328 resultados para photon


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The excitonic optical absorption of GaAs bulk semiconductors under intense terahertz (THz) radiation is investigated numerically. The method of solving initial-value problems, combined with the perfect matched layer technique, is used to calculate the optical susceptibility. In the presence of a driving THz field, in addition to the usual exciton peaks, 2p replica of the dark 2p exciton and even-THz-photon-sidebands of the main exciton resonance emerge in the continuum above the band edge and below the main exciton resonance. Moreover, to understand the shift of the position of the main exciton peak under intense THz radiation, it is necessary to take into consideration both the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect and ac Stark effect simultaneously. For moderate frequency fields, the main exciton peak decreases and broadens due to the field-induced ionization of the excitons with THz field increasing. However, for high frequency THz fields, the characteristics of the exciton recur even under very strong THz fields, which accords with the recent experimental results qualitatively.


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A new unsymmetrical photochromic diarylethene 1a is synthesized, and the photochromic properties of it are also investigated. The compound exhibits good photochromism with UV/ visible light irradiation. Compound 1a in polymethyl methacrylate ( PMMA ) film changes color upon 313- nm light irradiation from colorless to blue, in which the absorption maximum is observed at 587 nm. Photon- mode polarization multiplexing holographic optical recording is performed successfully using this compound as a recording medium. In the diarylethene 1b/ PMMA film, polarization multiplexing hologram recording and retrieval, and a combination with the angular multiplexing scheme, are demonstrated systematically. The results indicate that recording capacity can be significantly improved with the combined method of polarization and angular multiplexing holographic recording. (C) 2008 Society of Photo- Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A scattering process modeled by an imaginary potential V(I) in the wide well of an asymmetric double quantum well structure (DQWS) is used to model the electron tunneling from the narrow well. Taking V(I) approximately -5 meV, the ground resonant level lifetimes of the narrow well in the DQWS are in quantitative agreement with the experimental resonance and non-resonance tunneling times. The corresponding scattering time 66 fs is much faster than the intersubband scattering time of LO-photon emission.


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The electronic absorption of EL2 centers has been clarified to be related to the electron acid hole photoionizations, and the transition from its ground state to metastable state, respectively. Under an illumination with a selected photon energy in the near infrared region, these three processes with different optical cross sections will show different kinetics against the illumination time. It has recently been shown that the photosensitivity (measured under 1.25 eV illumination) of the local vibrational mode absorption induced by some deep defect centers in SI-GaAs is a consequence of the electron and hole photoionizations of EL2. This paper directly measures the kinetics of the electronic transition associated with EL2 under 1.25 eV illumination, which implies the expected charge transfer among different charge states of the EL2 center. A calculation based on a simple rate equation model is in good agreement with the experimental results.


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The dynamic effect of electrons in a double quantum well under the influence of a monochromatic driving laser field is investigated. Closed-form solutions for the quasienergy and Floquet states are obtained with the help of SU(2) symmetry. For the case of weak interlevel coupling, explicit expressions of the quasienergy are presented by the use of perturbation theory, from which it is found that as long as the photon energy is not close to the tunnel splitting, the electron will be confined in an initially occupied eigenstate of the undriven system during the whole evolution process. Otherwise, it will transit between the lowest two levels in an oscillatory behavior.


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DFB lasers with continuously and arbitrarily chirped gratings of ultrahigh spatial precision are implemented by a method we proposed recently, using bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields. Choosing individual bending functions we generate special chirping functions and obtain additional degrees of freedom to tailor and improve specific device performances, We present two applications for lasers showing several improved device properties and the effectiveness of our method, First, we implement continuously distributed phase-shifted lasers, revealing a considerably reduced photon pile-up, higher single-longitudinal mode stability, higher output power, lower linewidth, and higher yield than conventional abruptly phase-shifted lasers, Second, a novel tuning principle is applied in chirped multiple-section DFB lasers, showing 5.5-nm wavelength tuning, without any gaps, maintaining high side-mode suppression.


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The LO phonon modes in the barrier layers of a GaInAs/AlInAs multiple quantum well structure are investigated by resonance Raman scattering (RRS), the excitation laser photon energy tuned to resonate with the above barrier interband transition energy. The resonance enhancement of LO phonon peaks are shown to be caused by Frohlich electron-phonon interaction. The pressure-dependent profiles for both AlAs-like (LO(2) mode) and InAs-like (LO(1) mode) Raman peak intensities are well fitted by the Gaussian lineshape. The shift between these two profiles can be explained by the outgoing RRS mechanism, providing information on the pressure-induced shift of the excitonic transition energy. The amplitude ratios of the two profiles are close to 1, showing a well defined two-mode behavior and the nearly equal polarizability for Al-As and In-As bonds in AlInAs alloy.


