78 resultados para Eutrophication.
Algal blooms, worsening marine ecosystems and causing great economic loss, have been paid much attention to for a long time. Such environmental factors as light penetration, water temperature, and nutrient concentration are crucial in blooms processes. Among them, only nutrients can be controlled. Therefore, the threshold of nutrients for algal blooms is of great concern. To begin with, a dynamic eutrophication model has been constructed to simulate the algal growth and phosphorus cycling. The model encapsulates the essential biological processes of algal growth and decay, and phosphorus regeneration due to algal decay. The nutrient limitation is based upon commonly used Monod's kinetics. The effects of temperature and phosphorus limitation are particularly addressed. Then, we have endeavored to elucidate the threshold of phosphorus at different temperature for algal blooms. Based on the numerical simulation, the isoquant contours of change rate of alga as shown in the figure are obtained, which obviously demonstrate the threshold of nutrient at an arbitrary reasonable temperature. The larger the change rate is, the more rapidly the alga grows. If the phosphorus concentration at a given temperature remains larger than the threshold the algal biomass may increase monotonically, leading to the algal blooming. With the rising of temperature, the threshold is apparently reduced, which may explain why likely red tide disasters occur in a fine summer day. So, high temperature and sufficient phosphorus supply are the major factors which result in algal growth and blowout of red tide.
为了进一步降低水中营养盐浓度、提高水体透明度,为湖泊生态系统的恢复创造条件,促进湖泊水体生态系统良性循环,以太湖五里湖富营养化水体为研究对象,采用中试规模的人工湿地技术来强化净化富营养化水体。重点研究了不同流态、不同基质、不同植物及植物有无条件下各人工湿地系统对富营养化水体的处理效果。此外,还对生长在人工湿地中的7种湿地植物芦苇(Phragmites communis)、香蒲(Typha angustifolia)、茭白(Zizania caduciflora)、水葱(Scirpus validus.)、菖蒲(Acorus calamus)、鸢尾(Iris pseudacorus)和千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)的生长、生理生态特性如气体交换、叶绿素荧光、光合色素含量及氮、磷吸收能力进行了研究,旨在探索高等植物在富营养化水体净化过程中的机理和规律,为人工湿地污水净化机理奠定一定的科学和理论基础。主要研究结果如下: 通过对垂直潜流、水平潜流和自由表面流三种类型的人工湿地系统对富营养化水体净化效果的对比研究,我们发现在水力负荷0.64 m d-1,进水污染物浓度化学需氧量(COD) 7.37 mg L-1、氨氮(NH4+-N) 1.63 mg L-1、硝氮(NO3--N )1.41 mg L-1、总氮(TN) 4.82 mg L-1和总磷(TP) 0.15 mg L-1的条件下,三种不同流态的人工湿地对富营养化水体均有一定的净化功能。三种类型的人工湿地对主要污染物COD、NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP的去除效果分别为:垂直潜流40.4%、45.9%、62.9%、51.6%和64.3%;水平潜流39.6%、32.0%、65.3%、52.1%和65.7%;自由表面流16.5%、22.8%、34.2%、19.8%和35.1%。相比之下,垂直潜流、水平潜流对主要的污染物的去除效果明显好于自由表面流人工湿地。除垂直潜流湿地NH4+-N的平均去除率显著大于水平潜流外,两人工湿地在其余指标的去除效果上无显著差异。考虑到土地面积的限制,就太湖五里湖富营养化水体治理而言,垂直潜流和水平潜流较自由表面流更为适合。 以沸石为基质的人工湿地较以砾石为基质的人工湿地对NH4+-N有很好的去除效果,除此之外两种基质类型的人工湿地在其余各污染指标的去除效果方面差异不显著。但随着湿地运行时间的延长,沸石对NH4+-N的吸收能力会逐渐减弱,考虑到湿地构建成本,建议就地取材,以当地较为廉价的砾石为人工湿地基质比较经济适用。 有无植物对有机污染物COD的去除效果影响差异不显著,但对TN和TP去除效果影响差异极显著,有植物的人工湿地对TN的去除率比无植物的分别高出12.5%和13.4%,对TP去除率分别高出16.9%和31.0%。不同植物对人工湿地处理效果的影响差异不显著,可见湿地流态对处理效果的影响大于植物的影响。 各湿地植物叶片的净光合速率(Pn)日变化均为双峰曲线,有光合“午休”现象。其中芦苇、茭白、鸢尾、菖蒲、水葱和千屈菜Pn的下降主要是由气孔导度(gs)的下降造成的,而香蒲则更多的受叶肉光合能力下降的影响。