52 resultados para LACTIC ACID
Automatic recording of the frequency of feeding 'bites' was used to evaluate the effects of several organic acids (citric, metacectonic, lactic, acetic, and oxalic) on the stimulatory feeding behavior of Tilapia nilotica . Some of these acids are added to food stocks to retard spoilage. The results showed that citric acid at a concentration of 10(-2) to 10(-6) m, metacetonic acid at 10(-4) to 10(-6) m, and lactic acid at 10(-2) to 10(-5) m stimulated feeding. Fish tended to avoid metacetonic acid at 10(-3) m and acetic acid at 10(-3) m. Acetic acid at 10(-5) m and oxalic acid at 10(-6) m had no significant effects on fish feeding.
乳酸类聚合物具有广泛的生物学和医学应用潜力,但是乳酸类聚酯主链缺少活性位点限制了其应用的范围。用聚乙二醇与聚乳酸共聚进行改性,可以提高担载水溶性药物的效率和控释能力;氨基酸改性再偶联生物分子可以实现乳酸类聚合物的生物功能化和生物智能化的应用。本论文以功能化乳酸类聚合物为研究对象,按照聚乳酸生物功能由低级到高级的顺序分别考察了乳酸类聚合物作为载药纤维、表面活性材料、蛋白质固载和纯化材料、以及靶向药物载体等在一些生物领域的应用,并获得结果如下:1) 聚乙二醇改性的聚乳酸嵌段共聚物纺丝担载阿霉素,具有体内和体外的长效缓释作用;2)以biotin/PLL—PLA—PEG制备的高分子涂层,具有良好的特异性固载生物分子;3)将biotin/PLL—PLA—PEG与PLGA共混制备生物活性纤维,则特异性的固载蛋白质;4)用聚半胱氨酸改性聚乳酸合成PCys—PLA,再和PLGA共混制备纤维,再表面偶联还原型谷胱甘肽,则可以捕获谷胱甘肽转移酶;5)将folate/PLL—PLA—PEG制备成胶束,则具备了叶酸受体介导的生物智能化靶向送药的功能,尤其是在动物肿瘤模型的试验中表现了良好的叶酸受体靶向性。
本文通过对高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾(Scutiger boulengeri)蝌蚪在实验室特定低温条件下的冷适应微空间行为分布的动态变化分析、温度耐受性实验及在不同适应温度的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的酶量与活性比较分析, 探讨了高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的部分冷适应策略。 西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪在不同温度的行为分布是一连续、动态过程,需用多种检验方法综合利用才能进行判断;在15℃, 除低海拔分布的西藏齿突蟾种群外所有实验物种蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在10℃, 高海拔两栖类蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在5℃、0℃低温时,高海拔两栖类不同分组的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布均呈现明显差异, 这可能与高海拔两栖类蝌蚪在低温条件下通过不断地改变其行为分布方式来避免自身被冻伤有关。野外观察表明:高海拔两栖类蝌蚪常选择与流动河水相连的静水水体这种微生境中生存, 蝌蚪应对环境温度极端变化会不断改变其行为分布方式来选择最佳生存温度以避免极端高、低温对自身身体的伤害, 这种对微生境的利用能力对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪耐受极端环境温度的变化极其重要。 两栖类蝌蚪的温度耐受性实验表明不同的驯化温度可以改变西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪、两栖类仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度,并具有显著影响。 随着驯化温度5℃、10℃逐渐升高, 其最适温度、逃避温度也在一定范围内升高,但驯化温度对低海拔的仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度的改变效应大于高海拔的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的改变效应, 仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对温度的耐受范围、最适温度和逃避温度的ARRS值都大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪, 这说明仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对环境温度变化的适应能力大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪。 高海拔地区不同分组的两栖类蝌蚪, 在0℃适应温度时, LDH5条带的酶相对含量最高,而在5℃、10℃、15℃适应温度时,LDH5条带的酶相对含量明显都降低, 这表明酵解作用是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的一些组织在低温﹑缺氧环境中的重要供能方式。高海拔两栖类蝌蚪同一分组的LDH总酶活性总是表现为10℃适应温度的总酶活性最高,而对低海拔的两栖类蝌蚪则是0℃适应温度的总酶活性最高, 这说明高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在10℃时最高, 而低海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在0℃时最高。同时发现在15℃适应温度组的高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH电泳图谱都有第6条带,有可能由LDH - C亚基组成, 对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH - C亚基只在15℃适应温度下才表达的机理还有待进一步的研究。 高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪通过行为分布方式的改变来选择最佳的生存温度, 这种温度选择过程与野外特定的微生境的存在密切相关, 现在由于人类对河道的不合理利用正在导致高海拔两栖类蝌蚪赖以生存的这种微生境逐渐消失, 这种微生境的消失将加速高海拔的两栖类种群数量衰退的进程。高海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪在低温(0℃)上表现出的同工酶多谱带说明,其A、B两亚基都有所表达,及其参与代谢的方式也是正常的,而低海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪只有A亚基表达的LDH5存在,因此其主要参与酵解过程,这种通过动物自身生理代谢方式的改变来适应极端环境温度条件的变化是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪能适应低温环境的重要策略。但高海拔物种的适应温度变化范围显著小于低海拔物种,对环境温度的变化适应能力有限,特别是对高温区域,因此全球气候变化可能对高海拔物种影响更为显著。 The partly cold-adaptation stratagem of the high altitude amphibian tadpole were researched in the laboratory by analyzing the high altitude amphibian tadpole of Scutiger boulengeri mainly on endpoints related to the dynamic variation of the micro-spatial behavior distribution patterns, the experiment of the temperature tolerance, and the enzyme content and activity of the lactic acid dehydrogenase(LDH) isozyme in special temperature condition. The behavior distribution of the Scutiger boulengeri tadpole is continuous and variable, but it can be figured out by multple testing ways. At 15℃, all of the experiment amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution except for the low altitude Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles. At 10℃, all of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution. At lower temperature, 5℃ and 0℃, the high altitude amphibian tadpoles of the Scutiger boulengeri at different groups behavior distribution fit for or don’t fit for behavior distribution respectively. It is denoted that the high altitude amphibian tadpoles probably avoid frostbiting by varying the behavior distribution patterns at low temperature condition. