34 resultados para Lagrange multipliers
A new high-order finite volume method based on local reconstruction is presented in this paper. The method, so-called the multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method, uses the point values defined within single cell at equally spaced points as the model variables (or unknowns). The time evolution equations used to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constraint conditions imposed on multi kinds of moments, i.e. the cell-averaged value and the point-wise value of the state variable and its derivatives. The finite volume constraint on the cell-average guarantees the numerical conservativeness of the method. Most constraint conditions are imposed on the cell boundaries, where the numerical flux and its derivatives are solved as general Riemann problems. A multi-moment constrained Lagrange interpolation reconstruction for the demanded order of accuracy is constructed over single cell and converts the evolution equations of the moments to those of the unknowns. The presented method provides a general framework to construct efficient schemes of high orders. The basic formulations for hyperbolic conservation laws in 1- and 2D structured grids are detailed with the numerical results of widely used benchmark tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this report, we start from Lagrange equation and analyze theoretically the electron dynamics in electromagnetic field. By solving the relativistic government equations of electron, the trajectories of an electron in plane laser pulse, focused laser pulse have been given for different initial conditions. The electron trajectory is determined by its initial momentum, the amplitude, spot size and polarization of the laser pulse. The optimum initial momentum of the electron for LSS (laser synchrotron source) is obtained. Linear polarized laser is more advantaged than circular polarized laser for generating harmonic radiation.
This paper describes a two-step packing algorithm for LUT clusters of which the LUT input multipliers are depopulated. In the first step, a greedy algorithm is used to search for BLE locations and cluster inputs. If the greedy algorithm fails, the second step with network flow programming algorithm is employed. Numerical results illustrate that our two-step packing algorithm obtains better packing density than one-step greedy packing algorithm.
We give a generalized Lagrangian density of 1 + 1 Dimensional O( 3) nonlinear sigma model with subsidiary constraints, different Lagrange multiplier fields and topological term, find a lost intrinsic constraint condition, convert the subsidiary constraints into inner constraints in the nonlinear sigma model, give the example of not introducing the lost constraint. N = 0, by comparing the example with the case of introducing the lost constraint, we obtain that when not introducing the lost constraint, one has to obtain a lot of various non-intrinsic constraints. We further deduce the gauge generator, give general BRST transformation of the model under the general conditions. It is discovered that there exists a gauge parameter beta originating from the freedom degree of BRST transformation in a general O( 3) nonlinear sigma model, and we gain the general commutation relations of ghost field.
In terms of the quantitative causal principle, this paper obtains a general variational principle, gives unified expressions of the general, Hamilton, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles of integral style, the invariant quantities of the general, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles are given, finally the Noether conservation charges of the general, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles axe deduced, and the intrinsic relations among the invariant quantities and the Noether conservation charges of all the integral variational principles axe achieved.
Molecular dynamics simulations are adopted to calculate the equation of state characteristic parameters P*, rho*, and T* of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and poly(ethylene-co-octene) (PEOC), which can be further used in the Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT) to describe the respective physical properties. The calculated T* is a function of the temperature, which was also found in the literature. To solve this problem, we propose a Boltzmann fitting of the data and obtain T* at the high-temperature limit. With these characteristic parameters, the pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) data of iPP and PEOC are predicted by the SLLFT equation of state. To justify the correctness of our results, we also obtain the PVT data for iPP and PEOC by experiments. Good agreement is found between the two sets of data. By integrating the Euler-Lagrange equation and the Cahn-Hilliard relation, we predict the density profiles and the surface tensions for iPP and PEOC, respectively. Furthermore, a recursive method is proposed to obtain the characteristic interaction energy parameter between iPP and PEOC. This method, which does not require fitting to the experimental phase equilibrium data, suggests an alternative way to predict the phase diagrams that are not easily obtained in experiments.
