44 resultados para 13627-011


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微生物结皮是荒漠化治理中新的热点之一,但其关键形成生物——微型藻类如何通过群落结构的变化向地衣结皮、藓类结皮转变的机理仍是未知的。本文以时空替代法,将沙坡头流沙,4、8、17、34及42龄结皮当作同一群落演替进程中的6个阶段,通过系统聚类、主分量分析的方法首次对这一问题进行了研究,结果显示该地荒漠藻群落的原生演替朝着蓝藻总丰度和爪哇伪枝藻(Scytonema javanicum)丰度逐渐下降,纤细席藻(Phormidiumtenue)、绿藻、硅藻丰度逐渐增加的方向进行;多样性随群落演替的发展而增高;生物量


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The numbers of spawning sites for Chinese sturgeon have been drastically reduced since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam across the Yangtze River. This dam has blocked migration of Chinese sturgeon to their historic spawning ground causing a significant decline of the Chinese sturgeon population. We conducted a VORTEX population viability analysis to estimate the sustainability of the population and to quantify the efficiency of current and alternative conservation procedures. The model predicted the observed decline of Chinese sturgeon, resulting from the effect of the Gezhouba Dam. These simulations demonstrated the potential interest of two conservation measures: increasing spawning area and reducing predation on sturgeon eggs. The simulations also demonstrated that the actual restocking program is not sufficient to sustain sturgeon population as the artificial reproduction program induce the loss of more wild mature adults that the recruitment expected by the artificial reproduction.


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Hir/Hira (histone regulation) genes were first identified in yeast as negative regulators of histone gene expression. It has been confirmed that HIRA is a conserved family of proteins present in various animals and plants. In this paper, the cDNAs of the Hira homolog named CagHira and CaHira were isolated from gynogenetic gibel carp (gyno-carp) and gonochoristic color crucian carp (gono-carp) respectively. The full-length CagHira is 3,860 bp in length with an open reading frame (ORF) of 3,033 bp that encodes 1,011 amino acids, while the full-length CaHira is 3,748 bp in length and also has an ORF of 3,033 bp. The deduced amino acid sequences of both Hira homologs contain seven WD domains and show high identity with other HIRA family members. RT-PCR analyses revealed strong expression of Hira in the ovaries, whereas no expression was detected in the testes of either of the fishes. Hira transcription was not detected in the liver of gyno-carp, but a high level of Hira mRNA was observed in gono-carp. The temporal expression pattern showed that the Hira mRNA is consistently expressed during all embryonic development stages in gyno-carp. However, the abundance of CaHira mRNA significantly decreased (P < 0.05) shortly after fertilization and then increased again and remained stable from gastrula till hatching. The varying spatiotemporal expression patterns of Hira genes in gyno-carp and gono-carp may be associated with the differing reproductive modes used by these two closely related fishes. Our results suggest that Hira may play a role not only in the decondensation of sperm nucleus and the formation of pronucleus during fertilization, but also in gastrulation and the subsequent development of embryos.


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Vanadium dioxide thin films were fabricated by ion beam sputtering on Si3N4/SiO2/Si after a post reductive annealing process in a nitrogen atmosphere. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to analyze the effects of post annealing temperature on crystallinity, morphology, and composition of the vanadium oxide thin films. Transmission properties of vanadium dioxide thin films were measured by Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results showed that the as-deposited vanadium oxide thin films were composed of non-crystalline V2O5 and a tetragonal rutile VO2. After annealing at 400 degrees C for 2 h, the mixed phase vanadium oxide (VOx) thin film changed its composition and structure to VO2 and had a (011) oriented monoclinic rutile structure. When increasing the temperature to 450 degrees C, nano VO2 thin films with smaller grains were obtained. FT-IR results showed that the transmission contrast factor of the nano VO2 thin film was more than 0.99 and the transmission of smaller grain nano VO2 thin film was near zero at its switched state. Nano VO2 thin film with smaller grains is an ideal material for application in optical switching devices.


