257 resultados para photosynthetic acclimation


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为揭示低温下光照对黄瓜光合作用的影响,在叶片水平对5℃ 100μmolm·-’·s-1和5℃黑暗处理4h后黄瓜叶片光合-光响应和光合-CO2响应进行了对比研究、结果表明,5℃黑暗处理4h使黄瓜叶片光饱和光合速率、表观光量子效率、CO2饱和光合速率以及梭化效率分别降低 22.5%、28.0%、31.3%和 37.2%,5℃ 100μmol·m-2·s-1使上述指标分别降低 56.1%、61.0%、54.0%和 54.3%,说明 100μmol·m-2·s-1光照明显加剧5℃低温对黄瓜叶片光合功能的伤害。进一步研究结果显示低温光照处理使黄瓜叶片 PSⅡ光合中心受到较严重的光抑制,类囊体跨膜质子梯度显著降低。对低温下光照对黄瓜叶片光合作用具有不良作用的原因进行了讨论。


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Potted seadlings of Pinus koraiensis , Fraxinus mandshurica,Juglans mandshurica,Tilia amurensis, and Quercus mongolica ,which are five dominant species in the Korean pine broadleaf forest at Changbai mountain,were grown in different soil moistures.We designed three soil moisture scenarios:85%~100%(high water,CK),65%~85% (medium water,MW) and 45%~65% (low water,LW) of field water holding capacity.The results show that characteristics of typical drought resistance on the leaves are significantly developed.The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of F. mandshurica were higher compared with CK at MW.The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of other 4 tree species at CK were lower than those at MW and LW.The transpiration rate of 5 tree species responses differently to various soil water status.


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Afforestation in China's subtropics plays an important role in sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere and in storage of soil carbon (C). Compared with natural forests, plantation forests have lower soil organic carbon (SOC) content and great potential to store more C. To better evaluate the effects of afforestation on soil C turnover, we investigated SOC and its stable C isotope (delta C-13) composition in three planted forests at Qianyanzhou Ecological Experimental Station in southern China. Litter and soil samples were collected and analyzed for total organic C, delta C-13 and total nitrogen. Similarly to the vertical distribution of SOC in natural forests, SOC concentrations decrease exponentially with depth. The land cover type (grassland) before plantation had a significant influence on the vertical distribution of SOC. The SOC delta C-13 composition of the upper soil layer of two plantation forests has been mainly affected by the grass biomass C-13 composition. Soil profiles with a change in photosynthetic pathway had a more complex C-13 isotope composition distribution. During the 20 years after plantation establishment, the soil organic matter sources influenced both the delta C-13 distribution with depth, and C replacement. The upper soil layer SOC turnover in masson pine (a mean 34% of replacement in the 10 cm after 20 years) was more than twice as fast as that of slash pine (16% of replacement) under subtropical conditions. The results demonstrate that masson pine and slash pine plantations cannot rapidly sequester SOC into long-term storage pools in subtropical China.


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Using meteorological data and RS dynamic land-use observation data set, the potential land productivity that is limited by solar radiation and temperature is estimated and the impacts of recent LUCC processes on it are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the influence of LUCC processes on potential land productivity change has extensive and unbalanced characteristics. It generally reduces the productivity in South China and increases it in North China, and the overall effect is increasing the total productivity by 26.22 million tons. The farmland reclamation and original farmlands losses are the primary causes that led potential land productivity to change. The reclamation mostly distributed in arable-pasture and arable-forest transitional zones and oasises in northwestern China has made total productivity increase by 83.35 million tons, accounting for 3.50% of the overall output. The losses of original farmlands driven by built-up areas invading and occupying arable land are mostly distributed in the regions which have rapid economic development, e.g. Huang-Huai-Hai plain, Yangtze River delta, Zhujiang delta, central part of Gansu, southeast coastal region, southeast of Sichuan Basin and Urumqi-Shihezi. It has led the total productivity to decrease 57.13 million tons, which is 2.40% of the overall output.


