84 resultados para Acartia clausi, c1
The steady bifurcation flows in a spherical gap (gap ratio sigma=0.18) with rotating inner and stationary outer spheres are simulated numerically for Re(c1)less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 500 by solving steady axisymmetric incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a finite difference method. The simulation shows that there exist two steady stable flows with 1 or 2 vortices per hemisphere for 775 less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 220 and three steady stable flows with 0, 1, or 2 vortices for 1 220
A theoretical model for gain saturation in gas flow and chemical lasers is presented. The theory is applicable to all possible numerical values of τ/τc, where τ is the characteristie flow time for the flowing gas to move across the laser action region and τc is the characteristic collision relaxation time. The saturation effects of the convection and the "source flow" of the inverted population are revealed. A general relation of gain coefficient and some new gain saturation laws are obtained. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theoretical results agree with the experimental results on the "anomalous" saturation phenomena in the supersonic diffusion HF chemical laser determined recently by Gross and Coffer[8]. The theory also agrees with the measured results of saturation intensity varying with τ/τc in gas flow CO2 lasers[7]. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theory is consistent with both the standard theory[1] for gas lasers where the gas has no macroscopic motion and the known gain saturation theory[2-5] for gas flow and chemical lasers.
锌指蛋白在植物生长发育中具有重要功能,它们可以识别并结合特定的DNA序列进行转录调控,还能够参与蛋白之间相互作用的调节。我们根据锌指蛋白等转录因子特征结构域的序列特点,从来自10 K水稻芯片的EST数据库中筛选出编码58个EST序列。通过对器官表达特异性的比较分析,从中选出七个只在单一器官表达的基因,并对这七个基因的功能进行研究。对其转基因水稻的表型分析发现,C1基因调节水稻的株高和穗的发育;LIM 家族的F9影响小花的形态,主要体现在雌蕊与雄蕊的发育;锌指蛋白S34调控叶倾角的变化;F14基因编码一个核定位的TFIIIA类锌指蛋白,具体功能尚不清楚;锌指蛋白F35转基因水稻主根缩短,侧根数目显著减少。它编码一个推测的ArfGAP (Arf GTPase activating protein),据此我们将其命名为OsAGAP,并对其进行深入研究。 OsAGAP的cDNA全长为1328bp,编码的蛋白由320个氨基酸组成,含有两个保守结构域:锌指结构域和C2 结构域。其中锌指结构域属于CX2CX16CX2C类,即ArfGAP domain的特征结构。GTP酶活性测定试验表明,OsAGAP蛋白能够激活水稻Arf的GTP酶活性,另外,OsAGAP还能够恢复酵母ArfGAP缺失突变体的表型。说明OsAGAP编码的蛋白是水稻中的一个ArfGAP。 OsAGAP在水稻各器官中均有表达,但强弱有所不同。RNA原位杂交结果显示,它在茎尖分生组织与侧生原基及侧根部位表达强烈;它在根尖主要分布于中央维管组织、分生区、皮层细胞,最有趣的是恰好与生长素在根尖极性运输路径相吻合。在亚细胞水平,OsAGAP广泛分布于细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核。 OsAGAP超表达水稻主根、不定根长度缩短,侧根数目显著减少表现出类似于生长素极性运输突变体的表型。其主根伸长对TIBA的抑制作用不敏感,这暗示OsAGAP超表达水稻的生长素极性运输被破坏;另外,其对各种生长素的作用敏感性也发生变化,对IAA、2,4-D的不敏感,而对NAA的反应与野生型一致,根据各类生长素进出细胞机制不同,可以推测超表达水稻的输入能力存在缺陷。极性运输实验结果表明,超表达水稻极性运输能力被破坏;对生长素输入能力的测定进一步表明,超表达水稻根载体的介导的生长素输入能力显著下降。另外,NAA处理能够恢复超表达水稻中侧根发育受抑的表型缺陷。由此可见,OsAGAP在水稻中超表达破坏了生长素极性运输的输入能力。 FM1-43是一类特异标记囊泡运输的荧光染料。经其染色标记后,OsAGAP超表达水稻细胞内囊泡成片聚集,形成“BFA区间”,表现出囊泡运输被破坏的典型特征。透射电镜观察发现,超表达水稻细胞内有大量的小液泡,其中积累了电子密度很高的颗粒物质。由此推测,可能由于细胞的囊泡运输被破坏,导致胞内的代谢物质不能被正常运送或分泌,而在液泡中暂时贮存以维持细胞环境的稳定。 在酵母和动物细胞中的研究表明, ArfGAP是调控囊泡运输的一个重要因子,然而目前还没有关于ArfGAP在植物细胞中生理作用的报道。我们的结果说明,OsAGAP作为的一个ArfGAP,它通过调控水稻中的囊泡运输,而影响了生长素的极性运输,具体表现在对生长素输入能力的调控。由此,我们推测ArfGAP可能在生长素的极性运输中也起着重要的调控作用。 但OsAGAP在拟南芥中却通过调控植株生长素的水平,而影响了转基因拟南芥根的发育。每种生物都有多个ArfGAP,它们之间的分工存在联系,但各不相同。OsAGAP是拟南芥的外源基因,它在拟南芥中可能以不同于水稻的机制起作用。
