367 resultados para BOILING NUCLEATION


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The dewetting behavior of thin (about 30 nm) polystyrene (PS) films filled with different amount of (C6H5C2H4NH3)(2)PbI4 (PhE-PbI4) on the silicon substrate with a native oxide layer was investigated. For different additive concentrations, PhE-PbI4 showed different spatial distributions in the PS films, which had a strong influence on the film wettability, dewetting dynamics, and mechanism. With 0.5 wt % additive, PhE-PbI4 formed a noncontinuous diffusion layer, which caused a continuous hole nucleation in the film. With about 1 wt % additive, a continuous gradient distribution layer of PhE-PbI4 formed in the film, which inhibited the dewetting.


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Electrodeposition of silver nanostructures on a polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers-modified surface has been reported. The assembled PAMAM monolayer film was used as a substrate for electrodeposition. We found that the PAMAM dendrimers obviously affected nucleation growth and silver nanostructures (spherical, dendritic and "fish bone" shapes) were obtained, which were different from those deposited on unmodified surfaces. It was attributed to the unique structures and properties of PAMAM dendrimers compared with linear polymers.


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We demonstrate a strikingly novel morphology of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) crystal obtained upon melt crystallization of spin-coated thin film. This crystal gives windmill-like morphology which contains a number of petals. A detailed inspection on this morphology reveals that each petal is actually composed of terrace-stacked PE lamellae, in which the polymer chains within crystallographic a-c planes adopt similar to 45 degrees tilting around b-axis. The surrounding domains associated with a petal of the windmill composed of twisted lamellar overgrowths with an identical orientation of their long axis, which is the crystallographic b-axis shared by the petal and its corresponding twisted lamellar overgrowths.


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Weak epitaxy growth (WEG) behavior and mechanism of copper hexadecafluorophthalocyanine (F16CuPc) on p-sexiphenyl (p-6P) monolayer film were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), selected area electron diffraction (SEAD), and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). High-quality F16CuPc films with high order, large size, and molecular-level smoothness were obtained successfully by WEG method. It was identified that there exists incommensurate epitaxial relation between highly oriented F16CuPc and p-6P films. The geometrical channels of p-6P monolayer surface induce the nucleation and growth of F16CuPc molecules.


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The electrochemical deposition of magnesium was investigated in ethereal Grignard salt solution with tetraethylammonium bistrifluoro-methanesulfonimidate additive, using cyclic voltammetry, potentiostatic transients, and scanning electron microscope measurements. The voltammograms showed the presence of reduction and oxidation peaks associated with the deposition and dissolution of magnesium. From the analysis of the experimental current transients, it was shown that the magnesium deposition process was characterized as a three-dimensional nucleation. The deposited product obtained from potentiostatic reduction presented a generally uniform and dense film.


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Dopamine (2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylamine) is known as a natural chemical neurotransmitter and is also a cytotoxic and genotoxic molecule for cell apoptosis. In this work, the interaction of DNA with dopamine was investigated. Though the electrostatic interaction of DNA and dopamine was weak in aqueous solution, dopamine condensed circular pBR322 DNA into toroids on the mica surface cooperatively with ethanol. The formed DNA toroids came from the shrinking of DNA that was driven by ethanol-enhanced DNA-dopamine electrostatic interaction. The size of the DNA toroids could be modulated by varying the concentration of dopamine. This study offers useful information about the DNA condensation induced by monovalent cations and the sample preparation for AFM measurement and application.


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The PtRu/C electrocatalyst with high loading (PtRu of 60 wt%) was prepared by synergetic effect of ultrasonic radiation and mechanical stirring. Physicochemical characterizations show that the size of PtRu particles of as-prepared PtRu/C catalyst is only several nanometers (2-4 nm), and the PtRu nanoparticles were homogeneously dispersed on carbon surface. Electrochemistry and single passive direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) tests indicate that the as-prepared PtRu/C electrocatalyst possessed larger electrochemical active surface (EAS) area and enhanced electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation reaction (MOR). The enhancement could be attributed to the synergetic effect of ultrasound radiation and mechanical stirring, which can avoid excess concentration of partial solution and provide a uniform environment for the nucleation and growth of metal particles simultaneously hindering the agglomeration of PtRu particles on carbon surface.


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The transition of lamellar crystal orientation from flat-on to edge-on in ultrathin films of polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) via solvent vapor (toluene) treatment Was investigated. When the as-prepared film was treated in saturated solvent vapor, breakout crystals could form quickly, and then they transformed from square single crystals (flat-on lamellae) to dendrites and finally to nanowire crystals (edge-on lamellae). Initially, heterogeneous nucleation tit the polymer/substrate interface dominated the structure evolution, leading to flat-on lamellar crystals orientation. And the transition from faceted habits to dendrites indicated a transition of underlying mechanism from nucleation-controlled to diffusion-limited growth. As the solvent molecules gradually diffused into the polymer/substrate interface, it will subsequently weaken the polymer-substrate interaction.


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Aconite alkaloids in two kinds of processed Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii(RAK) were analyzed by ESI-MS.The results indicate that there are not diester-alkaloids detected in the two kinds of processed RAK by comparison with crude RAK,which show that both steaming process and boiling process decrease toxicity.As the same time,a simple,rapid and sensitive method is provided to analyze aconite alkaloids in different sorts of processed RAK using ESI-MS.