除千屈菜的Pn与gs之间呈显著正相关外,其余植物的Pn与gs之间均呈极显著正相关。气孔行为对湿地植物光合作用碳的固定显示了明显的主导控制作用。 各湿地植物的光补偿点(LCP)差异不显著,其均值都在10µmol m-2 s-1以上,显示了阳生植物的特性。但湿地植物的光饱和点 (LSP)差异极显著,LSP大小依次为香蒲1476.3µmol m-2 s-1>水葱1140.0µmol m-2 s-1>菖蒲753.7µmol m-2 s-1>芦苇751.7µmol m-2 s-1>茭白640.7µmol m-2 s-1>千屈菜567.3µmol m-2 s-1>鸢尾479.0µmol m-2 s-1。7种湿地植物的CO2补偿点差异极显著,CO2补偿点大小依次为水葱47.1µmol mol-1>茭白28.4µmol mol-1>香蒲23.7µmol mol-1>鸢尾16.8µmol mol-1>菖蒲16.7µmol mol-1>千屈菜15.2µmol mol-1>芦苇14.8µmol mol-1。与此相反,湿地植物的CO2饱和点差异不显著。 各湿地植物的Fv/Fm值大小差异也极显著,Fv/Fm值大小依次为千屈菜0.8168>水葱0.8348>香蒲0.8262>菖蒲0.8198>芦苇0.8168>茭白0.8040>鸢尾0.7930。由此可见千屈菜、水葱较芦苇和茭白有较高的PSⅡ效率。7种湿地植物叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量水平差异极显著,芦苇和茭白叶片的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量水平都较高,这在客观上解释了他们为何拥有较强的光合能力。 不同湿地植物的生物量大小差异极显著,平均生物量(干重)变化范围在0.26-6.65 kg m-2之间。除香蒲和水葱的地下部生物量显著大于地上部外,其余植物都是地上部生物量大于地下部,这非常有利于人工湿地生态工程中通过收获植物地上部生物量来达到去除氮、磷污染目的。 不同湿地植物植株氮、磷含量差异极显著。湿地植物对氮吸收总量变化范围为6.09-93.96 g m-2,吸收氮最高是芦苇,最低是菖蒲;对磷吸收总量变化范围为0.51-8.95 g m-2,吸收磷最高是香蒲,最低是菖蒲。经测算,植物吸收的总氮量占人工湿地总氮去除量的0.6-17.1%,总磷量占人工湿地总磷去除量的1.4-40.5%。本次试验中香蒲和芦苇对氮、磷的吸收去除能力比较高,茭白、鸢尾、水葱和千屈菜的吸收去除能力中等,而菖蒲的吸收能力较弱。
Algal bloom phenomenon was defined as "the rapid growth of one or more phytoplankton species which leads to a rapid increase in the biomass of phytoplankton", yet most estimates of temporal coherence are based on yearly or monthly sampling frequencies and little is known of how synchrony varies among phytoplankton or of the causes of temporal coherence during spring algal bloom. In this study, data of chlorophyll a and related environmental parameters were weekly gathered at 15 sampling sites in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir (TGR, China) to evaluate patterns of temporal coherence for phytoplankton during spring bloom and test if spatial heterogeneity of nutrient and inorganic suspended particles within a single ecosystem influences synchrony of spring phytoplankton dynamics. There is a clear spatial and temporal variation in chlorophyll a across Xiangxi Bay. The degree of temporal coherence for chlorophyll a between pairs of sites located in Xiangxi Bay ranged from -0.367 to 0.952 with mean and median values of 0.349 and 0.321, respectively. Low levels of temporal coherence were often detected among the three stretches of the bay (Down reach, middle reach and upper reach), while high levels of temporal coherence were often found within the same reach of the bay. The relative difference of DIN between pair sites was the strong predictor of temporal coherence for chlorophyll a in down and middle reach of the bay, while the relative difference in Anorganic Suspended Solids was the important factor regulating temporal coherence in middle and upper reach. Contrary to many studies, these results illustrate that, in a small geographic area (a single reservoir bay of approximately 25 km), spatial heterogeneity influence synchrony of phytoplankton dynamics during spring bloom and local processes may override the effects of regional processes or dispersal.