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A high-power AlGaInP laser diode with current-injection-free region near the facet is successfully fabricated by metaorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using the (100) direction n-GaAs substrates with a misorientation of 15 deg toward the (011) direction. The maximum continuous wave output power is about 90 mW for the traditional structure. In comparison, the maximum output power is enhanced by about 67%, and achieves 150 mW for LDs with current-infection-free regions. The fundamental transverse-mode operation is obtained up to 70 mW. Output characteristics at high temperatures are also improved greatly for an LD with a current-injection-free region, and the highest operation temperature is 70 C at 50 mW without kink. The threshold current is about 33 mA, the operation current and the slope efficiency at 100 mW are 120 mA and 0.9 mW/mA, respectively. The lasing wavelength is 658.4 nm at room-temperature 50 mW. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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By combination of prepatterned substrate and self-organized growth, InAs islands are grown on the stripe-patterned GaAs (100) substrate by solid soul-cc molecular beam epitaxy. Four [011] stripe-patterned substrates different in pitch, depth, and sidewall angle, respectively, are used in this work. The surface morphology obtained by atomic force microscopy shows that the InAs quantum dots can be formed either on the ridge or on the sidewall of the stripes near the bottom, depending on the structure of the stripes on the patterned substrate. The mechanism determining the nucleation position of the InAs dots is discussed. The optical properties of the InAs dots on the patterned substrates are also investigated by photo luminescence. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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SiC was grown on Si (100) substrates oriented and off-oriented by 2-5 degrees towards [011] with simultaneous supply of C2H4 and S2H6 at 1050 degrees C. SiC formed during removal of oxide could be removed at 1150 degrees C. Twinned growth occurred on both oriented and off-oriented substrates during carbonization, but fewer twins formed on the off-oriented substrate than that on the oriented substrate. In SiC growth process, twinned growth continued on the off-oriented substrate whereas twinned growth stopped and single crystal SiC with double-domain (2 x 1) superstructure formed on the oriented substrate. SiC single crystal could grow on a carbonized twinned buffer layer. Obvious SiC LO and TO phonon modes were observed with Raman spectroscopy in the epilayer grown on the oriented substrate. The surface of the epilayer grown on the oriented substrate was smooth, while there was a high density of islands on the epilayer grown on the off-oriented substrate. The film grown on the oriented substrate is superior than that grown on the off-oriented substrate. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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随着人口老龄化的发展,对衰老和长寿的研究越来越受到关注。科学家们希望找到衰老相关疾病的致病机理以及治疗手段,从而降低这些疾病的发病风险,减少社会和经济负担。长寿老人受衰老相关疾病的困扰相对较少,自然成为研究的热点人群。而由于长寿的遗传力相对较高,关于长寿的遗传学研究也成为这个领域的热点之一。作为在从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物中一条非常保守的信号通路,胰岛素/胰岛素样生长因子1(IIS)信号通路是一条与生长发育代谢密切相关的信号通路。同时,在模式生物的研究中发现,减弱这条信号通路会导致模式生物寿命的延长。而在人类群体的相关性研究中,这条通路上一些基因的遗传变异位点与长寿、血清胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1)水平以及一些衰老相关疾病如糖尿病、癌症和心脑血管疾病相关。为了探讨IIS信号通路上一些基因的遗传变异与长寿的关系,本研究在中国四川省都江堰市招募了共493名无相互关系的长寿老人,其中男性252人,年龄均大于90岁,女性241人,年龄均大于94岁。同时,在该地区招募了442名年轻的对照个体,年龄在22岁到73岁之间。我们对IIS信号通路上的一些基因的遗传变异位点利用测序,片段分析,RFLP等方法进行了扫描。包括(1)IGF1基因启动子区域及内含子1中的一个微卫星位点;(2)IGF1R基因外显子序列中的4个变异位点,包括3个SNP和一个2碱基缺失位点;(3)FOXO3A基因内含子1中的3个SNP位点。本研究发现,在该人群中,IGF1基因启动子区域的遗传变异与长寿没有相关性,但携带该区域中的微卫星位点18/21基因型的男性个体在长寿群体中所占比例高于在对照群体中所占的比例(11.11 vs. 5.45%, p=0.011)。虽然经过多重检验校正后显著性消失了,但考虑到这个位点曾被报道与多种衰老相关疾病相关,因此,这个位点不是影响长寿的潜在功能位点,但有可能与真正的潜在功能位点相连锁,这一观点有待进一步研究的验证。本研究并没有发现IGF1R基因外显子序列中的遗传变异与长寿存在相关性。同时,研究结果支持FOXO3A基因的遗传变异与长寿相关,这样,继日籍美国人,德国人,意大利人群体后,在中国汉族人群中也证实了这一结果。同时,在FOXO3A基因上的一个未报道过的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点(109080595)在本研究中被发现,携带这个基因突变纯和基因型的个体仅在长寿人群中出现(8/492 vs. 0/414, 基因型分布差异p值为0.011)。关于FOXO3A基因的功能以及新发现位点在其他群体中的基因型分布情况值得进一步深入研究。综上所述,本研究第一次在中国汉族人群中对IIS信号通路的一些基因的遗传变异与长寿的相关性进行了探讨,更多群体及更大样本量的研究有助于加深对长寿遗传机制的认识。