光合放氧研究近十年来已有重要进展,但在该领域仍有很多重要问题待研究。本论文工作主要是对光系统氧化侧与光合放氧密切相关的组分的结构和性能进行理论和模拟研究,工作可概括如下: (一)、放氧中心结构和性能的探索。 1、对放氧中心Mn202单元与配体组氨酸、H2O和Cl等结合方式的理论研究显示:(a)、组氨酸和H20分子均可能与Mn202平面垂直,彼此保持较大的距离,且结合在不同的Mn离子上;(b)、2个H2O分子可能结合在不同Mn202单元上。 2、对Mn簇核心骨架的理论研究显示有必要引入新的Ca、Cl结合方式,以防止因两个Mn202单元线性化而导致2个H2O分子结合位点远离。 (二)、次级电子给体Tyr_z和Tyr_D的结构与功能。 对次级电子给体Tyr_z和Tyr_D进行精确量子化学研究显示:(a)、在中性条件下,Tyr_D和Tyr_z均只与组氨酸通过氢键作用;(b)、当失去电子后,结构发生明显变化,导致正电荷主要集中在组氨酸上,自由基主要集中在Tyr上;(c)、第三组分(H_20分子或羧基等)的引入使中性体系不容易给出电子;(d)、结合最新文献报导,推测Tyr_D~+和Tyr_z~+除与组氨酸作用外还可能分别与水和羧基作用。 (三)、原初电子给体的理论和模拟研究。 1、对紫细菌原初电子给体P_(870)的理论研究显示:(a)、双分子结构比单分子结构稳定;(b)、电荷分离之后,原初电子给体原有的空间结构不再是稳定的构型,它会向能量和化学活性均更低的构型转变。在光合细菌的原初电子给体P870中,这种转变可通过C3位的乙酰基旋转使其氧原子与另一个细菌叶绿素分子的镁原子相互作用使P870+•的总能量和化学活性明显降低。推测这种构型转变对于防止原初反应过程中的电荷重组、维持光能的高效转化有重要意义。提出了原初反应过程中结构动态变化的新观点,利用这一观点可对光合细菌原初反应动力学研究所观测到的慢过程及蛋白质微环境对原初电子给体和原初反应都有重要影响等实验现象给予较好的解释。 2、对光系统II原初电子给体P680的结构进行理论探讨,提出了两个叶绿素a分子平面间夹角为50.0±2.5°时能量最低的夹角模型。 3、采用N-甲基咪唑(C4H6N2)模拟生物体内的组氨酸,通过观测CCL4中的Chla与C4H6N2反应的吸收、CD和MCD光谱得到以下结论:(a)、在纯CCL4中,每个Chla处于5配位状态,Chla形成不对称的双聚体,彼此之间存在较强的偶合作用。提出两个Chla通过不等价的2个Mg-O配位键(O分别来自于C131位的酮基和C17位酯基的C=O)连接为紧密双体结构;(b)、当C4H6N2/Chla = 0.5和1时,其吸收、CD和MCD光谱均发生明显变化,两个Chla之间的偶合作用明显减弱,但此时仍为双聚体。推测C4H6N2首先取代原紧密双体结构中Mg-O酯键,进而取代Mg-O酮键,最后两个Chla分子通过两个Mg…O弱相互作用连接为松弛的双体结构,该模型与理论获得的P_(680)的结构相似。 在上述研究的基础上,提出了包括放氧中心外围配体和TyrZ在内的放氧中心结构新模型。在新结构模型中,2个H2O分子不对称地结合于“C”形结构开口端两个低价的Mn1II和Mn4III上,并保持较大距离;两个组氨酸的咪唑环通过N原子与两个高价的Mn2IV、Mn3IV结合;Cl结合于MB4TM,并与Ca相连;Ca通过O桥和COO-相连使两个Mn202单元保持特定空间构型。TyrZ通过组氨酸(D1-His190)与Mn簇作用。此外,新模型尝试着在O桥上引入质子。放氧中心结构及其邻近环境(包括TyrZ和TyrD)整体处于中性状态。 同时还提出了新的放氧机理,认为电子和质子的释放非同步进行,并首次明确提出两个水分子的不对称氧化和结构动态变化等观点。认为Ca在维持放氧中心的结构方面担负重要作用,C1与Mn离子之间的亲核作用变化是放氧中心结构变化的关键。
Advances in genome technology have facilitated a new understanding of the historical and genetic processes crucial to rapid phenotypic evolution under domestication(1,2). To understand the process of dog diversification better, we conducted an extensive genome-wide survey of more than 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf. Here we show that dog breeds share a higher proportion of multi-locus haplotypes unique to grey wolves from the Middle East, indicating that they are a dominant source of genetic diversity for dogs rather than wolves from east Asia, as suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data(3). Furthermore, we find a surprising correspondence between genetic and phenotypic/functional breed groupings but there are exceptions that suggest phenotypic diversification depended in part on the repeated crossing of individuals with novel phenotypes. Our results show that Middle Eastern wolves were a critical source of genome diversity, although interbreeding with local wolf populations clearly occurred elsewhere in the early history of specific lineages. More recently, the evolution of modern dog breeds seems to have been an iterative process that drew on a limited genetic toolkit to create remarkable phenotypic diversity.