利用二维正压Princeton(POM)海洋模式模拟美国东海岸由表面风场产生的低频非潮汐水位变化特征。模式采用曲线正交网格,表面风场使用每3小时时间间隔、空间分辩率为48公里的EDAS(ETA Data Assimilation System)分析风场。沿岸潮汐观测资料(美国国家水位观测网)用来检验模式模拟结果以评估模拟结果的精度,这些观测资料也被用于动力同化模式中。在美国东海岸,表面风场是产生和引起低频水位及其变化的最重要的动力机制。观测资料的分析结果表明,非潮汐水位的最大振幅可达1以上,其对表面风场的响应大约滞后6~12小时左右。与观测资料相比,模式计算值的均方误差大约为8~12厘米,与观测资料之间的相关系统为0.54~0.91。为了获得更精确的模拟水位,提高实时水位预报系统的精度,本论文用伴随最优方法将尚岸水位观测资料同化到海洋动力模式中。建立一套实时水位预报同化系统。在该同化系统中,二维线性POM模式用作海洋基本模式(向前积分模式)。其伴随模式是通过拉格朗日(Lagrange)方法由离散的基本模式方程获得。观测水位与模拟水位之间的差被定义为价格函数。由于表面风场对美国东海岸低频水位的产生及其变化起着最重要的作用,表面风场的误差及风应力系统的误差都将引起模拟水位的误差。因此,在最优同化系统中,将表面风应力系统定义为控制变量。通过调整风应力系数改变风应力场,使模式计算的水位最好地接近观测值。有限记忆的准牛顿方法用于求解所形成的最优化问题。一致性“孪生”试验(假设的“观测数据”由模式本身产生,因此,控制变量的真实解是已知的)用来检验同化系统的正确性、有效性及收敛性。“孪生”试验结果表明该同化系统所求得的控制变量的解精确地收敛于真实解。在实测水位资料的同化试验中,设计了三种不同情况的试验,其对应的控制变量的个数分别为1,8,16。同化后模式结果表明,即使仅用一个控制变量,模式计算的水位比没有用同化技术的模式结果好,用16个控制变量的同化模式获得最好的结果,对这种情况,观测水位与同化模式的计算结果之间的相关系数在所有观测站均大于0.93,其计算结果的均方误差均小于5.3厘米。因此说同化模式的结果得到了很大的改进。实时水位预报结果表明,对于没有应用同化技术的预报系统,其预报水位均方误差在8.8~12厘米。同化技术对低频非潮汐水位预报结果的改进主要发生在前6小时。使预报的非潮汐水位的预报均方误差减少3厘米。
变分数据同化中的伴随法可实现数值模型与观测数据的拟合。随着物理海洋数值计算和数值预报业务的不断发展,其具有广阔的应用前景。本文主要研究关于伴随数据同化的有关理论及其在物理海洋数值模型中的应用。本文介绍了变分伴随数据同化的基本原理,从模型方程的连续和离散形式出发讨论采用两种不同的方法推导伴随方程,一是拉格朗日乘子(Lagrange multiplier)法;二是基于泛函的Gateaux微分概念的方法,这里简称Gateaux微分法。文中讨论了导出离散伴随模型方程和目标函数梯度的两种不同途径,其中一种途径是由连续的正模型得到连续的伴随模型及连续的目标函数梯度表达式,然后再对伴随模型和目标函数梯度进行差分离散(简称“伴随的差分”);另外一种途径是由离散的正模型直接导出离散的伴随模型及梯度表达式(简称“差分的伴随”)。目前尽管人们比较一致的看法是应该采用后一种途径,即建立伴随模型系统应该采用“差分的伴随”,但对由这两种途径建立的伴随系统的相互关系,人们探讨的并不多。本文利用了简单的模型对该问题进行了研究。另外,对有关初始猜测和伴随优化系统的多解性问题进行了探讨。本文着重研究并实现了利用伴随法优化非线性潮汐模型的开边界条件。其中采用的二维非线性浅水模型既考虑非线性底磨擦和侧向粘性涡动混合,又包括非线性平流项;离散伴随模型的建立是基于ADI格式(不受CFL条件限制),改善了变分伴随数据同化过程中计算量和计算存储问题,使之减小若干倍(约5~7倍),从而使得模式适于业务化的需求,具有实用价值;同化过程中使用的观测数据既包括常规验潮站水位观测资料,又包括TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高数据。实测数据同化数值试验表明,开边界条件的最优控制对数值计算结果有一定程度的改进。本文还探讨了将伴随法应用于海表面温度(SST)的数值预报中。其中采用的SST数值预报模型是基于国家“七五”期间科技攻关项目《中国近海海表面温度短期数值预报模式》。文中利用船舶报SST观测数据进行伴随数据同化试验,以优化初始场,其结果是比较满意的,表明变分数据同化对改进SST数值预报的效果是比较明显的,将伴随法引入中国海域SST数值预报业务化中是可行的。本文最后讨论了伴随数据同化中尚待深入研究的问题,着重指出了在物理海洋学领域开展二阶伴随模式应用研究的内容和必要性。