287 resultados para Femtosecond laser facility
Experimental investigation of Talbot self-imaging effect of an amplitude grating under illumination of femtosecond laser pulse -- the FemtoTalbot effect is reported. Theoretical analyzed results show that Talbot images under illumination of femtosecond laser pulses are not the same as that under continuous wave illumination. Experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis. We believe that the experimental investigation of the FemtoTalbot effect is highly interesting for the enormous potential applications of Talbot effect.
阐述了频率分辨光学开关法测量飞秒脉冲的原理,详细分析了模式尺寸效应和非线性效应对飞秒脉冲测量的影响。构建了一台用于飞秒脉冲测量的二次谐波-频率分辨光学开关装置,利用该装置对谐振腔输出的飞秒脉冲及压缩后的脉冲进行了测量。得到了飞秒脉冲的时间宽度及光谱宽度、电场及其相位在时域和频域的详细信息。谐振腔直接输出脉冲的时间宽度为56 fs,光谱宽度为27 nm,时间带宽积为0.686,算法中的最小误差为0.001792。脉冲压缩后的测量结果为27 fs,光谱宽度为92 nm,时间带宽积为1.27,算法误差为0.00
利用飞秒激光振荡器产生的脉冲对镀有铬层的玻璃和石英基片进行微加工,发现两种样品表面均有波纹状的微突起结构产生。这些微突起结构离开样品表面的高度为10~300 nm不等,并且随着激光功率的增大而增加,在一定功率下达到饱和状态。它们的形貌、尺寸和高度取决于入射飞秒激光的能流以及飞秒脉冲的参数。通过化学方法证明了这些微突起结构是由玻璃和石英的主要成分SiO2组成的,并非样品表面的铬元素。此外,通过选取适当的飞秒激光功率和样品加工速度,制作了两种不同周期和线宽的光栅结构,显示出飞秒激光振荡器良好的加工性能。
采用反射式达曼光栅对飞秒激光进行分束,可以避免材料色散的影响。搭建了利用反射式1×2达曼光栅为基础的频率分辨光学开关(FROG)装置,并把测量结果与传统多发频率分辨光学开关装置的测量结果进行了对比。理论和实验结果表明,当输入脉冲宽度大于50 fs时,用达曼光栅作为分光器和使用分光镜分光的效果是一样的;当输入脉冲的宽度小于50 fs时,用达曼光栅作为分光器引入的展宽量明显小于分光镜引入的展宽量,尤其是当输入脉冲的宽度小于20 fs时用达曼光栅作为分光器的效果更为突出。
利用具有纳焦能量、高重复频率的偏振光飞秒双脉冲对金属铬膜样品进行微加工,样品表面都会产生微突起状结构,它们的宽度在0~400 ps的双脉冲时延范围内没有明显的变化,但高度却都在1~10 ps的双脉冲时延范围内呈现明显的下降,在此时延范围之外并没有明显的变化。通过加工样品的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图片发现,对于偏振光,利用双脉冲方法,可以获得更好的加工质量。并且线偏振光得到的微突起状结构比较细长,在入射光束的偏振方向上有所伸长;圆偏振光得到的微突起状结构比较接近圆形。即在低脉冲能量、高重复频率情况下,具体的微加工特征形貌与入射光束的偏振状态有关。
Doubled femtosecond laser pulses in-line are needed in the collinear pump-probe technique, collinear second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating (SHG FROG) and the spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), etc. Normally, it is generated by using a Michelson's structure. In this paper, we proposed a novel structure with two-layered reflective Dammann gratings and the reflective mirrors to generate doubled femtosecond laser pulses in line without transmission optical elements. Angular dispersion and spectral spatial walk-off are both compensated. In addition, this structure can also compress the positive chirped pulse, which cannot be realized with a Michelson's structure. By adopting triangular grating and blazed gratings, the efficiency of the system would in principle be increased as the Michelson's scheme. Experiments demonstrated that this method should be an alternative approach for generation of the double compressed pulses of femtosecond laser for practical applications. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
