31 resultados para European Research Area


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The main research area of this thesis is the Western Depression in the Liaohe Basin. Based on the drilling core observation and mud logging data, the features of the mantle–derived fluids and their effects on oil/gas generation in the Western Depression of the Liaohe Basin,was studied with comprehensive methods of volcanic petrology, sediment petrology, fluid geochemistry, sedimentlogy, and structural geology, and use of polarized light microscope, fluorescence microscope, electron microscope, fluid and melt inclusion test, and isotopic test of nature gas etc. The observation of drill cores in study area and other studies reveal that the main passageway of the volcanic eruption in the Cenozoic was the Xibaqian-Gaosheng fault, and the volcanic rocks of each stage were distributed around it. Mantle-derived fluid which affected on oil/gas generation formed later than the volcanic spew and those fluids entered into the depression through the Taian-Dawa fault and the Central fault. The volatile fraction analysis of the melt inclusion reveals the presence of two kinds of mantle fluids; they are hydrogen-rich fluid and carbon dioxide-rich fluid. These the two kinds of fluids were mainly distributed in olivine and pyroxene respectively. The hydrothermal veins development have multiple stages, from high temperature quartz vein to low temperature calcite vein and analcime vein, in which the fluid inclusion extremity component are methane and carbon dioxide, which indicate that when mantle-derived fluids ascended and entered into the basin, most of these fluids interacted with the organic matter in the basin even though some of these entered into atmosphere. The present isotopic test of the nature gas reveals the high 3He/4He value between the region of the Taian-Dawa fault and the Central fault, which also imply the feature of origin in mantle. This phenomenon indicates that the Mesozoic basement faults and the main Cenozoic faults had connected crust and the mantle during the basin evolution, so the mantle derived fluids could enter the basin along those faults. The main source rocks of the ES3 and ES4 members of the Shahejie Formation began to expel hydrocarbon at the end period of the ES1 member of the Shahejie Formation, and reached its peak during the period of the Dongying Formation deposition. During these periods, the mantle derived-fluids entered the basin constantly along the main faults, and supplied lots of hydrogen for hydrocarbon generation. Though the volcanic rocks and the mantle-derived fluids in the Eastern Depression were more developed than in the Western Depression, the source rocks and the deep fluids were not interacted better than the Western Depression because of the affection of structural evolution. In the Eocene, the Eastern Depression did not deposit the ES4 member of the Shahejie Formation, furthermore, the mantle-fluid formed in the Fangshengpao stage escaped to the atmosphere, which confined the later stage hydrocarbon generation capability.


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The Ordos Basin is a large-scale craton superimposed basin locating on the west of the North China platform, which was the hotspot of interior basin exploration and development. Qiaozhen oil field located in the Ganquan region of south-central of Ordos Basin. The paper is based on the existing research data, combined with the new theory and progress of the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology, petroleum geology, etc, and analyzes systematically the sedimentary and reservoir characteristics in the chang2 and chang1 oil-bearing strata group of Yanchang formation On the basis of stratigraphic classification and comparison study, the strata chang2 and chang1 were divided into five intervals. Appling the method of cartography with single factor and dominance aspect, we have drawn contour line map of sand thickness, contour line map of ratio between sand thickness and stratum thickness. We discussed distribution characteristics of reservoir sand body and evolution of sedimentary facies and microfacies. And combining the field type section , lithologic characteristics, sedimentary structures, the sedimentary facies of single oil well and particle size analysis and according to the features of different sequence, the study area was divided into one sedimentary facies、three parfacies and ten microfacies. The author chew over the characteristics of every facies, parfacies and microfacies and spatial and temporal distribution. Comprehensive research on petrologic characteristics of reservoir , diagenesis types, pore types, distribution of sand bodies, physical properties, oiliness, reservoir heterogeneities, characteristics of interlayer, eventually research on synthetic classifying evaluation of reservoir.The reservoir is classified four types: Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ and pore type, fracture-porosity type. Take reservoir's average thickness, porosity, permeability, oil saturation and shale content as parameters, by using clustering analysis and discriminant analysis, the reservoir is classified three groups. Based on the evaluation, synthetizing the reservoir quality, the sealing ability of cap rock, trap types, reservoir-forming model ,in order to analyze the disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas. Ultimately, many favorable zones were examined for chang23,chang223,chang222,chang221,chang212,chang12,chang11 intervals. There are twenty two favorable zones in the research area. Meanwhile deploy the next disposition scheme.