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Crystalline morphologies of spin-coated poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) thin films under different conditions are investigated mainly with atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique. When PLLA concentration in chloroform is varied from 0.01 to 1% gradually, disordered structure, rod-shape and larger spheres aggregates are observed in thin films subsequently. Under different annealing temperature, such as at 78, 102, 122 degrees C, respectively, we can find most rod-like crystalline aggregates. Interestingly, we observed that nucleation sites locate at the edge of the holes at the original crystalline stage. Then, these holes developed to form chrysanthemum-like and rods subsequently with annealing time meanwhile the size and the shape of crystalline aggregate are changed. In addition. effect of substrate and solvent on morphology is also discussed. On the other hand, the possible mechanism of crystalline morphology evolution is proposed.


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A notable amount of PP beta-crystal (30%, by X-ray diffraction pattern) has been found in the PP samples as polymerized at normal static isothermal crystallization conditions without using any extra nucleating agents. Existence of catalyst residues in the sample is decisive, which slows down the crystallization rate facilitating the formation of beta-form spherulites. Comparatively, high molecular weight PP favors the formation of beta-form spherulites, deducting from no beta-crystal detected in the degraded samples. Finally, high isotacticity is also required for obtaining qualitative beta-form spherulites, demonstrated by increased beta-crystal content after removal of weak crystalline fraction of the sample.


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High-quality ZnS, ZnS:Mn2+, and ZnS:Mn2+/ZnS (core/shell) nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized via a high-boiling solvent process and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The monodisperse ZnS NCs (size = 8 nm), which self-assembled into several micrometer-sized domains, were achieved by adopting poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) in the reaction process (without using a size-selection process). The obtained ZnS:Mn2+ and ZnS:Mn2+/ZnS core/shell NCs are highly crystalline and quasimonodisperse with an average particle size of 6.1 and 8.4 nm, respectively. All of the as-formed NCs can be well dispersed in hexane to form stable and clear colloidal solutions, which show strong visible emission (blue for ZnS and red-orange for ZnS:Mn2+ and ZnS:Mn2+/ZnS) under UV excitation. The growth of a ZnS shell on ZnS:Mn2+ NCs, that is, the formation of ZnS:Mn2+/ZnS core/shell NCs, resulted in a 30% enhancement in the PL intensity with respect to that of bare ZnS:Mn2+ NCs due to the elimination of the surface defects.


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Nanocomposites based on poly(iminosebacoyl imino-decamethylene) (PA1010) and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were successfully prepared by melt blending technique. environmental scanning electron microscope micrographs of the fracture surfaces showed that not only is there an evenly dispersion of MWNTs throughout the PA1010 matrix but also a strongly interfacial adhesion with the matrix. The combined effect of more defects on MWNTs and low temperature buckling fracture is mainly responsible for the broken tubes. Differential scanning calorimeter results showed that the MWNTs acted as a nucleation agent and increased the crystallization rate and decreased crystallite size. In the linear region, rheological measurements showed a distinct change in the frequency dependence of storage modulus, loss modulus, and complex viscosity particularly at low frequencies. We conclude that the rheological percolation threshold might occur when the content of MWNTs is over 2 wt% in the composites.


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Syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) nanorods of 200 and 80 nm diameters were prepared by infiltrating porous anodic alumina oxide templates with polymer melt, and the crystallinity and orientation of various forms of sPS crystals in the nanorods were studied by FTIR spectroscopy and electron diffraction. For sPS crystallized from amorphous state at lower temperatures, a-form crystals were found in the nanorods with random orientation and the same degree of crystallinity as that in the bulk. However, for sPS crystallized from molten state at 260 degrees C, while no preferred orientation was found for the chains in the melt, the beta-crystals formed in the nanorods oriented preferentially with the c-axis aligning perpendicular to the axial direction of the nanorod, and the degree of crystallinity was significantly lower than that in the bulk. The crystallinity decrease was more profound for nanorods of smaller diameter. These results were also supported by electron diffraction data and can be attributed to competition between nucleation and crystal growth in the nanotemplates.


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Gold nanoparticles were deposited onto 2-mercaptoethylamine (MEA)-assembled planar gold thin film to construct gold nanoparticles modified electrode by virtue of a solution-based self-assembly strategy. Subsequently, 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA)-bridged copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) multilayers were constructed on the as-prepared gold nanoparticles modified electrode. The resulted multilayer nanostructures were investigated by electrochemical surface plasmon resonance (EC-SPR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) with primary emphasis upon the effect of the gold nanoparticles on the MPA/CuHCF multilayers growth and their surface morphology. Compared with the multilayer system on a planar gold electrode, the different electrochemical and optical properties might result from higher curvature effect and extraordinary surface-to-volume ratio characteristic of gold nanoparticles and the nanoparticle-selective growth of CuHCF. A dendrimer-like assembly process was proposed to explain the experiment results. This new motif of multilayer on the gold nanoparticles modified electrode was different from that of on a planar gold electrode, indicating a potential application of EC-SPR technique in the study of nanocomposite materials.