S-DABO类化合物、其合成方法和用途,属药物技术领域。本发明涉及一种5-烷基-6-苯基-2-(取代芳基羰基甲基硫)尿嘧啶类化合物,该类化合物具有如下通式:其中: R1为C1-3的烷基; R2=C1-6的烷基、取代呋喃环、噻吩环、苯环(芳环上的取代基为H、OH、C1-3 的烷氧基)。以5-烷基-6-苯基硫尿嘧啶为反应物,与a-卤代酮在K2CO3催化下反应获得本发明产物。合成方法简便易行,产物具有显著的抗HIV病毒活性,且毒性较小,选择性指数高,可作为抗HIV药物候选物。
6-环己甲基取代S-DABO类化合物、其合成方法和用途,属药物技术领域。本发明涉及一种5-烷基-6-环己甲基-2-(烷基、环烷基、环烷基甲基、取代苯乙酮)硫尿嘧啶类化合物,该类化合物具有如(Ⅰ)通式:其中: R1为C1-3的烷基; R2=C1-8的烷基、环烷基、环烷基甲基,如(Ⅱ)式:(其中,X=OCH3,H, OH,卤素)。分别以氯甲基环己烷或环己基乙酸为原料制备β-酮酯,再与硫脲在醇钠催化下缩合关环制得关键中间体5-烷基-6-环己甲基硫尿嘧啶,最后通过S-烷基化反应引入C2-位侧链制备目标分子,合成方法简便易行,产物具有极其显著的抗HIV病毒活性和抗耐药性,可作为抗HIV药物候选物。
某些蛋白翻译水平的激活和抑制对胚胎发育过程中基因表达起到重要的时空调节作用.在果蝇中,Bicaudal-c(dBic-C)基因产物被认为是一种能与RNA结合的蛋白质分子,并对转录后水平具有重要的调节作用.dBic-C基因的突变会导致果蝇缺失头部结构和重复的尾部结构,故而命名为双尾-C基因.后来又在多个不同物种(如线虫、爪蟾、小鼠)中发现dBic-C的同源基因,并且这些同源基因的蛋白质产物高度保守.小鼠的Bicaudal-C基因(Biccl)定位于10号染色体的C1区域,其蛋白质N端含有KH结构域,用于介导蛋白质与RNA的相瓦作用;C端的SAM结构域则在蛋白质与蛋白质相互结合中发挥作用.目前已发现3种与Biccl基因相关的小鼠突变体模型jcpk、bpk和67Gso,这些小鼠突变体中Biccl基因在不同位点发生突变,产生异常的蛋白质产物,结果导致小鼠肾脏发生胞囊化,并且影响身体其他器官的正常形态及功能,病理表型特征与人类的多囊肾病(polycystic kidney disease,PKD)极为相似.本文通过总结和同顾Bicaudal-C基因研究的成果和进展,揭示该基因在生物体发育和器官形成中的作用,为深入研究这一基因的生物学功能奠定基础.