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The thermal population in photocarrier systems coupled by hole mixing tunneling is studied by an analysis of the high energy tails in cw photoluminescence spectra of asymmetric coupled double wells. Photocarriers in wide well are heated due to hole transfer from the narrow well through resonant tunneling as well as by photon heating. The influences of the excitation intensity and lattice temperature on the tunneling transfer and thermal population are discussed.


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A Geiger mode planar InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode (APD) with a cascade peripheral junction structure to suppress edge breakdowns is designed by finite-element analysis. The photodiode breakdown voltage is reduced to 54.3V by controlling the central junction depth, while the electric field distribution along the device central axis is controlled by adjusting doping level and thickness of the lnP field control layer. Using a cascade junction structure at the periphery of the active area, premature edge breakdowns are effectively suppressed. The simulations show that the quadra-cascade structure is a good trade-off between suppression performance and fabrication complexity, with a reduced peak electric field of 5.2 × 10~5 kV/cm and a maximum hole ionization integral of 1. 201. Work presented in this paper provides an effective way to design high performance photon counting InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes.


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The intensity-dependent two-photon absorption and nonlinear refraction coefficients of GaP optical crystal at 800 nm were measured with time-resolved femtosecond pump-probe technique. A nonlinear refraction coefficient of 1.7*10^(-17) m2/W and a two-photon absorption coefficient of 1.5*10^(-12) m/W of GaP crystal were obtained at a pump intensity of 3.5*10^(12) W/m2. The nonlinear refraction coefficient saturates at 3.5*10^(12) W/m2, while the two-photon absorption coefficient keeps linear increase at 6*10^(12) W/m2. Furthermore, fifth-order nonlinear refraction of the GaP optical crystal was revealed to occur above pump intensity of 3.5*10^(12) W/m2.


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To provide the dynamics of cavity polariton in semiconductor microcavity containing GaAs quantum-well, the dispersions of the three cavity polaritons have been given by the model of three coupled oscillators, meanwhile the linewidths, group velocities and the mass of the three cavity polaritons have been demonstrated. The results indicated that because of the weight occupied by the photon, heavy hole exciton and light hole extiton in the three cavity ploariton the cavity polaritons exhibited different dynamic behaviors.


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Two quaternary InAlGaN films were grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire (0001) substrates with and without high-temperature GaN interlayer, respectively. The structural and optical properties of the quaternary films were investigated by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM), temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy. According to the HRXRD and PL results, it is demonstrated that two samples have the same crystal quality. The TRPL signals of both samples were fitted well as a stretched exponential decay from 14 K to 250 K, indicating significant disorder in the materials, which is attributed to recombination of excitons localized in disorder quantum nanostructures such as quantum dots or quantum disks originating from indium (In) clusters or In composition fluctuation. The cross-section HREM measurement further proves that there exist disorder quantum nanostructures in the quaternary. By investigating the temperature dependence of the dispersive exponent beta, it is shown that the stretched exponential decays of the two samples originate from different mechanisms. (C) 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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We proposed a new method to suppress the crystallographic tilt in the lateral epitaxial overgrowth of GaN by using an oxide mask with a newly designed pattern. A rhombus mask with edges oriented in the direction of <10 - 10>(GaN) was used instead of the traditional stripe mask. The morphology evolution during the LEO GaN with the rhombus mask was investigated by SEM, and the crystallographic tilt in the LEO GaN was measured by DC-XRD. It is found that using the new rhombus mask can decrease the crystallographic tilt in the LEO GaN. In addition, this method makes the ELO GaN stripes easy to coalesce. (C) 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structures were fabricated by RF-plasma-assisted MBE using different buffer layer structures. One type of buffer structure consists of an AlN high-temperature buffer layer (HTBL) and a GaN intermediate temperature buffer layer (ITBL), another buffer structure consists of just a single A IN HTBL. Systematic measurements in the flicker noise and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) measurements were used to characterize the defect properties in the films. Both the noise and DLTFS measurements indicate improved properties for devices fabricated with the use of ITBL and is attributed to the relaxation of residue strain in the epitaxial layer during growth process. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Undoped, Zn-doped and Te-doped GaSb with different concentrations were investigated by positron lifetime spectroscopy (PAS) and the Doppler broadening technique. Detection sensitivity of the latter technique was improved by using a second Ge-detector for the coincident detection of the second annihilation photon. PAS measurement indicated that there were vacancies in these samples. By combining the Doppler broadening measurements, the native acceptor defects in GaSb were identified to be predominantly Ga vacancy (V-Ga) related defects.