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles often actively select the special microhabitat which has the connected still water body and the flowing water body in the wild. It is important that tadpoles can endure the extreme temperature variety in this kind of microhabitat, because tadpoles can be better survival through select temperature condition through migrating in these kinds of microhabitats by varying their own behavior distribution patterns. Different acclimation temperature causes the significant change of preferred temperature(PT)、 avoiding temperature(AT) both in high altitude amphibian Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles and in low altitude amphibian Rana daunchina tadpoles in the temperature endurance experiment. With the acclimation temperature growing from 5℃ to 10℃. the PT and the AT of them would be uprise to some extent, but the effect of acclimation temperature on the PT and the AT of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina is more significant than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri, at the same, the effects on the temperature endurance range, the ARRs of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina would be stronger than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. It is implied that the adaptation ability of tadpoles of Rana daunchina to the surroundings temperature alternation preferred to tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. At 0℃ acclimation temperature, the LDH5 enzyme comparative content of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles at different groups was highest, but it becomes lower at 5℃、10℃、15℃ acclimation temperature. It indicated that the alcoholysis role was the important ways of applying energy for special tissue of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in low-temperature and low-oxygen condition. The total enzyme activity of the LDH of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in the same group always keeps the highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. It was denoted that the gene activity of LDH -A and LDH – B submit was highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. Meanwhile, the LDH electrophoretogram of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles always composed of 6 stripes at 15℃ acclimation temperature,the extra stripe probably was composed by LDH-C submit。It is unknown why LDH-C expresses only under high temperature。. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles can select the most optimal temperature by changing their behavior distribution patterns ceaselessly, but this course of selecting the most suitable temperature correlated with the special microhabitat in the wild closely. Nowadays, this kind of microhabitat which the high altitude amphibian tadpoles rely on are lossing gradually for human being exploit the riverway unreasonably. The disappearing of the microhabitat would accelerate the decline of the high altitude amphibian population. Compare to one band of LDH5, which only composed by the LDH-A submit, presents in the low altitude amphibian at 0℃, the five bands which composed by the LDH-A and LDH-B are checked out, this means the species which occurred in the highland is more adaptable to the low temperature. It is an important stratagem for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles adapt to the limited low temperature depends on the animal energy metabolism change.However, this kind of adaption is restricted, the adaption range to the temperature is much norrow in the high altitude amphibian than in the low one, especially for the high temperature side. The global climate change will be more serious for the high altitude species.
Electrostatic assembly of one species can be realized using gelatin as a polyampholyte. Under suitable conditions where the electrostatic attraction and repulsion were both significant and in balance, linear growth of multilayers driven by electrostatic interactions was sustained over many successive assembly steps, and the maximum amount of adsorption of each layer was reached when the solution pH was around the isoelectric point. The rearrangement of the adsorbed chains after drying was confirmed by contact angle analysis. In addition with only one species involved, the assembled thin films should be chemically uniform rather than layered.