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Plant traits and individual plant biomass allocation of 57 perennial herbaceous species, belonging to three common functional groups (forbs, grasses and sedges) at subalpine (3700 m ASL), alpine (4300 m ASL) and subnival (>= 5000 m ASL) sites were examined to test the hypothesis that at high altitudes, plants reduce the proportion of aboveground parts and allocate more biomass to belowground parts, especially storage organs, as altitude increases, so as to geminate and resist environmental stress. However, results indicate that some divergence in biomass allocation exists among organs. With increasing altitude, the mean fractions of total biomass allocated to aboveground parts decreased. The mean fractions of total biomass allocation to storage organs at the subalpine site (7%+/- 2% S.E.) were distinct from those at the alpine (23%+/- 6%) and subnival (21%+/- 6%) sites, while the proportions of green leaves at all altitudes remained almost constant. At 4300 m and 5000 m, the mean fractions of flower stems decreased by 45% and 41%, respectively, while fine roots increased by 86% and 102%, respectively. Specific leaf areas and leaf areas of forbs and grasses deceased with rising elevation, while sedges showed opposite trends. For all three functional groups, leaf area ratio and leaf area root mass ratio decreased, while fine root biomass increased at higher altitudes. Biomass allocation patterns of alpine plants were characterized by a reduction in aboveground reproductive organs and enlargement of fine roots, while the proportion of leaves remained stable. It was beneficial for high altitude plants to compensate carbon gain and nutrient uptake under low temperature and limited nutrients by stabilizing biomass investment to photosynthetic structures and increasing the absorption surface area of fine roots. In contrast to forbs and grasses that had high mycorrhizal infection, sedges had higher single leaf area and more root fraction, especially fine roots.


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Porphyra yezoensis Ueda is an important marine aquaculture crop with single-layered gametophytic thalli. In this work, the influences of thallus dehydration level, cold-preservation (freezing) time, and thawing temperature on the photosynthetic recovery of young P. yezoensis thalli were investigated employing an imaging pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer. The results showed that after 40 d of frozen storage when performing thallus thawing under 10 degrees C, the water content of the thalli showed obvious effects on the photosynthetic recovery of the frozen thalli. The thalli with absolute water content (AWC) of 10%-40% manifested obvious superiority compared to the thalli with other AWCs, while the thalli thawed at 20 degrees C showed very high survival rate (93.10%) and no obvious correlation between thallus AWCs and thallus viabilities. These results indicated that inappropriate thallus water content contributed to the cell damage during the freeze-thaw cycle and that proper thawing temperature is very crucial. Therefore, AWC between 10% and 40% is the suitable thallus water content range for frozen storage, and the thawing process should be as short as possible. However, it is also shown that for short-term cold storage the Porphyra thallus water content also showed no obvious effect on the photosynthetic recovery of the thalli, and the survival rate was extremely high (100%). These results indicated that freezing time is also a paramount contributor of the cell damage during the freeze-thaw cycle. Therefore, the frozen nets should be used as soon as time permits.


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The population of Undaria pinnatifida in its ecologic niche sustains itself in high temperature summer in the form of vegetative gametophytes, the haploid stage in its heteromorphic life cycle. Gametogenesis initiates when seawater temperature drops below the threshold levels in autumn in the northern hemisphere. Given that the temperature may fall into the appropriate range for gametogenesis, the level of irradiance determines the final destiny of a gametophytic cell, either undergoing vegetative cell division or initiating gametogenesis. In elucidating how vegetatively propagated gametophytes cope with changes of irradiance in gametogenesis, we carried out a series of culture experiments and found that a direct exposure to irradiance as high as 270 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) was lethal to dim-light (7-10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) adapted male and female gametophytes. This lethal effect was linearly corelated with the exposure time. However, dim-light adapted vegetative gametophytes were shown to be able tolerate as high as 420 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) if the irradiance was steadily increased from dim light levels (7-10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) to 90, 180 and finally 420 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), respectively, at a minimum of 1-3 h intervals. Percentage of female gametophytic cells that turned into oogonia and were eventually fertilized was significantly higher if cultured at higher but not lethal irradiances. Findings of this investigation help to understand the dynamic changes of population size of sporophytic plants under different light climates at different site-specific ecologic niches. It may help to establish specific technical details of manipulation of light during mass production of seedlings by use of vegetatively propagated gametophytes.


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The photosynthetic oxygen evolution of Caulerpa serrulata was determined with oxygen electrodes. The effects of light and temperature on the growth and regeneration of fragmented C. serrulata thalli were analyzed. The regenerating rate and establishment of different sizes and portions of C. serrulata were studied. The results showed that the light saturation point of C. serrulata was 200 mu mol photons/m(2) per s and the optimum growth temperature was 25-30 degrees C. Under these conditions, the maximum photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate was 15.1 +/- 0.29 mg O-2/mg Chl a/h, the growth rate and elongation rate reached the highest values, 4.67 +/- 0.09 mg FW/d and 0.78 +/- 0.01 mm/d, respectively. The fragmented C. serrulata thalli was regenerated at 20-35 degrees C and survived at 15 degrees C and 200 mu mol photons/m(2) per s. A different survival rate was detected according to fragment size. All of these results indicated that C. serrulata was a candidate to become an invasive species if introduced into a new place. Therefore, we should pay more attention to C. serrulata for its potential threat to marine ecosystem when it is sold for aquarium use.


