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The biocatalytic growth of gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) has been employed in the design of new optical biosensors based on the enhanced resonance light scattering (RLS) signals. Both absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed Au-NP seeds could be effectively enlarged upon the reaction with H2O2, an important metabolite that could be generated by many biocatalytic reactions.


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The redox-induced conformational equilibrium of cytochrome c (cyt c) adsorbed on DNA-modified metal electrode and the interaction mechanism of DNA with cyt c have been studied by electrochemical, spectroscopic and spectroelectrochemical techniques. The results indicate that the external electric field induces potential-dependent coordination equilibrium of the adsorbed cyt c between its oxidized state (with native six-coordinate low-spin and non-native five-coordinate high-spin heme configuration) and its reduced state (with native six-coordinate low-spin heme configuration) on DNA-modified metal electrode. The strong interactions between DNA and cyt c induce the self-aggregation of cyt c adsorbed on DNA. The orientational distribution of cyt c adsorbed on DNA-modified metal electrode is potential-dependent, which results in the deviation from an ideal Nernstian behavior of the adsorbed cyt c at high electrode potentials. The electric-field-induced increase in the activation barrier of proton-transfer steps attributed to the rearrangement of the hydrogen bond network and the self-aggregation of cyt c upon adsorption on DNA-modified electrode strongly decrease the interfacial electron transfer rate.


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A theoretical investigation on the nonlinear pulse propagation and dispersive wave generation in the anomalous dispersion region of a microstructured fiber is presented. By simulating the dispersive wave generation under different conditions. it is found that the generation mechanism of the dispersive wave is mainly due to the pulse trapping across the zero-dispersion wavelength. By varying the initial pulse chirp, the output spectrum can be broadened and the intensity of the dispersive wave can be obviously enhanced. In particular, there exists an optimal positive chirp which maximizes the intensity of the dispersive wave. This effect can be explained by the energy transfer from the Raman soliton to the dispersive wave due to the effect of the pulse trapping and the effect of the higher-order dispersion. From the phase aspect, the explanation of this effect is also included. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interaction of shaped laser pulses with plasmas is studied in a strict theoretical framework without adopting the slow-varying envelope approximation (SVEA). Any physical quantities involved in the interaction are denoted as a summation of different real quantities of respective phases. The relationships among the phases of those real quantities and their moduli are strictly analyzed. Such strict analyses lead to a more exact equation set for the three-dimensional envelope of the laser pulse, which is not based on SVEA. Based on this equation set, self-focusing, Raman, and modulation instabilities could be discussed in a unified framework. The solutions of this equation set for the laser envelope reveal many possible multicolor laser modes in plasmas. The energy and the shape of a pulse determine its propagation through plasmas in a multicolor mode or in a monochromic mode. A global growth rate is introduced to measure the speed of the transition from the monochromic mode in vacuum to a possible mode in plasmas. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Femtosecond explosive processes of argon clusters irradiated by linearly chirped ultraintense laser pulses have been investigated by 90 degrees side spectral scattering. The spectral redshift and blueshift, which correlate with the cluster explosion processes have been measured for negatively and positively chirped driving laser pulses, respectively. The evolution of the heated-cluster polarizability indicates that the core of the cluster is shielded from the laser field in the beginning of the explosion and enhanced scattering occurs after the fast explosion initiates. Evidence of resonant heating is found from the coincidence of enhanced scattering with enhanced absorption measured using the transmitted spectra. Anomalously large-size clusters with very low gas density have been observed in this way and can be used as clean and important cluster targets.


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Variations in optical spectrum and modulation band-width of a modulated Fabry-Perot (FP) semiconductor laser subject to the external light injection from another FP Laser is investigated in this paper. Optimal wavelength matching conditions for two FP lasers are discussed. A series of experiments show that two FP lasers should have a central wavelength overlapping and a mode spacing difference of several gigahertz. Under these conditions both the magnitude and phase frequency responses can be improved significantly.


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It is studied whether there is any regular relationship between the yellow luminescence band and electron mobility of n-type GaN. For a series of GaN samples grown with the same Si doping, it is found that the electron mobility decreases with an increase of relative intensity of yellow luminescence, accompanied by an increase of edge dislocation density. Further research indicates that it is acceptors introduced by edge dislocations which lead to the concomitant changes of yellow luminescence and electron mobility. Similar changes are induced by Si doping in the n-type GaN samples with relatively low edge dislocation density. However, the relationship between the yellow luminescence and electron mobility of n-type GaN is not a simple one. A light Si doping may simultaneously increase yellow luminescence and electron mobility when Si doping plays a dominant role in reducing the carrier scattering. This means that even the intensity of yellow luminescence is often used as an indicator of material quality for GaN, it does not have any monotonous correlation with the electron mobility of GaN. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The Pt nanoparticles (NPs), which posses the wider tunable localized-surface-plasmon (LSP) energy varying from deep ultraviolet to visible region depending on their morphology, were prepared by annealing Pt thin films with different initial mass-thicknesses. A sixfold enhancement of the 357 nm forward emission of ZnMgO was observed after capping with Pt NPs, which is due to the resonance coupling between the LSP of Pt NPs and the band-gap emission of ZnMgO. The other factors affecting the ultraviolet emission of ZnMgO, such as emission from Pt itself and light multi-scattering at the interface, were also discussed. These results indicate that Pt NPs can be used to enhance the ultraviolet emission through the LSP coupling for various wide band-gap semiconductors.