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In this work we investigate the lateral periodicity of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/GaAs/Ga(PAs)/GaAs superlattices by means of X-ray scattering techniques. The multilayers were grown by metalorganic Vapour phase epitaxy on (001)GaAs substrates, which were intentionally off-oriented towards the [011]-direction. The substrate off-orientation and the strain distribution was found to affect the structural properties of the superlattices inducing the generation of laterally ordered macrosteps. Several high-resolution triple-crystal reciprocal space maps, which were recorded for different azimuth angles in the vicinity of the (004) Bragg diffraction and contour maps of the specular reflected beam collected in the vicinity of the (000) reciprocal lattice point, are reported and discussed. The reciprocal space maps clearly show a two-dimensional periodicity of the X-ray peak intensity distribution which can be ascribed to the superlattice periodicity in the direction of the surface normal and to a lateral periodicity in a crystallographic direction coinciding with the miscut orientation. The distribution and correlation of the vertical as well as of the lateral interface roughness was investigated by specular reflectivity and diffuse scattering measurements. Our results show that the morphology of the roughness is influenced by the off-orientation angle and can be described by a 2-dimensional waviness.


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采用双离子束溅射方法在Si_3N_4/SiO_2/Si基底表面沉积氧化钒薄膜,在氮气气氛下热处理获得二氧化钒薄膜.利用x射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了热处理温度对氧化钒薄膜晶体结构、表面形貌和组分的影响,利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)对二氧化钒薄膜的红外透射性能进行了测试分析.结果表明,所制备的氧化钒薄膜以非晶态V_2O_5;和四方金红石结构VO_2为主,经400℃、2 h热处理后获得了(011)择优取向的单斜金红石结构纳米VO_2薄膜,提高热处理温度至450℃,纳米结构VO_2薄膜的晶粒尺寸减小.FT-IR结果显示,纳米VO_2薄膜透射率对比因子超过0.99,高温关闭状态下透射率接近0.小晶粒尺寸纳米VO_2:薄膜更适合在热光开关器件领域应用.


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This paper describes a special-purpose neural computing system for face identification. The system architecture and hardware implementation are introduced in detail. An algorithm based on biomimetic pattern recognition has been embedded. For the total 1200 tests for face identification, the false rejection rate is 3.7% and the false acceptance rate is 0.7%.


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Thermally induced evolution of phase transformations is a basic physical-chemical process in the dissociation of gas hydrate in sediment (GHS). Heat transfer leads to the weakening of the bed soil and the simultaneous establishment of a time varying stress field accompanied by seepage of fluids and deformation of the soil. As a consequence, ground failure could occur causing engineering damage or/and environmental disaster. This paper presents a simplified analysis of the thermal process by assuming that thermal conduction can be decoupled from the flow and deformation process. It is further assumed that phase transformations take place instantaneously. Analytical and numerical results are given for several examples of simplified geometry. Experiments using Tetra-hydro-furan hydrate sediments were carried out in our laboratory to check the theory. By comparison, the theoretical, numerical and experimental results on the evolution of dissociation fronts and temperature in the sediment are found to be in good agreement.