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Constructing reservoir in mountain area, in order to avoid dangerous reservoir and ensure long-term stable reservoir storage, study on reservoir leakage has been one of research hotspots. How to accurately predict the capacity of leakage and the effect of anti-seepage after reservoir impoundment under different anti-seepage measures is one of the most difficult problems of study on reservoir leakage. The paper took Manghekou Reservoir as a case study, which is located in Jiyuan City, Henan Province, China. Based on the system analysis of the geological and hydrogeological characters in the research area, the hydrogeological conceptual model was established. Then, according to the triplex boundary nested grid model method, using three-dimensional numerical simulation technique, the 3-D groundwater seepage flow numerical model was established in the study area. Based on the model, the change of seepage flow field, the capacity of leakage and the effect of anti-seepage are predicted after Manghekou reservoir impoundment under different condition. The reasonable and reliable anti-seepage measure is selected according to the model. All these provides scientific basis for the design and assessment of anti-seepage measure for the reservoir in mountain area.


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In this paper, the Xiaodonggou porphyry molybdenum deposit located in the Xarmoron molybdenum metallogenic belt is chose as the research area. We have analyzed the petrology of the Xiaodonggou pluton in detail and made chemical analysis of the major and trace elements, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope, common lead isotope and SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating et al; in the other hand, we use the molybdenite to make common lead analysis and Re-Os isotopic dating. The Xiaodonggou pluton is rich in silicon, potass, zirconium, and low in REE. In addition, it has no minus Eu abnormity and show a isotopic composition high in εNd(t) and low in Sri, indicating its magma origining from the melting of juvenile thicken lower crust. In the meanwhile, it contained the features of high temperature, quick melting, quick segregation and quick emplacement. The common lead analysis of the pluton orthoclase and molybdenite show that the former transfer from orogen to mantle and the latter come from mantle, which is consistent to the molybdenite sulfur isotopic and quartz oxygen isotopic composition, demonstrating that the rock and ore-forming materials of deposit having different sources, magma from the lower crust mixing with mantle fluid. In plus, we use the physical experiments results of the water-magma reaction to explain the interaction of magma and mantle fluid. In the deep crust, these two systems uplifted in a immiscible state; when they reached low depth, the stream film between fluid-magma collapsed, and the magma was broken into small agglomerates by the fluid, then they mixed thoroughly. The SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating gave a result of 142±2Ma and the molybdenite Re-Os dating result is 138.1±2.8Ma, corresponding to the big tectonic transition period of 140Ma, when the major stress field changing from south and north to west and east. At this time, the Da Hinggan ling ranges area was under an extensive background, underplating proceeded and mantle materials could add into the magmas forming in the lower crust. So, from the above analysis, we propose the following model for the Xiaodonggou porphyry molybdenum deposit: in the early Cretaceous period, the Da Hinggan ling ranges area was under a extensive background, the adding of mantle fluid containing ore materials into heated lower crust made it melting to produce magmas. Following more mantle fluid got into the magma room and urged the magma to segregate from the source quickly. The fluid and magma uplifted together, when they arrived at shallow depth, the fluid-magma became unstable and the latter was broken into many small agglomerates with fluid connecting them in the interspaces. Because of the H+, K+ and various elements existing in the fluid, it would reacted with the magma and the rock through alteration and ore minerals crystallized out, forming the Xiaodonggou porphyry deposit with disseminated mineralization phenomenon.


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Sulige gas field is located in Northwest of Yi-Shan Slope of the Ordos Basin. The Shan 1 Member of the Shanxi Formation and He8 Member of the ShiHeZi Formation are not only objective strata of research but also main producing strata of the Sulige Field. From core and wireline log data of 32 wells in well Su6 area of Sulige field, no less than six lithofaice types can be recognised. They are Gm,Sl,Sh,Sm,Sp,Fl,Fm. Box-shaped, bell-shaped, funnel-shaped and line-segment-shaped log are typcial gamma-ray log characters and shapes. The Depositonal system of the Shan1-He8 strata in research area have five bounding-surface hierarchies and was composed of six architectural elements, CH, LS,FF(CH),SB,LA,GB. The depositional model of Shan 1 was the type of a sandy meandering river with natural levee, abandoned channels and crevasse splay. Channel depth of this model maybe 7-12 m and the fullest-bank flow can reach 14 m high. Based on analysis of depositional causes, a sandy braided river model for the depositional system of He 8 can be erected. It consists of active main channels, active chute channels, sheet-like sand bars, abandoned main channels and abandoned chute channels. Channel depth of this model can be 3-4 m with 9 m of highest flow. Six gamma-ray log cross sections show that the connectivity of sandbodies through Shan 1 Member is lower than He 8. Influenced by occurrence of mudy and silty deposits, vertical connectivity of sandbodies through He 8 is not high.