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A two dimensional silicon-on-insulator based photonic crystal structure is used to enhance the emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots embedded in a thin polymer film. The enhancement is resonant to the leaky eigenmodes of the photonic crystals due to coherent scattering effects. Transmittance and photoluminescence experiments are presented to map the leaky mode dispersion and the angle dependence of the emission enhancement factor, which reaches values up to 80 (650) for vertical (oblique) emission in the telecommunication wavelength range.


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In this article, a simple and flexible electron-beam coevaporation (EBCE) technique has been reported of fabrication of the silicon nanocrystals (Si NCs) and their application to the nonvolatile memory. For EBCE, the Si and SiOx(x=1 or 2) were used as source materials. Transmission electron microscopy images and Raman spectra measurement verified the formation of the Si NCs. The average size and area density of the Si NCs can be adjusted by increasing the Si:O weight ratio in source material, which has a great impact on the crystalline volume fraction of the deposited film and on the charge storage characteristics of the Si NCs. A memory window as large as 6.6 V under +/- 8 V sweep voltage was observed for the metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor structure with the embedded Si NCs.


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The microstructures of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (tic-Si: H) thin films, prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), hot wire CVD(HWCVD) and plasma assisted HWCVD (PE-HWCVD), have been analyzed by the small angle x-ray scattering(SAXS) measurement. The SAXS data show that the microstructures of the μ c-Si: H films display different characteristics for different deposition techniques. For films deposited by PECVD, the volume fraction of micro-voids and mean size are smaller than those in HWCVD sample. Aided by suitable ion-bombardment, PE-HWCVD samples show a more compact structure than the HWCVD sample. The microstructure parameters of the μ c-Si: H thin films deposited by two-steps HWCVD and PE-HWCVD with Ar ions are evidently improved. The result of 45° tilting SAXS measurement indicates that the distribution of micro-voids in the film is anisotropic. The Fouriertransform infrared spectra confirm the SAXS data.


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Thick GaN films with high quality have been grown on (0001) sapphire substrate in a home-made vertical HVPE reactor. Micron-size hexagonal pits with inverted pyramid shape appear on the film surface, which have six triangular {10-11} facets. These I {10-11} facets show strong luminescence emission and are characteristic of doped n-type materials. Broad red emission is suppressed in {10-11} facets and is only found at the flat region out of the pit, which is related with the decreasing defects on {10-11} facets. Low CL emission intensity is observed at the apex of V-shape pits due to the enhanced nonradiative recombination. Raman spectra show that there are higher carrier concentration and low strain in the pit in comparison to the flat region out of the pit. The strain relaxation may be the main mechanism of the V-shape pits formation on the GaN film surface. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is important to acquire the composition of Si1-xGex layer, especially that with high Ge content, epitaxied on Si substrate. Two nondestructive examination methods, double crystals X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) and micro-Raman measurement, were introduced comparatively to determine x value in Si1-xGex: layer, which show that while the two methods are consistent with each other when x is low, the results obtained from double crystals X-ray diffraction are not credible due to the large strain relaxation occurring in Si1-xGex layers when Ge content is higher than about 20%. Micro-Raman measurement is more appropriate for determining high Ge content than DCXRD.


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Four well-resolved peaks with very narrow linewidths were found in the D-band and G'-band features of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs). This fact implies the occurrence of additional van Hove singularities (vHSs) in the joint density of states (JDOS) of DWNTs, which is consistent with theoretical calculations. According to their peak frequencies and theoretical analysis, the two outer peaks can be deduced to originate from a strong coupling between the two constituent tubes of commensurate DWNTs and the two inner peaks were curvature-related and assigned to originate from the two tubes with a weak coupling. This observation and elucidation constitute the first Raman evidence for atomic correlation and the resulting electronic structure change of the two constituent tubes in DWNTs. This result opens the possibility of predicting and modifying the electronic properties of DWNTs for their electronic applications.


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A Raman-forbidden phonon mode at about 840 cm(-1) is observed popularly on the surface of pun and La-doped Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.8) single crystals annealed in oxygen. A remarkable excitation dependence of this additional line is found. Based on the properties of the structure of the Bi-O layer with excess oxygen atoms and the similarity in the appearance of the Raman-forbidden modes between RBa2Cu3Ox (R = Y, Nd, Gd, Pr) and Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y systems, we attribute the manifestation of this additional line to the ordering of the interstitial oxygen in the Bi-O layers. Our results provide Raman evidences for confirming that the ordering of the movable oxygen may exist universally in high-temperature superconductors.