为了探讨来源于不同地理位置贾第虫分离株之间的遗传学关系, 采用tim 基因扩增、限制性酶切和 DNA 序列分析方法对来自我国(C1、C2、、CH2、CH3)、柬埔寨(CAM )、澳大利亚(A 1、A 2) 和美国(BP、CDC) 共9 株 蓝氏贾第虫的基因型进行了分析比较。结果表明,A 1、A 2 和CAM 属第1 型(WB) ; CH2 和CH3 属第2 型(JH) ; C1、 C2、BP 和CDC 属第3 型(GS)。本实验结果提示, 虫株间遗传学关系并非由地理位置的远近所决定。来源于同一地 理位置的虫株其遗传学特性可有很大的差异。相反, 来源于地理位置相隔很远的虫株其遗传学特性却可极为相近。 贾第虫分离株基因型的确定可为本虫分子系统进化和分子流行病学研究提供重要资料。
Objective To confirm the genetic relation between Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia) isolates from different geographic regions of China and other countries. Methods Genomic DNA were extracted from the trophozoites or cysts of Giardia lamblia. The triose phosphate isomerase (tim) gene was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. PCR products were digested with endonuclease and sequenced. The data of sequencing were analyzed with the DNAstar software and compared with that of the isolates acquired from GenBank. Results Of nine isolates of Giardia lamblia from China (C1, C2, CH2 and CH3), Cambodia (CAM), Australia (A1 and A2) and America (BP and CDC), respectively, 3 (A1, A2 and CAM) fit into Group 1 (WB), 2 (CH2 and CH3) into Group 2, and 4 (C1, C2, BP and CDC) into Group 3 (GS). The results confirmed the genetic relatedness of G. lamblia isolates from all over the world. Conclusion Genotyping isolates of G. Lamblia provides important information for establishing the phylogenetic relationship or for the epidemiological evaluation of the spreading of this organism.
稀有鲫汉源种群和彭州种群全鱼中共检测到 3种饱和脂肪酸 (SFA) ,它们是C1 4∶0、C1 6∶0、C1 8∶0。 4种单不饱和脂肪酸 (MUFA) ,它们是C1 4∶1、C1 6∶1、C1 8∶1、C2 0∶1。 4种多不饱和脂肪酸 (PUFA) ,它们是C1 8∶2、C2 0∶4、C2 0∶5 (EPA)、C2 2∶6 (DHA)。SFA占总脂肪酸的2 3 6 3— 2 8 97% ,MUFA占 40 73— 5 4 3 2 % ,PUFA占 9 96— 2 3 1 7% ,EPA占 0 41—
The shape of truncated square-based pyramid quantum dots (QDs) is similar to that of real QDs in experiments. The electronic band structures and optical gain of InAs1-xNx/GaAs QDs are calculated by using the 10-band k.p model, and the strain is calculated by the valence force field (VFF) method. When the top part of the QD is truncated, greater truncation corresponds to a flatter shape of the QD. The truncation changes the strain distribution and the confinement in the z direction. A flatter QD has a greater C1-HH1 transition energy, greater transition matrix element, less detrimental effect of higher excited transition, and higher saturation gain and differential gain. The trade-off between these properties must be considered. From our results, a truncated QD with half of its top part removed has better overall performance. This can provide guidance to growing QDs in experiments in which the proper growing conditions can be controlled to achieve required properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ultrafast dynamics of in-plane four-state magnetization reversal from compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As film was investigated by magneto-optical Kerr rotation measurement. The magnetization reversal signal was dramatically suppressed upon pumping, and recovered slowly with time evolution. The low switching field H-c1 increased abruptly from 30 to 108 G on the first several picoseconds and recovered back to the value before optical pumping within about 500 ps, whereas the high switching field H-c2 did not change obviously upon pumping, implying a domain-wall nucleation/propagation at low fields and coherent magnetization rotation at high fields in the magnetization reversal process.
The subbands of the ground state E-c1, the first excited state E-c2 and heavy hole state E-HH1 are calculated by solving the eigenvalues of effective-mass Hamiltonian H-0 which is derived from eight-band k . p theory and the calculations are performed at k(x) = k, = k = 0 for the three-dimensional array of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). With indium content in InGaAs QDs gradually increasing from 30% to 100%,the intersubband transition wavelength of E-c2 to E-c1, blue-shifts from 18.50 to 11.87 mu m,while the transition wavelength of E-c1, to E-HH1, red-shifts from 1. 04 to 1. 73 mu m. With the sizes of Ir-0.5 Ga-0.5 As and InAs QDs increasing from 1.0 to 5.0 nm, the intersubband transition from E-c1, to E-C2 transforms from bound-state-to-continuum-state to bound-state-to-bound-state, and the corresponding intersubband transition wavelengths red-shift from 8.12 pm (5.90 pm) to 53.47 mu m (31.87 pm), respectively, and the transition wavelengths of E-C1 to E-HH1 red-shift from 1. 13 mu m (1.60 mu m) to 1.27 mu m (2.01 mu m), respectively.