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Based on the principle and method of sequence, the author describes the sequence-filling model of the rifting basin of Xujiaweizi and its gas exploration potential. The object of this paper belongs to the area around Shengping-Wangjiatun anticline. Its srtatigraphy includes Huoshiling Formation (neutral and basic volcanic rocks), Shahezi Formation (coal bedding and mud and some sandstone) and Yingcheng Formation from bottom to top. These stratigraphy units are defined by author as mesosequences respectively. The author emphasizes that the main control factors of sequence change with the types of basin and stage of basin. So the sequence is researched according to the types of basin. This viewpoint is very new, and it is consistent with the principle of sequence. Volcanic action is very frequent and acute, topography difference is obvious. Between the volcanic events, Shahezi Formation is formed, which mainly consists-of sedimentary rocks. Based on the datum from seismic section and drilling core and well-logging, the author analyzes the single unit and unit set and system tract and sedimentary fancies, then, according to the accommodation space change and marking of sequence boundary, Shahezi Formation is divided into two Third-scale sequences. The sedimentary fancies and depth distribution are described. The author also pointed out that the volcanic rocks consume the accommodation space, so volcanic rocks can influence the development of sequence. Based on the concept of accommodation space, the author put volcanic rocks into sequence frame, which normally consists of sedimentary rocks. The topography of volcanic is controlled by lithology of volcanic rocks, the pattern of volcanic eruption and the topography before volcanic eruption. The topography of volcanic can influence sedimentation and the filling pattern of sedimentary rocks. The author describes the composition and lithology fancies and depth distribution of volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks and Volcanic building, volcanic structure is recognized on seismic section. The author paid a special attention to the relationship between sedimentation and volcanism. Finally, the author analyses the combination of source-reservoir-cover unit in sequence frame. The mudstone of Shahezi Formation has a great depth, the Kerogene in it belongs to type II and III, which tends to produce gas. The Yingcheng Formation lies between Shahezi Formation and Denglouku Formation, belonging to good reservoir. The volcanic rocks of Huoshiling Formation often formed high building, which can capture the gas produced from Shahezi Formation. The stratigraphy of rifting basin of Xujiaweizi has the great potential of gas exploration. This paper claims the following creative points: 1. The author applied the principle and method of sequence to rifting basin, greatly extending its research area and topic issues. 2. The author pointed out that basin of different type and of different stage has a different type of sequence. This is caused by the different main control factors of sequence. 3. Put volcanic rocks into the sequence frame, discussing the probability of regarding the volcanic rocks as the component of sequence, dealing with the relationship between sedimentation and volcanism and its influence to the source-reservoir-cover system. 4. The author pointed out that the filling pattern of rifting basin are determined by the filling pattern of megasequence, whose filling pattern is determined by the filling pattern of system tract and the change of accommodation space.