Fish introduction, eutrophication and disappearance of aquatic vegetation are important disturbances of aquatic ecosystems, especially in plateau lakes, which are generally considered to be very vulnerable. Fish were introduced to Lake Dianchi, a eutrophic plateau lake in southwest China, in the late 1950s and 1970s. After the introduction, invasive fish became the dominant species, and the total fish yield increased. Meanwhile, the trophic level of Lake Dianchi had a tendency to increase in the past decades because of the increases in human activities in the watershed area. In addition, the area of aquatic vegetation decreased from more than 90 to 1.8% of the lake area from the 1950s to 2000. This study investigated the effects of fish introduction, eutrophication and aquatic vegetation on the diatom community of Lake Dianchi by examining the changes of microfossil diatom assemblage and abundance. Results showed that the absolute abundance and diatom assemblages changed after fish were introduced. The endemic species, Cyclotella rohomboideo-elliptica, disappeared with the introduction of fish and increasing trophic levels after 1958. Fragilaria crotonensis entered into the lake with the introduction of fish and gradually thrived in the lake after 1958. Diatom species numbers also decreased gradually from 21 to 9 from the past to present. Epiphytic diatoms disappeared with the decrease of aquatic vegetation after 1985. Our study indicated that eutrophication was the most important process determining diatom abundance, and fish introduction was a secondary process determining diatom abundance, while aquatic vegetation had a more important role in structuring the diatom community in this eutrophic plateau lake.
The effect of organic matter accumulation on phosphorus release in sediment of Chinese shallow lakes
The effects of organic matter in sediment on phosphorus release were studied by field investigations in eight Chinese shallow freshwater lakes with different trophic status and a laboratory experiment. The sediment organic matter content paralleled the trophic status, ranging from 6.1 to 173.0 g kg(-1) (dry weight), with the mean value of 63.1 g kg(-1) (dry weight). It was positively proportional to Soluble reactive phosphorus concentration in the interstitial water in a form of exponential function, but inversely related to the sediment Fe/P ratio. The sediment alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly related not only to the organic matter content (r = 0.829, P < 0.01, n = 120), but also to the soluble reactive phosphorus concentration in interstitial water (r = 0.454, P < 0.01, n = 42). In the laboratory experiment, the addition of organic matter (dry materials of an aquatic macrophyte) into the sediment significantly enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity and soluble reactive phosphorus release. However, in the treatment with organic matter added and aeration, this release was generally prevented in spite of an increase in APA. Hence, sediment organic matter can effectively accelerate phosphorus release by enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic desorption. The latter mechanism seems to be more important.