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近十年,植物群体遗传学的研究飞速发展,然而与海拔相关的植物群体遗传结构和遗传变异研究却相对较少。到目前为止,还不清楚遗传变异与海拔之间是否有一个通用的格局。在山区,各种生态因子,如温度、降水、降雪、紫外线辐射强度以及土壤成分都随海拔梯度急剧变化,造成了即使在一个小的空间区域,植被类型变化显著,这种高山环境的异质性和复杂性为我们研究植物群体遗传结构和分化提供了方便。沙棘(Hippophea)属于胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)为多年生落叶灌木或乔木,雌雄异株,天然种群分布极为广泛。中国沙棘(H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis)是沙棘属植物中分布较广的一个亚种,种内形态变异非常丰富,加之其具有独特的繁育系统和广泛的生态地理分布,是研究沙棘属植物遗传变异和系统分化的理想材料。本文从1,800 m 到3,400 m 分5 个海拔梯度进行取样,用RAPD 和cpSSR 分子标记研究了卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘天然群体的遗传结构和遗传变异。5 个取样群体依次标记为A、B、C、D 和E,它们分别代表分布在海拔1,800,2,200,2,600,3,000 和3,400 m 的5 个天然群体。RAPD实验用11 条寡核苷酸引物,扩增得到151 个重复性好的位点,其中143 个多态位点,多态率达94.7%。在5 个沙棘群体中,总遗传多样性值(HT)为0.289,B群体内的遗传多样性值为0.315,这完全符合沙棘这种多年生、远交的木本植物具有高遗传变异的特性。5 个群体内遗传多样性随海拔升高呈低-高-低变异趋势,在2,200 m海拔处的B群体遗传多样性达最大值0.315,3,400 m海拔处的E群体则表现最小仅0.098。5 个群体间的遗传分化值GST=0.406,也即是说有40.6%的遗传变异存在于群体间,1,800 m海拔处的A群体与其它群体的明显分离是造成群体间遗传分化大的原因。UPGMA聚类图和PCoA散点图进一步确证了5 个群体间的关系和所有个体间的关系。最后,经过Mantel检测,遗传距离与海拔表现了明显的相关性(r = 0.646, P = 0.011)。cpSSR 实验中,经过对24 对cpSSR 通用引物筛选,11 对引物能扩增出特异性条带,只有2 对引物(ccmp2 和ARCP4)呈现多态性。4 个等位基因共组合出4 种单倍型,单倍型Ⅰ出现在A 群体的所有个体和B 群体的8 个个体中,C、D、E 三个群体均不含有,而单倍型Ⅱ出现在C、D、E 三个群体的所有个体及B 群体的18 个个体中,A 群体不含有。另外两种单倍型Ⅲ和Ⅳ为稀有类型,仅B 群体中的4 个个体拥有。这种单倍型分布模式和TFPGA 群体聚类图揭示了,C、D、E 群体可能来源于同一祖先种,而A 群体却是由另一祖先种发展起来的,B 群体则兼具了这两种起源种的信息,这可能是因为在历史上的某一时期,在中国沙棘群体高山分化的过程中,B 群体处某个或者某些个体发生了基因突变,具备了适应高海拔环境的能力,产生了高海拔沙棘群体的祖先种。 In recent ten years, studies about population genetics of plants developed rapidly,whereas their genetic structure and genetic variation along altitudinal gradients have beenstudied relatively little. So far, it is uncleared whether there is a common pattern betweengenetic variation and altitudinal gradients. In the mountain environments, importantecological factors, e.g., temperature, rainfall, snowfall, ultraviolet radiation and soil substratesetc., change rapidly with altitudes, which cause the vegetation distribution varying typically,even on a small spatial scale. The mountain environments, which are heterogeneous andcomplex, facilitate and offer a good opportunity to characterize population genetic structureand population differentiation.The species of the genus Hippophae L. (Elaeagnaceae) are perennial deciduous shrubs ortrees, which are dioecious, wind-pollinated pioneer plants. The natural genus has a widedistribution extending from Northern Europe through Central Europe and Central Asia toChina. According to the latest taxonomy, the genus Hippophae is divided into six species and12 subspecies. The subspecies H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis shows significant morphologicalvariations, large geographic range and dominantly outcrossing mating system. Thesecharacteristics of the subspecies are favourable to elucidate genetic variation and systemevolution. To estimate genetic variation and genetic structure of H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensisat different altitudes, we surveyed five natural populations in the Wolong Natural Reserve at altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 3,400 m above sea level (a.s.l.) using random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) and cpSSR molecular methods. The five populations A,B, C, D, and E correspond to the altitudes 1,800, 2,200, 2,600, 3,000 and 3,400 m,respectively.Based on 11 decamer primers, a total of 151 reproducible DNA loci were yielded, ofwhich 143 were polymorphic and the percentage of polymorphic loci equaled 94.7%. Amongthe five populations investigated, the total gene diversity (HT) and gene diversity within population B equaled 0.289 and 0.315, respectively, which are modest for a subspecies of H.rhamnoides, which is an outcrossing, long-lived, woody plant. The amount of geneticvariation within populations varied from 0.098 within population E (3,400 m a.s.l.) to 0.315within population B (2,200 m a.s.l.). The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST) amongpopulations equaled 0.406 and revealed that 40.6% of the genetic variance existed amongpopulations and 59.4% within populations. The population A (1,800 m a.s.l.) differed greatlyfrom the other four populations, which contributes to high genetic differentiation. A UPGMAcluster analysis and principal coordinate analyses based on Nei's genetic distances furthercorroborated the relationships among the five populations and all the sampling individuals,respectively. Mantel tests detected a significant correlation between genetic distances andaltitudinal gradients (r = 0.646, P = 0.011).Eleven of the original 24 cpSSR primer pairs tested produced good PCR products, onlytwo (ccmp2 and ARCP4) of which were polymorphic. Four total length variants (alleles) werecombined resulting in 4 haplotypes. The haplotype was present in all individuals of Ⅰpopulation A and 8 individuals of populations B, the other three populations (C, D and Epopulations) did not share. The haplotype was present in all individuals of populations C, D Ⅱand E and 18 individuals of populations B, population A did not share. The other twohaplotypes and were rare haplotypes, which were only shared in 4 individuals of Ⅲ Ⅳpopulation B. The distribution of haplotypes and TFPGA population clustering map showedthat the populations C, D and E might be origined from one ancestor seed and population Amight be from another, whereas population B owned information of the two ancestor seeds. Itwas because that gene mutation within some individual or seed in the location of population Bwas likely to happen in the history of H. rhamnoides, which was the original ancestor of thehigh-altitude populations.