64 resultados para DNA array


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A direct twos-complement parallel array multiplication algorithm is introduced and modified for digital optical numerical computation. The modified version overcomes the problems encountered in the conventional optical twos-complement algorithm. In the array, all the summands are generated in parallel, and the relevant summands having the same weights are added simultaneously without carries, resulting in the product expressed in a mixed twos-complement system. In a two-stage array, complex multiplication is possible with using four real subarrays. Furthermore, with a three-stage array architecture, complex matrix operation is straightforwardly accomplished. In the experiment, parallel two-stage array complex multiplication with liquid-crystal panels is demonstrated.


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The numerical solutions of binary-phase (0, tau) gratings for one-dimensional array illuminators up to 32 are presented. Some fabrication errors, which are due to position-quantization errors, phase errors, dilation (or erosion) errors, and the side-slope error, are calculated and show that even-number array illuminators are superior to odd-number array illuminators when these fabrication errors are considered. One (0, tau) binary-phase, 8 x 16 array illuminator made with the wet-chemical-etching method is given in this paper.


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A compact two-step modified-signed-digit arithmetic-logic array processor is proposed. When the reference digits are programmed, both addition and subtraction can be performed by the same binary logic operations regardless of the sign of the input digits. The optical implementation and experimental demonstration with an electron-trapping device are shown. Each digit is encoded by a single pixel, and no polarization is included. Any combinational logic can be easily performed without optoelectronic and electro-optic conversions of the intermediate results. The system is compact, general purpose, simple to align, and has a high signal-to-noise ratio. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.


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The number of phase levels of a Talbot array illuminator is an important factor in the estimation of practical fabrication complexity and cost. We show that the number it) of phase levels of a Talbot array illuminator has a simple relationship to the prime number. When there is an alternative pi -phase modulation in the output array, the relations are similar. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 070.6760, 050.1950, 050.1980.


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A hexagonal array not only is a nature-preferred pattern but also is widely used in optoelectronical materials and devices. We report a simple method of hexagonal array illumination based on the Talbot effect that has a theoretical efficiency of 100%. An experimental efficiency of 90.6% with a binary phase (0, pi) hexagonal grating is given. This method should be highly interesting for applications of hexagonal array illumination in optical devices as well as in other hexagonal cells. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we propose a novel three-dimensional imaging method by which the object is captured by a coded cameras array (CCA) and computationally reconstructed as a series of longitudinal layered surface images of the object. The distribution of cameras in array, named code pattern, is crucial for reconstructed images fidelity when the correlation decoding is used. We use DIRECT global optimization algorithm to design the code patterns that possess proper imaging property. We have conducted primary experiments to verify and test the performance of the proposed method with a simple discontinuous object and a small-scale CCA including nine cameras. After certain procedures such as capturing, photograph integrating, computational reconstructing and filtering, etc., we obtain reconstructed longitudinal layered surface images of the object with higher signal-to-noise ratio. The results of experiments show that the proposed method is feasible. It is a promising method to be used in fields such as remote sensing, machine vision, etc. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Hexagonal array is a basic structure widely exists in nature and adopted by optoclectronic device. A phase plate based on the fractional Talbot effect that converts a single expanded laser beam into a regular hexagonal array of uniformly illuminated apertures with virtually 100% efficiency is presented. The uniform hexagonal array illumination with a fill factor of 1/12 is demonstrated by the computer simulation. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A laser-diode array (LDA) side-pumped Nd:YAG slab ring laser is described that incorporates a prism-shaped acousto-optic modulator to enforce unidirectional operation and Q-switching. When pumped by the maximum power of 50 W, Q-switched energies of 3.6 mJ and 50 ns duration, corresponding to a peak power of 72 kW, are obtained. (C) 1999 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(99)01306-9].


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A scheme using a lens array and the technique of spectral dispersion is presented to improve target illumination uniformity in laser produced plasmas. Detailed two-dimensional simulation shows that a quasi-near-field target pattern, of steeper edges and without side lobes, is achieved with a lens array, while interference stripes inside the pattern are smoothed out by the use of the spectral dispersion technique. Moving the target slightly from the exact focal plane of the principal focusing lens can eliminate middle-scale-length intensity fluctuation further. Numerical results indicate that a well-irradiated laser spot with small nonuniformity and great energy efficiency can be obtained in this scheme. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A scheme of combining technology of lens array (LA) and smoothing by spectral dispersion (SSD) is introduced to improve the irradiation uniformity in laser fusion based on the earlier works on LA. The feasibility of the scheme is also analyzed by numerical simulation. It shows that a focal pattern with flat-top and sharp-edge profile could be obtained, and the irradiation nonuniformity can fall down from 14% with only LA to 3% with both SSD and LA. And this smoothing scheme is depended less on the incidence comparing to other smoothing methods. The preliminary experiment has demonstrated its effectiveness. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A lens array composed of edge-softened elements is used to improve on-target irradiation uniformity in the Shenguang II Laser Facility, with which a Fresnel pattern of suppressed diffraction peaks is obtained. Additional uniformity can be reached by reducing short-wavelength interference speckles inside the pattern when the technique of smoothing by spectral dispersion is also used. Two-dimensional performance of irradiation is simulated and the results indicate that a pattern of steeper edges and a flat top can be achieved with this joint technique. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The dot matrix hologram (DMH) has been widely used in anti-counterfeiting label. With the same technology and cell array configuration, we can encode to the incidence beam. These codes can be some image matrix grating with different grating gap and different grating orientation. When the multi-level phase diffractive grating is etched, the incidence beam on the cell appears as an encoding image. When the encoded grating and DMH are used in the same label synchronously, the technology of multi-encoded grating array enhances the anti-counterfeit ability.


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A novel Littman-Metcalf external cavity laser diode array with two feedback mirrors is introduced. The line-width broadening effect caused by smile can be reduced by the novel external cavity. At the drive current of 16A, the line-width is narrowed to 0.1nm from free-running width of 1.6nm with output efficiency of 84%.