The relationship between chlorophyll a and fractionation of sediment phosphorus, inorganic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (IPB), and organic phosphate-mineralizing bacteria (OPB) was evaluated in a large Chinese shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu) and its embayment (Wuli Bay). At the three study sites, the increase of chlorophyll a concentrations in April paralleled those of the iron bound phosphate accounting for major portion of sediment inorganic phosphate, and in June significantly higher OPB and IPB numbers (especially OPB) in sediment were main contributors to the peaks of chlorophyll a concentration. Even though IPB peaked from February to June, it should serve as an unimportant P source due to the irrelevancy with chlorophyll a and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). By contrast, at the other site in the embayment, the calcium-bound phosphate was predominant and solid, which was difficult to be released, and neither IPB nor OPB were detectable in the sediment, indicating weak potential for phosphorus release from the sediment, which was reflected in the small seasonal variation in SRP concentration in water column. Hence, the extents to which the three general mechanisms behind phosphate release from sediment (desorption of iron bound phosphate, solubilization by IPB and enzymatic hydrolysis by OPB) operated were different depending on seasons and sites in Lake Taihu, they may jointly drive phosphate release and accelerate the eutrophication processes.
Nutrient-rich effluents caused rising concern due to eutrophication of aquatic environment by utilization of a large amount of formula feed. Nutrient removal and water quality were investigated by planting aquatic vegetable on artificial beds in 36-m(2) concrete fishponds. After treatment of 120 days, 30.6% of total nitrogen (TN) and 18.2% of total phosphorus (TP) were removed from the total input nutrients by 6-m(2) aquatic vegetable Ipomoea aquatica. The concentrations of TN, TP, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and chlorophyll a in planted ponds were significantly lower than those in non-planted ponds (P<0.05). Transparency of water in planted ponds was much higher than that of control ponds. No significant differences in the concentration of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N) were found between planted and non-planted ponds. These results suggested that planting aquatic vegetable with one-sixth covered area of the fishponds could efficiently remove nutrient and improve water quality.
Using artificial systems to simulate natural lake environments with cyanobacterial blooms, we investigated plankton community succession by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting and morphological method. With this approach, we explored potential ecological effects of a newly developed cyanobacterial blooms removal method using chitosan-modified soils. Results of PCR-DGGE and morphological identification showed that plankton communities in the four test systems were nearly identical at the beginning of the experiment. After applying the newly developed and standard removal methods, there was a shift in community composition, but neither chemical conditions nor plankton succession were significantly affected by the cyanobacteria removal process. The planted Vallisneria natans successfully recovered after cyanobacteria removal, whereas that in the box without removal process did not. Additionally, canonical correspondence analysis indicated that other than for zooplankton abundance, total phosphorus was the most important environmental predictor of planktonic composition. The present study and others suggest that dealing with cyanobacteria removal using chitosan-modified soils can play an important role in controlling cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophicated freshwater systems.
Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in relation to fallowing in a fish cage farm was investigated in a shallow lake in China. Four sampling sites were set: beneath the cages, at the cage sides, and 50 and 100 m east of the cage farm. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in lake water and sediment were analyzed during a 2-year rearing cycle. The cage culture had a fish yield of 16.3-39.2 tonnes in the study period. Based on the mass balance equation, 1533-3084 kg TN and 339-697 kg TP were contributed to the lake environment. Nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations showed greater increase in the first culture period than in the second rearing cycle. No obvious changes were found at the sampling sites 50 and 100 m east of the cages during the study periods. Main impacts were found close to the cages (beneath the cages and at the cage side); the sampling points at the cage side showed relatively high TN and TP sedimentation. After 3 months of fallowing, water TN and TP decreased significantly but the sediment TN and TP contents remained high. Therefore, recovery seems to happen during fallowing but attention should be paid to whether the culture continues to operate in the future.
The presence of the odorous compounds, 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin, as well as causative microorganisms in brackish intensive cultivation fishponds in Tianjin, China that had a severe earthy-musty odor were evaluated. The results revealed that MIB was the primary odorous compound present in the Tianjin fishponds, with a concentration ranging from 0.53-5302.7 ng.L-1. Furthermore, the concentration of MIB was found to be closely correlated with the gross biomass of actinomycetes in the water, which ranged from 10.67-1528.24 x 10(6) cfu.ml(-1). Therefore, the sequences of the 16 SrRNA and morphological characteristics of the actinomycetes in the brackish fishponds were investigated. The results revealed that the actinomycetes in the brackish fishponds included 9 species of common and dominant actinomycetes belonging to 4 genera. Of these genera, Streptomyces were the dominant species, and Streptomyces, Nocardioides and Micromonospora were the most common species in the fishponds evaluated. Next, the ability of each of the isolated Streptomyces to produce MIB was measured under laboratory culture conditions. Streptomyces Sp2 was found to have a strong ability to produce MIB, which indicates that this strain may be the primary source of the earthy-musty odor reported in brackish intensive cultivation fishponds in Tianjin, China.