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Based on the study of fluvial sandstone reservoir in upper of Guantao group in Gudao and Gudong oilfields, this paper first introduces A.D.Miall's(1996a) architectural-element analysis method that was summarized from ground outcrop scale into the reservoir formation research of the study area, more subtly divides sedimentary microfacies and establishes sedimentary model of research area.on this base, this paper summarizes the laws of residual oil distribution of fluvial formation and the control effect of sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution, and reveals residual oil formation mechanism. These results have been applied to residual oil production, and the economic effect is good. This paper will be useful for residual oil research and production and enhancement of oil recovery in similar reservoir. The major conclusions of this paper are as follows. 1. Using the architectural-element analysis method to the core data, a interfacial division scheme of the first to the dixth scale is established for the studied fluvial formation. 2.Seven architectural-elements are divided in upper of Guantao group of study area. The sandstone group 5~1+2 of Neogene upper Gutao group belongs to high sinuous fine grain meandering river, and the sandstone group 6 is sandy braided river. 3. Inter layer, the residual oil saturation of "non-main layer" is higher than "main layer", but the residual recoverable reserve of former is larger. Therefore, "main layer" is the main body of residual oil distribution. The upper and middle part of inner layer has lower permeability and strong seeping resistance. Addition to gravity effect in process of driving, its driving efficiency is low; residual oil saturation is high. Because of controlling of inside non-permeable interlayer or sedimentary construction, the residual oil saturation of non-driving or lower driving efficiency position also is high. On plane, the position of high residual oil saturation mostly is at element LV, CS, CH (FF), FF etc, Which has lower porosity and permeability, as well as lens sand-body and sand-body edge that is not controlled by well-net, non-perfect area of injection and production, lower press difference resort area of inter-well diffiuent-line and shelter from fault, local high position of small structure. 4.Microscopic residual oil mainly includes the non-moved oil in the structure of fine pore network, oil in fine pore and path, oil segment in pore and path vertical to flow direction, oil spot or oil film in big pore, residual oil in non-connective pore. 5.The most essential and internal controlling factor of fluvial formation residual oil distribution is sedimentary microfacies. Status of injection and production is the exterior controlling factor of residual oil distribution. 6. The controlling effect of formation sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution indicates inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies change in scale of injection and production layer-series, planar sedimentary face change and inner-layer vertical sedimentary rhythm and interbed in single layer to residual oil distribution. 7. It is difficult to clear up the inter-layer difference in scale of injection and production layer-series. The using status of minor layer is not good and its residual oil saturation is high relatively. It is obvious that inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies changes control inter-layer residual oil distribution at the same or similar conditions of injection and production. For fluvial formation, this vertical sedimentary facies change mainly is positive gyration. Namely, from down to top, channel sediment (element CHL, LA) changes into over-bank sediment (element LV, CR, CS). 8. In water-injection developing process of transverse connecting fluvial sandstone oil formation, injection water always comes into channel nearby, and breaks through along channel and orientation of high pressure gradient, does not expand into side of channel until pressure gradient of channel orientation changes into low. It brings about that water-driving status of over-bank sedimentary element formation (LV, CR, CS) is not good, residual oil saturation is high. In non-connective abandoned channel element (CH) formation with channel, because this reverse is difficult to control by injection and production well-series, its using status is not good, even terribly not good, residual oil is enrichment. 9. The rhythm and sedimentary structure, sedimentary facies change in single sand body brings about vertical changes of formation character, growth character of inner layer interbed. These are important factor of controlling and affecting vertical water spread volume and inner layer residual oil forming and distribution in single sand body. Positive rhythm, is the principal part of fluvial sandstone inner layer sedimentary rhythm. Namely, from down to upside, rock grain granularity changes from coarse to fine, seeping ability changes from strong to feebleness. It brings about that water-driving status of inner layer upside is not good, residual oil saturation is high. Inner layer interbed has different degree affecting and controlling effect to seeping of oil and water. Its affecting degree lies on interbed thickness, extending scale, position, and jeted segment of production or injection well. The effect of interbed at upside of oil formation to oil and water seeping is less; the effect of interbed at middle of oil formation to oil and water seeping is more. 10. Indoor experiment and research indicate that wettability, permeability step, vertical permeability, position of Kmax and ratio of oil viscousity and water viscousity all have great effect on the water-driving recovery ratio. 11. Microscopic residual oil distribution is affected and controlled by formation pore network structure, pressure field distribution, and oil characteristic. 12.The residual oil forming mechanism: the over-bank sedimentary element and upper part of a positive rhythm sandstone have fine pore and throat network, permeability is low, displacement pressure of pore and throat is high. The water-driving power usually falls short of displacement pressure that brings about injection water does not spread into these pore and throat network, thereby immovable oil area, namely residual oil, is formed. At underside of channel sedimentary element and positive rhythm sandstone, porosity and permeability is relatively high, connecting degree of pore and throat is high, displacement pressure of pore and throat is low. Thereby injection water is easy to enter into pore and throat, driving oil in them. Because the pore space is irregular, the surface of pore wall is coarse and non-flat. That the oil locate on concave hole of pore wall and the dead angle of pore, and the oil attaches on surface of pore wall by surface tension, are difficult to be peeled off, becoming water-driving residual oil (remaining oil). On the other hand, Because flowing section lessens, flowing resistance increase, action of capillary fore, or seeping speed decreases at process of transfer at pass narrow throat path in the course carried by driving water. The "oil drop", "oil bead", or "oil segment" peeled off by driving water is difficult to carry and to drive out by water at less pressure difference. Thereby they are enclosed in pore to form discontinuous residual oil. 13.This results described above have been applied in nine develop blocks of Gudao and Gudong oilfield. Its applying effect is marked through local injection production adjustment, deploying replacement well, repair hole, replacement envelop, block off water and profile control etc. Relative method and technology can be applied to other oil production area of Shengli oilfield, and obtain better economic and societal effect.