Novel bioactive glass (13G) nanoparticles/poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) composites were prepared as promising bone-repairing materials. The BG nanoparticles (Si:P:Ca = 29:13:58 weight ratio) of about 40 run diameter were prepared via the sol-gel method. In order to improve the phase compatibility between the polymer and the inorganic phase, PLLA (M-n = 9700 Da) was linked to the surface of the BG particles by diisocyanate. The grafting ratio of PLLA was in the vicinity of 20 wt.%. The grafting modification could improve the tensile strength, tensile modulus and impact energy of the composites by increasing the phase compatibility.
The release behavior of a water-soluble small molecule drug from the drug-loaded nanofibers prepared by emulsion-electrospinning was investigated. Doxorubicin hydrochloride (Dox), a water-soluble anticancer agent, was used as the model drug. The laser scanning confocal microscopic images indicated that the drug was well incorporated into amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(L-lactic acid) (PEG-PLA) diblock copolymer nanofibers, forming "core-sheath" structured drug-loaded nanofibers.
This article deals with (1) synthesis of novel cyclic carbonate monomer (2-oxo [1,3]dioxan-5-yl)carbamic acid benzyl ester (CAB) containing protected amino groups; (2) ring-opening copolymerization of the cyclic monomer with L-lactide (LA) to provide novel degradable poly(ester-carbonate)s with functional groups; (3) removal of the protective benzyloxycarbonyl (Cbz) groups by catalytic hydrogenation to afford the corresponding poly(ester-co-carbonate)s with free amino groups; (4) grafting of oligopeptide Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Tyr (GRGDSY, abbreviated as RGD) onto the copolymer pendant amino groups in the presence of 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole (CDI).
The extraction behavior of thorium(IV) sulfate by primary amine N1923 in imidazolium-based ionic liquid (IL) namely 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C(8)mim]PF6) was systematically studied in this paper. Results showed that the extraction behavior was quite different from that using conventional solvent as diluent. A reversed micellar solubilization extraction mechanism was proposed for the extraction of thorium(IV) by N1923/[C(8)mim]PF6 via slope analysis method and polarized optical microscopy (POM)/transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation. The salt-out agent, Na2SO4, was demonstrated to prompt this extraction mechanism.
A series of aluminum ethyls and isopropoxides based on a bis(pyrrolidene) Schiff base ligand framework has been prepared and characterized. NMR studies of the dissolved complexes indicate that they adopt a symmetric structure with a monomeric, five-coordinated aluminum center core. The aluminum ethyls used as catalysts in the presence of 2-propanol as initiator and the aluminum isopropoxides were applied for lactide polymerization in toluene to test their activities and stereoselectivities. All polymerizations are living, as evidenced by the narrow polydispersities and the good fit between calculated and found number-average molecular weights of the isolated polymers. All of these aluminum complexes polymerized (S,S)-lactide to highly isotactic PLA without epimerization of the monomer, furnished isotactic-biased polymer from rac-lactide, and gave atactic polymer from meso-lactide.
Poly(L-lactide) (PLA)/silica (SiO2) nanocomposites containing 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 Wt % SiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by melt compounding in a Haake mixer. The phase morphology, thermomechanical properties, and optical transparency were investigated and compared to those of neat PLA. Scanning electron microscopy results show that the SiO2 nanoparticles were uniformly distributed in the PLA matrix for filler contents below 5 wt %, whereas some aggregates were detected with further increasing filler concentration. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis revealed that the addition Of SiO2 nanoparticles not only remarkably accelerated the crystallization speed but also largely improved the crystallinity of PLA. An initial increase followed by a decrease with higher filler loadings for the storage modulus and glass-transition temperature were observed according to dynamic mechanical analysis results. Hydrogen bonding interaction involving C=O of PLA with Si-OH Of SiO2 was evidenced by Fourier transform infrared analysis for the first time.
A functionalized. cyclic carbonate monomer containing a cinnamate moiety, 5-methyl-5-cinnamoyloxymethyl-1,3-dioxan-2-one (MC), was prepared for the first time with 1,1,1-tri(hydroxymethyl) ethane as a starting material. Subsequent polymerization of the new cyclic carbonate and its copolymerization with L-lactide (LA) were successfully performed with diethyl zinc (ZnEt2) as initiator/catalyst. NMR was used for microstructure identification of the obtained monomer and copolymers. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the functionalized poly(ester-carbonate). The results indicated that the copolymers displayed a single glass transition temperature (T-g) and the T, decreased with increasing carbonate content and followed the Fox equation, indicative of a random microstructure of the copolymer. The photo-crosslinking of the cinnamate-carrying copolymer was also demonstrated.
