与NTS组相比)。采用交互延缓作业-不纠正错误法,各组成年雄鼠在0s延缓期的训练成绩没有显著性差异,但是,PND2-9TS组和PND10-17TS组的成年雄鼠在40s延缓期的训练正确率明显高于NTS组,表明新生期的TS处理明显改善成年雄性大鼠成年后的空间工作记忆。 (3)各组成年雄鼠在空间分辨作业及反转学习作业中的成绩没有明显差异,表明新生期TS经历对雄鼠成年后空间学习记忆的影响是任务依赖性的:与前额叶有关的空间工作记忆功能比较容易受到新生期TS经历的影响,而空间参考记忆相对不容易受到新生期TS经历的影响。 (4)多巴胺D1受体激动剂A77636只有1个剂量(0.1mg/kg)对NTS组成年雄鼠的交互延缓作业成绩具有明显的改善效应。对PND2-9TS组成年雄鼠的交互延缓作业成绩,A77636的0.1mg/kg和1mg/kg剂量都具有明显改善效应。对PND10-17TS组成年雄鼠的交互延缓作业成绩,A77636的0.01mg/kg、0.1mg/kg和1mg/kg剂量都具有明显改善效应。与NTS组相比,A77636对这2个TS组成年雄性大鼠的有效改善剂量范围较宽,提示新生期TS处理经历对雄性大鼠成年后空间工作记忆的改善效应与其前额叶的多巴胺D1受体功能上调有关。 (5)与NTS组相比,PND2-9TS组雄性和雌性成年大鼠的海马-前额叶神经通路的LTP幅度都明显增加。由于海马-前额叶神经通路在空间工作记忆功能中起重要作用,新生期TS经历增强大鼠成年后的海马-前额叶神经通路的突触可塑性,为新生期TS经历增强大鼠成年后的空间工作记忆提供了电生理学的证据。TS成年大鼠海马-前额叶LTP增强可能与其前额叶的D1受体功能上调有关。 (6)本研究中,TS/MS组的新生期仔鼠在PND2-9或者PND10-17内,除了接受与TS组相同方式的抓握并在不同部位标记外,每天与母鼠分离1h,因此通过不同日龄段的TS/MS组与TS组的比较,拟对新生期MS处理的效应进行评估。结果发现,无论是对成年雄性大鼠的各项行为测试(空间分辨作业、交互延缓作业、A77636影响交互延缓作业的量效曲线),还是对成年雌性大鼠的行为测试(明/暗箱作业、一次性被动回避反应,论文Ⅱ),或者对海马-前额叶神经通路的LTP,新生期的MS处理对本研究中的所有测试指标在统计上都没有显著性的差异,说明新生期每天1h的母婴分离经历对大鼠成年后的学习记忆等行为及前额叶突触可塑性没有产生明显的影响,对前额叶D1受体功能也没有明显影响。 (7)对所有测试指标,本研究采用的2个仔鼠日龄段PND2-9和PND10-17之间的统计比较没有明显差异,提示PND2-9和PND10-17甚至整个泌乳期都是仔鼠神经系统对外界环境刺激比较敏感的发育关键期。 结论:新生期的触觉刺激经历改善雄性大鼠成年后的空间工作记忆,增强海马-前额叶神经通路的突触可塑性和前额叶D1受体功能;新生期短时间的母婴分离经历对大鼠成年后的空间工作记忆和前额叶突触可塑性等没有产生明显的影响,可能具有一定的生物学适应意义。
一、大鼠海马-前额叶回路在学习记忆中的作用 解剖学研究证实大鼠和猴的海马结构(hippocampal formation, HF;本文‘海马 (hippocampus, Hip)’一词即指海马结构)和前额叶 (prefrontal cortex, PFC) 之间存在一条单向、同侧和单突触的神经回路,即海马-前额叶回路(Hip-PFC回路)。Hip和PFC均参与学习记忆等多种认知功能,PFC是工作记忆的关键脑区,而Hip是空间参考记忆的关键脑区。虽然人们已经对PFC和Hip进行了广泛深入的研究,但对Hip-PFC回路参与哪些认知功能还知之甚少。本研究的目的就是通过暂时阻断Hip-PFC回路,探讨其在学习和记忆中的作用。 在大鼠,Hip-PFC回路中的纤维主要从Hip腹部 (ventral hippocampus, VH)发出,投射到PFC的前边缘皮质(prelimbic cortex, PLC)、下边缘皮质 (infralimbic cortex, ILC) 和外侧前额叶 (lateral prefrontal cortex) 等亚区,其中PLC是Hip-PFC主要投射的区域。我们通过给动物安装慢性导管向脑内注射GABAA受体激动剂muscimol (MU) 阻断Hip-PFC回路。注射位点包括 ①双侧PLC,②双侧VH,③一侧VH和对侧PLC (VH-PLC)。我们首先观察了在PLC或VH局部注射MU对自由活动大鼠PLC和VH脑电功率的影响,并以此确定在行为实验中所用蝇蕈醇的剂量。