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Seismic exploration is the main tools of exploration for petroleum. as the society needs more petroleum and the level of exploration is going up, the exploration in the area of complex geology construction is the main task in oil industry, so the seismic prestack depth migration appeared, it has good ability for complex construction imaging. Its result depends on the velocity model strongly. So for seismic prestack depth migration has become the main research area. In this thesis the difference in seismic prestack depth migration between our country and the abroad has been analyzed in system. the tomographical method with no layer velocity model, the residual curve velocity analysical method based on velocity model and the deleting method in pre-processing have been developed. In the thesis, the tomographysical method in velocity analysis is been analyzed at first. It characterized with perfection in theory and diffculity in application. This method use the picked first arrivial, compare the difference between the picked first arrival and the calculated arrival in theory velocity model, and then anti-projected the difference along the ray path to get the new velocity model. This method only has the hypothesis of high frequency, no other hypothesis. So it is very effective and has high efficiency. But this method has default still. The picking of first arrival is difficult in the prestack data. The reasons are the ratio of signal to noise is very low and many other event cross each other in prestack data. These phenomenon appear strongly in the complex geology construction area. Based on these a new tomophysical methos in velocity analysis with no layer velocity model is been developed. The aim is to solve the picking problem. It do not need picking the event time contiunely. You can picking in random depending on the reliability. This methos not only need the pick time as the routine tomographysical mehtod, but also the slope of event. In this methos we use the high slope analysis method to improve the precision of picking. In addition we also make research on the residual curve velocity analysis and find that its application is not good and the efficiency is low. The reasons is that the hypothesis is rigid and it is a local optimizing method, it can solve seismic velocity problem in the area with laterical strong velocity variation. A new method is developed to improve the precision of velocity model building . So far the pattern of seismic prestack depth migration is the same as it aborad. Before the work of velocity building the original seismic data must been corrected on a datum plane, and then to make the prestack depth migration work. As we know the successful example is in Mexico bay. It characterized with the simple surface layer construction, the pre-precessing is very simple and its precision is very high. But in our country the main seismic work is in land, the surface layer is very complex, in some area the error of pre-precessing is big, it affect the velocity building. So based on this a new method is developed to delete the per-precessing error and improve the precision of velocity model building. Our main work is, (1) developing a effective tomographical velocity building method with no layer velocity model. (2) a new high resolution slope analysis method is developed. (3) developing a global optimized residual curve velocity buliding method based on velocity model. (4) a effective method of deleting the pre-precessing error is developing. All the method as listed above has been ceritified by the theorical calculation and the actual seismic data.


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The Baoyintu Group, lies in Wulate-zhongqi, Inner Mongolia, is a set of medium-grade metamorphic rock series which undergoes complex deformations. It consists of pelite schist, greenschist, plagioclase amphibolite quartzite and marble. The pelite schist is the main rock type and contains the classic medium pressure metamorphic minerals. The author divided Baoyintu group into five assemblages, investigated the rock association and plotted geological section of each assemblage in this area. Based on the systemically study of structural geology, petrology, geochemistry and mineralogy, the author reconstructs the protolith, sedimentary environment and tectonic evolution, discusses the mesoscopic and microscopic structure, metamorphism, geochemistry characters and the correlation between porphyroblast growth and deformation-metamorphism. There are three phase deformations in the research area: the earliest one occurred as the Baoyintu group deformed and metamorphosed and the main structure pattern is tight fold within layers during the Dl, large scale reversed fold and two phase faults (Fl fault and F2 fault) during the D2, and superimposed fold and F3 fault during D3. The F3 trancate the Wenduermian group of Silurian. The second and third phase deformation are relate to the orogenic event of late period of early Paleozoic. According to the rock association ,characteristics of the rocks and research of geochemistry, we get some information of the sedimentary environment and tectonic evolution of Baoyintu group. The source rocks are a set of terrigenous deposits-volcanic formation which reflect the history of the tectonic setting: stable- active-restable. And there are two sedimentary cycle from first assemblage to fifth assemblage: from first assemblage to fourth assemblage is a course of progression and the fifth assemblage is a start of regression. We also get the information of the P-T-t path by studying petrographies and calculating temperature and pressure. The path is not similiat to any classic type. And the interpretation is different from the traditional opinion. The P-T-t path reflects the dynamic course of convergence and uplift, magma underplating, back-arc extension and convergence of continental margin. Applying the theory of deformation partitioning to this area, the author discuss the relationship between deformation and porphyroblast growth, and get the conclusion of the sequence of deformation and metamorphism. At the first time we measure the distribution of chemical composition within the porphyroblast by XRF, confirm the theory of deformation partitioning quantitative and get new understanding about growth phase of porphyroblast and growth mode of porphyroblast: porphyroblast grow in the manner as "rose flower", the growth is controlled by the deformation. The elements distribution in porphyroblast reflects the growth manner and indicate history of metamorphism and deformation. So, we can deduce the metmorphism and deformation from the elements distribution in porphyroblast.


