38 resultados para Elevated highways


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To investigate the biochemical response of freshwater green algae to elevated CO2 concentrations, Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang cells were cultured at different CO2 concentrations within the range 3-186 μ mol/L and the biochemical composition, carbonic anhydrase (CA), and nitrate reductase activities of the cells were investigated. Chlorophylls (Chl), carotenoids, carbonhydrate, and protein contents were enhanced to varying extents with increasing CO2 concentration from 3-186 μ mol/L. The CO2 enrichment significantly increased the Chl a/Chl b ratio in Chlorella pyrenoidosa, but not in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The CO2 concentration had significant effects on CA and nitrate reductase activity. Elevating CO2 concentration to 186 μ mol/L caused a decline in intracellular and extracellullar CA activity. Nitrate reductase activity, under either light or dark conditions, in C. reinhardtii and C. pyrenoidosa was also significantly decreased with CO2 enrichment. From this study, it can be concluded that CO2 enrichment can affect biochemical composition, CA, and nitrate reductase activity, and that the biochemical response was species dependent.


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Photosynthetic performance was examined in Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve. under 12: 12-h light: dark (LD) cycle at ambient CO2 (350 muL L-1) and elevated CO2 (1000 muL L-1). At ambient CO2, the cellular chlorophyll a content, the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P-m), the initial slope of the light saturation curves ( a), the photochemical efficiency of PSII (F-v/F-m), the apparent carboxylating efficiency (ACE) and the photosynthetic affinity for CO2 [1/K-m (CO2)] all showed rhythmical changes with different amplitudes during the light period. The P-m had similar changing pattern in the light period with the ACE and 1/K-m (CO2) rather than with the alpha and F-v/F-m, indicating that rhythmical changes of photosynthetic capacity may be mainly controlled by the activity of C- reduction associated with CO2 uptake during the light period. The CO2 enrichment reduced the ACE and the affinity to CO2, and increased the a, cellular chlorophyll a content and P m based on cell number. By contrast, the changing patterns of all photosynthetic parameters examined here during the light period had almost the same for cells grown at ambient CO2 and elevated CO2, suggesting that the photosynthetic rhythms of S. costatum are not affected by CO2 enrichment.


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Diurnal photosynthesis of Nostoc flagelliforme was investigated at varied levels of CO2 concentrations and desiccation in order to estimate the effects of enriched CO2 and watering on its daily production. Photosynthetic activity was closely correlated with the desiccated status of the algal mats, increased immediately after watering, reached a maximum at moderate water loss, and then declined with further desiccation. Increased CO2 concentration enhanced the diurnal photosynthesis and raised the daily production. Watering twice per day enhanced the daily production due to prolonged period of active photosynthesis. The values of daily net production were 1321280 mumol CO2 g (d. wt)(-1) d(-1), corresponding to about 0.6-6.1% daily increase in dry weight. High-CO2-grown mats required higher levels of photon flux density to saturate the alga's photosynthesis in air. Air-grown mats showed higher photosynthetic affinity for CO2 and higher levels of dark respiration compared with high-CO2-grown samples.


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The lattice damage accumulation in GaAs and Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattices by 1 MeV Si+ irradiation at room temperature and 350-degrees-C has been studied. For irradiations at 350-degrees-C, at lower doses the samples were almost defect-free after irradiation, while a large density of accumulated defects was induced at a higher dose. The critical dose above which the damage accumulation is more efficient is estimated to be 2 x 10(15) Si/cm2 for GaAs, and is 5 x 10(15) Si/cm2 for Al0.8Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice for implantation with 1.0 MeV Si ions at 350-degrees-C. The damage accumulation rate for 1 MeV Si ion implantation in Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice is less than that in GaAs.


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The intermittent illumination treatment by white light at elevated temperature is proved to be a convenient and efficient method for the improvement of the stability of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films. The effect of the treatment on electrical properties, light-induced degradation, and gap states of undoped a-Si:H films has been investigated in detail. With the increase of cycling number, the dark- as well as photo-conductivities in annealed state and light-soaked state approach each other, presenting an unique irreversible effect. The stabilization and ordering processes by the present treatment can not be achieved merely by annealing under the same conditions. It is shown that the treatment proposed here results in a shift to higher values of the energy barriers between defects and their precursors, and hence an improved stability of a-Si:H films. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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perimentally at evaluated pressures and under normal- and micro-gravity conditions utilizing the 3.5 s drop tower of the National Microgravity Laboratory of China. The results showed that under micro-gravity conditions the natural convection is minimized and the flames become more planar and symmetric compared to normal gravity. In both normal- and micro-gravity experiments and for a given strain rate and fuel concentration, the flame luminosity was found to enhance as the pressure increases. On the other hand, at a given pressure, the flame luminosity was determined to weaken as the strain rate decreases. At a given strain rate, the fuel concentration at extinction was found to vary non-monotonically with pressure, namely it first increases and subsequently decreases with pressure. The limit fuel concentration peaks around 3 and 4 atm under normal- and micro-gravity, respectively. The extinction limits measured at micro-gravity were in good agreement with predictions obtained through detailed numerical simulations but they are notably lower compared to the data obtained under normal gravity. The simulations confirmed the non-monotonic variation of flammability limits with pressure, in agreement with previous studies. Sensitivity analysis showed that for pressures between one and 5 atm, the near-limit flame response is dominated by the competition between the main branching, H + O2 ? OH + O, and the pressure sensitive termination, H+O2+M? HO2 + M, reaction. However, for pressures greater than 5 atm it was determined that the HO2 kinetics result in further chain branching in a way that is analogous to the third explosion limit of H2/O2 mixtures. 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.