This study aimed to investigate the allelopathic activities between 3 Potamogeton spp. (Potamogeton maackianus, Potamogeton malaianus and Potamogeton pectinatus) and the toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa). All Potamogeton spp inhibited the growth of M. aeruginosa in both coexistence and exudates experiments. Inhibition of M. aeruginosa growth by plant exudates depended strongly on the biomass of P malaianus. Initial pH (6.5-9.8) did not influence the inhibitory effects of P. malaianus exudates. However, the M. aeruginosa inhibited the net photosynthesis and respiration of all three pondweed test spp.. The decreases in photosynthesis and respiration were probably caused by the toxic compounds released by M. aeruginosa, rather than its shading effects. The M. aeruginosa also decreased the nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) uptake rates of macrophytes. The absorption rates of phosphorus and nitrogen and net photosynthesis were decreased sharply. These results will help to restore submerged plants in eutrophic waters.
A limnological study was carried out to determine the responses of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and soluble protein (SP) contents of 11 common aquatic plants to eutrophication stress. Field investigation in 12 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was carried out from March to September 2004. Our results indicated that non-submersed (emergent and floating-leafed) plants and submersed plants showed different responses to eutrophication stress. Both SOD activities of the non-submersed and submersed plants were negatively correlated with their SP contents (P < 0.000 1). SP contents of non-submersed plants were significantly correlated with all nitrogen variables in the water (P < 0.05), whereas SP contents of submersed plants were only significantly correlated with carbon variables as well as ammonium and Secchi depth (SD) in water (P < 0.05). Only SOD activities of submersed plants were decreased with decline of SD in water (P < 0.001). Our results indicate that the decline of SOD activities of submersed plants were mainly caused by light limitation, this showed a coincidence with the decline of macrophytes in eutrophic lakes, which might imply that the antioxidant system of the submersed plants were impaired under eutrophication stress.
Arsenic pollution and eutrophication are both prominent issues in the aquaculture ponds of Taiwan. It is important to study the effects of arsenic on algal growth and toxin production in order to assess the ecological risk of arsenic pollution, or at least to understand naturally occurring ponds. The sensitivity of algae to arsenate has often been linked to the structural similarities between arsenate and phosphate. Thus, in this study we examined the effects of arsenate (10(-8) to 10(-4) M) on Microcystis aeruginosa TY-1 isolated from Taiwan, under two phosphate regimes. The present study showed that M. aeruginosa TY-1 was arsenate tolerant up to 10(-4) M, and that this tolerance was not affected by extracellular phosphate. However, it seems that extracellular phosphate contributed to microcystin production and leakage by M. aeruginosa in response to arsenate. Under normal phosphate conditions, total toxin yields after arsenate treatment followed a typical inverted U-shape hormesis, with a peak value of 2.25 +/- 0.06 mg L-1 in the presence of 10(-7) M arsenate, whereas 10(-8) to 10(-6) M arsenate increased leakage of similar to 75% microcystin. Under phosphate starvation, total toxin yields were not affected by arsenate, while 10(-6) and 10(-5) M arsenate stimulated microcystin leakage. It is suggested that arsenate may play a role in the process of microcystin biosynthesis and excretion. Given the arsenic concentrations in aquaculture ponds in Taiwan, arsenate favors survival of toxic M. aeruginosa in such ponds, and arsenate-stimulated microcystin production and leakage may have an impact on the food chain.