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It is the key project of SINOPEC at ninth five years period with a lot of work and very difficult, which the main object are the study of pool-forming mechanism, distribution rule and pool-forming model of complex secondary pool at Dongying formation in high mature exploration area, and building theories and methods of research, description and prediction of secondary fault block pool. This paper apply comprehensively with various theories, method and techniques of geology, seismic, well log, reservoir engineering, meanwhile apply with computer means, then adopt combination of quality and quantitative to develop studies of pool-forming mechanism, model and pool prediction of fault block pool. On the based of stretch, strike-slip, reversal structure theories, integrated the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of structure, it is show that the structure framework, the structure evolve, formation mechanism of central uplift belt of Dongying depression and control to formation and distribute of secondary complex fault block pool. The opening and sealing properties, sealing mechanism and sealing models of pool-controlling fault are shown by using quality, direction of normal stress, relations between interface and rock of two sides of fault and shale smear factor (SSF), as well as the juxtaposition of fault motion stage and hydrocarbon migration, etc. The sealing history of controlling fault, formation mechanism and distribute the regulation are established by combining together with bury history, structure evolve history, fault growth history stress field evolve history, which can be guide exploration and production oil field. It were bring up for the first time the dynamics mechanism of Dongying central uplift which were the result of compound tress field of stretch, strike-slip and reversal, companion with reversal drag structure, arcogenesis of paste and salt beds. The dual function of migration and sealing of fault were demonstrated in the research area. The ability of migration and sealing oil of pool-controlling fault is controlled by those factors of style of fault combination, activity regulation and intensity of fault at the period of oil migration. The four kinds of sealing model of pool-controlling fault were established in the research area, which the sealing mechanism of fault and distribution regulation of oil in time and space. The sealing ability of fault were controlled by quality, direction of normal stress, relations between interface and rock of two sides of fault and shale smear factor (SSF), as well as the juxtaposition of fault motion stage and hydrocarbon migration, etc. The fuzzy judge of fault sealing is the base of prediction of secondary pool. The pool-forming model of secondary was established in the research area, which the main factors are ability migration and sealing. The transform zone of fault, inner of arc fault and the compound area of multi fault are enrichment region of secondary pool of Dongying formation, which are confirm by exploration with economic performance and social performance.


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The Otindag sandy land and the Guyuan region of Hebei Province lie in the agro-pastoral zone, where sandy desertification is serious. So they are typical for us to study on. In this paper, detail investigation were made on the Remote Sensing, Hydrochemistry, Chronology, grain size analyzing of research region to monitor sandy desertification and environmental background. The main conclusions are presented as following: 1. According to the diverse natural condition, the research area is divided into three types as sandy land desertification, cultivated land desertification and desertification reflected by lake change. The monitoring result of the first type shows that the main performance way of the sandy desertification in Otindag sandy land is that (1) the expansion of both the shifting dune and the half fixed sandy dune, (2) the reduce of the fixed sandy dune. While the result of the second type shows (1) the desertification land in the Guyuan region has first increasing then reducing change for about 30 years. (2) The sand mainly concentrates west of the research area and small part of wind-drift sand distributes northeast the research area with the spot shape. (3) The meadow area increases obviously. As far as the third type, the Dalai Nur lake area occurs first expanding then reducing change and the wind-drift sand around the lake first reduces then increases. 2. The land cover of the different types change with the same law. It is worth notice that the lake area changes oppositely with that of the wind-drift sand. 3. For about 5,000 a B.P. -2800 a B.P., the well developed palaeosols emerged. After that, three layer palaeosols were founded in the profile of Otindag sandy land. The analyses of grain size show that the sand grains of the south were coarser than that of the north. The sand in the north and middle were well sorted, while the south poor sorted. 4. Both the natural and human impact on the process of sandy desertification. On this research result, different regions have different influences. So the measures to improve sandy desertification should be choosed respectively.