The hydrogen bonding and crystallization of a biodegradable poly(ester urethane) copolymer based on poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) as the soft segment were investigated by FTIR. On slow cooling from melt, the onset and the progress of the crystallization of the urethane hard segments were correlated to the position, width, and relative intensity of the hydrogen-bonded N-H stretching band. The interconversion between the "free" and hydrogen-bonded N-H and C=O groups in the urethane units in the process was also revealed by 2D correlation analysis of the FTIR data. The crystallization of the PLLA soft segments was monitored by the ester C=O stretching and the skeletal vibrations. It was revealed that the PLLA crystallization was restricted by the phase separation and the urethane crystallization, and at cooling rates of 10 degrees C/min or higher, the crystallization of the PLLA soft segments was prohibited.
Finding a Suitable plasticizer for polylactide (PLA) is necessary to overcome its brittleness and enlarge its range of applications. In this study, commercial PLA was melt-blended with a new plasticizer, an ethylene glycol/propylene glycol random copolymer [poly(ethylene glycol-co-propylene glycol) (PEPG)] with a typical number-average molecular weight of 1.2 kDa and an ethylene glycol content of 78.7 mol %. The thermal properties, crystallization behavior, and mechanical properties of the quenched blends and the properties of the blends after storage for 2 months under the ambient conditions were investigated in detail. The advantage of using PEPG is that it does not crystallize at room temperature and has good compatibility with PLA. The quenched PLA/PEPG blends were homogeneous and amorphous systems. With an increase in the PEPG content (5-20%), the glass-transition temperature, tensile strength, and modulus of the blends decreased, whereas the elongation at break and crystallizability increased dramatically. The cold crystallization of PLA resulted in phase separation of the PLA/PEPG blends by annealing of the blends at the crystallization temperature.
The copolymer poly(L-lactic acid)-b-poly(L-cysteine) (PLA-b-PCys) was co-electrospun with PLGA into ultrafine fibers. The reduced glutathione (GSH) was conjugated to the fiber surfaces via disulfide bonds. The glutathione S-transferase (GST) was captured onto the GSH fibers via specific substrate-enzyme interaction between the bound GSH and GST. The captured GST was eluted with free GSH aqueous solution and lyophilized to get pure GST powders. The results show that the GSH moieties on the fiber surface retain the bioactivity of the free GSH and thus they can bind specifically with GST and the GST in solution is captured onto the fiber surface. In addition, the bound GSH is not as active as free GSH so that the captured GST can be eluted off from the fiber by free GSH aqueous solution. Based on this principle, GST itself or its fused proteins can be separated and purified very easily. The preliminary purification efficiency is 6.5 mg center dot(g(PCys))(-1). Further improvements are undertaken.
Alkane elimination reactions of amino-amino-bis(phenols) H2L1-4, Salan H2L5, and methoxy-beta-diimines HL6,7 with lanthanide tris(alkyl) s, Ln(CH2SiMe3)(3)(THF)(2) (Ln = Y, Lu), respectively, afforded a series of lanthanide alkyl complexes 1-8 with the release of tetramethylsilane. Complexes 1-6 are THF-solvated mono( alkyl) s stabilized by O, N, N, O-tetradentate ligands. Complexes 1-3 and 5 adopt twisted octahedral geometry, whereas 4 contains a tetragonal bipyramidal core. Bearing a monoanionic moiety L-6 (L-7), complex 7 ( 8) is a THF-free bis(alkyl). In complex 7, the O, N, N-tridentate ligand combined with two alkyl species forms a tetrahedral coordination core. Complexes 1, 2, and 3 displayed modest activity but high stereoselectivity for the polymerization of rac-lactide to give heterotactic polylactide with the racemic enchainment of monomer units P-r ranging from 0.95 to 0.99, the highest value reached to date. Complex 5 exhibited almost the same level of activity albeit with relatively low selectivity. In contrast, dramatic decreases in activity and stereoselectivity were found for complex 4. The Salan yttrium alkyl complex 6 was active but nonselective. Bis(alkyl) complexes 7 and 8 were more active than 1-3 toward polymerization of rac-LA, however, to afford atactic polylactides due to di-active sites. The ligand framework, especially the "bridge" between the two nitrogen atoms, played a significant role in governing the selectivity of the corresponding complexes via changing the geometry of the metal center.