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The psychrotrophic Antarctic alga, Chlorella vulgaris NJ-7, grows under an extreme environment of low temperature and high salinity. In an effort to better understand the correlation between fatty acid metabolism and acclimation to Antarctic environment, we analyzed its fatty acid compositions. An extremely high amount of Delta(12) unsaturated fatty acids was identified which prompted us to speculate about the involvement of Delta(12) fatty acid desaturase in the process of acclimation. A full-length cDNA sequence, designated CvFAD2, was isolated from C. vulgaris NJ-7 via reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and RACE methods. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis showed that the gene was homologous to known microsomal Delta(12)-FADs with the conserved histidine motifs. Heterologous expression in yeast was used to confirm the regioselectivity and the function of CvFAD2. Linoleic acid (18:2), normally not present in wild-type yeast cells, was detected in transformants of CvFAD2. The induction of CvFAD2 at an mRNA level under cold stress and high salinity is detected by real-time PCR. The results showed that both temperature and salinity motivated the upregulation of CvFAD2 expression. The accumulation of CvFAD2 increased 2.2-fold at 15A degrees C and 3.9-fold at 4A degrees C compared to the alga at 25A degrees C. Meanwhile a 1.7- and 8.5-fold increase at 3 and 6% NaCl was detected. These data suggest that CvFAD2 is the enzyme responsible for the Delta(12) fatty acids desaturation involved in the adaption to cold and high salinity for Antarctic C. vugaris NJ-7.


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Phycobiliprotein is a photosynthetic antenna pigment found in cyanobacteria, rhodophytes, cryptophytes and certain dinoflagellates, which has been found to have anti-oxidative and anti-tumour activities. In this paper, a recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC) had been expressed in Escherichia coli for anti-tumour effect. E. coli cells were cultured using glucose fed-batch method to achieve high cell densities. The biomass of rAPC was up to 3.52 g/L broth. The rAPC was purified from soluble E. coli cell lysate employing hydrophobic interaction chromatographic (HIC) method developed at the bench scale using 20 mL column. The process was performed at the pilot scale using 500 mL column for evaluation of scale-up. An amylose affinity column was used to improve the purity of final product in pilot scale purification. The purification process resulted in greater than 98% pure product and yielded up to 2.0 g/kg wet cells at the bench scale and 1.2 g/kg wet cells at the pilot scale. Peptide mapping was used to prove the identity of rAPC purified from bench scale and pilot scale process. Purified rAPC at the pilot scale was found to have remarkable inhibition on S-180 carcinoma in mice. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The partial sequence of the rbcL from Bryopsis hypnoides, including the sequences of the upstream, extron and partial intron, was amplified by PCR and their sequences were determined. With Spinacia oleracea as the outgroup, neighbor-joining method and maximum parsimony method were used respectively to build phylogenetic trees according to the rbcL exon sequence among 13 species that were the typical species of six phyla. Two kinds of trees showed clearly that there were two groups among those species, the green lineage and the non-green lineage. And the relationships of algae in the green lineage were similar in the two trees but those in the non-green lineage were not consistent. Analysis of codon preference indicated that the codon preference of the rbcL exon of Bryopsis hypnoides distinctly differed from that of the relevant sequence of photosynthetic bacteria.


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An on-line controlled 7 1 sterilizable photobioreactor was used for the optimisation of a culture of gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida. The gametophytes, which had been stored for three years in a culture cabinet at 16 degreesC, could rapidly grow in the photobioreactor under controlled conditions. The rate of increase of dissolved oxygen and pH were used to monitor the photosynthetic activity. Optimal gametophytes density changed varying the light intensity. The optimal cell densities were 3.24 and 3.45 g FW l(-1) when the cultures were exposed to 61.7 and 82.3 muE m(-2) s(-1), respectively. The optimal cell density was higher under a high photon flux density (PFD) than under low PFD. On the other hand, the optimal light intensities were different for different cell density cultures. The light saturation point was higher at high cell density cultures than at low cell density cultures. The optimal rotational speed was 150 rpm for high cell density culture in the photobioreactor. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Comparative investigation on energy distribution between two photosystems were carried out in the sporophytes and gametophytes of Porphyra yezoensis. By performing 77 K fluorescence spectra, we suggested that there probably existed a pathway for energy transfer from PS II to PS I to redistribute the absorbed energy in gametophytes, while no such a way or at minor level in sporophytes. Electron transfer inhibitor DCMU blocked the energy transfer from PS II to PS I in gametophytes, but no obvious effects on sporophytes. These indicated that excitation energy distribution between two photosystems in gametophytes was more cooperative than that in sporophytes. These data in ontogenesis reflected the evolution process of photosynthetic organisms and supported the hypothesis of independent evolution of each photosystem.