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The research area of this paper covers the maximum exploration projects of CNPC, including Blocks 1/2/4 and Block 6 of the Muglad basin and the Melut basin in Bocks 3/7 in Sudan. Based on the study of the evolution history of the Central African Shear Zone (CASZ), structural styles and filling characteristics of the rift basins, it is put forward that the rift basins in Sudan are typical passive rift basins undergoing the strike-slip, extension, compression and inversion since the Cretaceous. The three-stage rift basins overlapped obliquely. The extension and rifting during the Early Cretaceous is 50-70% of the total extension. The features of the passive rift basins decided that there is a single sedimentary cycle and one set of active source rocks within the middle. Influenced by the three-stage rifting and low thermal gradient, hydrocarbon generation and charging took place very late, and the oil pool formation mechanism is very unique from the Lower Cretaceous rift sequences to the Paleogene. The reservoir-seal assemblages are very complicated in time and space. The sealing capacity of cap rocks was controlled by the CASZ. In general the oils become heavier towards the CASZ and lighter far away. The oil biodegradation is the reason causing the high total acid number. The determination of effective reservoir depth ensures that all discovered fields up to now are high-production fields. The propagation and growth of boundary faults in the rift basins can be divided into a simple fault propagation pattern and a fault growth-linkage pattern. It is firstly found that the linkage of boundary fault segments controls the formation of petroleum systems. Three methods have been established to outline petroleum systems. And a new classification scheme of rift-type petroleum system has been put forward: pre-rift, syn-rift (including passive and active) and post-rift petroleum systems. This scheme will be very important for the further exploration of rift basins. This paper firstly established the formation models of oil pools for the passive rift basins in Sudan: the coupling of accommodation zones and main plays for the formation of giant fields. The overlapping of late rifting broke the anticlines to be several fault-blocks. This process determined that anti-fault blocks are the main traptypes in the cretaceous sequences and anticlines in the Paleogene. This can explain why the traptypes are different between the Muglad and Mefut basins, and will provide theoretic guidance for the exploration strategy. The established formation mechanism and models in this paper have had great potential guidance and promotion for the exploration in Sudan, and resulted in significant economic and social benefit. A giant field of 500 million tons oil in place was found 2003. The cost in Blocks 3/7 is only 0.25


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The main research area of this thesis is Jiyang Depression in the Bohaiwan Basin and its southern margin. The object formation is Ordovician carbonate. The research is based on the outcrop observation and measurement of Ordovician carbonate and the drilling data of the oilfield. The internal reservoir characteristics of carbonate buried hill and its distribution were studied by comprehensive methods of sedimentology, reservoir geology and structural geology and technics of cathodoluminescence(CL)3electron microprobe,casting and C O isotope analysis etc. The influence depth of paleokarst facies formed during the Paleozoic is discriminated as 36-84m. The sollution porosity is well developed in paleokarst facies of Ordovician carbonate and is an important type of internal reservoir of buried hill. It may be infered that the fractures may be formed mainly during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, they were not developed during the early Paleozoic when only micro-fractures might be created. The carbon and oxigen isotope analysis shows that the calcite cements in the fractures of Ordovician carbonate and secondary solution pores were related with meteoric water and three stages of fractures were divided. The reservoir space of Ordovician carbonate are mainly secondary porosity, cavern and fracture. The development of structural fracture was controlled by the lithology and tectonic background. More fractures exist in dolomite than that in limestone. There are also more fractures near the fault and the axis of fold. The development of porous reservoir is mainly controlled by the lithology and diagenesis, especially dolomitization and dissolution. It also results in the heterogeneity vertically. So the lithology is the basic factor for the forming of internal reservoir of buried hill and the tectogenesis and diagenesis are key factors to improve it. The porosity in carbonate might experienced solution-cementation-resolution or recementation. The porosity evolution history was a kind of historical dynamic equilibrium. The internal reservoir of Ordovician carbonate is the comprehensive result of constructive and/or destructive diagenesis. The worm's eye maps of the early Paleozoic and middle-upper Proterozoic were plotted. It was inferred that the paleostress field evoluted from NNW to NW during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Three types of buried hills can be divided: C-P/Pzi, Mz/ Pzi and E/ Pzi. The unconformity of the buried hill of E/ Pzi type, comparatively, was formed and reconstructed latestly, t he p orous r eservoir c ould b e w ell p reseved. T his c ondition w as v ery favorable t o t he migration and accumulation of oil and gas and could form upstanding association of source-reservoir-cap rocks. The buried hills of Mz/ Pzi and C-P/Pz] type were took second place.