We propose a miniature pulse compressor that can be used to compensate the group velocity dispersion that is produced by a commercial femtosecond laser cavity. The compressor is composed of two identical highly efficient deep-etched transmissive gratings. Compared with prism pairs, highly efficient deep-etched transmissive grating pairs are lightweight and small. With an optimized groove depth and a duty cycle, 98% diffraction efficiency of the -1 transmissive order can be achieved at a wavelength of 800 nm under Littrow conditions. The deep-etched gratings are fabricated in fused silica by inductively coupled plasma etching. With a pair of the fabricated gratings, the input positively chirped 73.9 fs pulses are neatly compressed into the nearly Fourier transform-limited 43.2 fs pulses. The miniature deep-etched grating-based pulse compressor should be of interest for practical applications. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America
在“神光-Ⅱ”装置上进行先进高能多功能激光束系统(简称第九路)研制工程中,由于在原ICF靶室上又增加了输入“汤姆逊探针光”和“X光背光照明探针光”的锥形真空套筒及其终端光学元件,导致原有靶室结构的变化,可能会引入新的不稳定因素.通过有限元分析方法,建立有限元分析模型,进行优化设计.通过位移传感器测量结果可知,第九路终端光学元件径向窜动所引起的打靶误差最大值为2.110 μm,小于“神光-Ⅱ”靶场终端光学系统的最大允许误差值7.785 μm.
针对激光惯性约束聚变实验研究对高功率激光驱动器前端系统复杂时间形状种子激光脉冲的需求, 应用孔径耦合带状线集成波导整形系统设计了满足需要的前端整形激光脉冲。用一种新方法精确计算了孔径耦合带状线电脉冲整形器的耦合系数和孔径宽度的数值关系, 并针对高衬比度整形激光脉冲的需求, 提出了高衬比度双极型集成波导整形系统方案。由该系统可以得到100 ps脉冲前沿、1~3 ns脉冲宽度可调、高衬比度(大于100∶1)、光滑无纹波调制、可精确满足神光II八路及第九路装置需求的前端整形激光脉冲。
基于棱镜的色散特性,提出一种楔形窗口与聚焦透镜组合的方式,解决了高功率激光装置三倍频谐波分离所存在的问题,即三倍频的高通量传输和靶面辐照。结合“神光Ⅱ”装置多功能高能激光系统有关参数进行系统设计,确定了楔形窗口参数,并对其所引起的B积分和间距误差进行了分析。通过实验测试,三倍频传输通量由0.7~1 J/cm2提高到2.8 J/cm2,同时靶面三倍频和二倍频分离间距达到2.85 mm,实现了高功率激光装置高通量传输的三倍频谐波分离。
A lens array composed of edge-softened elements is used to improve on-target irradiation uniformity in the Shenguang II Laser Facility, with which a Fresnel pattern of suppressed diffraction peaks is obtained. Additional uniformity can be reached by reducing short-wavelength interference speckles inside the pattern when the technique of smoothing by spectral dispersion is also used. Two-dimensional performance of irradiation is simulated and the results indicate that a pattern of steeper edges and a flat top can be achieved with this joint technique. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
分析了超短超强激光系统中有限尺寸光栅压缩器设计的关键物理参数及约束条件,得到了压缩器优化的三项基本变量。给出了一种输出能量最大化的压缩器优化方法,进而确定了有限尺寸光栅压缩器的最大工作能力。针对传统的圆光束方案提出了改进的椭圆光束方案,增大了聚焦能量,减小了焦斑尺寸,提高了峰值聚焦功率密度。通过数值模拟对500 mm曝光口径介质膜光栅在圆光束和椭圆光束两种方案下的最大输出能力进行分析比较,指出单块光栅在椭圆光束方案下可以实现500 fs,500 J,1 PW的脉冲输出。