然后采用T-迷宫空间交互延缓作业 (spatial delayed alternation task) 测试Hip-PFC回路被阻断的动物的空间工作记忆功能;采用被动回避作业 (passive avoidance task) 测试其情绪相关记忆的能力(训练前给药;24 h后重测试);采用Morris水迷宫作业 (Morris water maze task) 测试其空间参考记忆的能力(每天训练前给药;训练期(3 d)结束24 h后重测试)。结果表明:在大鼠PLC或VH局部注射0.5 μg/0.25μl MU后30 min显著抑制VH 和PLC的脑电功率 (VH, p < 0.01; PLC, p < 0.05 vs. PBS/baseline)。注射MU (0.5 μg/0.25μl) 到 ①双侧PLC、②双侧VH、③VH-PLC均显著降低动物在空间交互延缓作业 (All p < 0.001, vs. PBS) 和空间Morris水迷宫作业中的成绩 (All p < 0.05, vs. PBS),表明Hip-PFC回路在空间工作记忆(空间短时记忆)和在空间参考记忆(空间长时记忆)中均起重要作用。在空间交互延缓作业中,双侧PLC被抑制的大鼠的成绩显著低于双侧VH或VH-PLC被抑制的动物,说明PFC在空间工作记忆功能中占有主导地位。在被动回避作业中,双侧VH被抑制动物的回避反应的潜伏期显著短于对照动物 (p < 0.05 vs. PBS),说明双侧VH被抑制动物的情绪记忆受损;而双侧PLC或VH-PLC被抑制的动物其回避反应的潜伏期与对照动物无显著差异 (PLC, p > 0.9; VH-PLC, p > 0.3 vs. PBS),表明双侧PLC或VH-PLC被抑制的动物情绪记忆正常。被动回避作业的结果说明VH参与情绪记忆的形成,但Hip-PFC回路在情绪记忆形成中不起重要作用。 以上结果表明,大鼠Hip-PFC回路参与空间工作记忆和空间参考记忆而不是情绪记忆功能。情绪记忆的关键脑结构是杏仁复合体 (amygdala complex, AMC),VH与AMC有密切的纤维联系。VH被抑制的大鼠情绪记忆受损,说明情绪记忆可能与AMC-Hip回路有关。情绪记忆与空间记忆(参考记忆和工作记忆)在解剖上的分离说明,对于不同类型的记忆来说,其在脑内的信息加工过程是并行的。神经回路内部的信息加工过程则是串行的,回路上任何一个结构的破坏均可导致回路功能的损伤。本研究的结果为学习记忆的“多重记忆系统”理论和记忆信息加工的串行并行机制提供了新的实验证据。 二、芬克罗酮改善成年恒河猴空间工作记忆的谷氨酸机制 芬克罗酮是中科院昆明植物所郝小江等合成的取代吡咯烷酮类化合物。中科院昆明动物所蔡景霞等发现芬克罗酮能改善东莨菪碱、育亨宾等导致的多种动物的不同类型的学习记忆障碍,提高老年动物的学习记忆能力,尤其是老年猴的空间工作记忆。已证实芬克罗酮为部分钙激动剂,可使脑缺血沙土鼠脑内升高的谷氨酸降低,而使正常的沙土鼠海马胞外谷氨酸释放增加。那么芬克罗酮能否提高正常动物的学习记忆,其对正常动物学习记忆的提高是否与其增加谷氨酸的释放有关?本研究采用空间延缓反应作业和谷氨酸NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801在正常成年猴恒河猴上探讨了以上问题。 结果表明,口服芬克罗酮可显著提高成年猴的空间工作记忆,其量效曲线呈倒‘U’形,符合许多促智药的量效特点。0.25 mg/kg和0.5 mg/kg为芬克罗酮的最佳有效剂量 (p < 0.05 vs. 安慰剂)。肌注MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) 显著降低成年猴的空间工作记忆 (p < 0.01 vs. 安慰剂),而口服2.0 mg/kg和4.0 mg/kg的芬克罗酮则显著改善MK-801导致的工作记忆障碍 (p < 0.05 vs. MK-801)。芬克罗酮的所有测试剂量不影响猴在作业中的反应时 (p > 0.05 vs. 安慰剂),表明芬克罗酮在该剂量范围不影响动物的运动能力。 本研究结果提示,芬克罗酮可能通钙激动作用促进谷氨酸的释放,在一定剂量范围内提高胞外谷氨酸水平,提高正常动物的空间工作记忆等认知功能。 关键词:芬克罗酮,恒河猴,空间工作记忆,空间延缓反应作业,谷氨酸,MK-801
针对由多台机器人及多种辅助设备组成的冲压自动生产线编程量大、运动协调关系复杂、联锁信号多的特点 ,介绍一种离线规划与在线示教相结合的冲压机器人示教编程方法 ,对冲压机器人进行运动轨迹、作业内容等方面的示教 ,降低了示教内容的复杂性 ,节省了在线示教所占用的现场调试和生产时间。