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The communication between parents and children is one of the focuses in adolescence research area. However,the ego states in communication were seldom referred to. In present research, the relationship among high school students’ ego states, parent-child communication status and mental health level was explored. Study1: Ego State Questionnaire (ESQ) was revised according to 400 high school students from both rural and urban areas. Study2: Revised Ego State Questionnaire was administered to 450 high school students. Data was analyzed by cluster analysis. Study3: The relationship among ego states, parent-child communication status and mental health level was researched systematically according to 450 high school students. The main results of the thesis were as follows: 1) The five factors of Johu Dusy’s ego states were confirmed. 2) The revised RESQ had good reliability and validity, and could be used in researching middle school students ego states and related area. 3) Gender differences: Girls’ NP score was higher than boys’. Boys’ Adult and AC score was higher than girls. 4)School difference: students’ A and FC from key high school scored higher than students form normal high school. 5) The students were divided into two groups according to parental education level. The split point was high school. Students whose parents’ education level was above high school scored higher in NP than the other group of students. 6) The students were clustered into 4 groups according to cluster analysis: adapted、rational、contradictory、self-centered。 7) adapted、self-centered students’SCL-90 score was lower than average level, contradictory students’ score was higher than average level, rational students’score was equal to average level. 8) Both NP and Adult ego states had significant negative correlation with SCL total score, CP ego states had significant postive correlation SCL total score. 9) NP, A ego states had significant postive correlation with family communication atmosphere, father-son, father-daughter, mother-son, mother-daughter communication status . CP had significant negative correlation with above variables. AC had significant negative correlation with family communication atmosphere . 10) The stepwise regression showed that Adult ,Control Parent ego states and communication between parents and children score had prevented from mental health significantly. Adult ego states impacted mental health through communication between parents and children.


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Schizophrenia is a heritable disorder. However, molecular genetics and related research area have not unmasked the nature and mechanisms of this disorder. Therefore, many researchers begin to explore the pathology mechanism from other approaches. High-risk study is one of the promising approaches. In this study, we mainly focused on facial emotion perception in schizophrenia and their non-psychotic first-degree relatives, and attempted to explore whether facial emotion perception is the potential biological marker of schizophrenia. This dissertation comprises 4 studies. In the first study, we conducted a meta-analysis on behavioral data of facial emotion perception in schizophrenia. Our findings showed that patients demonstrated general deficits in both facial emotion perception and facial processing tasks. In the second study, sixty-nine patients with schizophrenia and 56 of their first-degree relatives (33 parents and 23 siblings), and 92 healthy controls (67 younger and 25 older healthy controls) completed a set of facial emotion perception tasks. The results validated that patients with schizophrenia displayed general deficits in facial emotion perception. Study two also demonstrated that siblings of patients performed equally well compared to the corresponding younger healthy controls in all the facial emotion perception tasks, while the parents of patients behaved significantly worse than the corresponding older healthy controls in the composite index of facial emotion perception tasks. The results suggest that relatives of patients display more severely declining in facial emotion perception with the increasing of age. In the third study, we used an automated voxel-wise technique, activation likelihood estimation (ALE) to provide an objective, quantitative evaluation of facial emotion processing in schizophrenia. Our findings demonstrated a marked under-recruitment of the amygdala, accompanied by a substantial limitation in activation in schizophrenia throughout a ventral temporal-basal ganglia-prefrontal cortex ‘social-brain’ system may be central to the difficulties patients experience when processing facial emotion. In the last study, we did an fMRI study about facial emotion perception in 12 patients with schizophrenia, 12 non-psychotic siblings of patients and 12 healthy controls. The results suggest that siblings of patients demonstrate abnormal activation in a variety of brain areas, including prefrontal gyrus, insula, parahippocampal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus. Taken together, the current findings suggest facial emotion perception may be a potential biological marker of schizophrenia.