
Autoria(s): 井西利





Seismic exploration is the main tools of exploration for petroleum. as the society needs more petroleum and the level of exploration is going up, the exploration in the area of complex geology construction is the main task in oil industry, so the seismic prestack depth migration appeared, it has good ability for complex construction imaging. Its result depends on the velocity model strongly. So for seismic prestack depth migration has become the main research area. In this thesis the difference in seismic prestack depth migration between our country and the abroad has been analyzed in system. the tomographical method with no layer velocity model, the residual curve velocity analysical method based on velocity model and the deleting method in pre-processing have been developed. In the thesis, the tomographysical method in velocity analysis is been analyzed at first. It characterized with perfection in theory and diffculity in application. This method use the picked first arrivial, compare the difference between the picked first arrival and the calculated arrival in theory velocity model, and then anti-projected the difference along the ray path to get the new velocity model. This method only has the hypothesis of high frequency, no other hypothesis. So it is very effective and has high efficiency. But this method has default still. The picking of first arrival is difficult in the prestack data. The reasons are the ratio of signal to noise is very low and many other event cross each other in prestack data. These phenomenon appear strongly in the complex geology construction area. Based on these a new tomophysical methos in velocity analysis with no layer velocity model is been developed. The aim is to solve the picking problem. It do not need picking the event time contiunely. You can picking in random depending on the reliability. This methos not only need the pick time as the routine tomographysical mehtod, but also the slope of event. In this methos we use the high slope analysis method to improve the precision of picking. In addition we also make research on the residual curve velocity analysis and find that its application is not good and the efficiency is low. The reasons is that the hypothesis is rigid and it is a local optimizing method, it can solve seismic velocity problem in the area with laterical strong velocity variation. A new method is developed to improve the precision of velocity model building . So far the pattern of seismic prestack depth migration is the same as it aborad. Before the work of velocity building the original seismic data must been corrected on a datum plane, and then to make the prestack depth migration work. As we know the successful example is in Mexico bay. It characterized with the simple surface layer construction, the pre-precessing is very simple and its precision is very high. But in our country the main seismic work is in land, the surface layer is very complex, in some area the error of pre-precessing is big, it affect the velocity building. So based on this a new method is developed to delete the per-precessing error and improve the precision of velocity model building. Our main work is, (1) developing a effective tomographical velocity building method with no layer velocity model. (2) a new high resolution slope analysis method is developed. (3) developing a global optimized residual curve velocity buliding method based on velocity model. (4) a effective method of deleting the pre-precessing error is developing. All the method as listed above has been ceritified by the theorical calculation and the actual seismic data.







